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What's the weather like where you are???

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I read about the heat wave in NH and areas and was surprised... we usually have warm springs, HOT summers and warm falls and cold winters.


I actually enjoy heat and soak it in... I really dislike cold temperatures and winter. So, I get VERY excited in the spring and take in every warm day, happily waiting for the hot weather. And then I do grumble after we've had a few very hot days in a row and I feel sweaty and puffy... but we get a lot of breezes and downright crazy winds that blow through and make it all bearable.


This year SOMEONE canceled spring and summer. Our spring was very wet (we needed the water, so that was okay) and cold. I only had a few warm, dry days to enjoy. Really, just a few. I was bummed. Now it should be hot. It should be triple digits and it is not. The wind blows and keeps it mild. It warms up to a nice 80-90 temperature mid-day. But, this is very NOT normal here.


Are you experiencing weird weather?? ANyone else have very different temperatures this year?

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We're catching the southwest monsoon here, so it's been raining regularly for at least the last month. It's just pouring outside right now. So unusual, at least compared to last year. I like the change from sun, sun, sun, heat, heat, heat, but the rain makes getting out a pain.

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HOT! I'm sitting here dripping sweat because I just mopped the kitchen floor. I waited until 1a to do it because it was 91*F today here and we have no stinking air conditioning. Dh gave me a funny look today becasuse the dishes were not done and the kitchen was a mess from yesterday.


Currently it is 83*F INSIDE my house.

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I forgot to mention, though at times we are a bit inconspicuous regarding our whereabouts... the place where spring and summer were canceled is the middle-ish or California... off the delta which is the area just east of San Francisco Bay... this entire area is not having typical weather, far as I can see...

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Are you experiencing weird weather?? ANyone else have very different temperatures this year?


Yes, record cold temps here in Western Australia. I kept wondering if it was just me...it just seems unusually cold, and we had many mornings of freezing temps which is normally rare....I've been told it is a record cold winter.


I am in bear hibernation mode.

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Yes, record cold temps here in Western Australia. I kept wondering if it was just me...it just seems unusually cold, and we had many mornings of freezing temps which is normally rare....I've been told it is a record cold winter.


I am in bear hibernation mode.

What I wouldn't give to be with you right this minute.

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Hot and still. As in no air movement whatsoever. Dh is working hard at repostioning the AC so it is stable, but boy howdy, I wouldn't mind unstable AC right now. It doesn't help that dd (4) is plastered to me and also drenched in sweat. Ahhh, I miss central air.


Oh well, I own a house. Give and take, right?

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It was an unusually cold and long winter that lasted through spring. Now summer is unusually hot and dry where I'm sitting. I was able to keep my ac off last summer and just keep the windows open, but not this year! I keep my thermostat set at about 83 and it still runs most all.day.long... but at least it's cooler than outside.

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Last week it was REALLY nice. It was in the 80's, which you don't get down here in the Florida summers too much. We actually played outside quite a bit. This week it is back to the high 90's....it will be 98 today. I absolutely cannot stand when it is so hot that you are drenched in sweat and feel like you need a shower just by walking to the car.

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Last week it was REALLY nice. It was in the 80's, which you don't get down here in the Florida summers too much. We actually played outside quite a bit. This week it is back to the high 90's....it will be 98 today. I absolutely cannot stand when it is so hot that you are drenched in sweat and feel like you need a shower just by walking to the car.


Ughh. Didn't know it was going to get so hot. It's nice out right now - it was in the low 70s overnight. I have the door next to me open because it is cooler outside than inside.


It is hot in FL, but it is not near as brutal here as it was in NC. There the temps are higher and there is no breeze! The ocean breeze is great. The only thing is that it is summer here 9 months out of the year! Winter (usually) lasts about 3 weeks - this past winter was crazy (it even snowed/sleeted!)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

It was 108 again yesterday. Everything is crispy, plants are dying, even trees and bushes.


I've never seen weather like this here. We are usually in the 90's through till the end of July/beginning of August. Then we get one week in the low 100's.


It is supposed to be low 90's today, it will feel like heaven. I desparately hope this doesn't continue through summer. We will really be in trouble if it does.

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We had the wettest, coldest winter we have had since I've lived here. Now, it is hot and dry. It has been in the high 90's for the last week. Everything is turning brown from the lack of rain. Our water comes from a spring, so if it doesn't rain soon we could have some problems.

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Supposed to be 102 here in SC today. I grew up in SC without air conditioning, and we survived. So it's nice to sit in my air conditioned house and can tomatoes! My sister lives in Iowa and she says no one goes outside when it gets above 85 degrees...that's a cold front for us!

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We had a cooler and wetter spring than normal. I assumed, perhaps erroneously, that the volcano eruption in Iceland was influencing our weather.


