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Do some people leave their brains at home ...

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... or do they not have them to begin with?


I just went to pick my kids up from day camp. Another mother started talking to me as we waited for our kids. She asked me which kids were mine. I pointed out my son and daughter, and she asked how old they are. I gave her their ages. The kids are less than a year apart and are of different races.


This women looked at me, laughed, and said, "You must have been busy and not overly picky!" :blink:


I'm not mad or anything, because I don't care what she thinks (and clearly adoption is not a familiar concept for her), but I'm just ... gobsmacked ... that someone would say something that effing stupid!



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ROFL! I think I'd have died laughing on the spot!




I think I would have asked her did she realize what she just said?!?!?!:lol:


Or I could have come up with something really snarky to say but said it in such a way that the person thought I was serious...:D

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"You must have been busy and not overly picky!"


Wow, I hope she didn't really mean what she said. I wouldn't find the "busy" comment an issue and would have probably laughed but the "not overly picky" part would have raised my momma bear spirit. It's just ugly and could be overheard by the children. It's hurtful and of course totally unnecessary.

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LOL! I wasn't expecting the overly picky comment. People will say the dumbest things without batting an eyelash. I get similar comments to the busy one you got. My favorite is "Don't you know what causes that?" Which I reply, "Sure do and its fun! Maybe you should try it sometimes."

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So what did you say to her?

I think either my mouth would have just hung open, or I might have been able to say said, "Wow." I'm pretty sure something that amazingly rude would have left me mostly speechless.




Make sure you don't let her know they are adopted. :) I have this whole scenario in my head..... Imagine what some sane person in her life is going to tell her when she tells them about this. Are we taking bets on her avoiding you in the future?

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Warning: snark to follow. Click away now.
































Her: "You must not have been overly picky."

You: "Obviously pickier than you were with yours."


Sorry. Don't know what's got me this morning. Afternoon. Jeepers, it's not a coffee problem anymore...I better go before I get in trouble w/ my fingers. :leaving:

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I don't get it:confused: What was that supposed to mean, busy and not picky?


Well, I took it to mean that I was sexually busy and not picky about whom I slept with. She didn't say, "You must BE busy." She said, "You must have BEEN busy." And the way she said it was not exactly complimentary.



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Well, I took it to mean that I was sexually busy and not picky about whom I slept with. She didn't say, "You must BE busy." She said, "You must have BEEN busy." And the way she said it was not exactly complimentary.




Oh. That hadn't occurred to me. :001_huh:

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I can top that! We adopted a medically fragile african american baby when we already had our my profoundly disabled oldest son.. When our oldest was 7 and in a wheelchair and our adopted son was 3, they both were on O2. We also had a 18 month old and a newborn and attracted lots of interest whenever we went anywhere. The best story was an elderly lady was flustered and asked if my two oldest were "TWINS":lol:.


The comment made to you was just mean though....

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A useful riposte:


"I'm sorry. I don't quite understand. Could you explain that to me?"




"What makes you say that?"


said with wide-eyed innocence and charm.


She should be the one squirming, not you.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
A useful riposte:


"I'm sorry. I don't quite understand. Could you explain that to me?"




I like this one. I often use being Blonde to my advantage, though.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, I took it to mean that I was sexually busy and not picky about whom I slept with. She didn't say, "You must BE busy." She said, "You must have BEEN busy." And the way she said it was not exactly complimentary.






Tara, how does one deal with such ignorance?

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... or do they not have them to begin with?


I just went to pick my kids up from day camp. Another mother started talking to me as we waited for our kids. She asked me which kids were mine. I pointed out my son and daughter, and she asked how old they are. I gave her their ages. The kids are less than a year apart and are of different races.


This women looked at me, laughed, and said, "You must have been busy and not overly picky!" :blink:


I'm not mad or anything, because I don't care what she thinks (and clearly adoption is not a familiar concept for her), but I'm just ... gobsmacked ... that someone would say something that effing stupid!




:lol::lol::lol:Oh my! Thank you. Best laugh I've had all day. Okay, that is about the most rude, ridiculous comment I have ever heard. It beats every stupid twin question I ever encountered!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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Well, I took it to mean that I was sexually busy and not picky about whom I slept with. She didn't say, "You must BE busy." She said, "You must have BEEN busy." And the way she said it was not exactly complimentary.




That was my first thought.

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A useful riposte:


"I'm sorry. I don't quite understand. Could you explain that to me?"




"What makes you say that?"


said with wide-eyed innocence and charm.


She should be the one squirming, not you.


This would be my approach, if not a really clear, "WHAT did you just say?"

I honestly would have persisted until she was forced to explain herself. Maybe that would save someone else from her joke first, ask questions later method.


I am sorry you even had to hear that. Even ignorance doesn't excuse a statement like that. How could she have thought it even remotely funny?

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OH MY! Our 4 youngest daughters are very close in age. Three of our daughters are of a different race (they were adopted). Now that they are older, I've had to think of something to say when confronted with particularly ignorant or offensive comments. I've had much success with putting on my sweetest face and innocently remarking "Oh dear, how embarrassing for you." Goodness..some people really don't think.

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Her: "You must not have been overly picky."

You: "Obviously pickier than you were with yours."


Sorry. Don't know what's got me this morning. Afternoon. Jeepers, it's not a coffee problem anymore...I better go before I get in trouble w/ my fingers. :leaving:




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i think i would have looked at her long and hard without cracking an expression and said, "they're adopted." then turned around and walked away to leave her standing in her puddle of stupidity all by herself.


ok, this is going to be my new favorite saying. Everyone I know is going to get sick of it. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think that may be the rudest comment ever made. What a horrible thing to say to someone! Normal people could spend weeks trying to come up with something half as crappy and not get there. :grouphug:


When you see her next you should mention the comment she made, and then use the exact words above. That will shut her up.


My youngest has had to deal with rude people with their idiotic comments and questions, but I don't think an adult has ever been as stupid as the woman you encountered. I'm really sorry.

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:glare: It must be the heat. Idiotic comment. Hindsight, and if I thought I'd never see her again I might have said, "Well a girls got to earn a living somehow." Okay, I would never have the guts to say it, but I would think it as a snarky response.



I'd never be able to come up with something that good off-the-cuff, though.

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so you gotta know what my answer to such a loaded question is going to be!! :D


As for this woman's comment to you, I think other posters have hit the nail on the head -- rude and thoughtless (in the absolute literal meaning of the word).


And Aubrey and E.L. -- loved the retorts.


I'm too will remember the puddle of stupidity comment - so many applications...

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