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Anyone else have WANDERLUST?

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Sometimes I think I am a little whacked out but, I have serious wanderlust.


I like to change jobs frequently (give me a challenge, let me conquer it, then I am ready to move on). In my professional career I have worked in 6 different school districts. That is basically unheard of in the field of education. Most people get a job in a district and die there.


I like to move a lot. Since I have been married (13 years now) I have lived in 7 different homes (in two different states and two different countries).


If I can't move or change jobs due to whatever circumstances, then I redecorate...a new paint, new furniture, whatever.


I just really like change.


I have been in Malaysia for a year and although we love it here and I love my job, I caught myself today thinking about my next move. Maybe Spain? Or Italy? Germany? Ireland? OR maybe back to the U.S. but a whole new area like Seattle? Or Texas? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY?


Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.


My mom says it's because I am looking for something in life that I haven't found but that sounds kind of psycho-babble-ish to me. Someone on the boards has the Tolkien quote: "Not all those who wander are lost." That sounds better!


Anyone else have wanderlust?

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:auto: definately me. But not my DH.


"I know I'm having an adventure. But right now it just feels like work."


That was my FB post yesterday.


When my feet get twitchy I have to remind myself that the laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking, parenting, and teaching IS an adventure.

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I don't have it quite as bad as you, but I definitely am a seeker, if not geographically, then with everything else! We moved from ny to florida recently, and now I'm thinking NC (where are you in NC?) and we're going to Rome in the fall for a couple of months--I'd love to move there! Interest-wise, career-wise, I am definitely a seeker, always getting bored, moving along, wanting to learn new things. I don't think it's served me very well in terms of "getting ahead" if you know what I mean, but I like change!

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I don't have it quite as bad as you, but I definitely am a seeker, if not geographically, then with everything else! We moved from ny to florida recently, and now I'm thinking NC (where are you in NC?) and we're going to Rome in the fall for a couple of months--I'd love to move there! Interest-wise, career-wise, I am definitely a seeker, always getting bored, moving along, wanting to learn new things. I don't think it's served me very well in terms of "getting ahead" if you know what I mean, but I like change!


I'm currentlyin Malaysia but I lived in Western NC near Asheville.

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I had it terribly in my youth. I grew up in the military w/constant moves. Always a new school. Always new friends. I travelled to Europe on 3 occasions before I was 25. Lived everywhere. Always more interested in my next job more than I was in my current. Than I had kids and hit my forties. I've been living in the same home for 10 years (I'm 47), and I'm still in shock. But, I can't stand the thought of moving ever again. I guess I got old and tired...



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I am not that way at all. But, I had a friend who is like that. I backed myself slowly out of her life. I found her impulsive and high maintenance. Every year, we were storing some of her stuff or watching her 4 kids for days while she was in the middle of another move. She doesn't go far - she's moved 5 times in 7 years, all within the same community. The last time, her house foreclosed because she was too impulsive and tried to buy one house before selling another. She went back to the old house and somehow found money to build a pool so her kids wouldn't be upset. When she's not moving, her poor husband is painting, knocking down walls, adding a deck or bay windows. Everything they do is about the house. Her conversations are always about what she's doing to her house. It's exhausting. Like your mother, I always say that this friend is looking for happiness and thinks she's gonna find it in a new house. Hasn't happened yet.


But...that may have nothing to do with you! You sound like you love adventure and want to experience all that the world has to offer. ;)

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I'm just like you! When I joined this company two years ago I vowed never to leave (it's a very large company, lots of opportunity for movement and growth, and so on), but I'm dying to get out of here now. It's like I've learned my job, I'm good at it and it's time to move on to something new and exciting.


I've lived in my current home (which was brand new when I bought it) about 3.5 years ago and I'm DYING to move. Not just to a new home, but to a new state, in a new part of the country. I don't know why or where, I'm just itching to GO! It doesn't help that I work from home right now and can live anywhere. If only I weren't under water on my mortgage I'd be gone in a minute.


I'm constantly re-painting or re-decorating, always finding something new to do in my city....I thrive on change. I don't see it as negative at all (ok..maybe a little frustrating). It isn't that I'm not satisfied....I just don't want the excitement of new adventures and challenges.

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Sometimes I think I am a little whacked out but, I have serious wanderlust.


I like to change jobs frequently (give me a challenge, let me conquer it, then I am ready to move on). In my professional career I have worked in 6 different school districts. That is basically unheard of in the field of education. Most people get a job in a district and die there.


