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What would you think if

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--w/out any other details--you knew a person who in the last 2 mos had (in order now)


  • lost a driver's license (replaced it)
  • lost a job (not the one needed for phone)
  • lost a $100 prescription
  • lost a phone charger twice (long enough to replace it once)
  • lost a phone (necessary for work; didn't replace it but borrowed one)
  • had a wreck (hmm...I should specify...this was at a red light...light turned green, dropped something, looked down, & bumped the car in front--hard enough that there's damage to owner's car, but not the other two that got hit)?


Edited by Aubrey
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Well, if this is something new, as in usually very responisble and organized I would look at something not working right in the head. Your brain has funny ways of telling you that something is not right. If this is a constant issue, I would look at organization and responiblility. What is the order of sequences as well, if the accident was first could it have caused some kind of brain injury causing memory problems? It could come down to many things and without more info. its hard to say. I do hope whoever it is able to find new job and get it together.:grouphug:

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Stress would be my first guess. When my DH began his new job 2 years ago, his stress levels were really high for various reasons, and he lost things all the time--phones, keys, his laptop, wallet. He would put things away in the wrong places routinely. His temper was shorter than usual, and his attention constantly wandered from what he was doing. (It got better as his stress level went down. He's fine now!)

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--w/out any other details--you knew a person who in the last 2 mos had

  • lost a phone (necessary for work; didn't replace it but borrowed one)
  • lost a phone charger twice (long enough to replace it once)
  • lost a driver's license (replaced it)
  • lost a job (not the one needed for phone)
  • had a wreck?


The person was stressed out beyond belief. :bigear:

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Y'all think this just sounds like responsibility/stress? Because I was leaning toward Joanne's end of the spectrum. Fwiw, this is not someone who I'd *ever* suspect of that, but realizing what a bad 2 mos it's been, I started thinking about more serious things than stress & responsibility, kwim?

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Honestly, it sounds like my dh on any given day/week. He is a wonderful guy, and he has the best of intentions, but he would forget and/or lose his head if it wasn't attached to his shoulders.


It isn't anything medical/depression/sleep deprivation, etc. It's just the way he is. I can't tell you how many cell phones he's had to replace in the last year (6 or 7)....... how many times he's lost his wallet.......left his coat somewhere on a cold winter day.......and the list goes on and on. It's aggravating, but I still love him. :D


Now, if it was someone who previously didn't do things like this, then I would be concerned; but if it is fairly common for this person, as it is with my dh, then I wouldn't blink an eye.

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Sounds like my DH, I suspect something along the lines of Alzheimers. But he also puts food in the cabinet instead of the fridge. Forgets food in the trunk. Can't remember phone numbers as well as he used to. Is way easily distracted. It seems to be a short term thing, he can remember the past in great detail.


He is going in for testing soon, hopefully they will confirm or set my mind to ease.

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--w/out any other details--you knew a person who in the last 2 mos had (in order now)


  • lost a driver's license (replaced it)

  • lost a job (not the one needed for phone)

  • lost a phone charger twice (long enough to replace it once)

  • lost a phone (necessary for work; didn't replace it but borrowed one)

  • had a wreck?



I would think the person was exhausted and maybe needed some help. A medical check up might be in order too.


Just some thoughts. i get really scatterbrained when I am exhausted. I also have been known to NOT drive because I was so tired I couldn't focus and I was worried I would get in a wreck.



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Sounds like my DH, I suspect something along the lines of Alzheimers. But he also puts food in the cabinet instead of the fridge. Forgets food in the trunk. Can't remember phone numbers as well as he used to. Is way easily distracted. It seems to be a short term thing, he can remember the past in great detail.


He is going in for testing soon, hopefully they will confirm or set my mind to ease.


This sounds like diabetes to me. This is how I felt and I did crazy things when my insulin levels were sky high...which is a pre-cursor to diabetes 2.


I would have that checked sooner rather than later.



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This sounds like diabetes to me. This is how I felt and I did crazy things when my insulin levels were sky high...which is a pre-cursor to diabetes 2.


I would have that checked sooner rather than later.




I will make sure. He is going in for a full work up. He has never had any issues except heart stents a few years ago. But his new behaviors are starting to stress me out. Of course my mind runs to the worst, so that anything less will be a relief. :D

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I hope this isn't it, but I've known 2 men with brain tumors who could fit your description. :(


I'd also think along the lines of general aging issues. The older I get the worse my memory gets and it's very frustrating. I ask my dd to call my cell phone at least once a day because I can't find it.


