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What's the temperature where you are?

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Right now it's 55 degrees and cloudy. The high is supposed to be 66. I love Seattle.


Last summer we had temps like yours though, and it was miserable because few people here have AC units. It's hard to sleep when your house is 90 degrees. I hope you cool off soon!

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It's a sunny and gorgeous 83 here in NJ. It's hard to believe, because we're perfectly comfortable here in the house with the windows open. It's not humid at all, and the fans are making a nice breeze. We may need the air later though--the high is supposed to be 87. Our high for tomorrow is 96 though, and I think that might put the kibosh on going to 4th of July fireworks *sigh* Aren't we so lame? I cannot tolerate much heat at all, so I feel your pain!

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It is 62 in the house (the boys are gone, and I"m saving energy, in more ways than one), but I haven't been outside. We have such a mild climate here, I sometimes miss a little action.


The boys met a hail storm in Bozeman, with the radio bleeping a warning. My son, strapped in the car seat, put on his bicycle helmet and announced it was time to go home. They hid in a out-of-business truck car wash, along with 10 other cars variously jammed in (some not all the way). Next day was tornado watches, and "one that followed us for 50 miles" (hubby said it was actually an ominous black cloud). I am reminded of how "travel broadens the mind"

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96 in Germany?!?!? Wow! We are supposed to be in the mid-80's today. If the humidity stays low, we won't need the A/C again today.


I know I just talked to my parents they live on Smith Mountain Lake and they can't believe how hot it is here. We had one storm ....I sure hope we get more and get back to more suitable weather. :001_smile:

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It's only 82° here today. I say only because the last few weeks we've been having temps consistently in the mid-high 90s and many days in the low 100s. I've been loving the last few days because I was able to turn the A/C off for the first time in a month

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It's 10:20 and we're up to 52* outside. It was 48 when I woke up, and it's expected that we'll get up to the mid-60s today. Typically the weather gets nice here sometime after the 4th, so our expectations are pretty low, but even so, this has been a pretty wretched spring and early summer. I'm cranky.

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It is 62 in the house (the boys are gone, and I"m saving energy, in more ways than one), but I haven't been outside. We have such a mild climate here, I sometimes miss a little action.


The boys met a hail storm in Bozeman, with the radio bleeping a warning. My son, strapped in the car seat, put on his bicycle helmet and announced it was time to go home. They hid in a out-of-business truck car wash, along with 10 other cars variously jammed in (some not all the way). Next day was tornado watches, and "one that followed us for 50 miles" (hubby said it was actually an ominous black cloud). I am reminded of how "travel broadens the mind"


It's about the same outside. :-)


A hail storm, tornado watches, and nasty black clouds all remind me of just why we stayed here!

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Guest Cindie2dds

Up until a couple of days ago it had been in the upper 90s, dry and hot; even hitting 100 on a couple of days. This week it's been wonderfully rainy and only in the 80s, very unusual for Central Texas this time of year. It reminds me of Houston, beautiful!

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I think we have had a string of zero celcius mornings and this morning was definitely one of them. The coldest June here in ages. And the driest.

Winter down here, and its usually mild, but our heaters are struggling to keep up.


BTW, I wish you guys would get with the rest of the world and go metric and celsius and all that. It really does my brain in trying to keep up without your systems!

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