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Is it just me? CA seems California-centric. . .

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As we're getting ready for our move to Richmond, VA I'm getting a lot of friends saying, "why?! Why would you want to leave here??"


"Here" is Sacramento -- a fairly blah town if you ask me. I've been here for years and I'd love to see a new part of the country. If someone wants to stay in Sac and loves it -- that's great.


But what I don't understand is how confounded these people seem to be that we're ready to leave.


A) they seem to have no clue about the economic downturn that the state of CA is taking :glare: Don't they read the paper ever?? Dh works for the state and will literally get 20,000 more a yr. in VA B)the homes and lifestyle cost a lot of money here even in the best economy and C) there are other parts of the country, folks.


People who live in Sac are all about Tahoe is 2 hrs. away, San Fran is 2 hrs. away. But the summers are roasting from May -- Oct. often at 100 and over degrees.


Really -- if a family loves Sac -- that's just fine. I can't understand why they're so perplexed that we'd love to try the east coast. VA in particular.


Thanks, I needed to vent for a moment. I'm getting this attitude over and over these days.



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I think that is a common reaction when someone is moving away from anywhere. We used to live in a very high-crime area where I regularly heard gun-shots. We even had one high speed car chase end up on our front lawn! When we told our friends and neighbors that we were moving a half hour away (to a much safer neighborhood) we got the same "Why would you want to leave here?" comments. It didn't seem kind to point out how terrible the neighborhood was, so we just smiled and said that we'd keep in touch.

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Yes we are California-centric, and beyond that it gets regional. For instance...I think Sac. s*cks because I'm from Orange County and people from the bay area think we're a bunch of plastic fools :D. We can't help it.

Honestly if you grew up here (in so cal) before billions of people came, and they built on every bit of open space, this place was truly amazing.


We were in Virginia last spring and we LOVED it. It was so beautiful, and old (for the US :)). How could you not have a fabulous adventure?

Maybe it's their way of saying they'll miss you?

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But what I don't understand is how confounded these people seem to be that we're ready to leave.


Because they've stuck it out for this long.


The whole California lifestyle is very different, imo, from the rest of the country.


I grew up in CA, lived in CO for 20 years, now live in VA. I would say that each place has been very different. I never missed CA (just my family, and my parents have each moved away too). CO will always be "home" (where I married, where my kids were born), but I don't miss that either, just tied to the memories. Alley, Richmond and the Moonshine Capital of the World (where I am) are very different, but I hope that you love VA and the people as much as I do.


Happy and blessed New Year!!!

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We've found that response from local people every time we've moved. Our major moves include Upstate NY, NC, FL, VA and now we're in PA. I think most truly don't know what else is out there and/or are so attached to their area that they assume it MUST be the best. I just happen to disagree. There are areas I'd rather live in and areas I wouldn't, but within both categories, there are many options that work well.


Enjoy VA!

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We've moved quite often and always get people shocked that we'd move "there". The East Coasters thought the West Coast was still the wild wild west and uncivilized....West Coasters thought the mid-west states were all hicks or hay farmers....and the south apparently should still be annexed from the USA, lol. The reaction this last move to Arizona was that we'd all die of heat exaustion or scorpion bites....well, we have had 1 child stung and did have some serious adjustments to the heat....but each move was an adventure, a new set of friends and just enough changes to stir things up so our lives are never dull and the full of sameness. Enjoy your new adventure! For us, we can't figure out why people want to stay in the same house in the same town their entire life.....we've got 11 more states to go and we'll be able to say we've lived in all 50! Yes, the actual move is a pain but the new discoveries and adventures are so worth it (once the boxes are unpacked...until then it's grumble grumble, why did we move AGAIN). There is always more to see for us....whereas our friends who have lived here forever tend to be very "been there done that" and have to leave the state on some expensive vacation because their own state doesn't hold any attraction anymore. I consider us on extended vacations each house we live in! We seldom vacation outside the state....of course that's probably because we know we'll eventually have lived in all of them, so we wait!


I think it's the "how could you leave ME" reaction as much as the town. Or, for some it could be "wait, I want to leave too, but can't". My reaction is always a silent "you could leave if you really wanted"! It takes a bit of courage to uproot everything you know and move clear across the country to a new life. Imagine the reactions the Pilgrims must have gotten!!

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Dh works for the state and will literally get 20,000 more a yr. in VA B)the homes and lifestyle cost a lot of money here even in the best economy and C) there are other parts of the country, folks.

