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What could you not do without. . .


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in your schoolroom/classroom?


I started HSing a few weeks ago and I have a table and chairs and my books in crates! Oh and I have an easel that used to be for their drawing but now is for writing and math.


Looking at the Lakeshore catalog briefly, I realize that there are SO many things that I could get and would like to consider in the future but what is really needed?


What is something that is used everyday and that you are so glad that you have in your classroom?


Can't wait to see what everyone says!

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We were just at Lakeshore today. Be careful with that catalog, they offer too many things that we definitely don't need (particularly homeschoolers). :) One purchase from Lakeshore Learning that was worth it was their stand-up (or hang-up) dry erase board. It's magnetic and sized 2'x3' and props up on our floor.


I also love the Staples Better Binders and Staples Organizer thingie that twirls around. I use our laser printers all the time too, an all-in-one laser comes in handy.

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A thermos full of hot tea, I pour out only a few sips at a time.


Reference books. Lots of them! Old broken sets are fine as long as I have enough to overlap. Mine are stacked up on the floor because I don't have a bookcase for them.


Crayola Twistables crayons. They sharpen with a regular pencil sharpener and are made of soft plastic not wax, so do not flake. The 24 pack includes all 12 colors of the color wheel, and all the colors of the rainbow. I'm a fan of teaching color theory :-0


I started homeschooling back in the dark ages and didn't have a copier or printer or scanner. Now I have a 3-in-one and...life is just bliss :-)


Dramatized audio KJV Bible of some type. Back in the dark ages I had cassette tapes. Now I have an ipad app. Listening to the antiquated English with sound effects and acting, trains the ear for a Great Books education, of other 17th-19th century literature.


Clip board for coloring pictures from Calvary Bible Curriculum site while listening to the KJV.


A basket for library books.

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Things I couldn't do without-


*Lots of bookshelves

*quality office supplies (stapler, hole punch, and yes, a good electric pencil sharpener)

*laser printer- seriously worth every penny.

*white board (I have a huge one that I got for free off of craigslist and restored.)


I don't have a schoolroom, so our kitchen serves as a multipurpose space. If I did have a school room, I would want a couch in it.

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I second some of the basics others have mentioned, i.e., bookshelves, pencil sharpner. But really, this is so individualized. Take time to see what you find that YOU need, and keep it very simple at first. Don't spend money you don't have to right now. We do our work at the kitchen table, couch, and sitting on the bed. Don't feel like you need designated "homeschool" items until you've felt your way around and decide it's something you will need. I've spent too much money over the years on things I never use.


Good luck!!


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Good quality art supplies - especially colored pencils!! I had *no* idea how much more beautifully the color lay down was on good quality pencils. Oh..nice drawing paper makes a difference, too.


Electric pencil sharpener


Kindle - I can fit bookcases full of books in my purse! Lots of the classics are free, too.


3 hole punch


Binders/heavy duty ones.


All in one printer - I want to get a laser one.

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Things I couldn't do without-


*Lots of bookshelves

*quality office supplies (stapler, hole punch, and yes, a good electric pencil sharpener)

*laser printer- seriously worth every penny.

*white board (I have a huge one that I got for free off of craigslist and restored.)


I don't have a schoolroom, so our kitchen serves as a multipurpose space. If I did have a school room, I would want a couch in it.


:iagree: - other than I don't have the electric pencil sharpener yet. My DS4 :auto: would use it to grind all the pencils to dust.

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  • Laser printer/copier/scanner
  • Reference books- Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, Webster's American Family Dictionary (OOP but worth trying to find as it's an collegiate-level dictionary but appropriate for use by even young kids), World Book Encyclopedia set (I got mine free from my library's annual book giveaway), Math on Call, Warriner's Grammar, atlas, Bible atlas, thesaurus, etc.
  • Clipboards
  • Globe
  • kitchen timer
  • Right Start abacus (even though neither of my students currently use RS I just :001_wub: the abacus as a manipulative)
  • Right Start place value cards and Base 10 tiles
  • Learning Resources Rainbow Fraction Tiles set


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  • Laser printer/copier/scanner
  • Reference books- Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, Webster's American Family Dictionary (OOP but worth trying to find as it's an collegiate-level dictionary but appropriate for use by even young kids), World Book Encyclopedia set (I got mine free from my library's annual book giveaway), Math on Call, Warriner's Grammar, atlas, Bible atlas, thesaurus, etc.
  • Clipboards
  • Globe
  • kitchen timer
  • Right Start abacus (even though neither of my students currently use RS I just :001_wub: the abacus as a manipulative)
  • Right Start place value cards and Base 10 tiles
  • Learning Resources Rainbow Fraction Tiles set




FWIW, everything listed above could be used for a grammar school program. You could simply add in a math program and good, classic literature titles and teach a la Marva Collins-style.


I would be a wimpy, weepy girl without my large dry-erase board and colored markers. Absolute necessities in my book, and I couldn't imagine teaching without them.

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There are lots of fun items that are nice to have. But when starting out I needed in order of importance.


