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Yes, I love curriculum!

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My DH and I were watching HGTV last night. There was a program about a family selling their mountain home to move to a ranch. They homeschooled, and their oldest was a 6r. old boy. She had a downstairs room, a finished basement maybe, where she had a school table set up. They showed her teaching the children a little bit. I realized I was staring hard at the tv hoping to see what curriculum she was using, rather than paying attention to what they were saying about selling their home. DH laughed out loud when I told him that! ;)

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It's the same thing I notice when I go to another person's house. I always try to look at their bookshelves. My husband laughs as he remembers one of the first questions I asked him after I met him -- "So, how many books do you have?"


It's also one of the first things I want to show other homeschoolers when they visit.

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I get a little giddy when I'm visiting another homeschooler and they have some curriculum on their shelves that I've only seen online, never in person. It's almost like a celebrity sighting.


We need a curriculum petting zoo.


:lol::lol::iagree: I can so relate to that. I get a bit giddy too! Well, I used to anyway...I am kind of over curriculum nowadays. I may get to play with it again next year when dd goes off, and I just have ds, but overall, I have had a good run and its good to spend money on other things!

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I get a little giddy when I'm visiting another homeschooler and they have some curriculum on their shelves that I've only seen online, never in person. It's almost like a celebrity sighting.


Heheheh. Someone bought one of the Sonlight Cores to playgroup on Thursday and that's about how I felt. "Oh Sonlight Core, how nice it is to meet you in real life! I've heard so much about you!"




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I get a little giddy when I'm visiting another homeschooler and they have some curriculum on their shelves that I've only seen online, never in person. It's almost like a celebrity sighting.


We need a curriculum petting zoo.


It's the same thing I notice when I go to another person's house. I always try to look at their bookshelves. It's also one of the first things I want to show other homeschoolers when they visit.

:iagree: I am not alone!:smilielol5: I have to show dh this thread tomorrow:thumbup:

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Me, too!


I invited a friend over to help her figure out how to teach phonics, my only request was that she list all her curriculum and bring anything I had not seen!!


(She's bringing Math on the Level and one history book I haven't seen.)


I have a series of Belgium math books using the Cuisenaire Rods, written in French, and I don't know French!


Here is a short bit about the program from someone who does speak French and saw the program being used:



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It's the same thing I notice when I go to another person's house. I always try to look at their bookshelves. My husband laughs as he remembers one of the first questions I asked him after I met him -- "So, how many books do you have?"


It's also one of the first things I want to show other homeschoolers when they visit.


Yep, I've even been known to wonder around their house looking at their bookshelves. Glad to know I'm not alone.

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Got to add a funny. For me, it's office supplies. I go to Staples so much that I have my own account representative that calls me at home and asks, "How are all the kids?" We are buddies!!


She gives me some great coupons and deals but the fact that she calls the house getting my feedback on the stores, managers, etc. cracks my dcs up. I know it's sad, but this is my life....LOL.

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Heheheh. Someone bought one of the Sonlight Cores to playgroup on Thursday and that's about how I felt. "Oh Sonlight Core, how nice it is to meet you in real life! I've heard so much about you!"





Rosie, you just crack me up! Are you ever coming to VA? Cause I'd say the same thing about you, Dear!:D

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Yes, if you invite me over, I will ask to see your curriculum. And no, I will not judge it. I really am that interested.:)



I get a little giddy when I'm visiting another homeschooler and they have some curriculum on their shelves that I've only seen online, never in person. It's almost like a celebrity sighting.


We need a curriculum petting zoo.

I'd buy a membership!


:iagree: Even if I'll never use it, I love looking at all the curriculum options. The used curriculum fair is my idea of Christmas!

:lol::lol: The sad part is :iagree:.

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Got to add a funny. For me, it's office supplies. I go to Staples so much that I have my own account representative that calls me at home and asks, "How are all the kids?" We are buddies!!


She gives me some great coupons and deals but the fact that she calls the house getting my feedback on the stores, managers, etc. cracks my dcs up. I know it's sad, but this is my life....LOL.


:lol: I'm not quite that addicted to the smell of sticky notes, but I must admit that the back-to-school sales excite me every fall. I still have half a dozen packs of pens in my office from when they were on super sale last fall.


Curriculum... oh, yes. But I'm so spoiled by all the good stuff that's available these days that when I go to garage sales and see inferior stuff I will admit that I do judge just a little. :rolleyes:

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Yes, if you invite me over, I will ask to see your curriculum. And no, I will not judge it. I really am that interested.:)

:iagree:Oh, me too. It may be something that wouldn't work for my family, but I really, really want to see it simply because I may never get another chance.

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:lol: I'm not quite that addicted to the smell of sticky notes, but I must admit that the back-to-school sales excite me every fall. I still have half a dozen packs of pens in my office from when they were on super sale last fall.



OMG! I just realized I actually live in a semi-civilized area again and go to back-to-school sales! Yes!


Thank you!

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We need a curriculum petting zoo.




I'm dragging my husband and kids two states away next weekend so they can stay with my parents while I go to a curriculum fair. I am so excited!! My husband keeps giving me nervous glances when he catches me giggling to myself.


I love going to homes of other homeschoolers. At a big Christmas party last year, everyone took a tour of our friends house... I took a tour of her homeschool room. I think I drooled on her 10 foot high, wall to wall book shelves filled to the max. :D

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Yes, if you invite me over, I will ask to see your curriculum. And no, I will not judge it. I really am that interested.:)


Hmmmm, you don't live THAT far from me. Maybe after the move . . . Of course, I would want to come and see yours. I am always interested in what people use, and how they use it.



My Name is Pam L and I am a curriculum junkie. [so much so that I actually learned how to spell the word. :tongue_smilie:]

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My DH and I were watching HGTV last night. There was a program about a family selling their mountain home to move to a ranch. They homeschooled, and their oldest was a 6r. old boy. She had a downstairs room, a finished basement maybe, where she had a school table set up. They showed her teaching the children a little bit. I realized I was staring hard at the tv hoping to see what curriculum she was using, rather than paying attention to what they were saying about selling their home. DH laughed out loud when I told him that! ;)


:lol::lol:... I do the same thing with my homeschooling friends.

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I was having lunch with some other homeschooling moms at the mall food court and we were enjoying watching some young women showing each other their purchases. They were rhapsodizing about one another's new shoes and jewelry. Very sweet to see.


Then one of us had to go and say, "How sad. We're just like them, only with the Minimus Teacher's Guide."

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Who cares about their house? Let's see how they school!! I bet a reality show on how people run a homeschool would be a huge success in a niche market! LOL


I still remember the real joy I had when I met my first SLer in "real life". It was like having an instant sister!

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Yep, I've even been known to wonder around their house looking at their bookshelves. Glad to know I'm not alone.


The homeschoolers' version of looking in the medicine cabinet?


But yes, I would do the same. And ulike some of you who profess not to, I judge. ;)



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