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Am I the only person who dislikes Summer?

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Every time I say it people give me strange looks. We are still technically in Spring but this past week we have been having Summer temperatures. It makes me cringe to think of what the actual Summer is going to be like. I hate the heat, the humidity and constant sunshine. I can't stand to spend time outdoors when it is really hot out. My husband thinks I am nuts because I have absolutely do desire to vacation in a tropical region. We went to Barbados several years ago and I didn't really enjoy myself. The best part of it was when we spent the day in a car touring the old sites on the island. I can't be the only person that dreads this time of year. I hope :001_unsure:

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I don't like the heat, I worry about my kids being out in the sun too much (2 blondes and a red head), I burn easily, it saps my energy, I hate the beach, the bugs are awful..... So, yeah, I guess I'm with you on not liking Summer that much. The only thing I do like is not having to drive oldest dd to school or dance for a couple of months. I do kind of like the pool sometimes.


Unfortunately, I also don't like to be cold - it makes my joints ache - so Winter is not real fun either. :tongue_smilie:

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I loathe summer.


We don't have humidity but hey, 113 degrees still feels like 113 degrees. We have 100+ degree temps and nothing but blazing sunshine from mid-May to Oct. Blech.


I just want to be a hermit in my dark cool (costing me a fortune to keep at 80 degrees) house.


Most of the time we try to head north, but hubby has surgery this summer so we won't be going anywhere for two months. AGHGHGH.

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I hate summer, I don't know how I ever survived it when I was a kid. We had no AC...

I KNOW! No AC, it was 110 for half the summer, we had vinyl seats in our station wagon, I never wore shoes...we took a lot of swimming lessons and went to the library afterwards, I remember. But how the heck did my mom survive it?

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I'm the same way, and people think I'm strange too. I'm in TX and it's in the 100s all summer and I hate it. I hate being stuck inside all the time. I also get sick of relentless sunshine and my kids think I'm crazy, but the sun is so strong here, and a rainy day can be so cozy. I also agree that there are tons of places I'd rather vacation than a tropical destination.

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Well since I'm in SC, it's scorching from June until Sept. Now I don't mind too much, but when it's humid I hate it. We have an in ground pool now so it won't be so bad. I like temps between 55 & 85, anything lower or higher, ugh.

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I KNOW! No AC, it was 110 for half the summer, we had vinyl seats in our station wagon, I never wore shoes...we took a lot of swimming lessons and went to the library afterwards, I remember. But how the heck did my mom survive it?


I have no idea !!! I remember living in the pool, or the tub almost constantly. I know my mom hit Peri mean-o-pause at about 40 and finished at 50. She didn't have AC in her home until she was 55, no kidding !!!!!


I do not know how she did it. I have always disliked summer. But in the last two years with hot flashes....... I DETEST IT !!!

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I dread summer. It's too hot during the day to do anything outside, and at night it is too hot to sleep. Okay, we sometimes get a breeze for an hour or two in the evening and if I can get the windows opened up it can cool things a bit, but it is still hot. We have air conditioning, but try not to run it much because it costs so much.


I endure summer, looking forward to fall.

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We don't like summer here. It's way too hot!


My dh was laughing one day, telling me, "At work everybody is saying, 'I'm so glad it's not cold anymore, I hate winter weather!' and then I come home and you all are saying, 'We wish it were cold, we hate the summer!'"




I will never move further south than I live right now!

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I don't like the heat, I worry about my kids being out in the sun too much (2 blondes and a red head), I burn easily, it saps my energy, I hate the beach, the bugs are awful..... So, yeah, I guess I'm with you on not liking Summer that much. The only thing I do like is not having to drive oldest dd to school or dance for a couple of months. I do kind of like the pool sometimes.




I don't like the heat -even though on the West coast we don't have that much humidity but I love the West Coast beaches. This is the only place where there is a nice breeze even in the heat of summer.

I am all for moderation, mild summer and mild winter.

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Ugh. I can't stand the heat and humidity. The sunshine I'll take, though. It is 93 and humid today and I don't want to go outside and cut the grass, even though I must because ours looks a bit like a field of dandelions between our neighbors' nicely mowed lawn. I'll wait til after dinner, though. Hopefully it will cool off some by then.


We always go from snow to hot and humid in about a week here (or it seems like that - it's a very short time, though). During that small time frame, the weather is a beautiful temperature, but either terribly windy or stormy. Give me somewhere where it is 60-70 year around, sometimes rainy, sometimes sunny. A brief temp drop and some snow in winter. That's where I want to go. I will most certainly not be heading south for retirement.

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I hate summer. I explain to people, who question my hatred, that if you are cold, you can put on a sweater or curl up under a blanket....in other words, COZY! You cannot get away from summer heat and humidity, unless you sit in A/C, which is also not my favorite thing.


I hate the way I look in the summer. I look hot, and not in a good way :D.

