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Everything posted by chrfath

  1. We need a good math program for DS that needs little help from me. I have an 8yo with special needs a very busy 3yo and a 7mo the 13yo needs to be able to work on his own. He plans to go to high school for 9th grade so this is our last year. We don't really like Saxon and he has been using Life of Fred and said he wants something more. We don't have a whole lot of money left after buying his other books and I don't really want something online. He is a very good math student even with us being all over the place with curriculum. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great. Thanks!
  2. My DS really could use some extra work on his writing. His spelling is coming along okay. Basic writing skills, grammer, sentence structure, all that sort of stuff. I don't even know where to start. He has been using Oak Meadow and doing some of the writing assignments, I need to be more firm about him getting all his work done. :glare: Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I don't want something that is going to take forever or need too much work from me. We have 2 younger ones and a new baby due in Feb. Thanks!
  3. I sure need the whomp. I will get some planning done this weekend. Thanks! ;)
  4. Waiting here too. We need some new kids scissors and could always use some paper.
  5. I have been looking for different curriculums to use with Veronica(7 w/down syndrome). We tried Oak Meadow and we tried Heart of Dakota, nothing seems to be a good fit. It is like I am trying to cram the square peg into the round hole. I have been looking at another curriculum(CHC) again because I love the idea of having everything planned out for each day. Things are nicely tied together and flow well. I just don't know that is what Veronica needs. We finally have a good fit with OM for our oldest and that is such a huge relief. ;) So, what do you do to keep lessons interesting and meaningful? Keeping things relevant and engaging? I think we could do some fun unit studies if I remember to keep things simple. Or some lapbooks that she could look back over and enjoy. I have always felt she needs to be focusing on life skills and things that are important to her day and world. Some concepts and presentation is just so vague and abstract. Of course I want to teach her to read and do basic math computation. We keep trying to do the workbooks from Rod and Staff and Veronica thinks they are all meant for drawing a line from one item to the other. We did too much of that tracing type work and she just keeps transfering that. Maybe meaningless worksheets aren't the thing for her. Veronica is really more like a 3-4yo in most of her skills. I struggle to with being at that level for her and pushing her a bit. I wonder how much futher along we would feel she is if her expressive language was better. Anyway...enough jabbering on. Please share if you can.
  6. Neat, seems better than just sitting around waiting for some huge way to solve the problem.
  7. We are a 9am and 9pm family. I usually don't call anyone much past 8:30 unless it is important and I know them really well.
  8. I agree...I keep checking the weather to see when it is due to cool down. :glare:
  9. We just picked up the double slip n slide and my 12yo DS loves it, he has been playing soccer on it. ;) The only other cool off play would be a sprinkler for him.
  10. You can also put Bach remedies on pressure points and just on the skin. I put it on my DD's scalp...works like a charm everytime.
  11. We add a can of diced tomatoes and a can of chili beans with some diced peppers and black olives and a bit of taco seasoning if you want. Very yummy.
  12. I am really enjoying this thread. DH and I going to be doing our RCIA's in the fall. I'm not sure what will end up happening with oldest DS. The younger two will be attending Mass with us at some point. The reading I have been doing has really been making sense to me. We went to a Mass over the weekend and it just felt right.
  13. I am very new here. I like the nice active community. A friend locally told me how nice the boards are these days. ;)
  14. I had just been thinking about this as my DH just told me he thinks I might be happier if the kids went to school. :glare: I had some friends who were homeschooling whom I had met through LLL, seemed like a good idea. I am of the better late camp and following interests and leads of the child. They have never been to school. DS1 thinks he wants to go to High school mostly so he can play soccer. We will see when the time comes. It isn't fully his decision. DD will continue to be homeschooled and we will see about DS2.
  15. Thanks! I am chuckling over the tv. My DD is the same way, she asks to watch tv all day long. I can usually bring her away to do other things but that is her first choice for how to spend her time. I am going to check into the Luke's Lists, those look like just what I was looking for an reasonably priced too.
  16. I deleted mine. It feels to invasive to me and I was wasting time on there. Not that I don't find other places to waste time. ;) It also feels really weird to have my DMIL telling me about other family members FB postings. :confused:
  17. Our DD who just turned 7 has down syndrome, I feel like we are all over the place with what to be presenting her. I want to set some goals so I have something to be working toward and have no clue how to go about it. :confused: I thought maybe using something preplanned like Hearts of Dakota would be a good fit for her. But she has been grumbling as soon as she sees the book come out. Does anyone have any suggestions or favorite resources for assessment and then for setting goals? She is pretty delayed closer to 3-4 overall, very delayed in expressive language. Thanks,
  18. We love LHTH...I am using it with our SN DD and our 2yo, it takes us about a half hour. There is a nice mix of craft ideas and listening skills and moving around. Perfect fit for us. We still have plenty of time left to read good books and just do fun stuff.
  19. Our DD is turning 7 next week. But we take a very laid back approach to learning with her. She is closer to 3-4 developmentally and we haven't really pushed her too much. We are using Oak Meadow K with her in the fall. I also will be using the Woodbine books to introduce reading and math. Your little guy sounds like he is just taking off with all your help. :001_smile:
  20. Small Talk by Cari Ebert is really nice. I found out about it on the Five in a Row boards I think she has a website now too. It is really nicely laid out with fun ways to work on sounds. Not just for little kids either. I also love Dr. James MacDonald - Play to Talk, maybe not what you are looking for though. Good luck!
  21. Does anyone have the contact info for the BJU adapted curriculum for kids with down syndrome? Our DD(w/T21) will be 7 next month and I think she might be ready to give this a try. I had looked at it a few years ago and it was pretty advanced for her at the time. Thanks, Christi
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