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Strange things happening... anyone else???

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I have been dealing with some strange things at night and just wanted to see if anyone else deals with these same type issues. There are a couple of things happening.


FIRST... Adult night terrors, anyone else had these HORRIBLE things???


I started having them a few months ago. They were intense and very scary. I would wake up screaming and fighting what I thought to be an intruder (when it was really just my DH trying to calm me down). They finally stopped for a while until night before last.


I woke up seeing a huge dark shadow coming from my husbands side of the bed, over it and towards me. I screamed and started hitting at it. Unfortunately, my husband was woken up from both. It was very scary and I just hate it. I have also been having weird things happen when I wake during the night and my room not looking right.


I really don't know how to explain it exactly, but it is very, very strange. Last night, I woke from a very brief sleep and my room looked completely different from normal. I woke my husband saying "why is this happening all the time?".




We (both my husband and I) are hearing what sounds like someone walking outside our bedroom door at night. This has just recently started in the past week or so. We know that houses settle, creak, and make noises, so we are trying to just pass this off as that. However, the way it happens is very odd.


Our floors are very creaky when you walk on them. They make a distinct sound when you are walking through the hallway upstairs between the bedrooms.


Both my husband and I have gotten up SEVERAL times here lately because we have thought someone was walking out there (we keep all the bedroom doors closed at night). We thought maybe is was our daughter, but it has never been her.


It never happens during the day, only at night as soon as we turn out the light. It is driving us a little bonkers because we want to figure out what it is and stop it from happening.


What is strange is that we noticed our daughter keeping a light on in her room at night. I questioned her about it yesterday and she said that she has been getting creeped out at night. I asked her why and she said it sounds like someone is walking in the hallway outside her door at night.


We had not said ANYTHING to her about what was happening, so I was rather surprised to hear her say this. Ugh! If this is our house settling, I sure wish it would stop!


Anyway, does anyone have experience with either of these issues and if so, how do you stop them???


Everyone have a great day! : )

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Are you taking any new medicines? Herbal teas? St John's Wort? Valerian?



The only time I experienced a prolonged stretch of what you describe in item 1, it was when I was taking some prescription meds. It was awful.


I think thyroid probs can also trigger it.



For your other item - Have you lived there long?


I would keep bedroom doors open.


I also wouldn't live in a house without a dog or a cat (in a highrise condo, yes. We could only have cats so we were dogless for quite a few years. But in a house, I must have a dog :)) I currently have 3 large dogs + 1 cat staying here & I KNOW that they'll tell me if I need to worry about any noise. If they don't react, I don't.

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I was having night terrors and waking up screaming, or thrashing while trying to scream. I would "see" a person or shape and not be able to move, or would try to scramble away from the person, usually right on top of dh- bad way for him to wake up! prayer helped a lot. Dh would pray with me. It stopped for a long while after prayer, but then started up again. I told dh after the last one that I needed a security system or a dog, he surprised me with choosing the dog.


She sleeps in our room, since the whole point was to make me feel secure, and she is wonderful and a great watch dog. No one is getting into our house without us knowing now. I haven't had any since we've had her.

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Dang, I don't know, but maybe there's a multi million dollar movie in your future?


:lol: I was thinking "Paranormal Activity" myself. Creepy!!


I agree with hornblower, I have 2 cats and if they don't react, then I know I am just hearing things. Sudafed makes me hear stuff, like music and noises that aren't there.


I have no answer for you but it does seem terribly scary! :grouphug:

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Could it be hypnagogic hallucinations? Also, I agree w/the cat and/or dog thing... they are the best sensors!


Not to freak you out, because I don't think this is what's happening in your case, but it reminded me of something that happened to my mom's family when she was a child. They were all experience something similar-- unexplained sounds in the night, footsteps, that kind of thing. It turned out there was someone hiding out in their attic!! He had broken in at some point and was staying up there, coming down at night for food. Scary!

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Thanks for the replies. : )


No, I am not taking any type meds at all. Nothing. I am thinking that the night terrors may actually be something hereditary because my mom has had issues with them too on and off in her life. They are just terrible things to deal with though, plus I really feel bad for my husband having to be woken up to such craziness.


I think stress can bring them on too, but actually my stress levels have gone down recently, so I don't think that is it either.


My mom is suggesting that I take something like Tylenol Simply sleep just for a couple of nights. She is thinking that might help, but I am not sure.