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I hate the way I look in the summer. I look hot, and not in a good way :D.



Ah, yes, you mean the "bra is soaking wet, hair is in a messy ponytail and still sweaty, no point in wearing makeup" kind of hot. I'm well-acquainted with that look!

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I am going to retire someday to North West Montana......... in the middle of the Rocky Mountains..... with or without hubby LOL.


Scotland has the type of temperature that I would love (the history is a draw too). I've told my husband that I would like to live there someday. How we would move there I don't know, but if someone said I could move tomorrow I would be packed and gone.:tongue_smilie:

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I hate summer. I explain to people, who question my hatred, that if you are cold, you can put on a sweater or curl up under a blanket....in other words, COZY! You cannot get away from summer heat and humidity, unless you sit in A/C, which is also not my favorite thing.


I hate the way I look in the summer. I look hot, and not in a good way :D.




Ah, yes, you mean the "bra is soaking wet, hair is in a messy ponytail and still sweaty, no point in wearing makeup" kind of hot. I'm well-acquainted with that look!


Yep know that look very well



I don't care for the hot humid days at all. When I was in my teens and very skinny I couldn't understand why my dad would say 60 - 70 year round would be great. Oh no I wanted hot so I could lay out and swim. Now I am a lot older and a whole lot heavier I totally understand. :tongue_smilie:

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I hear you. We're on the coast so we usually don't get too many of those really hot humid days that put me in sloth-mode, but when we do-- it's the worst! By the end of the summer I'm really done with with it all in general. But that's actually what I like about living where I do... just when I'm sick of one season it's on to the next!

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I also hate summer. Sometimes I feel like I have reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder or something. I hate heat, humidity, bugs, bad air quality days, high pollen days...the whole package.


My theory is that I can't tolerate heat because most of my ancestors are Welsh, Irish, Scots Irish, and English. We were built for cool and misty, not hot and humid. :) Thank God for air conditioning...

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Well, I try not to hate it, but the heat does not agree with me :lol: Unfortunately, I love so many things ABOUT summer: cooking on the grill, swimming in our pool, sunshine and the beach, etc. But for the most part, I really struggle with summer heat and keep my air conditioning running at a colder temp than my frugal soul can stand. It makes it hard because DH has tropical blood and loves the heat, while I'm nauseated and extremely cranky if the temp in the house goes over 80 :rolleyes: Plus, from May to October we have these flingin' flangin' ants... :banghead:


On the upside, we'll be on the Outer Banks soon, and then at the Jersey Shore for at least two weeks this summer, and our pool is cranking in tip-top shape. It's hard to be upset about that! :D

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My theory is that I can't tolerate heat because most of my ancestors are Welsh, Irish, Scots Irish, and English. We were built for cool and misty, not hot and humid. :) Thank God for air conditioning...


:lol: I have the same theory. Unfortunately, I'm married to Tropical Man. I'll never forget the year he surprised me with an impromptu trip to Miami for my birthday--scheduled the time off with my boss and everything. Except that he booked it in late August :ack2: I was sick from the heat and humidity the whole time, and he was so disappointed :( We both learned an important lesson. The next time we went it was February. Perfect weather! :lol:

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I don't like summer either. I like spring and fall the best. Winter in Michigan even beats out summer, in my book.


Heat. Blech. Humidity. Double Blech. Me no likey hot.




:iagree: except I'm not too sure about the winter part. Could be because I do not have a garage...


and I just realized you must live pretty close to me! :001_smile:

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I also hate summer. Sometimes I feel like I have reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder or something. I hate heat, humidity, bugs, bad air quality days, high pollen days...the whole package.


My theory is that I can't tolerate heat because most of my ancestors are Welsh, Irish, Scots Irish, and English. We were built for cool and misty, not hot and humid. :) Thank God for air conditioning...


Interesting theory. I have mainly Dutch ancestry with a very little French Canadian/Native American (Great Lakes area tribes) thrown in for good measure.

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I hate summer, and everyone except daisychics (Cecilia) seems to enjoy it. I hate being hot, I hate sweating (which I do a lot of), and I hate mosquitoes. I also hate dealing with sunscreen. And, I hate the humidity.


I want it 60-75 all year long.

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This is my theory too. ;) I am Dutch, Irish and English. I am NOT supposed to be living in Virginia! :glare:


I also hate summer. Sometimes I feel like I have reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder or something. I hate heat, humidity, bugs, bad air quality days, high pollen days...the whole package.


My theory is that I can't tolerate heat because most of my ancestors are Welsh, Irish, Scots Irish, and English. We were built for cool and misty, not hot and humid. :) Thank God for air conditioning...

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Yes, I hate, hate, hate summer. I have a medical condition known as "summer seasonal affective disorder". If the ambient temperature rises past 73 or 74 deg. F., I am miserable. Living in North Texas is, to use the word in a weather-related sense, hellish.

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