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What do you drink throughout the day?

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I am trying to curb my coffee intake. It has increased throughout the year. I love the smell of fresh coffee being made so this is really tough. But I notice my teeth have really taken a toll this year.


I used to drink tea, but again, the staining is a concern. I have a ton of herbal teas, but I can't find one that I like to drink in the morning like a do a good, hot cup of coffee.


I don't want to drink juice, and we don't drink pop.


I'm not a good water drinker. I know I should be, but the house is still cold most mornings and I want something hot to help warm me up.


What do you drink throughout the day?

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I'm like you with a good cup of morning coffee. I usually make a green tea then dump that over a cup of ice mid morning. Then I pretty much drink water the rest of the day. Sometimes I add lemon or lime juice. Occassionally I'll have sierra mist and on a really bad day a coke in the afternoon to make it through.

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I pretty much only drink water. I probably have one cup of milk or juice during the course of a day. I would try slowly adding water in during the day to see if you can change your taste for it. I don't like lemon in my water, but I know that a lot of people have an easier time transitioning that way...


I feel you about wanting something warm in the mornings, but I don't have any great ideas. Maybe one cup of coffee or tea in the morning and then transition to water?

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I start the morning with green tea (a wonderful blend with mint - MMMM.) Most of the day, I drink water. We just had an undersink water filter installed, so we have filtered water available all day. Before that, I used the pitcher filters (Pur, Brita.) I hate the taste of chlorinated water.


On occasion, I will make a cup of tea in the afternoon to get me through the rest of the day, but I do have to watch my caffeine intake. I brush my teeth with Tom's of Main anti tartar whitening toothpaste and I don't really have problems with staining.

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Tea :) I have one cup of nice black tea in the morning (sometimes 2 in the colder months), then I switch to decaf (African Rooibus is delicious). The rest of the time it's usually water, but I like my water to be fairly cold so I use a lot of ice in the summer.

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I drink water and raw milk. Each morning I drink one mug of coffee (2/3 decaf) along with a glass of water and a glass of milk. The rest of the day it is only water and milk.


If I feel the need to relax, I might brew some catnip and camomile (sp?) tea.


If we end up at a restaurant, I sometimes sneak sips of dh's tea ;) (that would be about every 2 weeks or so--not often.:))

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I normally have coffee first thing and then water and sometimes (a couple of times a week) a cordial through the day. Mid afternoon I might have another coffee but more often than not a tea.


I do enjoy hot chocolate (i make my own choc mix) which i will have instead of coffee but i like to milk up my hot choc so don't over do them. Only full fat milk in my house ;)

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Tea (way too much)


watered-down white grapefruit juice over ice

skim milk

green smoothies!


On cold days, or if I need to cut back on the tea, I will sip a mug of plain hot water. We have great tasting well water, thankfully.


I might drink a regular Coke once a month.

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I'm not a good water drinker. I know I should be, but the house is still cold most mornings and I want something hot to help warm me up.



I found that I was actually happy carrying around and sipping a cup of hot water with a bit of lemon.



I second the warm water with a squeeze of lemon.

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I love, love, love coffee, but cannot drink it on a regular basis because my body is too sensitive. I drink chai tea in the mornings and water during the day.


My friend gave me this chai tea recipes. Fill mug 1/2 full with boiling water. Seep chai tea bag 2 min. Remove tea bag and fill mug with milk, (I use soy milk) and sweeten with Stevia. Heat and enjoy. I add 1/8 tsp of cardamon spice to give it a kick.

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I have about one cup of coffee every morning. Then, I switch to water. Some days, I may put a splash of fruit juice (apple or similar) in my water just to liven it up a little bit.


I used to drink A LOT of soda during the day but my body just won't tolerate it any more. I have almost completely weaned myself off of carbonated beverages except for once in a while. When eating out now, I drink iced tea or water.

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I don't drink nearly as much as I should. Usually I drink a Venti Starbucks coffee and maybe a cup of soda a day.:glare: I know it is really bad for me, but I seem to keep falling back into the habit. When trying to curb my caffiene intake I started making Crystal Light and added extra water to that because it was too sweet. I also like to drink a cup of low sodium V8 or make a green smoothy a few days a week.

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I am down to one cup of coffee in the morning. I also have several mugs of black tea throughout the day. I usually switch to decaf in the late afternoon. In the summer I drink several glasses of iced tea. I usually try and do a half caf/half decaf blend.


I have a huge weakness for Coca-Cola Classic:glare:. I love it but I really try to limit myself to one maybe two cans a week.


I do drink lots of plain water from my Pur water pitcher all day.

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Coffee in the morning, do not approach me if I am without

A juice late morning, orange, apple, or pineapple

Water or sugar-free kool aid for lunch

Water in afternoon, by then those wine coolers in the fridge are looking mighty tempting

Water, tea, or SF kool-aid for dinner

Sometime coffee or hot green tea after dinner, sometimes the wine cooler wins

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On a bad day, Manhattans! :D


Haven't had a bad day in a looonnnggg time, so it's just water for me, after morning coffee.


Hmmm, maybe I need to have a bad day soon. ;) Yeah, like that's going to happen. Maybe in September -- I'll have to pencil it into my schedule! Now!

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Teechino!!! It tastes much like coffee, and you brew it in the coffee maker. So it fills the house with that wonderful aroma, and you drink it however you drink your coffee - black, sugar, cream, etc. It is made from ground, roasted nuts and dried fruits. It REALLY satisfies my longing for a cup of coffee, yet has *no caffeine*!! :lol:

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

What has helped for me is I make myself drink 2 glasses of water before I allow myself a Coffee. I also like Caffeine Free Diet Coke and Crystal Light.

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If I need something warm to drink in the winter, I'll drink various teas sweetened with honey if I need to sweeten them.


I might have a cup of milk with dinner.


Very occasionally I might have half a cup to a cup of juice in the morning.


I don't buy pop, but if DH happens to buy some (luckily he hasn't in a while) I find myself drinking about one a day.

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Coffee in the am, unsweetened iced tea or water the rest of the day. Although, yesterday, I had a strawberry fanta from Rallys and it was a very refreshing treat!


For the staining, I started using Kiss My Face's whitening aloe toothpaste and it whitens stains better than any other tooth paste I've tried, and, it doesn't weaken enamel like many whitening products to. It tastes good and leaves your mouth squeaky clean. I love it!

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