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What are you anal about?

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Dishes in the sink, dc not wiping the counters after using, clutter, beds not made, dirty floors, you get the picture. I'm trying to overcome my type A personality but my dc would probably tell you it's been a slow process:tongue_smilie:

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Setting the table right, ie. Forks on left, knives and spoons on the right, napkin under the fork, cups at 2 o'clock above the spoons. :tongue_smilie:


Academically, using subject pronouns and object pronouns properly. You may call me the grammar Nazi. :D

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So off homeschooling and house items -


Calling babies (and unborn children) IT

Example: "It is a boy" OR "Do you know what it is yet" (referring to the gender of your unborn child). Absolutely drives me.


PS - This is really the only thing I am anal about.

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Schoolwork: Put the books back when class time is over. Don't touch my pencils, you have your own.


Life: Don't put the bed pillows on the floor, dh doesn't like number of pillows I use. The curtains must be pulled back correctly. The hand towel in the bathroom has to be straight and who keeps messing up the DVDs in the entertainment center?


I'm the straightener in the household. Dh is the cleaner. After 17 years we still have this unspoken power struggle over the kitchen sink. I say dirty dishes should go in the sink so the counter looks nice. He says they should be on the counter so the sink can be used. :lol: Now we usually make sure they just go in the dishwasher, but sometimes it's still an issue.

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No sight words or guessing.


Understanding, not doing procedures.


About the house--almost nothing. I used to have my spices alphabetized, my Mom was visiting once and was impressed and amazed ( she is a neat freak.) My husband said he had never noticed. I replied, "Hmm, that would explain all the times you put them back in the wrong place!" (I try not complain about trivial matters, although sometimes I will.)

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Guest ToGMom
Internet slang.


WhEn I c PpL UpDaTe ThEy'Re StAtUs lk ThIs, a LiL pIeCe oF mE dIeS. U do NoT loOk KeWl, u look Lk n IdIoT.



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Colored or printed sheets, I only feel okay about using white on my bed. A while back one of my white sets died and the other was dirty. I was sick and not doing laundry but it took all I had to put a printed set on my bed. :001_huh::lol: I didn't realize until that moment how much it bugged me.

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Internet slang.


WhEn I c PpL UpDaTe ThEy'Re StAtUs lk ThIs, a LiL pIeCe oF mE dIeS. U do NoT loOk KeWl, u look Lk n IdIoT.


Just think the advantages your giving your children because of all the kids growing up who won't be able to spell and develop complex ideas.


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For myself: The physical handling of books. I treat books gingerly, and with great care. When I finish reading a book, even a paperback, it looks unread.


Having my child "write" in workbooks is not easy for me, but I'm working on it :D


Otherwise, I'm pretty easy going.



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For myself: The physical handling of books. I treat books gingerly, and with great care. When I finish reading a book, even a paperback, it looks unread.


Having my child "write" in workbooks is not easy for me, but I'm working on it :D


Otherwise, I'm pretty easy going.




This is me! My mom borrowed a book of mine once (I had already read it) and put a crease in the spine. :glare: I gave myself 2 weeks to calm down but it still drove me completely nuts that I had to go out and replace the book. :001_huh: I no longer loan out new books; I just can't face them if they come back with creases in them. If they've been purchased used, no problem, but stay away from my amazon orders. :lol:


Ever since reading WEM and HTRaB I do write on the insides but you'd never know by looking at their covers.

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I no longer keep hand towels on the oven handle because they have to be perfectly even and straight and with 2 giant dogs and 4 kids they constantly end up on the floor...drives me nuts. Turning the corner of a page down to mark your spot in a book :thumbdown:


I used to have all my closets organized by type, style and colour (ie. all skirts in one section, short in front organized by alphabetized colour from lightest to darkest and patterns at the end of each colour, then long, etc...) but now I just have too much laundry to put away and I am lucky if it makes it to a closet before it gets dirty again.


School - proper grammar and pronunciation, proper pronouns (this really drives me crazy and I have trouble not correcting other people.)

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Gardening. I'm completely anal when it comes to that. I usually won't even allow my husband to mow the lawn, edge, weed whack, or trim bushes because I do a much better job. So far, he hasn't complained! :D That's about it, though.