I like to move a lot. Since I have been married (13 years now) I have lived in 7 different homes (in two different states and two different countries).


If I can't move or change jobs due to whatever circumstances, then I redecorate...a new paint, new furniture, whatever.


I just really like change.


I have been in Malaysia for a year and although we love it here and I love my job, I caught myself today thinking about my next move. Maybe Spain? Or Italy? Germany? Ireland? OR maybe back to the U.S. but a whole new area like Seattle? Or Texas? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY?


Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.


My mom says it's because I am looking for something in life that I haven't found but that sounds kind of psycho-babble-ish to me. Someone on the boards has the Tolkien quote: "Not all those who wander are lost." That sounds better!


Anyone else have wanderlust?


ME! There is nothing wrong with you -- I CHOOSE to change frequently......my mom says the same thing but I do not agree with her. DH and I are BOTH this way. I'm not sure where the 'next' move is, but I am certian that the last destination for us is Italy.

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I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.




A lot of us military families ARE military because we want to move around. "See the world" is a familiar refrain, plus a slogan, lol.


Nothing wrong with wanting to expand your horizons....so long as you're doing it for better and not to get away from a bad situation or "running" from something.


So long as your family is good with it, I say GO FOR IT. I've never ever heard anyone say "I wish I hadn't lived in all those places and learned about all those cultures". But I do hear a lot of people wish they'd left their hometown for more than just a vacation.


Now....realize that not all moves are positive for us military families....while I feel I've learned something from every experience...some of the things weren't things I want to learn again, lol.


Spain and Italy are wonderful places to live....Seattle, eh, expensive and too much rain for me.....Texas, been there, done that...according to my hsuband the only problem with Texas was there were too many Texans around. He got a bit tired of the hats, boots and drawl......but that's mostly because he hates to wear those kinds of boots, wears only his military hat when required, and is such a quick speaker that a drawl puts him on edge because it's rude to finish sentences for everyone. Those weren't his favorite years, lol....but I loved how much pride everyone had for their state, something I really don't believe I've seen anywhere else. Otherwise, it was just like the other southwest states we've been in....hot, not enough green, and dusty, lol. But the people are a very very friendly.


We've been trying for almost a decade to get back to Europe.....my ideal would be Greece, but that's not likely, lol. Being a teacher, seems like the whole world is open to you.


Asia was probably our favorite continent....it was our first foreign post, and it was definitely very very different from what we were used to, but it grew on us qiuckly and many of their customs and a lot of their food have stayed with us for all these almost 40 years.

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As the daughter of parents with wanderlust...no.


I wouldn't mind living in Europe for a few years, but I have longed for a "home" my whole life. Friends and family close by...roots to come back to. My dh is waiting to hear about a transfer to Europe. If we go, I can't help but be a bit sad -- we are finally "finding our place" here in this area. I know it would be an incredible opportunity...INCREDIBLE. But, my dh has friends in his life (close friends) he's had since he was in grade school... and I simply "know people."


I have one close friend from college. Zero close friends from high schools (attended 3), Zero from middle school (attended 2), and zero from elementary school (attended 5). I moved 12 times before college. It was a very lonely existence for me growing up. And I'm still "unlearning" habits I grew up with (I'm a very low-maintenance friend... we can pick up wherever we left off, but I don't exactly invest myself in friendships either...guarding my heart, because I've gotten in the habit of leaving everyone behind).


If we don't get the Italy position, Shaun and I will be staying here in Stafford County probably another 30 years (or more) in the same house, probably at the same church, doing the same things year in and year out. Boring existence to some. Peaceful for me.

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As the daughter of parents with wanderlust...no.


I wouldn't mind living in Europe for a few years, but I have longed for a "home" my whole life. Friends and family close by...roots to come back to.


Ditto. Why my husband said something about our house being a "starter home" shortly after we moved in, I nearly ripped the poor man's head off. "You'll take me out of here on a stretcher or in a pine box, buddy."


My parents, though, were absolutely self-absorbed and did not attempt to make a home for us children in any of the places we lived. Oh, sure, we went to fine schools and had nice things. But not home. They did (and still do not) not have friends and connections with family. Their lifestyle was no way to raise children. I'm sure it can be done, and that loving parents can provide "home" for their children no matter where they are, but I could not do it.

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I have it bad. Growing up, my parents had ZERO interest in travelling. My dad's idea of a vacation was to our cabin in the mountains and my mom's idea was to the beach. Pretty much the only travelling we did was to visit family. I was the 10 year old begging to go to all the historical sites, anywhere new!


