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  1. There is a new on coming out. I pre-ordered it. It looks very interesting. It is for multiple ages. http://www.jennyphillips.com/history/
  2. I just found this and I think it will be great for large families. http://www.jennyphillips.com/history/ I have viewed samples, but haven't ordered yet.
  3. I just found these and ordered them. They are exactly what I have been looking for. I was very surprised that I have not seen them before.
  4. I think it would be fine. ALso, look at COttage Press books. You might like them too.
  5. http://cdn.memoriapress.com/curriculum/science/mammals-lessons-world-animals
  6. You could get some ear muffs(the noise reduction ones used for shooting). Also, I would just cut some problems out. You might just drop math for a week or two break. Or you could just read something like Life of Fred for a bit.
  7. I plan for my 9th and 11th grader to use this next year.
  8. I have these for sale if anyone is interested...Level1-5 and Wayfarers guide.
  9. Wayfarers http://barefootmeandering.com/site/wayfarers/
  10. LOL. I can't believe I put AAS instead of AAR. I didn't even notice.
  11. I didn't ask again. Someone posted a link to Phonogram Cards and I said that I needed Phonogram Cards and Word Cards. Also, there is a student workbook that is used in All About Reading.
  12. I need the Phonogram Cards and the Word Cards for Level 1.
  13. Does anyone know if you can buy just the cards...Phonogram and Word cards without the student book?
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