As far as the creepy sounds at night, who knows??? :confused: I do know for sure that there is no one living in our attic. Thank goodness for that! :001_huh:


We actually really like having our bedroom doors closed at night, so I don't plan changing that, but thanks for the suggestion. As far as having a dog in the house, well, that is simply not an option for us.


We don't like having animals in our house (despite the very fat, lazy cat who lives indoors with us) : ). We have had to deal with fleas, pooing and peeing on the floors, scratching the furniture, etc... not fun.


Also, I have an in-home childcare and I am required not to have animals around the children. Plus, some of my close friends have children with severe allergies to animals which would prevent them from visiting.


Good idea, just not for us. It would be nice if someone would like to make a multi million dollar movie out of our crazy happenings! :tongue_smilie: I can't say that I would argue with making some moo-lah from these wacky things that are going on with us right now. :D


Well, thanks for the responses again. Hopefully, both of these things will stop and there will be no more worries. Oh, and we do pray a lot for the poster who suggested that... thanks! :001_smile:

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We actually really like having our bedroom doors closed at night, so I don't plan changing that, but thanks for the suggestion.

For whatever reason, you sound very firmly opposed to keeping your door open, but perhaps it might be a good idea to reconsider that until you have a better idea of what might be going on? If you're hearing something outside your bedroom door, that seems like a logical "next step"?


I've gotta say, if I were in your place I'd have the major heebie jeebies, and I don't think I'd be okay with my door closed and my kids' doors closed if I had any feeling at all that there might be something in the hall at night. I would want to hear whatever might be going on...

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If you a praying person I would pray through your entire house, perhaps have you and your dh do this together. Also prayer over each member of your family.


It could be nothing, but it could be something. I've seen enough weird stuff in my life to know that not everything is simply a figment of our imagination.

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I had terrible, terrible nightmares for a few months when my anemia was at its worst, just before diagnosis. Taking iron supplements took care of the nightmares. You should consider getting a blood test to rule out anemia or thyroid or other problems.


I also think you should keep your door open at night while you're trying to get this figured out.

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It's probably something paranormal (and yes, I do know that most people don't believe in that). I'm not sure how the entire family could be experiencing the same hallucinations at the same time (the audio part, anyway).



I agree, get your house blessed! Everyone in your home has heard the same noise at least and that would not be caused by a medical condition you could possibly have.

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For whatever reason, you sound very firmly opposed to keeping your door open, but perhaps it might be a good idea to reconsider that until you have a better idea of what might be going on? If you're hearing something outside your bedroom door, that seems like a logical "next step"?





Yeah, I don't get that. How can you really like having a door closed & not seeing if something is making a noise on the other side???? :confused:


If you're hearing something, keep the doors open & put in a small night light in the hall. Heck, I'd probably grab a sleeping bag & sleep there.


It doesn't have to be forever. You can just do it for several nights to see if it changes things or not.


I don't understand resistance to such minor suggestions.


I mean I understand the issue of not rushing out to get a pet (in fact I usually dissuade people from rushing out to get a pet LOL) but keeping a door open?


I don't believe in paranormal stuff so it's easy for me. There has to be a concrete, physical, real reason for the noises you're hearing. Either they're there, or they're in your head, or you're suffering from group hysteria.


Sometimes I wonder if a question is really real, or maybe the question is real but the questioner is only looking for one answer which they've already decided on. :confused::confused::confused:


Actually now that I think of it, I think this happens a lot. Ah well.


Hope you get some good restful sleep soon. :)

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Hmm. Is the house fairly old? Older houses that have had lots of families can have spirits lurking around, or in come cases just echoes of past events. (Yes, I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I've seen things that have very firmly convinced me of this idea.) If you do think you're dealing with a ghost, you have a few options. The first is just to deal with it. I've never seen a ghost that tried to cause actual harm, though they can be a little disturbing. The second thing to try would be to just ask it to leave. Politely. If that doesn't work, you could try cleansing the house with some sage bundles.

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I agree with the others about blessing the house. I've had a lot of spiritual things happen to me in various places that I've lived and sanctifying the house is what did the trick. PM me if you are interested and I can tell you what God showed me to do. :grouphug:

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I am surprised no one has said this could be a spiritual attack. Let me tell you a story...


