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Are you a Mac or a PC?

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We just made the switch to Mac!!!! Gotta say, there is a slight learning curve, but it's been incredibly easy. I will never have another PC again!!!


Now, I want an iPhone, and an iPad, and an iPod, and, and, and!!!!


I've been SO happy with the customer service. The Apple people took all of our information from the PC and put it on the Mac for us. It all came over flawlessly! They are local AND they speak english!!!


I go in for a private lesson on how to get the most out of the Mac next Monday. I can't wait!!!!

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We have one Mac device in the house - and ancient Apple 2E (it has dual floppy drives!! :D).


I've been happy with our PCs (Toshiba, Compaq and Dell) and very happy that they cost so much less then a comparable Mac. With other things like my Sanza Fuse it's much the same. I have a device that can do more than an Ipod for a fraction of the price.


It's also easier in terms of compatibility. My Fuze plays a lot of different file formats for instance.


I think Mac is great for the way it pushes technology forward but I'm quite happy to see them roll out some new gizmo then wait a few months for other companies to come out with better, cheaper versions.

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Have been running Macs since the original fat Mac came out in 1985 - my dad still has that machine, the inside is signed by the creators!


I think my dad would SHOOT me if I bought a PC, but sometimes I wonder if my kids should learn on one.


We have a flat-panel iMac, a big eMac, I love my MacBook, and my dh has an old PowerBook. Dd17 is saving up for her first laptop. . . .

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We're very PC around here. Partly that's because dh likes to tinker "under the hood" with computers, and you can do a LOT more of that with a PC than you can with a Mac. There IS a Mac looking over my shoulder as we speak, though, as I am sitting at the "spare" computer in dh's home office (he's in the process of moving to a 'real' office up the road a few miles, but a lot of his non-vital stuff is still here). He keeps it for when he needs to test things on both platforms. Since it wasn't getting much use, I once tried to move in and claim it as my own. I found it horrifically non-intuitive (which probably would not be the case after I got more used to it) and it crashed all. the. time. Gah! So when he built this one as a spare, just in case his main work machine went down (it happened once and caused some big issues), I claimed it instead. However, I think it is fated to move into the living room once dh gets his new TV (and I get my new couch--it was a deal we made, you see....lol) to become a media center (I guess the tv recordy thing we're using isn't snazzy enough...heh) and I've been informed that he's going to build me a new one...faster...stronger...bionic! That will be my very, very own (except he may need to 'borrow' it sometimes when he needs to work at home). This is in addition to the two PC's he built for the kids, his old laptop, my laptop (which is getting a little decrepit and has a broken hoodad on the motherboard that makes it so I have no sound, blah, blah, blah, and don't I just feel desperate for a shiny new toy...lol) and his new laptop that is expected to be delivered on Friday. I swear I sometimes think the man was born with a wireless port already installed. So yeah, we're PC people. Almost literally. As long as he earns enough money to support his habit.


And from my admittedly limited experience with Macs, I am inclined to agree with him that they come with "the bitten fruit virus" already installed.

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DH had an Amiga when we got married. (anybody remember those?) When that platform finally died, we got a Mac (early 90's, I guess). We've had Macs ever since.


I did say "both", however, because we do have one PC. We got it for free, though, or I doubt we'd have that one. DH runs Linux on it. :D I do have Parallels/Windows on our iMac for a couple of pieces of software.

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Only Macs here. Dh worked in the computer lab at college, back when nobody brought their own computer and people actually used the labs. The PC rooms always had problems, the Mac rooms, none. So when we bought our first computer, it was a Mac, and we've never looked back. Okay, so now that the cost difference is so great, maybe he's looking back a little, but not me.

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My laptop is a Mac which I got last year and absolutely love. I love that after a software update .... it still works. Our other computer is a 2003 Dell Desktop which kids use for school. It was getting really slow so I spent New Years Day completely reformatting the disk and reinstalling XP. It was a chore but the computer runs so much better now. If I had to replace it I would probably get another PC to stay compatible with our software. I put as little that has to do with Windows as possible on my Mac.

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I love our Mac so much and I detest our PCs. I plan to get a Mac laptop to replace my PC laptop that is 5 years old.


However, we still need to have a PC because of some curriculum and some stuff dh needs for his business. But in a perfect world, there would only be Macs!

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We have Macs. We have a laptop and our family desk computer - both Macs. We LOVE them. We went in a year ago planning to get a Mac laptop (and later a PC for the home). Well, let's just say after taking a tour of the Apple store, and actually seeing how easy they were to use...we went home with the laptop AND a desk version! :D


I do not think we will ever go back!

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We have both. They both have their positives, but I doubt we will buy another Mac computer. We just don't think the computers are worth the markup. Honestly, my husband ends up running Windows on his Mac half the time anyway. We both require fairly high powered computers for different things, and we can get a workhorse of a PC for a lot less money.


On the other hand, we absolutely love our iPods, and I'm pretty sure my DH would cry for a week if something happened to his iPhone.