I would *love* to live somewhere new. I'm thinking of taking a year off after I get my bachelors degree to go somewhere and teach english before coming back to finish my PhD.


I have a long list of places I want to visit... mostly places with historical relevance (history major, can't help it!), and mostly European places (again, that's what I study, I just want to see it!).

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Dh and I have seriously talked about going track to track through race season. We'd get an RV and just follow the race season around (maybe not every track, but lots of them!)


ETA: My dad had wanderlust for years. I changed schools every single school year at least once. There were good and bad things about that.

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:D Yup me too! I love to move, pack, redecorate, conquer the challange of a new space and place. I thive on the change. It drives my dh crazy because he is the die in his first house kind of guy. I have had to settle down a little over the years and it really kills me! So instead I tear out walls in the house, redecorate all the time, and pour over real estate sites and relocation forums. I dream and dream and dream........and here I sit in a too tiny house in the middle of the sage brush sea.....sigh. One day my dh will develop a healthy love of spontinaity (sp?) and adventure and I will finally see the world.


Until that day comes.....thank heavens for google, travel blogs, and atlas. They are all I need to dream!

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I used to have it bad, but got married to a home body. :001_smile: My mom had it. We moved 13 times in 15 years and it just became a habit. SHE was running from stuff. Not a good reason. I LOVE growing roots but it was hard to learn. My biggest lesson came when my grandfather died. He was a pillar in the community and served it for his whole life. You should have seen the amount of people that came out to honor him-it was incredible what he accomplished in his life living in the same house he grew up in.


But I think the magic sentence for you was about how you feel like you've finished your job. Your task there is done. There's a difference in moving for moving sake, and moving on.

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I do I do!! I have been married 10 years and moved 8 times in those 10 years. I have been in my current house 2 years and am ready to GO! :001_smile:


Yup, its our two year itch and guess what we are doing right now. Packin.

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I'm a navy brat turned government employee wife. I've lived in CA, OH, PA, CT, NJ, NY, SC, GA, SC again, AZ, MT, ME, other side of ME and as a child we spent two years in Italy.


I love it! Dh not so much. He is content to stay in this place for a few years and retire in WV.

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I go through ups and downs. I lived in one home for all of my school years. Since then, I've lived in 13 different homes and 3 different states (in 13 years). Some were temporary homes, one was for 5 years. I love that we have experienced so many different areas. However, I need to be careful not to assume that my kids are wired the same way. When we moved again last year, it became clear that my then 11yo needed to stay put for awhile. Our littles had no problem with the change, but I think that there comes a time when kids crave sameness. By the time our oldest graduates, our other kids will be at that same age, so I think we're going to stay put for a long while. That said, God will do what He will do, so if it comes time to move on, I'm sure we'll be ok. When the kids are grown, I would love to live out of an RV.

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I'm like that. Dh blames the ADD.


I spent the evening yesterday trying to convince dh that we should move somewhere beautiful. Honestly, we live in about the ugliest place - flat, boring, farm land with mediocre suburban sprawl all aorund. I would sell it all and go be a missionary in South America in a heart beat, or go hole up in some pretty European town with a slow pace, even something out west or up north in the same state would be fine, but dh likes to stay put. He has a very successful career and a lot of opportunities here, and I understand that. So we wander in our spare time, and I try to remember to "bloom where I am planted." :001_smile:

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I have one close friend from college. Zero close friends from high schools (attended 3), Zero from middle school (attended 2), and zero from elementary school (attended 5). I moved 12 times before college. It was a very lonely existence for me growing up. And I'm still "unlearning" habits I grew up with (I'm a very low-maintenance friend... we can pick up wherever we left off, but I don't exactly invest myself in friendships either...guarding my heart, because I've gotten in the habit of leaving everyone behind).



It's funny. I lived in exactly two places growing up and what you wrote above describes me as well. In 28 years, though I only moved once within in the same county separated by approximately 15-20 minutes, I am a low-maintenance friend who doesn't invest herself. I don't know if it's personality quirk or what, but I'm an extrovert with many acquaintances and few friends. I don't really want or miss it though, so maybe that is the difference.


Regardless, now our family are movers. We've moved 5 times crisscrossing the country in the past 12 years and we're gearing up for another one this fall. In some ways it's getting harder as I get older. This is the first time we'll be leaving one of our grown kids behind. The next move (there is always a next move) we will likely be leaving another behind. Even if I were to dig my heels in, Rich is a bigger wanderer than I. So I think it's something I must be resigned to doing.