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Easy for me - my pens and stuff at my desk. I absolutely cannot stand somone to touch my stuff. I know, I know. I'm being selfish but you don't live with the pen biting, cluttery, never put it back group I live with here!! No sir, do not touch anything on my desk and everyone will make it through the day.


Maybe I should be more anal about something more important? Oh, well...just keeping it real.

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So off homeschooling and house items -


Calling babies (and unborn children) IT

Example: "It is a boy" OR "Do you know what it is yet" (referring to the gender of your unborn child). Absolutely drives me.


PS - This is really the only thing I am anal about.


I just make up names for my friends' babies. Presumptuous? Yes. But I can't stand the awkward "it" conversations either.


I call my friends current in-utero baby "Tuna". Others have been "Sprout" and "Kubla Khan".

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Disclaimer: I never wore braces on my teeth, so I'm not sure why I'm like this, but.....



I hate HATE HATE with the passion of a thousand suns eating off of metal utensils!! At home I only eat off of plasticware. If at someone else's house or at a restaurant I just suck it up and deal, but when I'm in my OWN home,.....I have it the way I like it!


Oh, and McDonald's has the best straws! I told dh I was gonna go into McDonald's and order one hamburger and take 30 straws. :lol:

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I have to have my own knife. If two of us are making peanut butter sandwiches for ourselves, do not ask to use my knife. Even worse, please don't offer me your used knife. I know you didn't lick it, I realize you didn't gunk up the handle, I don't care if I gave birth to you: I am not able to share with you for some unknown reason. I think this is my only hang-up.

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For myself: The physical handling of books. I treat books gingerly, and with great care. When I finish reading a book, even a paperback, it looks unread.


Same here, and I require my kids to treat books carefully as well. We wash our hands if we've been handling pets or playing outside. We use bookmarks, and we write in few books (school books excepted, of course).


I had to stop lending books to a local friend who would return my books looking like they'd been through a tornado. He'd bend the left hand pages back into a roll, pick the plastic laminate off the covers, write in the books (MY books!), get them wet, bend corners down, let his kids walk on them with wet shoes in the car -- if there was a destructive way to handle a book, he did it.


It honestly didn't occur to him that this might bother me, and I guess he didn't notice that none of the books on my shelves looked that way. I saw books he returned to our homeschool group's library, and if I were the librarian, I would have charged him for replacement.

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Disclaimer: I never wore braces on my teeth, so I'm not sure why I'm like this, but.....



I hate HATE HATE with the passion of a thousand suns eating off of metal utensils!! At home I only eat off of plasticware. If at someone else's house or at a restaurant I just suck it up and deal, but when I'm in my OWN home,.....I have it the way I like it!


Oh, and McDonald's has the best straws! I told dh I was gonna go into McDonald's and order one hamburger and take 30 straws. :lol:


Have you considered chopsticks?



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Same here, and I require my kids to treat books carefully as well. We wash our hands if we've been handling pets or playing outside. We use bookmarks, and we write in few books (school books excepted, of course).


I had to stop lending books to a local friend who would return my books looking like they'd been through a tornado. He'd bend the left hand pages back into a roll, pick the plastic laminate off the covers, write in the books (MY books!), get them wet, bend corners down, let his kids walk on them with wet shoes in the car -- if there was a destructive way to handle a book, he did it.


It honestly didn't occur to him that this might bother me, and I guess he didn't notice that none of the books on my shelves looked that way. I saw books he returned to our homeschool group's library, and if I were the librarian, I would have charged him for replacement.


I was going to say that I'm not that uptight about the way other people handle my books~then I remembered I never let anyone else near them :lol:


Here is a gift. Yes. But I didn't really face the fact (until this very moment) that I just never lend my books :tongue_smilie:


Bill (who will loan you his shovel and won't care if you leave it in the rain).

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Beds being made every. single. morning. Even if we are running late for church or somethng, all the beds must be made before I can leave the house. Used to drive dh crazy, but I think he is starting to get used to it. :)

Edited by Sheila in OK
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everything :glare:


I'm thinking this may have something to do with your current bedrest situation, maybe???:)


This is me! My mom borrowed a book of mine once (I had already read it) and put a crease in the spine. :glare: I gave myself 2 weeks to calm down but it still drove me completely nuts that I had to go out and replace the book. :001_huh: I no longer loan out new books; I just can't face them if they come back with creases in them. If they've been purchased used, no problem, but stay away from my amazon orders. :lol:


Ever since reading WEM and HTRaB I do write on the insides but you'd never know by looking at their covers.


