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Do you serve your dh his plate at mealtime?

Do you fix and serve your dh their plate?  

  1. 1. Do you fix and serve your dh their plate?

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I usually do not because I am too busy helping the kids make their plates. At times, if he is puttering around and I get the kids' plates done, I will make his plate. I wouldn't say I serve it though because he walks over and gets it. It's not like everyone is seated at the table and I make all the plates and serve them. Does that make sense?

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Hmmm... I always do, and had never even thought twice about it (and I'm definitely not a "1950's wife"). ;)


Edited to add: I fix everyone's plates at the stove (for DH, the kids and myself) and then take them to the table. Often, DH will take the plates to the table, so we're really sharing duties. For us, it's a matter of convenience - not "who is serving who". We rarely eat "family style" (where the serving plates are on the table), but when we do, DH fixes his own plate and I just help the kids.

Edited by Dandelion
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Well either I serve everyones food onto their plates in the kitchen, and then everyone carries their plate to the table, or the food goes on the table in the centre and everyone serves themselves. In either case, DH gets treated the same as the rest of the family. So I voted no.


This, with the exception the youngest, and depending on the meal, I may place the food on the older children's plates.


And sometimes if it's just the two of us eating, I'll make his plate.

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I'm confused. Are you asking if we dish up the food onto a plate and then walk the filled plate to wherever our DH is sitting? No. Do I set all the food on the table and then sometimes dish up the food onto the plates to let it cool off before we sit down? Occasionally. But dinner is served at the table and everyone plates their own dinner except my 3 year old. There is no way in heck that I would bring a filled plate of dinner to my DH so he can eat while sitting in front of the TV, his computer, or anywhere else that's not at the table unless he's sick, dying, or unable to walk himself to the table.

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DH likes to watch the Red Sox and if he comes home late enough, he eats in front of the t.v. I not only fix his plate, I cut up his meat for him. That generally drives everyone crazy, but it is hard for him to cut his meat while sitting on the couch without a tray table.


I serve his plate to him at the table. At dinnertime, I usually ask one of the kids to take him his plate because I fix all the plates in the kitchen.


DH has trained me well. :-) He expect this, always has, always will. If it bothered me, I wouldn't do it.

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We all get our own food. That's the way I grew up too. I can't imagine putting food on my husband's plate unless he asks me to put something on it that happens to be sitting closer to me than to him. I guess I'm the opposite of the OP's dh since I never thought anyone did that.

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Dh prefers to fix his own plate - afterall, he is an adult!:D He knows what he wants and doesn't want, and how much of each.


We generally pass the serving bowls around and each takes his own. The exceptions were/are: 1) when ds was small, either dh or I would fix his plate; and, 2) if I have a very hot (straight from the oven casserole, e.g., or perhaps am serving something straight from the crock pot, e.g.) then everyone passes his plate to me and I serve everyone the quantity they specify, simply because the serving bowls are way too hot (cumbersome as well with the slow cooker) to pass around. Conversely, if a platter of meat, e.g., which I generally set near to dh's place, is too hot for handling, he will cut and serve the requested portions.


So I voted no.:001_smile:

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I voted no. It's really never occurred to me to think about it. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I do when I have a finite amount of food that I dare not put on the table with 4 teen (or almost teen) boys. It's better if I divide it up out of the pot. Otherwise, I put stuff on the table and everyone serves themselves. I do not consider it a "service" to anyone when I do it, but a matter of practicality. If I've dished out most of the dinner, and there is more of some stuff on the stove, people generally get up and get their own, asking if anyone else wants some.

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We all get our own food. That's the way I grew up too. I can't imagine putting food on my husband's plate unless he asks me to put something on it that happens to be sitting closer to me than to him. I guess I'm the opposite of the OP's dh since I never thought anyone did that.



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My dh seems to think, with the exception of me, that all wives fix their dh's plates and then serve it to them. Is this true in your household? I told my dh we aren't in the 1950's anymore, women do longer bow down to there husbands. :lol:


No. Only if there's a good reason (illness or injury) do I fix the plate of anyone over the age of 10 in this family. I'd lower the age requirement if I thought my 10 yo dd would still eat any vegetables. ;)


:iagree: Dh really prefers though that I not fix his plate. He seems to think I give him too many veggies :D




No. He likes to get his own. He will serve me, though, especially when I'm pregnant ;)


I have only had my dh fix my plate when we had a newborn in the house--and then only once or twice.

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Yes, always have. I serve all the plates and the children set them on the table.


Funny, I thought all wives did this. :D I can't think of one I know who doesn't (that I know of), but I hadn't thought of it before. I do not see it as a bad thing either. My hubby busts his hump all day, so I make sure dinner is hot when he gets home and on the table within minutes. It goes two ways, when I have been sick he takes care of it, and even gives me my meals in bed.