Years ago when I was 20-21 I was having terrible visions at night. I would wake a feel what I would describe as a cold, dread feeling. It would scare me to death. It evolved into a vision of a wolf standing at the foot of my bed growling at me. The wolf gave off the impression of complete evil. I was completely awake and would see this wolf on many occasions.


My husband and I moved out of the bedroom finally and began sleeping in our living room with the bedroom door shut. I felt better for a short time before the dreams came again. Then there was the final dream. It was the strangest dream I have ever had and I really don't think it WAS a dream.


In my dream I was laying on the floor of my living room (just as I really was) and looking out the window at the sky. It looked as if it was just about dawn, but it was very dark. The clouds were moving faster than I had ever seen clouds move before and they looked like terrible swift moving storm clouds. It was then I heard a voice. It said "It's too late, there is nothing you can do, your mine". OK, lets just say I was FREAKED OUT!!! This happened on a Saturday evening, so when we got up the next day I told my husband I wanted to go to church. Neither of us were saved at this point and we never went to church. So we went, but the church I had grown up in was not a church that taught the Bible as it should so nothing there really helped me.


Shortly after this we moved out of that apartment and moved into our first home together. It was also about this time that some friends of my husbands invited him to go to a different church. My husband and I heard to truth of the scriptures for the first time in our lives and were saved a few months after all this had happened. Never have I had those experiences again.


Now I want to say that I believe completely that Satan, or one of his demons were after me. I believe they knew that God was going to change me, that He was calling me to be one of His own and Satan was desperate to keep me locked in his darkness. I praise God that He saved me.


I also want to say that I am not the type of christian that believes in healings, casting out demons, speaking in tonges or that the gifts of the spirit are for today, etc... But I know this experience was REAL and I don't hesistate to suggest that you might want to pray scripture in every room of your house.


God Bless,


Edited by Michelle My Bell
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I agree with the others about blessing the house. I've had a lot of spiritual things happen to me in various places that I've lived and sanctifying the house is what did the trick. PM me if you are interested and I can tell you what God showed me to do. :grouphug:



I would be interested to hear it from you on the boards.



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For whatever reason, you sound very firmly opposed to keeping your door open, but perhaps it might be a good idea to reconsider that until you have a better idea of what might be going on? If you're hearing something outside your bedroom door, that seems like a logical "next step"?


I've gotta say, if I were in your place I'd have the major heebie jeebies, and I don't think I'd be okay with my door closed and my kids' doors closed if I had any feeling at all that there might be something in the hall at night. I would want to hear whatever might be going on...


Yeah, I don't get that. How can you really like having a door closed & not seeing if something is making a noise on the other side???? :confused:


If you're hearing something, keep the doors open & put in a small night light in the hall. Heck, I'd probably grab a sleeping bag & sleep there.


It doesn't have to be forever. You can just do it for several nights to see if it changes things or not.


I don't understand resistance to such minor suggestions.


I mean I understand the issue of not rushing out to get a pet (in fact I usually dissuade people from rushing out to get a pet LOL) but keeping a door open?


I don't believe in paranormal stuff so it's easy for me. There has to be a concrete, physical, real reason for the noises you're hearing. Either they're there, or they're in your head, or you're suffering from group hysteria.


Sometimes I wonder if a question is really real, or maybe the question is real but the questioner is only looking for one answer which they've already decided on. :confused::confused::confused:


Actually now that I think of it, I think this happens a lot. Ah well.


Hope you get some good restful sleep soon. :)




If I was hearing noises, and dh was hearing the same noises, and my child was hearing the same noises, there is no way I'd be sleeping with our doors shut.


I wonder if it's related to whatever was playing Mrs Mungo's piano?

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I woke up seeing a huge dark shadow coming from my husbands side of the bed, over it and towards me. I screamed and started hitting at it. Unfortunately, my husband was woken up from both. It was very scary and I just hate it. I have also been having weird things happen when I wake during the night and my room not looking right.


I really don't know how to explain it exactly, but it is very, very strange. Last night, I woke from a very brief sleep and my room looked completely different from normal.