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I'm like that.


I would sell it all and go be a missionary in South America in a heart beat, or go hole up in some pretty European town with a slow pace,... but dh likes to stay put. He has a very successful career and a lot of opportunities here, and I understand that. So we wander in our spare time, and I try to remember to "bloom where I am planted." :001_smile:


Yup, me too. And my kids are split: my oldest girls are just like me, only more so; my son reallyreallyreally likes things to stay the same. My little guys haven't expressed themselves on the matter yet.


We enjoyed our brief stint in another region of the states (it felt like another culture to me), but next time I want to go farther. I *love* experiencing people's different ways of doing things.

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I would say I have wanderlust, but I guess it is more of hating where we live and wanting to move desperately. Due to finances we are stuck here, probably for a really long time unless something dramatic changes. I hate it, always have, it has never felt like home. This is my husbands home town, but he is sick of it too. I just want to be able to move some place and start all over. Europe has been my dream destination for as long as I can remember, we just need to be given a break or an opportunity.

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I had it when I was younger such that when picking which college to go to, I laid out my choices and basically selected the one farthest away from home. I loved living in Austin but found as I got a little older, that I just didn't like being that far away from my family. So, I moved back home and I don't regret it. I did not get a chance to know my grandparents and a lot of family because we lived far enough away that we only saw each other once or twice a year. My girls have their grandmothers, aunts and uncles all within 10 minutes and we see each other often. The kids are all extremely close and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I do dream of the day where we can purchase some property and have a quieter existence but I am good where we are for now.

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Sometimes I think I am a little whacked out but, I have serious wanderlust.


I like to change jobs frequently (give me a challenge, let me conquer it, then I am ready to move on). In my professional career I have worked in 6 different school districts. That is basically unheard of in the field of education. Most people get a job in a district and die there.


I like to move a lot. Since I have been married (13 years now) I have lived in 7 different homes (in two different states and two different countries).


If I can't move or change jobs due to whatever circumstances, then I redecorate...a new paint, new furniture, whatever.


I just really like change.


I have been in Malaysia for a year and although we love it here and I love my job, I caught myself today thinking about my next move. Maybe Spain? Or Italy? Germany? Ireland? OR maybe back to the U.S. but a whole new area like Seattle? Or Texas? WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT ALREADY?


Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.


My mom says it's because I am looking for something in life that I haven't found but that sounds kind of psycho-babble-ish to me. Someone on the boards has the Tolkien quote: "Not all those who wander are lost." That sounds better!


Anyone else have wanderlust?


O.M.G Have we got it!


We moved from Cali to FL to Cali to TN to Cali to FL to NC...we are now looking to move again to NY.


I am the same way with jobs. I have never held a job for longer than 2 years. I just get bored or I end up getting to know the company and hate it.


Yes, got it bad. Ready to move, just waiting for the right opportunity. We move every 4 or 5 years, it's been 4 now....:toetap05:


Yup been here in NC 5 years this year and we are really wanting to move...just doesn't feel right yet...can't find a decent rental in our chosen destination.



If I had an RV and some moolah we would move freely about the country! :)

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I live in a lovely place, but it's not home...and I often ask (batting eyelashes) dh to consider a move. Nope, Mr. Steady says. I do battle with contentment about being far from family. Now does wanderlust also refer to curriculum changes? I want to, need to, have to make changes frequently, even when things seem to be going alright. Madness, I tell you...madness. :leaving:

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What was it like living in NC? And what are you doing in Malaysia? fun!


I thought Western NC was beautiful! A lovely place to live. I am in Malaysia because I am the principal of an International Academy on Penang Island. It is an awesome experience. We have been here one year and have one more year on our contract and I have a feeling we will be moving to a new country at that point. Right now, there is an international academy in Barcelona that I have my eye on. :D

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I thought Western NC was beautiful! A lovely place to live. I am in Malaysia because I am the principal of an International Academy on Penang Island. It is an awesome experience. We have been here one year and have one more year on our contract and I have a feeling we will be moving to a new country at that point. Right now, there is an international academy in Barcelona that I have my eye on. :D


Spain, oh ya! Can I come too? :lol:

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I don't know if it is wonderlust as much as lack of follow through for me. I just get so bored with the same old, same old. I want a new computer, program, curriculum, activities, etc. I seem to jump from thing to thing which really annoys me. I'm always on the 'net learning something new. Just can't seem to find a place of contentment for some reason.


