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Does anyone else feel like there just isn't anything they really want for Christmas?

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DH keeps asking me, and I keep saying, "Big diamonds," which is really what I'd love, but I know I'm not going to get them :D


Really though, there's nothing I want at the moment that I feel is worth spending the money. Well, there's one thing--a watch--but I'd basically have to go buy it for myself in order to use the coupon code and loyalty program that kinda makes it worth the money, and that just seems like a bummer.


I don't want any fancy electronics, I don't like getting clothes or shoes as gifts (I'm picky and hard to shop for, sizewise), I get all the books I want from the library... What can I tell poor DH, who's struggling to figure something out? Is it really totally lame to say that there's just nothing I really want right now?

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What about a gift certificate for a spa? Comfy pj's, soft socks, perfume, something you wouldn't buy for yourself? I didn't think I wanted anything for Christmas, but then really sat down and thought about the little luxuries I would like that I don't usually buy for myself...voila I had a list :D



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I'll take extra housecleaning from hubby. :001_smile: That is all I want, really.


You know, I think this is the key. I know a little about the love languages thing, and a post here a few weeks ago about whether your DH takes care of the little things for you made me start thinking that my love language seems to be gifts of service. DH does not take care of little things for me (even though I know he loves me very much), but maybe some discussion in that general direction will help him figure something out.


I admit I also have a small problem with telling someone exactly what I want for Christmas, which is what I'd have to do, but that's the perfectionist in me *sigh*

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There's a loop hole - tell your kids and have them tell your dh!;)


:lol: When we were at my MIL's for Thanksgiving, my DD5 came running into the kitchen to ask me what I would want for Christmas? I was so confused and started giving her answers like health and happiness. She was like, "No, ummm...if someone could buy you anything for Christmas, what should they buy?" I said, "Oh! In that case, a Starbucks gift card!" She sprinted back into the other room to report back to my MIL :lol:

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for decades I watched my parents buy for the sake of buying. I'm SO not like that.


I need nothing. I have all the clothing I want or need, I have more jewelry than I can wear, I have more than enough animals. I have told dh to get me NOTHING this year and I really hope he listens.


We've just had an addition put on. I have bought new furniture, I need a clock, ds is in college. ME? I NEED NOTHING.


Dh's clothing could be replaced (once they shink it's over, and he likes 100% cotton) so I will get him some, but no more frivolous gifts.


I miss my parents so much, but it's freedom not to have to answer their questions of what we've gotten each other. My dad would spend THOUSANDS of dollars on yet ANOTHER piece of jewelry. I have NO desire to live like that.

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You could ask for a book of tickets for odds and ends from him. Things like help with any one task, making dinner for the family, taking the kids out so you can hang out home alone. Give him ideas of the type of things you would love and let him come up with the actual tickets so it is what you want but still sort of a surprise.

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I'm not likely to be getting any Christmas presents, but I can think of plenty of things I'd like! Pretty much all books and art and craft supplies. Oh and stuff being done around the place, like netting the fruit trees and mucking out the chook house :lol:


I reckon if there's nothing you would like bought for you, just give him a list of things you'd like him to do for you - surely you can think of some of those??

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DH keeps asking me, and I keep saying, "Big diamonds," which is really what I'd love, but I know I'm not going to get them :D


Really though, there's nothing I want at the moment that I feel is worth spending the money. Well, there's one thing--a watch--but I'd basically have to go buy it for myself in order to use the coupon code and loyalty program that kinda makes it worth the money, and that just seems like a bummer.


I don't want any fancy electronics, I don't like getting clothes or shoes as gifts (I'm picky and hard to shop for, sizewise), I get all the books I want from the library... What can I tell poor DH, who's struggling to figure something out? Is it really totally lame to say that there's just nothing I really want right now?


Sounds like me. I just don't think about what I want and on the rare occassions that I see something when I am out and about... I forget about what I wanted soon after-LOL. Even our kids can't seem to come up with more than two items that they want.


For me... I would like a wireless mouse and wireless all-in-one printer (but I won't buy either nor ask for one as I just don't need either... now when current mouse dies or if/when niece decides she wants her all-in-one printer back, then I will likely go shopping).


There are only three things I would love to get but I will not get them myself: A remote control car starter, a Scottish tea set, and a China cabinet.


The cabinet is way too much money for us to get and I have nowhere to put it-LOL.


The tea set... I have nowhere to put it without a China cabinet-LOL.


The car starter... I just can't justify spending $ for it.. although the near zero degree temps out here today is making me weak-LOL.


Nothing else comes to mind that I would even consider spending money on (books I get from library, I hate shopping for clothes and shoes, don't wear much jewelry and I have plenty anyway).

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I want/need a new fridge. Can't afford it.


I want a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. Too $$$.