Library card (which I already had, but also the ability to go online and make lists and requests...this saves me time and money. Usually I have the library page open on my computer and Amazon for reviews while reading these forums)


Dry Erase Board and markers....we have 2. One I use for AAS and the other is mounted on our wall. I don't teach a lot with the one on the wall, but rotate quotes that I want the boys to memorize.


3 hole punch.


If you have more than one child or younger children then a laminator is great, although I don't use it as much as I did.


A decent printer. I have to replace my old HP and I am not getting a laser printer, but I decided on a Kodak because the ink cartridges are so much less expensive then HP's or Cannon.

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We solved most of our pencil problems when we switched to Bic mechanical pencils. Because our boys still had small hands and difficulty with a proper grip, we put Stetro pencil grips on them. Pentel sells replacement leads. They don't fit the Pentel mechanical pencils very well, but they fit the Bics just fine!

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A clean, large surface! At night, I review our lesson plan for the following day. I then put all the necessary books and other materials in the order I would like to use them (the plan is fluid, so it usually changes). It's nice to awaken to an organized school space ready for use.


A basket for every day supplies (mechanical pencils, crayons, dry erase markers, wet erase markers, pens, scissors, glue sticks, one-hole punch, construction paper, printer paper, note cards, flashcards, and an alphabet strip).


My ezLaminator to laminate all our flashcards--it would be nice not to have to create a new set for each child (except for the ones they make, of course).


A three-hole punch.


Bookshelves. Bookshelves. Bookshelves. ;-)


Lakeshore is awesome for extras, but most of their products are not necessary in our home. I'll go on a mini spree at our B&M store every few months for fun stuff such as paint, pipe cleaners, balls, silly art books outside of our curriculum, and other frivolous items. FUN!

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printer that can make copies, tons of printer paper, large amount of crayons and pencils, dry erase board and dry-erase markers in all kinds of crazy colors to keep my kiddo interested, and our math manipulatives (ALabacus, faux money/coins, colored tiles, geometric solids, geared clock, math balance, RS card games)

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A clean, large surface! At night, I review our lesson plan for the following day. I then put all the necessary books and other materials in the order I would like to use them (the plan is fluid, so it usually changes). It's nice to awaken to an organized school space ready for use.



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printer/copier. How the heck did I hs for 5 years without one? I have no idea, really. Well, I had a printer, but it is the COPY function that I am so happy to have.


Big bookcases.


I don't have a big whiteboard but I have a bunch of little ones. I once found a whole bunch at discount school supply, they are like pieces of paper but are dry erase, with no frame. They come in super handy and I use them constantly.


Copy paper that is three hole punched already. That is a huge time saver for me. I haven't used my three hold punch in years.


I wish, I wish, I wish I had a house big enough to have a separate school room. I want that so very much.

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My magic erase board and my cd player.


I have 4 kids going through one subject at a time so I can put up ALL of the french vocab, or ALL of the Rex Barks sentences, and I don't have to go around to each kid.


The cd player, because while we do school I play classical music and we love it. We enjoy being in there together while we listen and work.

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Thanks for all of the posts! It really puts things into perspective for me. As I was reading, I realized that I really LOVE having a clean, organized space and lots of bookshelves to keep the things that we are studying organized.


So next on the list to get:

all in one printer


CD player


Off to shop online!:001_smile:

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A big whiteboard, at least 3'x5'

Lots of different whiteboard markers

A great electric pencil sharpener (mine have all been terrible)

Squishy pencil grips that help with finger placement and keep the hand from cramping

Pencils! lots and lots of them! and erasers too!

Cheap laminator from Target or Walmart

Good art supplies--they'll last years

Lots of book shelves for all those books you'll want

3 hole punch and lots of three ring binders

Spinning desk caddy of some sort

Wall maps


File bins to keep organized


That's just off the top of my head. :D hth!

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No schoolroom here. Keeping it simple so far...


My must haves:

my living room sofa!

pencils and our old-fashioned, manual pencil sharpener

a great, laminated map. World map with insets of the US and several areas of particular interest, such as the Middle East.



Yes, I forgot to list our large world map on one side, and US on the other side. Our rats chewed it up, (cage was against wall) and I really need to replace it. I didnt' realize how much we used it until it wasn't there anymore.

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weekly massage

a husband who lets me disappear once in a while, whether there's a logical reason or not

the calendar function on my computer

time on the discussion board

yearly homeschooling convention


I could school anywhere, with anything or next to nothing, but I need the things that take care of *me* and help me be a good, energized, encouraged and rejuvenated teacher.

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Thanks for all of the posts! It really puts things into perspective for me. As I was reading, I realized that I really LOVE having a clean, organized space and lots of bookshelves to keep the things that we are studying organized.


So next on the list to get:

all in one printer


CD player


Off to shop online!:001_smile:


Don't get a cd player. Get an mp3/ipod thing so you can put all the audio books and memory songs and whatnot and keep everything organized. I've wanted one for years and never gotten one. I've dreamed of how I could create little folders on there, one for each week, and have all the memory stuff neat and tidy, ready to go, no more flipping cd's, scratching, and losing time.


Bookshelves are good. My dh installed shelves in our masonry walls in the basement, so that might be another option for you. Takes a little know how, but very sturdy.

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