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You are NOT going to BELIEVE this!

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Ya-hoooooo! What a terrific story!


Beautiful, beautiful child... I can only imagine her in the years to come, I think God has a very special future planned for this young lady!


Your entire family must be thrilled beyond belief! Darn, I have the goose bumps myself!

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Heather, congratulations, and forgive me if I am raining on your parade. I don't remember which part of Malayasia you are in. I see that in most places you have to be a resident for one to two years. Can the birth mother change her mind during that time? Also, isn't it illegal for a non-Muslim to adopt a Muslim child in Malaysia? Is the child's religion determined by that of her birthmother?


The baby's mother was hindu or something, not Muslim. Yes, Muslims would not allow non-Muslims to adopt.


Congrats to Heather. I am so happy for you.

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This is wonderful, I am insanely jealous.....I have 4 girls and would love a boy, but alas it is not in the cards. Of course, there will be grandchildren!:D

I could just feel the longing in your post and I am so so heartened to seeyour dream come true.

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Good morning ladies! Guess what? I have a DAUGHTER!!! That's what I think every time I look at her. It is all so surreal. I am blessed beyond measure and I have the dark circles under my eyes to prove it! :D


She is doing wonderfully. It has been a long time since I've had an infant, 11 years! Much of it is like riding a bike, though. It is so sweet to see my dh with his big "man" hands holding this tiny little girl. :001_wub:


As far as the legalities are concerned....no worries. I am very detail-oriented! We have a lawyer already who has done this many times before and she has explained the whole process to us. The baby is not muslim. And we have to live here with her for a minimum of two years before the adoption can be finalized in the U.S. and she can get citizenship. Until then she will be a Malaysian citizen. But the mother has already signed off and cannot change her mind at this point.


Thank you all for your kindness!!!! Your prayers and concern mean so much to us. :grouphug:

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Hey now...I happen to think that a mother's bond with her son can be just as special.


Rebel - mother of a boy and no girls


it IS just as special, but it IS different. Especially as they grow older. I don't love my daughters more, but our relationship is different, and I think it's because we connect on an entirely different level just because we're both female.


I miss the days when my son used to walk with his arm around me. At the mall, on a Friday night. I was hoping that would never change. :crying: He's applying to colleges now. :crying:

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I am certain Happy meant no offense.


Happy is one of the kindest, most eloquent posters on this forum. I for one understand that her creative turn of words in no way diminishes the complex emotions involved on all sides of the adoptive situation.


I love these boards, but wow, it can be like navigating a mine field at times. Let's all resolve to rejoice with Heather and show each other grace in our honest mistakes.

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Please allow me to introduce Natalie Sarah Fischer...






Man makes plans and God laughs. Sometimes we wish we could figure out everything God had planned but sometimes I am so glad that we can't because His plans are so much better than we could imagine!


If you've kept up with our adoption story you know that we had a chance at adopting a baby girl right after Christmas which fell through two days later. We were devastated.


But on Monday night the orphanage called. The birthmom has decided to let us adopt the baby after all and we drove 5 hours to Kuala Lumpur yesterday to pick her up!!!!


She is tiny (6lbs) but beautiful and healthy. We decided on Natalie Sarah for her name (I still wanted Noelle but I was outvoted!). Last night was our first night with her and she woke up every 3 hours on the nose, ate, went right back to sleep. I had forgotten how tiny newborns are!


The birthmom is a 15yo girl and we have no details on the father.


It all happened quite quickly. We received a phone call from the orphanage late Monday night and they asked us to pick her up by noon on Tuesday. We called our friends, Peter and Ailee, since we knew Peter was from KL and may be able to help us navigate that crazy town. They brought us a baby car seat and then instead of giving us directions, Peter actually volunteered to drive with us to KL and guide us through the trip! We are so grateful.


Then we called other friends, Larry and Debbie, to see if they could watch our boys for the day. Not only did they agree to it, Larry cooked up this idea to contact the Dalat staff and ask for help for us and our complete lack of baby stuff! When we got in last night we were surprised with a truckload of baby items!


We are absolutely humbled and amazed by the blessings God has poured out on our family. He grants us the blessing of a beautiful baby girl and He sends us to Dalat where a group of people live, work and love together in ways we have never experienced before. We are so grateful at the generosity of our colleagues that it is difficult to find words to express it.


And I thank you for prayers as well. We are overwhelmed by it all. :grouphug:



Congratulations! A cutie. May God surround her in every direction and hold her in the palm of His hand. Blessings to you and your growing family. Sheryl <><

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:grouphug: I am so happy for you Heather!


I remember the first time I held DD in my arms ~ she was 3 months old, sooooo tiny, and I kept thinking the same thing you are: this is my daughter. My daughter! The day her adoption was finalized was the happiest day of my life!


(Not that I wasn't happy when DS was born, but I was exhausted, in pain, and throwing up, so it wasn't quite as enjoyable!)



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Dh and I were discussing the whole "incident" on this thread / the other thread, and agreed, that having lived overseas, it would be amazing to be tied permanently to a country we acknowledged as "ours" if only for a short time. Ds3 was conceived with medical assistance in that country, and has never been to his country-of-passport - he'll always remind us of our time there.

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