Fairly normal temps now. Anywhere from 96 to 110 every day and dry, dry, dry. Oh, and horrible air quality. We are stuck inside most of the time because of the air quality. Grrrr.

Edited by Daisy
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It's 14C (57F) here right now, with a high of 26C(78F) called for the day... blech. Too hot for me.


I'm totally a winter girl. :D

Roughly same temps here. I still wear a jacket in the am...it seems to heat up to the 'too hot to cook' by supper though.

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It's 14C (57F) here right now, with a high of 26C(78F) called for the day... blech. Too hot for me.


I'm totally a winter girl. :D


Roughly same temps here. I still wear a jacket in the am...it seems to heat up to the 'too hot to cook' by supper though.


I made the mistake of saying "I miss winter" to someone up here the other day and got a really dirty look. :lol:

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High desert Oregon here...had less snow than normal winter, a wetter than normal spring. Summer just got here...we left for Washington DC 3 weeks ago and it was so cold here, they had to de-ice the plane before we could take off! We got to DC and it was 102*. Gack! I hate heat.


Summer lasts only a couple of months here; we'll get about 10 days or so that are really hot (high 90's, low 100's) but it's a very dry heat and as soon as the sun goes down, it gets cool (mid-40's, low 50's)...I was at a bbq last night and had to go find a blanket to wrap up in to sit outside.


This is all fine with me...I hate summer. I hate heat. But I say that very quietly because most people are just disgusted with the summers here.


I am feeling your pain for those of you on the east coast who hate it too. :grouphug:

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I read about the heat wave in NH and areas and was surprised... we usually have warm springs, HOT summers and warm falls and cold winters.


I actually enjoy heat and soak it in... I really dislike cold temperatures and winter. So, I get VERY excited in the spring and take in every warm day, happily waiting for the hot weather. And then I do grumble after we've had a few very hot days in a row and I feel sweaty and puffy... but we get a lot of breezes and downright crazy winds that blow through and make it all bearable.


This year SOMEONE canceled spring and summer. Our spring was very wet (we needed the water, so that was okay) and cold. I only had a few warm, dry days to enjoy. Really, just a few. I was bummed. Now it should be hot. It should be triple digits and it is not. The wind blows and keeps it mild. It warms up to a nice 80-90 temperature mid-day. But, this is very NOT normal here.


Are you experiencing weird weather?? ANyone else have very different temperatures this year?


HOT HOt Hot supposed to be a break in the heat to the mid-80s by the weekend.

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We are going through a heat wave right now and it is brutal. Currently with the humidex it feels like 44C (111.2 F) and it makes me want to cry. We have an air conditioner in the bedroom, but even that has only gone down to 25C (78 F). The weather people are saying for people to not leave there homes unless it is necessary. I can't even bring myself to unpack any boxes from our move. I really, really dislike summer. I would take snow and cold any day over this.

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I am in the south west uk.


Its about 21C here (about 70F). Its a lovely temperature. We have had a very cold and long winter with a ton more snow than normal. Spring was late but arrived with a bang. The last 3 years have been wet and cold, it feels like this is our first proper summer in years. Its been a lot hotter over the last few weeks with odd days of torrential rain.


Winter will come as a shock. I don't really cope with cold weather well.

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still waiting for "real" summer here in So Cal. Had a very wet, cool spring, which we needed. June in our valley (Santa Clarita) is known for having lots of days where the ocean fog blows inland, and the sun doesn't break through till 10 or so. We call it June Gloom. But the temps usually get up in the high 80's, 90's, and it can be pretty darn hot by July. We have only had a relatively few days so far this year that have gotten as hot as 90 or above. That's unusual. and here it is the first week of July, and almost every day has been cool/cloudy in the morning. We had a few days last week of "almost summer" :o). But I'll enjoy it for the time being. One of these days we'll be the ones with the 110 degree heat wave. Aug/Sept/Oct are pretty brutal....not generally lower than 90 at all, frequently over 100, and very dry.

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We broke the heat record yesterday. It was 101 degrees, and the old record was 100. It's 94 right now and expected to hit 98 and muggy this afternoon.


I'd heard that my hometown is having a heat wave too. Yesterday, I jokingly told dh that it's probably 80 degrees there. I looked it up online and it was 83 degrees, but it's not expected to hit 80 again in the next 10 days. That sounds pretty darn good right now!!!

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Northeast Ohio...hot and humid. It's in the low 90's, and wouldn't you know my air conditioner decided to begin a slow death, cooling so little that it's not noticeable unless you are standing right in front of it.


So I'm sitting here in my little brick oven, trying not to be too cranky.

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I am in Southern California, about ten minutes from the ocean. It is cold (65 degrees or so), foggy, and constantly misting. I am trying to enjoy the weather since most of the country is suffering through record highs, but I really miss the sun. I am hoping the fog will burn off at some point today.

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