Soooooooo... I guess I will ask for some shoes. I need/want those. My dh was like "Christmas Shoes? Really?" play song in head :001_rolleyes: But I do want a pair of Dansko clogs that I can't buy for myself right now, so they might as well be my gift. But I will have to tell DH EXACTLY the pair to get me so there's not a lot of surprise there.


I would like to hint at a few stocking stuffers. Every year I am the only one without things in my stocking because I'm the one who does it all. I'd love some yummy chocolates, or a cute new pair or earrings, or some fuzzy socks!

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My birthday is next week and I can't come up with anything gift-ish for either my bday or Christmas! I am going to suggest that my husband take the younger ones and have them choose some new potholders for Christmas. The birthday...I would love it if the older ones would make dinner and a b-day cake. Other than that, I just don't need anything and I can't handle more *stuff*!

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I want slippers and long underwear. But everyone tells me those things are no fun, so I'll have to buy them for myself. :tongue_smilie:


I've told DH that he can tell people I don't need anything, but would appreciate Amazon gift cards. At least those will come in handy for hs'ing! :D


And my birthday is Christmas too, so I get double the harassment about what I want for gifts.

Oh yeah, and my anniversary is just after Christmas. Triple whammy!

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We agree not to get anything for each other, just to help the kids get a $20 gift for the other. This year we mentioned we both need new wallets and maybe we'll each buy the one we want and wrap and place under the tree, just for fun.


There is no rule that says gifts need to be exchanged on Christmas. For me, not exchanging gifts we don't need is a lesson for the kids about resisting excesses but still having a good time.

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Yesterday, I was at a local upscale handmade craft and jewelry store. A gentlemen came in with a list, and asked the sales lady to show him the items. The wife had gone in previously, made a very specific artist/piece list (with the associates help to list specifics), and gave it to him to choose from. I would guess he had many choices as the sales person was with him for a while. He made his choices and left.


I thought it was a good idea. He got to surprise her....but she got to narrow the choices LOL

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Dh wanted to buy me a new laptop, but I decided that I needed to spend less time on the computer, not more.


So...I decided to upgrade things like cookware, casserole dishes, etc. We are even starting to slowly replace our knives with Wustof knives.


I am replacing my pyrex casserole dishes that I've had for 18 years with Emile Henry casserole dishes.

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I only want one thing for Christmas. And it's not a thing at all. And I won't get it. So, other than that, I really don't want anything at.all.


:( :grouphug:


For me, not exchanging gifts we don't need is a lesson for the kids about resisting excesses but still having a good time.


That's a very good point, you're totally right. (Not that I'm against gifts, of course. But I'm against buying just for the sake of buying, which I struggle with myself every gift-giving holiday!)


I want an immersion blender. That's it.


You won't regret it. Even if it has to be a present to yourself, definitely get one! I'm so sorry I waited so long to get one--it's so much better than pulling out the Magic Bullet or the food processor every time I have a small job.




Thanks everyone! We did talk a bit about it this morning. I think he'd rather just buy me something and have it over with :lol: I'll think more about the honey-do-type ideas, because I think that's the way we'll need to go.

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I hate surprises so I actively discourage my husband from buying me gifts. We go out to eat (which is a rarity in itself) and call that our joint gifts. In the years he has pushed the idea of a gift more I have pointed out he already got me my gift. When he gives me a blank stare, I point out whatever major purchase we made that year and tell him that's my gift and I'm happy with it. So my gifts have been things like, our house, finishing the basement (since we didn't finish the lower level when we built the house to save money), a station wagon which another year became my minivan, my front loader washing and dryer, my Bosch mixer and Nutrimill, and next year if things work out my present will my the induction stove I've been dreaming of for over a year now.


I'm just too practical for frivolous gifts.

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Yeah, there's nothing I really want. I know the dh *hates* shopping and I respect that. I did go ahead and buy myself my favorite LL Bean slippers recently and told dh he would have to wrap them and put them under the tree.

To me, Christmas is for the kids. I get plenty of pleasure watching ds open his presents.

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I really just want some winter boots, but I have to go and try some on, and haven't had the chance yet. I have weird feet, so I can't just pick a style and tell dh to get my size. He keeps asking me, too, because I usually want something, but this year I've got nothin' . . .


Soft stars in Oregon makes some really cool boots... right to your foot if you want..

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I would like to hint at a few stocking stuffers. Every year I am the only one without things in my stocking because I'm the one who does it all. I'd love some yummy chocolates, or a cute new pair or earrings, or some fuzzy socks!



Yeah I am the only one that fills stockings here. I fill my own but it always has way less than everyone elses. Mine is usually just a few pieces of candy leftover from when I divide it out equally among the kiddos and dh.