For instance, I just watched an amazing video from Virtual Homeschool Group about the program One Note. Had it for a couple of years but never used it. Seems I just got around to figuring out how to use it.

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Yes, we have been in this house for 2.5 years and this town for 10. I have been ready to move to a new house for the last 6 months and a new town for the last 8 years.


Unfortunately, DH's work is tied to our location so it is almost impossible to move. If DH said "Let's go" I would have this house packed and loaded in a gassed up truck the next day.

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I have one close friend from college. Zero close friends from high schools (attended 3), Zero from middle school (attended 2), and zero from elementary school (attended 5). I moved 12 times before college. It was a very lonely existence for me growing up. And I'm still "unlearning" habits I grew up with (I'm a very low-maintenance friend... we can pick up wherever we left off, but I don't exactly invest myself in friendships either...guarding my heart, because I've gotten in the habit of leaving everyone behind).


I am similar except I tend to "over-invest". I go deep quickly. I have difficulty talking about minor things and letting things develop over time. I think it is because I keep expecting to move or have the other person move.

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I want to have a house they'll carry me out of in a box; BUT I want to go on holidays away from it very often :D I feel better when I have a home base, but oooohhhh yes, do I have wanderlust. I'm so desperate I'll drive three hours away just to have a cake at a bakery before coming home, just so I've been somewhere.



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Is there something wrong with me? I know people who are forced to move because of work (like military families) but I CHOOSE to change frequently.




First off, your mother is full of bull-pucky.


Second off, I "have" to move because of my dh's job.


However, _I_ too get wanderlust!!!! Why do you think I married a military man in the first place?!?!


As for your fix, rearrange furniture.



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I am like this too. My DH is in the Navy, so we have to move around a lot, but we like it. We have never asked to stay in the same place for more than 1 duty station (well, ok, we did ask them to extend us here in Italy for another year, but they turned us down). We usually move to another house WHILE we're at the same duty station too. I told DH he was going to have to get a job with a company that lets him move around once he's out of the Navy because I can't imagine living in the same place forever.

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*waving hand in air*


I have wanderlust too!


We have been in the UAE for 4 years now( DH 5 1/2), and we are heading back to Oz in 2 weeks *eek*


But...I did mention to DH that it wasn't necessarily my desire to return to Oz that needed to be fulfilled, but I have a nasty case of wanderlust and am open to moving (almost) anywhere.


As bizarre as this may read, I have felt like I should be moving to Kentucky, USA.


I saw a programme on TV about Kentucky many years ago, and fell in love with it.

Then about 18 months ago, I saw another show. Then I met a lovely lady from WTM forum, who was from Kentucky.

Then, while telling my DH about this weird feeling that I should be in the USA, the repeat of one of the shows about Kentucky came on...and AGAIN in January when I had MIL here visiting.

It gets better- a few weeks ago, a man calls up my DH and asked for his assistance in getting prices for a project happening here in the UAE- yep- the company was from Kentucky.


I can't see our plans changing in the next 2 weeks, but I know I still have a few moves left in me!

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I didn't like having to move to the extreme we did ages ago, but found it very difficult to stop. In the time we lived in our first house, I looked at houses no less than four times. During the time in the townhouse, I also did so 2 or 3 times. We've been in this house 4.5 years and it's been the same story. I thought it might not be since we OWN this one. But it is.


A couple years ago, I thought about the travel trailer and moving around a little bit. Hubby had a steady job but we could do it within a smaller area, maybe. He wasn't sold.


Now, we're doing it! We'll be in Virginia for a time; but we're really hoping for one particular job which could mean a pretty quick move back this direction. But who knows after that. I've looked at workamping and other stuff. I'm sure we'll stay put inbetween wandering, but I'm looking forward to the wandering also. The good thing is that it's okay to think about the next few locations this way where people are discouraged from doing so when they have a home and a job and such.


Of course, in a travel trailer, I'm not gonna be able to do as much moving around. I can't change which room is the den and the livingroom. My bedroom has been in 3 rooms in this house. We had a dining room then didn't. We had a school room then didn't then did then didn't. I badly wanted to change up the kitchen but didn't do THAT much at least. I did completely redo the laundry room though. I guess at the travel trailer, we'll have a small site I can move around the grill and outdoor chairs and planters a little.


Anyway, yes, I so know about needing a change :)

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