I deal with this regularly and have for many years. Sometimes I think someone is in my room or watching me, other times I think they are in my house trying to steal from me. I get up- sometimes I grab something to protect myself, and I look around the house until I start to relax and realize it is a dream (nightmare:001_huh:). My heart races and it is not a good feeling. Generally I can calm myself and go back to bed but there are times when I wake my dh because I am sure that someone is intruding. I have never tried to do anything about the night terrors. It does run in my family. My mother wakes up thinking bugs are crawling on her (she has smacked my dad a few times thinking he was a bug!). So far my dc do not show signs of this. I hope they don't have to deal with it. I do wonder if it is hormonal since the men in my family do not seem to have this problem.


As for the noises in the house I have no suggestions. All the sounds and lights that I investigate are all in my head!

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Well, I will join the gang saying that prayer sure can't hurt, regardless of the cause!


But I will ask a "diagnostic" question... From what you describe, it sounds like an upstairs hallway. In that hallway, or in the ceiling that forms the floor of that hallway, are there any bright/hot lights that are on during the day and turned off at night? Or, does that hallway or the room beneath the hallway get a lot of bright light during the day? If so, perhaps the evening cool-down, occurring at bedtime and into the night, causes wood to creak and pop.


I have to join with the others, though, on a few wonderings....


Why do you want the doors to stay closed? It doesn't have to be permanent, just long enough to figure this out.


If you are afraid something or someone is in the house, why in the world is your kiddo still in her own room by herself? She'd be in my room in a New York minute!


Physiological issues on your part will not explain away the other people hearing the same walkabout noises.


What does your husband think about this? Is he leaving you to resolve this issue? In our home, if there would be any hint of an intruder, my men would be springing into action.


I have lived in and worked in enough old houses in enough old cities to know that unexplained things can happen in them. Some of these things have disturbed my sense of peace, other circumstances have not. Whatever the cause, you need to get it resolved to a point where you can feel safe enough to get to sleep without night terrors.


ETA: What are your television watching habits? I have seen several things on the screen lately that, even in just a brief glimpse while channel surfing, were grim enough to make me feel that bad stuff was just pouring into the room. Okay, that sounds dramatic, but I think you get what I'm asking.

Edited by AuntieM
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I would be interested to hear it from you on the boards.




It is a long story and I am hesitant to post it up because I believe that unless a person is sealed with the Holy Spirit that it should not be performed by them as it could do more harm than good. That's the reason why I think a PM would be better.

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It is a long story and I am hesitant to post it up because I believe that unless a person is sealed with the Holy Spirit that it should not be performed by them as it could do more harm than good. That's the reason why I think a PM would be better.


Understood ;)

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Well, this is no time to mess around. I agree with the suggestion to get the house blessed, and so forth. I'd pray for a hedge of protection around your house and your family members and the cat, too. I'd ask God to send angels to protect me and my family members, too.


Here's a website with sample prayers: http://psalm121.ca/protect.html


I'd also take matters into my own hands. This is Nancy Drew time. I'd tell my daughter to stay in her room. I'd put the cat in someone's bedroom, and keep the door shut.


First, I would write down the time, date, and circumstances (awake, heard by DH & I right after we turned off the light, 10:30 p.m., 4/15/10) every time it happens.


Then I'd bait the *dark* hallway with something noisy and with something slippery.


I'd use something along the lines of scattered marbles and Legos, open mousetraps, a thin string with bells on it strung across at right below the knee height, a pile of a few magazines (step on them, slip and fall). I might even consider putting something slippery, like Vaseline, on a wooden floor. I'd try to figure out what to smear on the floor that would leave tracks if someone or something walked on it.


Alternatively, I'd leave the hallway lit, and find a video camera that takes pictures (like a nanny cam), and see what I had in the morning. Borrow is the key word here -- and I'd contact friends and the local police looking for something like that.


I'd also put an infant monitor in the hallway, so I could hear what was going on out there very clearly instead of having the sounds filtered through a closed door.


If I didn't have a gun (which I don't), I'd put a baseball bat and cast iron skillet next to my bed. Maybe even a butcher knife or two. I'd make sure I had a cell phone in my bedroom, too, just in case I have to call the police. I'd put an envelope with my address on it on my nightstand, too. That's just me though: I've been known to forget my address when I've called 911 in an emergency (before enhanced 911 was available).


I'd also have DH turn out the light and I would hide somewhere else and watch. If those noises are occurring around the same time every night, I wouldn't have to wait very long before I discovered whether something alive was making the hallway creak.


Does your hallway have a wood floor? Could the wood be contracting or expanding due to humidity?