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We have Macs. We have a laptop and our family desk computer - both Macs. We LOVE them. We went in a year ago planning to get a Mac laptop (and later a PC for the home). Well, let's just say after taking a tour of the Apple store, and actually seeing how easy they were to use...we went home with the laptop AND a desk version! :D


I do not think we will ever go back!


LOL We did something similar. We went in to the Apple store to "look." We walked out with an iMac.


Yes, we paid more for the iMac than we would've for a comparable PC. But, given the awesome customer service, the fact that they're local, the fact that we don't need virus protection (a savings of over $75/year!), the fact that they downloaded everything from the PC to our Mac for us, and the fact that I can go to the Apple store for a full year of private "lessons" on my computer all add up to a better bargain for us!!

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PC all the way!!! I used to be an editor and macs are the norm in that industry...I am so glad that I don't have to use one anymore! I can't imagine that I'll ever buy a mac...they just aren't as versatile, as far as the things I am looking for on a computer, as a pc is.

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LOL We did something similar. We went in to the Apple store to "look." We walked out with an iMac.


Yes, we paid more for the iMac than we would've for a comparable PC. But, given the awesome customer service, the fact that they're local, the fact that we don't need virus protection (a savings of over $75/year!), the fact that they downloaded everything from the PC to our Mac for us, and the fact that I can go to the Apple store for a full year of private "lessons" on my computer all add up to a better bargain for us!!

Yikes! I've never even heard of spending $75 a year for virus protection!!! We've never actually gotten a virus, and dh checks our computers regularly (he's a computational chemist so he works with computers constantly)...we don't even keep anti-virus software on our computers!

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Yikes! I've never even heard of spending $75 a year for virus protection!!! We've never actually gotten a virus, and dh checks our computers regularly (he's a computational chemist so he works with computers constantly)...we don't even keep anti-virus software on our computers!


I know. We went with the free virus protection once and ended up with a virus that took ages to get rid of. So, we went with a better one. I just looked up the price on it - it was on sale for $59.99. Neither dh nor I are very good with computers. We rely heavily on people like your dh for help!!


Anyway, that was one cost we took into consideration when we made our decision to switch to the more expensive computer!

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I was a Mac way back in the day, but went astray for a while. I came back when I went to work for a Real Estate Publisher. I'm so glad I did.


RockerDad recently sold his PC on Craig's List so that he could get a Mac. I didn't think he'd be happy with the change, but even he says he'll never go back. (He got tired of having to reinstall Windows all the time.)


Both our Macs are used and were fairly cheap. We upgraded them (ram/hard drives/etc) and they run very fast and never crash.


When I'm wealthy, I'll own a new one. :D


FTR, I like PCs, I just don't want one.

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I'm promiscuous. We have a 2 PCs, 2 macs (1 for parts), and a linux. Our next one (after my old powerbook finally kicks it), we will be getting a mac notebook. My current favorite is my linux, but that's because we're still in the new part of our relationship. I adore my old powerbook, and I'm apathetic towards the PCs. But, if there was an emergency (fire, etc), I'd grab one of those on my way out because they hold 95% of our pictures.:tongue_smilie:

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Using a PC at the moment, but I learned on a Mac years ago, and I am still a Mac girl at heart. I want one again one of these days.


This is me too, except I actually first learned on a Unix machine, then moved to Mac for a long time, and only much later to a PC. But I'm also still a Mac girl at heart. I'm a bit worried by how much they've changed things if I ever get to go back, but I'm sure I'd adjust quickly. :D


But I don't have any of the new iToys... somewhere along the line I've turned into a Luddite...

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, the fact that we don't need virus protection (a savings of over $75/year!


This isn't a PC issue. I've never paid for virus protection. I've always used excellent freeware.


I should also note that the real reason Mac is fairly virus free is only because the people who program viruses want them to spread and affect a large number of people. Most people use Windows so that design viruses for it. I imagine as Macs become more popular there will be an increase in viruses.

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Yikes! I've never even heard of spending $75 a year for virus protection!!! We've never actually gotten a virus, and dh checks our computers regularly (he's a computational chemist so he works with computers constantly)...we don't even keep anti-virus software on our computers!


I've had a few but either Avast or AVG dealt with them fairly quickly. But really, the best protection is simply good sense and you can stay away from them fairly easily.

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I should also note that the real reason Mac is fairly virus free is only because the people who program viruses want them to spread and affect a large number of people. Most people use Windows so that design viruses for it. I imagine as Macs become more popular there will be an increase in viruses.


Actually, the real reason is the secure UNIX underpinnings of the mac. If a virus writer could design a virus for a mac (and not one "in theory") but one that easily infects macs AND spreads, he would be somewhat of a legend among the hackers. Macs have never been more popular than today, and although it is only a percentage of windows users, it would be a major accomplishment to successfully infect macs. Especially because the users are so **** smug and have been rubbing it in for the past 10 or so years! :tongue_smilie:


Someone could infect my mac with a virus. Yes it is true. But I would be unable to spread it, so what good is that? THAT is the real reason macs are safe from viruses. :w00t:

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