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Quick: what are your kids doing right now?

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My 17yo ds is gone with my oldest to the Highland Games. It's SO cold here today that I'm worried about the guys who wear kilts!


My 13yo dd is at dance rehearsal for The Nutcracker and my 11yo dd and 12yo son just left with dh to go pick her up. I'm home alone!

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He's trying desperately to squeeze past daddy to get to the computer cables while happily chanting, "Hey, hey, hey!"


How cute!:)


Older son is taking the SAT; younger son is putting away the clean dishes.


DD18 took the SAT this morning. She's writing a blog post now.


Ds14 is feeding the dog.


Dd11 is reading a Boxcar Children book.


Ds22 ?? Got his car back from the shop today and is running errands I think.


Ds23 guessing he's at work.

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My 17yo ds is gone with my oldest to the Highland Games. It's SO cold here today that I'm worried about the guys who wear kilts!


My 13yo dd is at dance rehearsal for The Nutcracker and my 11yo dd and 12yo son just left with dh to go pick her up. I'm home alone!


My mom is at the Highland Games today!

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Dd10 is, umm, somewhere in the house, probably with her nose in a book. She is avoiding me, as I am drying the dishes and putting them away.

Dd6 and dd4 are sitting on top of their father, chitterchattering away, and trying to convince him to make popcorn in the fireplace.

First fire of the season - woot!

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My 4 dd is singing to me while playing on her guitar. Very cute. And, my 2 boys are out raking the back yard, because dh said he would give them both $25 if they would rake and bag all the leaves! Money speaks!


My dh is cutting a wall open between our kitchen and our half finished dining room so he can rebuild a new wall that will accommodate a new a/c duct!!! We have had no dining room since the beginning of July!

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#1 is at college, so I don't know, sadly.


#2 is working the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday.


#3 is taking a bath, getting ready to open his birthday gifts.


#4 is in her room listening to Harry Potter book on tape. She is being a good sport but is suffering from birthday envy. I think she is also wrapping his gift from her, if my ears serve me correctly.

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Dd10---at Nutcracker rehearsal for another hour


Dd15---She helped get dh settled again (he had knee surgery yesterday) then took her laptop upstairs to sing loudly to showtunes while doing her nails.


Ds17--is cleaning the basement before The Girlfriend comes over for dinner :D

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