Drugs and alcohol would show more 'symptoms', wouldn't they? Are you privy to any more info? What happens at home? Why exactly did s/he lose the job?

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I was like this before I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. My dd was also like this, but I noticed the signs and got her to a doctor. We are fine now that we are medicated. My husband is like this when stressed and sleep deprived.

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This sounds like me. I can go a year w/o losing anything and then I can loose 10 things in 1 month. I have left my wallet on top of my car and driven off, twice, dropped my wallet out of my stroller while folding it up, misplaced my cell and a credit card, dropped a credit card out of my pocket in Costco, all in a 2 month period.


The first thoughts that come to my mind are a low thyroid, sleep apnea, lack of sleep, very distracted mind and panic attacks or anxiety.


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It is completely impossible to come to any kind of conclusion based on the limited info presented.


Any conclusions that have already been posted are pure speculation and you shouldn't take them seriously.


I'm serious. It's just speculation and gossip with that tiny bit of info. Be careful before you make judgments based on the posts here.

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I hope this isn't it, but I've known 2 men with brain tumors who could fit your description. :(


I'd also think along the lines of general aging issues. The older I get the worse my memory gets and it's very frustrating. I ask my dd to call my cell phone at least once a day because I can't find it.


Drugs and alcohol would show more 'symptoms', wouldn't they? Are you privy to any more info? What happens at home? Why exactly did s/he lose the job?


Oh, no, I'm sorry--I meant that I *don't* think it's drugs & alcohol, but I'm beginning to think it might be something more serious than just stress.


Aging is not a likely factor in this case, I don't think. The person in question is close to 30.

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It is completely impossible to come to any kind of conclusion based on the limited info presented.


Any conclusions that have already been posted are pure speculation and you shouldn't take them seriously.


I'm serious. It's just speculation and gossip with that tiny bit of info. Be careful before you make judgments based on the posts here.


On the one hand, I see what you mean. Otoh, I think sometimes other information can cloud a person's vision. I hadn't thought much of the situation until I realized how much had gone wrong in such a little time. Sure, there's more info, & it might be relevant, & I'm keeping that in mind, but I'm wondering if the other info isn't sort-of desensitizing--you get used to the flaky person being flaky & never think to suggest he/she get their theyroid tested, for ex.

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if this were someone very close to me, I would have them medically evaluated to rule out diabetes, thyroid, and other issues that cause brain fog/dysfunction.


Honestly, I've said here probably 5 million times that the stress of the past three years was killing dh and I. Now that the holidays are over and I've had time to process my grief of losing both my parents in such a short time, I feel better. But dh is running his mother's trust, my mother's trust, helping oldest ds with college applications, working full time, managing 5 properties. We've both put on weight and both our blood pressures are Out Of Control. We're both exhausted but my energy is coming back. Dh's isn't. We both were as you say. Things are calming somewhat so it's better, but dh still has such a heavy load. Speaking from my own personal experience, I'd say stress. Does this person have a lot of stress in their life?


Also, oldest ds has lost a ton of things and bumped into a car (because he was looking at a "hot" girl) :glare: but for him, it's totally an organizational problem.


My sister is like this but she's ADD among other mental illnesses.


If you're suspecting drugs and alcohol, I'm suspecting your gut instincts are probably right.

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Just because they tested "negative" for ADD, doesn't mean they are not ADD. It can be a difficult thing to evaluate, most methods are not perfect. I know I'm ADD, even though I've never been tested. There are times where I really manage to keep things organized and in control. However, a lot of stress ratchets it up, makes me much more distracted and I have a lot more trouble coping with those day to day issues like keeping up with things.

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Just because they tested "negative" for ADD, doesn't mean they are not ADD. It can be a difficult thing to evaluate, most methods are not perfect. I know I'm ADD, even though I've never been tested. There are times where I really manage to keep things organized and in control. However, a lot of stress ratchets it up, makes me much more distracted and I have a lot more trouble coping with those day to day issues like keeping up with things.


:iagree:This is me as well.

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If your're talking about a teen, I would say frontal lob development is ongoing and incomplete.


If you're talking about an adult, depression, addiction, ADD all come to mind. I'd encourage a full physical, with blood work, liver enzymes etc. Maybe a chat with a neurologist or psychiatrist to look into the possibility of medication.

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ITA with the others. It sounds like me when I'm distracted by some BIG thing (like right now, debating between homeschooling and private school, lol). Little things fall between the cracks when something big is on your mind. If there were no symptoms of them being tired (almost every physical condition I can think of that would explain this behaviour is usually accompanied by exhaustion), I'd assume there was something going on behind the scenes.