Noises seem louder at night because there are no environmental noises to mask sounds. In our old house, the stairs creaked. During the day, that was not a big deal and we didn't notice it. At night, a light sleeper could be awakened by that creaking when someone went downstairs.


Our stairs never creaked on their own, though.




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If I was hearing noises, and dh was hearing the same noises, and my child was hearing the same noises, there is no way I'd be sleeping with our doors shut.


I wonder if it's related to whatever was playing Mrs Mungo's piano?


There's no way I'd sleep with the doors OPEN so that whatever is making the noise can get IN our bedrooms ;)

OTOH, I would get angry and leave all the lights in the house on, and maybe hang out in the hall to see what's happening at night.

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Wow! So many responses and opinions.


I don't get why there are several people making a big deal about me keeping our doors closed. We are just used to having the doors closed at night. It is not like I am being this stubborn, adamant person, and refusing to even think about your suggestions. I am also not putting my children in any danger either, and never would.


We KNOW that there is not really anyone out in the hallway... it is noises that SOUND like there is someone in the hallway. I truly feel that our home is a safe home. I am just trying to figure out why the noises are there right now. It is simply strange to me, and yes, somewhat scary.


Plus, like someone else mentioned, if it were something paranormal (which I don't necessarily believe), then I want it to be happy wandering in my hallway and not in any of our rooms if you KWIM. :001_smile:


Another poster mentioned about the location of the hallway. Yes, it is an upstairs hallway. It is small and joins three bedrooms and a bathroom. We have a basement, the main floor and then our upstairs/bedroom floor. There is also a gate at the top of the stairs (this is to protect my childcare children during the day if we are playing upstairs).


Sooo.. we would have to hear someone come up onto our creaky main floor, go up the stairs, open the gate, and then walk across the hallway. At the top of the stairs, our room is immediately to the right. These sounds are simply right outside our room in the hallway.


By the way, I didn't post this already having my own answer in my head. I posted because I wanted to see what others thought and if others had ever had a similar type experience (either with the night terrors or the noises).


Also, I do not have any type medical or psychological issues in regards to the night terrors. Unfortunately, as I have read more on it, it seems that it just happens in certain adults and can be triggered by stress. Again, my mom has had them on and off too during her life. Children also can have them.


It seems to be that a person goes into the REM mode of sleep to quickly and that can cause a night terror. I guess that is what I do at times. Not fun, but hopefully it will be a short lived thing.


I will just keep praying and I know that all will work out for the best. Thank you again for all of your responses. I really appreciate them.

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I agree with some of the pp who suggested you have your house blessed. From what I understand, there are some things that can open you up to spiritual attacks...ouija boards, etc. If you have used anything like this in the past, you may want to speak to your pastor or priest.


Or it could be a squirrel between the floors of your house.

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For whatever reason, you sound very firmly opposed to keeping your door open, but perhaps it might be a good idea to reconsider that until you have a better idea of what might be going on? If you're hearing something outside your bedroom door, that seems like a logical "next step"?


I've gotta say, if I were in your place I'd have the major heebie jeebies, and I don't think I'd be okay with my door closed and my kids' doors closed if I had any feeling at all that there might be something in the hall at night. I would want to hear whatever might be going on...


:iagree: 100%


BY keeping the door open, you may be able to figure out what the noises are.

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I would guess that it is the house cooling off at night. My house is 9yo and we bought it new. In the past few years it has started making more noises at night. Dh goes to be before me and if I am in the living room I hear noises even if he is gone for the night. It sounds like my husband is getting out of bed and walking across the floor upstairs. The same noises occur almost every night when the temperature is warmer during the day than at night. Different furniture arrangements affect the noise too. It is just the flooring creaking/ moving due to the temp change. There is another repetitive sound that comes from the attic. The sound seems to travel across the floor because when one board moves, it causes a chain effect.


I finally relaxed about the sounds because it is the same sounds each time. They may occur at different time intervals, but they are always the same.


It freaked me out until I figured it out. Over time wood dries and bows. It will respond to temperature or moisture changes by creaking or moving against the nails or boards against each other. Other spots on the floors have started creaking or popping too, but only when someone actually walks on them.


I would suspect your nightly dreams/visitors are due to you brain trying to process the things you are imagining. You are dreaming what you think you hear. Your nighttime brain is trying to problem solve you daytime fears.


