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What My Boys Said This Year

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December 19th

Julie: “Nathan, eat breakfast so you can start on your school work.â€

Nathan: “Can I please finish my book first?â€

Julie: “How many pages do you have left?â€

Nathan: “2,500.â€


December 20th

Nathan: “Can we snuggle? Because some day when I’m 18, you’ll wake up and say, ‘I really should have snuggled with Nathan when I had the chance because now those days are gone forever.’â€


December 22nd

Given his initial reaction to the idea, Julie is thrilled when Nathan seems less opposed to the idea of having company visit and stay in his bedroom overnight. He even makes a sign for the door that says “COME IN AND MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE.†Julie gets a little teary-eyed at his kindness. Later on she notices that he is still working on the sign. He has added another sentence: “AS IT MIGHT BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER DO.â€


December 25th

Nathan: “Well, I’m glad that’s over. Now I don’t have to be good again for hundreds of days.â€


January 9th

Nathan is climbing on something he shouldn’t at the church pancake breakfast. An adult asks him to get down. Nathan asks, “By what authority are you asking me to get down?â€


January 18th:

Truman: “Can I get a cinder?â€

Julie: “A sister?â€

Truman: “No, a cinder!â€

Julie: “A what?â€

Truman: “You know: a cinder! The electronic thing that you read on?â€

Julie: “You mean a Kindle?â€


February 1st

Truman: “Why is it not appropriate to stick your middle finger up?â€


February 3rd

Truman, who has grown a few inches and is now chest-height to Julie: “Mom, what are those two lumps of fat?â€


February 6th

Truman: “Why does our house never catch on fire?â€


April 3rd

Truman: “My stomach is thirsting for muffins.â€


April 7th

Truman, hesitantly: “Mom, is “whyIoughtta†a bad word?â€


April 14th

Nathan, at a friend’s house, to the mom there, “We have decided that we want to watch The Princess Bride and if you don’t let us, we are going to go union.â€


April 29th

Truman notices all of the food that one of our toddler foster children has thrown on the ground: “Mom, all of this food on the floor really disturbs me. Can you clean it up?â€


May 1st

Derrick asked Truman to turn on the light. Truman walks over to the light switch and says in a robotic, feminized voice, “Please wait three days for service.â€


June 10th

Julie: “Tru, don’t do that; you are going to hurt yourself.â€

Truman: “No, I’m invincible.â€


July 15th

Simon ponders whether, as a vegetarian, he should be eating angel hair pasta.


July 25th

Truman makes a passing reference to the chocolate chips in his cereal.

Julie: “What? What chocolate chips?â€

Truman: “I put chocolate chips in my cereal. Like Daddy puts banana in his cereal. It’s the same thing!â€


August 20th

Nathan, in best British accent and looking like an urchin, “Chocolate for the poor, gov’nur?â€


August 27th

Nathan: “Why can’t they make a cologne that smells like gerbils? Eu de Gerbile? It would be a hit!â€


Nathan: “Mom, be sure to put one of those toothpicks with the American flag on it in your sandwich so Canadians can’t steal your lunch.â€


August 28th

Nathan, clutching at his face where Julie just kissed him: “It burns! It burns!â€


August 29th

Sign found taped up in the bathroom: “Deu to the lack of tolet papr, please use both sides.â€


September 21st

Nathan to Julie: “I need a $200 grant for my missile silo, and in return, when I rule the world, you can be the duchess of Yugoslavia.â€


October 13th

Julie finds Nathan’s written plan to take over the world:


“USA: blackmail

Russia: bribe with piece of USA and then renege

England: cut off their tea and crumpets

Greece: threaten to blow up Parthenon

Germany: cut off the beer supplies

China: cut off all of their jobs

Japan: diplomacy

Korea: war

rest of the world has not been decidedâ€


October 29th

Truman: “Mommy, you look just like a sumo wrestler with that thing in your hair [=bun] and being this wide [extends his arms to demonstrate large girth].â€


October 31st

Simon: “Mom, it was very nice of you to make these cookies and everything, but I am wondering if there was some kind of ulterior motive, like ‘I am sick of your squabbling all day and so I put elephant tranquilizers in the cookies.’â€


November 10th

Part of Simon’s outline: “The French Revolution was caused by revolting people.â€


November 20th

20 minutes into today’s 900 mile drive, Truman says, “Doh! I forgot to wear shoes!â€


December 10th

As we (finally) emerge from IKEA, Simon says sotte voce to Nathan: “She’s finally escaped the lotus flowers.â€

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Your kids are FUNNY!!!


My favorite was:


He even makes a sign for the door that says “COME IN AND MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE.†Julie gets a little teary-eyed at his kindness. Later on she notices that he is still working on the sign. He has added another sentence: “AS IT MIGHT BE THE LAST THING YOU EVER DO.â€



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I love reading these each year - thanks for posting them!

Thanks, too, for reminding me of something else to be thankful for as I also have kept a list over the years! You *think* you won't forget, but when I re-read them, there is always something that I am surprised to not have remembered!

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August 27th

Nathan: “Why can’t they make a cologne that smells like gerbils? Eu de Gerbile? It would be a hit!”


I mentioned this one to my family.


DD13: "Well, they should! Gerbils smell really good, except when they get too warm. Then they're a little stinky."


DH: "There would be a limited market, at least..."


DD just brought one of the gerbils downstairs. "Here, smell her back. She smells really good, don't you think?"



Edited by TrixieB
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I agree that you should write a book. It would be an instant best-seller.....and your kids would find some way to get the royalties split between them, LOL.


Thanks for posting these each year. I look forward to it, and you never disappoint!!

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