Unless the person had previous problems with addiction. Then I might (unfairly) jump to another conclusion first.

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That's almost a normal week for me. Seriously.


My SIL even carried around an extra car key for me for years because I was forever losing my keys or locking them in the car. I've lost wallets, phones, etc. I forget stuff all the time. I'm just scatterbrained, and no amount of organizing helps. It gets MUCH worse if I have a lot on my plate, or if I'm sick.


That said, if this is a NEW behavior, I would worry. If it's just a close together run on the same old thing, then I wouldn't worry too much.

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Drugs or alcohol.


:iagree: (not that it is drugs or alcohol, but that it's a possibility.)


Went through periods with two co-workers (at separate jobs) where their lives got awfully complicated. Lots of "funny stories" and extenuating circumstances suddenly cropped up. Stories that started with, "You won't believe what happened now."


With both the real issue finally came out into the open. If any new issues crop up, listen carefully - in retrospect, the loopholes were there with both these guys, we (the co-workers) just didn't listen close enough to hear them.

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--w/out any other details--you knew a person who in the last 2 mos had (in order now)


  • lost a driver's license (replaced it)

  • lost a job (not the one needed for phone)

  • lost a $100 prescription

  • lost a phone charger twice (long enough to replace it once)

  • lost a phone (necessary for work; didn't replace it but borrowed one)

  • had a wreck (hmm...I should specify...this was at a red light...light turned green, dropped something, looked down, & bumped the car in front--hard enough that there's damage to owner's car, but not the other two that got hit)?


Guessing the driver's license was misplaced, not lost in court?


If that person was me, I would have to say business as usual. I'm terribly absent minded and if anything is moved from where I normally set it (even if I move it) it's lost.


They sound really preoccupied. I'd wonder what else was going on that was taking their mind off every day things. Is everything alright? Are they starting something new? Is everything all wrong? Are they pregnant?


Is this a man or woman, because I'm starting to think some possibilities really depend on the gender of the person.


Can't wait to read all the posts now!

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Y'all think this just sounds like responsibility/stress? Because I was leaning toward Joanne's end of the spectrum. Fwiw, this is not someone who I'd *ever* suspect of that, but realizing what a bad 2 mos it's been, I started thinking about more serious things than stress & responsibility, kwim?


This person has tested negative for ADD but typically loses things like wallets & keys an avg of once/yr.


Oh, no, I'm sorry--I meant that I *don't* think it's drugs & alcohol, but I'm beginning to think it might be something more serious than just stress.


Aging is not a likely factor in this case, I don't think. The person in question is close to 30.

What's funny about stress is that it can become a viscious cycle. You start off mildly stressed about something silly, that leads you to do something stupid, like misplace your license. You're now stressing about two things and you misplace your phone. Then you lose your job (stress level at this point is red). As the stress rises you become less mindful of the here and now, thus the here and now gets worse and you get even more stress into the bargain.


Also, could it be that those once a year happenings are occuring all at once?


Finally, if their 30th is coming up, that could be the root of the issue. I'll be 30 in July and have been pretty preoccupied since last July over the fact that I will be ancient and never young again :p

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Then I am going to go with ADD. Lots of busy people lose stuff, lots of us do a lot of that. Some of us might have ADD , and it might need treatment. I just don't think our old naked hunter/gather neurological selves have been able to keep up with the huge demads our current world requires. Even if you had a touch of ADD then, it's not like you had to keep track of keys, bills, mulitple project work deadlines, inspection stickers, sales at the market, cell phones etc etc etc. You might be in charge of one spear. It's different today. ;) Some people do this better than others, and some people need.


Nothing shameful about it.


Adults are fully physically grown, they can tell if they feel off, and they have more power to stop or change treatment.


Treating a fully grown adult even for mild ADD is not the same as treating a 4 year old growing child for ADD.


That said, most of us have far too much to do and it's very difficult to keep everything straight. The car accident is worrisome, because that includes questionable judgement. The losing of things might just need a visit with an organizer or 'life coach' to get things set up in the home/office/car. Yk, someone to help set up 'stations' for items, hooks by the door, encourage mental check- ins at particular times of the day etc.


If the person hadn't had a car accident, I'd be less concerned. That can turn into something worse, or change your insurance coverage. And not for the better.


I've replaced my license twice in the last 5 years because I've 'misplaced' it. Only to have it turn up in a 'safe' place pretty much once I've paid the $50 bucks to have another made. ;) I try to not change purses much. That's a problem.

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