Not sure dh would even take a hint about filling my stocking.

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We upgraded two computers last weekend.


I ordered us new sheets from Amazon because our old ones are truly so old that I've patched them, and they won't survive more than another wash or two.


So we declared those to be our Christmas gifts to each other...:lol:

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Guest justpassingthru

I'm brand new here so this is my first post. So "Hi" from me an Aussie living and working in China.


I also don't like the whole gift giving and receiving just for the sake of giving something when I have more than I need. As I mentioned I'm an Aussie so I'm not sure if this option is available in the US but there are some great gifts in this catalogue http://www.usefulgifts.org/viewall/





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Yes, and after really thinking about it, I got over it. Christmas is special enough to consider something I wouldn't normally consider buying because of price.


I got a new Nintendo hand-held game. I traded (which saved me some money) in my old one for the shiny new one with many more features. The old one worked just fine but the new one is so much nicer! And if it lasts as long as my other did, then the price is extremely reasonable.


I also got a new backpack. I had one that was fine even though it was my daughter's bag. If she needed it, I had to empty it. It was a small nuisance, but doable. However, having my own is going to make much more sense.


Try to drop the idea that you don't want to tell someone what you want. No one, not even husbands, can read minds. I personally believe it's unfair to both of you to have that expectation that he should just know what you want, especially when you're admitting you are hard to buy for because there doesn't seem to be anything you want. :)


DH and I exchange small gifts because the kids got upset one year when they realized we didn't have anything to unwrap on Christmas morning. We don't feel the need to buy gifts for each other but I'll admit it is nice as a family to get surprises to share with each other on Christmas morning, even if it is a favorite book or a giant bag of decadent chocolates or a box of gourmet heavenly tea.

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I thought it was a good idea. He got to surprise her....but she got to narrow the choices LOL


This is how we've always done it in my family. You get something you want, but it's still a surprise. However, when I first met dh, he thought it meant I wanted everything on the list! (well, I did, but that's not the point :lol:). It took me several Christmas seasons to get him to understand how it's supposed to work.

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to have so much that we really don't want much. I have asked for one present for my Dh, Dd and Ds but it's not something you buy. I have asked them to put their memories down in a journal about their life together and with me. I have some memory loss and there are times things have happened that I don't remember that they say they will never forget. Plus to be honest we are getting older and it will only be natural that we will begin to lose some memory. This is a great way to preserve those memories. I will add to the books as they get married and have their own kids and hopefully this will help them to see how important a memory book can be.

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I need nothing. I have all the clothing I want or need, I have more jewelry than I can wear, I have more than enough animals. I have told dh to get me NOTHING this year and I really hope he listens.




Me too. I feel so content this year. Dreaming up presents feels fake. I can't even bring myself to go to the store to buy stuff for friends and family who I know need nothing and want little. Nothing would be a great relief!

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What about the gift of an activity? Last year, when money was a little tighter than usual, I gave my husband the gift of a family camping trip. I knew it was something we was dying to do with the kids...and he knew it was "truly a gift" as I am "not the camping type!" We already had the equipment and we went over spring break.


Is there something you'd like to do? Or a show you'd like to go to? Or a museum membership that you'd enjoy throughout the year?

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I *thought* I didn't need anything until I started going through my cupboards to reorganize dishes and such. I started an amazon wishlist and added a few new corning ware baking dishes, le creuset pots, pyrex glass storage sets, then realized I needed a few new tupperware items, and then finally a whole new set of nice dinnerware.... lol. I think gifts must be my love language. (That sounds so much better than "I am greedy")


So now I have a nice long amazon wish list and enough stuff on there to get everyone through the next few years of buying for me for Christmas and birthdays! :)

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DH keeps asking me, and I keep saying, "Big diamonds," which is really what I'd love, but I know I'm not going to get them :D


Really though, there's nothing I want at the moment that I feel is worth spending the money. Well, there's one thing--a watch--but I'd basically have to go buy it for myself in order to use the coupon code and loyalty program that kinda makes it worth the money, and that just seems like a bummer.


I don't want any fancy electronics, I don't like getting clothes or shoes as gifts (I'm picky and hard to shop for, sizewise), I get all the books I want from the library... What can I tell poor DH, who's struggling to figure something out? Is it really totally lame to say that there's just nothing I really want right now?


This is exactly why dh and I stopped doing bigger gifts that had to be THE gift. Meaning bigger doesn't mean a lot of money, but the perfect gift. It was just too hard and set us up for disappointment. Now we just give each other a few stocking stuffers or a little present - no pressure kind of present. This year I got dh a pair of slippers (he desperately needs), a cheapo Wii game that he will play with the kids and some chocolates he will love. I will pick up some gum and stocking stuffers. We had many years where it was just stressful, but not anymore.

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