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She is coming home!!!!

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Oh, thank God they have seen the light! It's just awful that they took her away in the first place....but how wonderful that she is now yours for keeps!!


Congratulations!! Have a great Valentine's Birthday celebration :party:

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I am nearly in shock. DCFS approved the expanded capacity waiver I needed to bring my goddaughter home. I pick her up in the morning just in time for her 2nd birthday on Sunday! It's been 10 long weeks, but the battle is over!!!



Cathy, I guess I missed the thread, but CONGRATS!!

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Thank God!


I have tears in my eyes for you and the little one.


For all their mistakes, the system FINALLY got something right. Gives me hope for the other children in the system.


Congrats, and enjoy your little blessing. I'm sure this is a birthday and Valentine's Day you will never, ever forget!


Thank God, thank God, thank God!


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I am nearly in shock. DCFS approved the expanded capacity waiver I needed to bring my goddaughter home. I pick her up in the morning just in time for her 2nd birthday on Sunday! It's been 10 long weeks, but the battle is over!!!


I am so glad for you.


Is there a really good child play therapist in your area who could help her with all the internal crap she will have from being yanked out of a secure environment?

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She yelled, "Yay!" when she saw the house. She has been laughing and playing so much today. She checked out all her favorite little places in the house.


Tonight we went to Rainforest Cafe and celebrated. I bought her a Valentine's Birthday dress with matching shows and hairbows at Gymboree and new gym shoes because hers were too small.


We have her Early Intervention meeting scheduled for a week from today already, and I touched base with her aural rehab therapist.


It was a full exciting day!

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She yelled, "Yay!" when she saw the house. She has been laughing and playing so much today. She checked out all her favorite little places in the house.


Tonight we went to Rainforest Cafe and celebrated. I bought her a Valentine's Birthday dress with matching shows and hairbows at Gymboree and new gym shoes because hers were too small.


We have her Early Intervention meeting scheduled for a week from today already, and I touched base with her aural rehab therapist.


It was a full exciting day!



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