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Update on my dd and the loss of their baby...(pls read)

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I've learned something from this --- there are so, so many threads I have read over the years asking for prayers and comfort, and each and every time I type the words 'Praying for you. I am so sorry....' I feel those few words are so inadequate and fall so short of what the hurting person needs.........BUT


let me tell you, those few simple words, the hug emoticon, just knowing that another person is offering comfort and perhaps praying, is just an enormous blessing.


From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU so much for your comforting words and kind thoughts. THANK YOU! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I just spoke with Stacey on the phone. She and her husband will see the specialist this afternoon - Mario's parents will accompany them (I feel so badly for them - this was their first grandchild {2nd marriage for my dd} ).


Stacey will be induced and will deliver today or tomorrow and she and Mario are planning a service. Dh, the kids are I are getting ready to travel to NJ to help with the grand-daughters (7 and 4 -- Allison, 7, is understandably heartbroken) and be there for Stacey and her husband and his family.


I conveyed to Stacey the prayers and comforting wishes that have been extended on this board, and the experiences from those of you who have had something similar happen (I actually had the same thing happen before dd11 was born) -- your kind words, experiences and prayers are much appreciated and she asked me to say a huge thank you to everyone.:grouphug:


So, as the kids and I try to figure out what is going on here, when we will travel, what activities we will not attend the next few days and what activities we can attend, I still covet your prayers and kind thoughts -- lifting up our family in that way is so very much appreciated and we do feel it here.


Blessings and travel mercies to everyone here who is traveling for the holiday, prayers to everyone who is experiencing sadness, and hugs filled with hope to everyone else -- this board has had so much sad news recently.:grouphug:


Thank you all.:grouphug:



I must chime in here -- I should go to sleep but I have to say this:


I KNOW, I absolutely KNOW that our family is being lifted up in prayer and in kind comforting thoughts by SO many wonderful people. Today was not easy, we had some very sad, weepy moments, but at the end of the day (literally) everyone did have some peace, didn't feel as ripped apart as we did yesterday, and knew that we were being buoyed by something we could only attribute to prayer and kindness. I know that we will have ups and downs and that for Stacey and Mario it will be a different process as they grieve and heal. But for those of us who are their support system, I feel so much better equipped to minister to them.


So, thank you for your prayers and your thoughts offering comfort.:grouphug::grouphug:


Edited by MariannNOVA
To thank everyone and let them know how much their kindness means to my family.
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I will pray for each of you for comfort and peace and the ability to manage throughout these upcoming days/weeks. There are never the rights words to speak in these horrible circumstances, but please know that it is truly a privilege to be able to pray for you and others in the hope that some comfort or strength may come from it.

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I just wanted to add that I think the way you are all supporting her, and respecting this as a real loss is, well, wonderful. That doesn't seem like a good word to use right now - I have just heard far too many heartbreaking stories from friends of mine who have been treated by their families as if they should just "get over it" and "move on".

Sending more prayers your way....

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I just wanted to add that I think the way you are all supporting her, and respecting this as a real loss is, well, wonderful. That doesn't seem like a good word to use right now - I have just heard far too many heartbreaking stories from friends of mine who have been treated by their families as if they should just "get over it" and "move on".

Sending more prayers your way....


Will keep praying for all of you as you work it all out with traveling and in dealing with the loss. My heart is breaking for you all. :grouphug:

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I can not imagine what you and your family are going thru. I remeber when we were pregnant with J and there were two other couples expecting within weeks of J's birth. J is the only surviving child from those pregnancies. The one couple lost their child at 22wks, she delivered him and was able to hold him. The pain they went thru is something I wish no one ever had to go thru. They now have *3* very healthy children, I pray your daughter gets thru this very difficult time and can move foward.


Many, many :grouphug:

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Oh Mariann. My heart aches for them. And, for you. I'll pray for everyone involved.


:iagree:I'm SO sad for all of you, Mariann. I can't even begin to imagine how your granddaughter is processing all of this. It's so devasting.


I pray for God to pour out his blessings on you all, to comfort you, and to bring healing to all. So very, very sorry for your loss.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thanks for taking the time to update us! I will continue to uplift your family in my prayers! Just the thought of what Stacy has to face with delivery brought tears to my eyes. I know God will have His arms wrapped around her!


Safe travels and may you have peace and strength to support Stacy!


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I just wanted to add that I think the way you are all supporting her, and respecting this as a real loss is, well, wonderful. That doesn't seem like a good word to use right now - I have just heard far too many heartbreaking stories from friends of mine who have been treated by their families as if they should just "get over it" and "move on".

Sending more prayers your way....


I agree.


Holding you and your family in my thoughts. :grouphug:

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