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Please Pray for my sweet cousin...

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Benjo Update: They didn't do the neurological tests

today. Doing minor surgery & putting a tube in to drain fluid which

will relieve pressure. Then they'll do a MRI. Dr's say it'll be 5-7

days before they really know the extent of damage (or lack of!) Keep

the prayers coming. Miracles happen in small steps or giant

leaps...we'll take either!


**Thanks, again, for praying for my family!**:001_smile:

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Thank you, again, for praying for my family. They are overwhelmed with the amount of people praying for them! :001_smile:


He had surgery yesterday to put a tube into his head/brain to drain fluid to help relieve some of the pressure. They were able to do an MRI last night and discovered he had a stroke in the left side of his brain that affected the right side of his body and his speech. Due to the swelling, which is supposed to peak today or tomorrow, they will not know the extent of it. As I am typing this, they are trying to take him off some of his meds to wake him up to do some more neurological tests. He is still not breathing on his own.


If you would like to receive updates and see pics of this sweet boy, you can visit his caringbridge site. I know they would appreciate "hearing" a message from those who are praying! :001_smile:

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Thanks so much for your continued prayers and good thoughts. :grouphug:


It has been quite a rollarcoaster of emotions for them. Dave (Ben's Dad) specifically asked for prayer for him and Steph as they try to continue to stay strong and positive. He talked about "letting God work in His own time". Their faith is strong, but they have their weak moments.


Yesterday, Ben *finally* responded to some of the neuro tests. He coughed a bit and even twitched his arm. That was quite encouraging!


Thanks to those of you who have posted on their carebridge site. I know those messages are encouraging them!


I'm flying out there next weekend and will *finally* get to hug my cousin in person! :001_smile:

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Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts.


Ben is resting in the arms of Jesus now. Please continue to pray for Steph and Dave as they make arrangements and try to adjust to life without him being there.


I am so, so, so sorry. :grouphug:


Little Benjamin has been in our prayers since the beginning. My heart aches for your family. We will lift Steph and Dave up in our prayers now, and pray for a peace that only God can provide.

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Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts.


Ben is resting in the arms of Jesus now. Please continue to pray for Steph and Dave as they make arrangements and try to adjust to life without him being there.




I am praying for them and for you as well.


I am so very sorry.

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