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I usually make up everyone's plate. There are usually no leftovers so I try to divide things up by the quantities each individual needs (I always feed my husband the most). If we are not going to all sit down to dinner together, I just leave it on the counter and tell him it's there. If we are going to sit at the table, I just put everyone's plate on the table. The kids help me set the table and each person is responsible for putting their own dishes in the dishwasher (husband included).



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I plate up all the food for everyone except for salad. The kids usually take the plates and silverware to the table. Hubby is usually filling water glasses. Salad is placed on the table for easy refills.


I don't serve DH his plate in the way that is being suggested. Think of it more as a restaurant. Food gets plated and then served up.


We all sit down, pray, and eat.


So really, we all have a job we are doing. No one is sitting around.

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DH likes to watch the Red Sox and if he comes home late enough, he eats in front of the t.v. I not only fix his plate, I cut up his meat for him.


This is a fairly rare exception for us that I forgot when posting just a bit ago. If dh is watching television (generally something science or history related!) and has gotten in late and doesn't want to miss it, I will prepare his plate and take it to him. He appreciates this and I don't mind doing it for him. :001_smile:

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I can't vote, because it depends. Some meals are easier to put in serving dishes and have family-style at the table.


Some meals are easier to plate in the kitchen. Those can get tricky though. So, if things are going well time-wise in the kitchen, I'll plate for everyone, then bring them to the table. If things are going badly, then dh will plate for everyone, and bring them to the table.

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I generally serve all the plates while dh is making drinks and the kids are getting washed up. He makes my drink, I make his plate. It really has nothing to do with bowing down to him, our relationship is nothing like that.


We do things a lot like this. dh is usually getting on the kids to pick up their toys while I make the plates, and he cuts the dc's meat, fills glasses, etc... With 3 dc ages 7, 5 and 4 everything is a joint effort...a delegation of zones. :001_smile:

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No, because I don't always know what he wants or how much of each item. It's his stomach, not mine. In fact, now that my youngest are 9, everyone serves themselves - we pass the food around.


eta: Unless we're eating soup. That I dish up myself from our soup tureen.

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I do, but not for that reason :lol:. I lay out 6 or 7 plates, depending on who is here, on the counter and load them up accordingly (different diets, tastes, etc). I do dh's because I want him to eat well (this way he doesn't get to leave off the salad or the veggies, see). He usually eats what I put on it. It has nothing to do with my..."wifely duties", lol; I fix it, but everyone is responsible for grabbing it and taking it to the table. So, I guess I can only answer yes to 50% of the question.


I've been doing it this way for so long, I even do it accidentally when I don't have as many to serve!

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I do prepare dh's plate, but I prepare all of the plates at the stove and then carry them to the table. He usually helps with the carrying of the plates, unless he's still helping the littles wash their hands and such. It's not like he is sitting back with a beer and waiting to be served! LOL


This is us!



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Well either I serve everyones food onto their plates in the kitchen, and then everyone carries their plate to the table, or the food goes on the table in the centre and everyone serves themselves. In either case, DH gets treated the same as the rest of the family. So I voted no.


:iagree: Except I voted yes as we rarely serve food at the table.

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My dh seems to think, with the exception of me, that all wives fix their dh's plates and then serve it to them. Is this true in your household? I told my dh we aren't in the 1950's anymore, women do longer bow down to there husbands. :lol:



I voted yes, but I fix everyone's plate. That's how I serve all meals here. We do not serve meals "family style" with all the dishes loaded up on the table. Everyone has to eat at the table. I do not cater food to people in other rooms of the house just because they're too lazy to come to the table to eat . Don't even get me started on what I think of that!


I will take meals to the field, but that's an entirely different thing altogether.

Edited by Audrey
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Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't- I voted yes.

SOmetimes I put it all on the table and we serve ourselves. Sometimes I serve it up. Sometimes I take it to him in his bedroom where he often eats in front of his TV. Sometimes I will call everyone to the table (I try and do that at least 2 or 3 times a week).


I have a love/hate relationship with feeding my family. If I am feeling too busy, overwhelmed, PMS, or plain uninspired, I tend not to cook nowadays, because the family can all serve themselves cereal (and are generally too lazy to make anything better than that! But that is their problem).

But I also love to cook when I feel good and inspired, so am happy to serve my family with plenty of graciousness at those times, which is usually several nights a week. DH loves to be "served" his dinner also and loves to play the 1950s husband with me (he grew up in the 50s and 60s) and sometimes I play his game (we do make it a bit of a game) and other times I just won't. He pouts and sulks and also completely understands :)

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He mostly fixes his own plate, but I do sometimes fix one for him. If he's going to eat later, he'll often ask me to fix up a plate for him and put foil over it in the fridge. Most of the time, I just put the food away if he isn't coming down immediately to fix his plate.


edited to add:

I don't use serving bowls. Everybody comes to the oven to get their food directly out of whatever it was prepared in.

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