I figure when I loan a book it is really a gift. I rarely get them back anyway. If, perchance, one gets returned then I'm just glad to have it back. That said, it is a truth that I rarely loan out books for which I paid full price.


I'm another grammar and spelling Nazi - especially in homeschooling circles. I guess I think it makes all of us look bad when someone posts "WTB: Grammer book and 101 Dalmations dvd.":D

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(I'm talkin' math...)


Not sharing beverages. Take a swig from mine and it becomes yours; I'm off for a fresh one, even if the sip stealer is my husband.


Spell "y'all" correctly.


Hand written thank you notes.


No e-vites. Ever.


Answering the cell phone while using the... toilet. I can't believe how many people I observe doing this. Nobody wants to hear THAT!


My husband could no doubt make some significant contributions to my list...;)

Edited by AuntieM
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My family would say everything! :001_smile:


I would say:


Having to have the house totally picked up before I leave to go anywhere (even to the grocery store).


Having beds made and chores done before school starts.


Getting all schoolwork scheduled for the day DONE (I am terrified of getting behind).


Being on time.


Having my books exactly where they belong in my library (I do not loan out books).


These things make me happy. :001_smile:

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Beds, things in the sink, dirty floors (ugh). I can't tolerate stuff "out" - I'll shove it in a drawer as long as it's not in view. I try to have those done before school or it's on my brain.

I'm anal about reading... read,read,read and get some exercise. I have booklists coming out my ears. If nothing else I want my kids to be able to say "I read that when I was a kid."

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I hate when the linen closet gets messy. I like everything folded in perfect squares, facing the same way.


When it comes to schoolwork I am anal about wanting to finish without interruptions. I know it's unrealistic for a 2 year old, but I just want to get through our work and then I will play the rest of the day!

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There are three things that come to my mind right away, although my kids would probably say there are a lot more:


1. damp bath towels tossed on the bed

2. how the toilet paper roll is put in the holder....I know, silly, but I have to have the TP rolling out from the top of the roll and not underneath :glare:

3. being on time....I hate, hate, hate being late

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Internet slang.


WhEn I c PpL UpDaTe ThEy'Re StAtUs lk ThIs, a LiL pIeCe oF mE dIeS. U do NoT loOk KeWl, u look Lk n IdIoT.




everything :glare:


Awww :grouphug::grouphug:


:001_huh::lol: I didn't realize until that moment how much it bugged me.



That's the way I am, I don't know it until I hit the wall.


For myself: The physical handling of books. I treat books gingerly, and with great care. When I finish reading a book, even a paperback, it looks unread.


Having my child "write" in workbooks is not easy for me, but I'm working on it :D


Otherwise, I'm pretty easy going.




You understand the sacredness of the paper. Awesome.


Having enough toilet paper in bathrooms. Three extra rolls are necessary for me to feel 'safe'. I don't know what trauma that reflects: perhaps twenty years living in Asia.




Obviously you know my husband. 24 rolls requires immediate stocking of more toilet paper.


Disclaimer: I never wore braces on my teeth, so I'm not sure why I'm like this, but.....



I hate HATE HATE with the passion of a thousand suns eating off of metal utensils!! At home I only eat off of plasticware. If at someone else's house or at a restaurant I just suck it up and deal, but when I'm in my OWN home,.....I have it the way I like it!


Oh, and McDonald's has the best straws! I told dh I was gonna go into McDonald's and order one hamburger and take 30 straws. :lol:


I totally agree with you on the straws.


I have to have my own knife. If two of us are making peanut butter sandwiches for ourselves, do not ask to use my knife. Even worse, please don't offer me your used knife. I know you didn't lick it, I realize you didn't gunk up the handle, I don't care if I gave birth to you: I am not able to share with you for some unknown reason. I think this is my only hang-up.


I hate sticky utensil handles.

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I just make up names for my friends' babies. Presumptuous? Yes. But I can't stand the awkward "it" conversations either.


I call my friends current in-utero baby "Tuna". Others have been "Sprout" and "Kubla Khan".



Yay! A kindred spirit! All my dc had different in-utero names, and didn't get their real names till they were born. (another thing I am anal about... ;) )

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