I grew up in a truly haunted house, so I definitely believe in such things, but floors creaking or making sounds, doesn't equal paranormal activity to me. Now if you walk in to a room where no one has been and you see things moving or a rocking chair rocking, I would begin to wonder. In our house you could feel the visitor when they were there, it was a distinct feeling of not being alone, there was no question about it.


Another possibility is that you have a critter living under your house and traveling in the walls/floors, or bats or rats in the attic. A critter under your house would make perfect sense if you only hear it once you go to bed. They may start moving about once you stop making noise. I would check to see if you have any openings in your outdoor vents or go under the home or in the attic and check it out for droppings.

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I have had experiences of sleep paralysis which sounds a lot like what you are describing. Very realistic auditory and visual experiences commonly accompany this sleep disorder. I have seen shapes and have heard odd music and whispering. That seems to be attributed to the semi-sleep/dream state.


If by some chance there is reason to suspect paranormal, it is best not to be fearful. We've had some strange things happen in our home too. Things curiously go missing and then show up in very odd places and we have toys going on by themselves-sometimes without batteries. Some things just defy explanation. We view these things as more interesting and amusing than scary. :)

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No ouija boards here... not interested in those at all.


Tap, tap, tap: I think that what you have mentioned about the house cooling down in the evenings may be EXACTLY what is happening. I had mentioned that this only started a touch over a week ago, and that is also when we began having much warmer weather here. That makes a LOT of sense to me. I guess it is similar to when wood contracts and expands with heat and cold.


I believe you may have hit the nail on the head! :D Thanks!

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I hear all sorts of sounds at night but they are the "usual" house sounds I'm used to. Last night, I did hear a crash, like someone kicked over a bucket of clangy stuff or something...turns out my dh put two sodas in the freezer and forgot about them and they exploded!

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I hear all sorts of sounds at night but they are the "usual" house sounds I'm used to. Last night, I did hear a crash, like someone kicked over a bucket of clangy stuff or something...turns out my dh put two sodas in the freezer and forgot about them and they exploded!

That reminds me of the night the soap dispenser thing fell off the shower wall. You know how you hear something when you are asleep and then when startled you can actually remember the sound? So weird. Once a shelf in the garage fell. Boy did that scare the snot out of us!

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Husband and I were awakened one night by what sounded like stealthy footsteps outside our bedroom. We keep all doors open. We knew it was not either of the kids as they make a racket when moving around. As soon as we turned on the light, the noises stopped. Husband searched the house - nothing. As soon as we lay back down, it started again. Light on again - nothing. :confused:


This happened three times until husband traced it to the wall right outside our bedroom door. I turns out, a mouse had got stuck in the wall and was jumping up and down trying to get out. It knew when we got up and would stop. We gave it another day to free itself, then husband drilled a hole and dropped in some poison (poor mouse), then had to cut the wall to get it out.


It was funny after we figured it out, but totally creepy when we didn't know what it was. I seriously thought we had spooks.

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If by some chance there is reason to suspect paranormal, it is best not to be fearful. We've had some strange things happen in our home too. Things curiously go missing and then show up in very odd places and we have toys going on by themselves-sometimes without batteries. Some things just defy explanation. We view these things as more interesting and amusing than scary. :)


The worst is when they go after your car keys. I've lived in two different houses that seemed to have something hanging around, and in the first I'd find my keys in the strangest places. One day, after hours of searching, I found them under a statue.


I worked in an older home once where we actually saw the ghost, a little girl. Several of us saw her independently, without any of us having discussed it, and when we all realized what was happening, one of the employees literally ran out the door and half a block down the street. Funniest thing I've ever seen. :)

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I have some weird sleep issues at times, but mine are almost always when taking a prescription med (like lexapro) that alters your brain chemistry.


As for the house issues, I would think "logical explanation" and try not to be concerned. You have proven that nothing is there. I sleep with an air purifier running at night so I don't focus on noises like that. Otherwise, I'd be up all night.

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Then I'd bait the *dark* hallway with something noisy and with something slippery. I'd use something along the lines of scattered marbles and Legos, open mousetraps, a thin string with bells on it strung across at right below the knee height, a pile of a few magazines (step on them, slip and fall). I might even consider putting something slippery, like Vaseline, on a wooden floor. I'd try to figure out what to smear on the floor that would leave tracks if someone or something walked on it....


Wow, RC, you're amazing! Remind me not to try to rob your house!

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