Mr. Ellie took a significant drop in income when we moved from San Jose to Texas.:glare: However, we were able to buy a ginormous house here for less than half of what we sold the San Jose house for. And I have cousins in Norfolk who have *never* been out of the state; they feel the same way about Virginia as your Calif friends feel about California.:)

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When we left CA 4.5 years ago (San Jose) to move to Texas we got the same kinds of questions. We left because it was a good time to get out! We made a killing on our house, which if we still had today we'd be stuck and our equity would probably be next to nothing. We were tired of the politics, rising costs, traffic and crowds. We left a city of 1 million plus for a town of 13,000 and we have never looked back.


I still get some stupid questions when talking to friends back in CA.......like when a Super Target opened a couple towns away and I told my girlfriend I was heading over there for some shopping she said, "You have Target in Texas?" :001_huh: I told her we sure did and that we also had running water.:lol:

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Mr. Ellie took a significant drop in income when we moved from San Jose to Texas.:glare: However, we were able to buy a ginormous house here for less than half of what we sold the San Jose house for. And I have cousins in Norfolk who have *never* been out of the state; they feel the same way about Virginia as your Calif friends feel about California.:)


Ha...just read this. Where in SJ were you? We were in the Blossom/Almaden Valley area. We also got double the house for less than half the price. Fortunately, in DH's industry his pay stayed the same, however, we lost my income about a year after coming here and adjustments had to be made. Even so, we are so much happier here and we love Texas!

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Thanks, I needed to vent for a moment. I'm getting this attitude over and over these days.




Sorry, Alley, you'd better get used to it. The "how could you THINK of leaving California?" rant won't stop even after you leave. Your family and friends there will watch the Weather Channel for you, and every time a storm or a flake of snow is on its way to you in Virginia they will call and begin again. Ask me how we know. :glare:


My husband grew up in Irvine when it was dirt roads and orange groves, instead of the multi-lane highway that he says it is now. When he was nine, they all moved up to San Jose and now his parents are in Temecula. They can not FATHOM why we want to live on the East Coast. They can not FATHOM why his brother also moved to the East Coast. They can not FATHOM why his cousin moved to the Mid-West. Why? Why? Why? California is so perfect, we have Highway 1, what could be better, the weather, the weather, the weather, the weather..... [No one seems to notice a trend, here].


Anyway, all this to say, your rant is completely sane! Enjoy your newfound life in VA -- it's a beautiful, wonderful state (not saying anything here about anywhere else, just that VA is beautiful). My husband did have an adjustment period, though. LOL, I just asked him how long he thought it lasted, and he says he's still in it. :lol: (It's another cold, damp day in New Jersey....)

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Hey!! I'm from San Jose....AND from the Almaden Valley area:) Grew up there! We moved to TN 5 years ago and never once regretted it! We got the same silly comments. I'm pretty sure everyone thought that once you moved to the South you had to leave behind all modern day conveniences, drive a pick up, and hate anyone that wasn't white......so ridiculous!!! I have a friend that doesn't want to come visit because her dh is Asian. I mean, seriously!!! I doubt it's just CA though. Some people just like to think that their way is the best way. I personally hated CA....the crowds, traffic, political climate, graffiti and trash all over the freeways...ugh. But, i'm sure some people would dislike where I live too. To each his own. Don't take it personally;)

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:lol: Someone actually asked me that question after we moved to CA from PA. As if only Amish people came from PA! I was wearing civilian non- Amish clothes too! It wasn't Halloween and I was dressed up :tongue_smilie: We got alot of comments about moving to CA - mostly "moving to the big city, people are weird there, etc" BUt the comments from the CA people are funny too - I've also been asked if we'd ever been around "non white" people (I'm phrasing that politely) since everyone knows PA is only white and completely racist. I had to not snap out with a snarky comment...it was hard but I managed to hold my tongue. So, enjoy your move! VA is a amazing place - the history alone is enought to move there!


PS Tell everyone you meet that you're Amish! I will be trying this next time we move.

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You all are wonderful -- and so funny. I wish I had time to respond to every post because every one is great.


Thanks for validating my experience. I went to a party last night and got it all over again: "why?!" (I'm sorry, we don't live in the Ritz on Maui, people.)


Thanks again. And I didn't mean to offend any Californians. So. Cal and No. Cal. are totally different from each other. Monterey and Mendocino are awesome. Hwy. 1 is gorgeous, but I don't live on Hwy. 1 and besides I've seen it a million times! :lol:


On an interesting note, these are the same people who can't believe I'm homeschooling. So there you have it.


Just ready for the new. Thanks again!!



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As we're getting ready for our move to Richmond, VA I'm getting a lot of friends saying, "why?! Why would you want to leave here??"


"Here" is Sacramento -- a fairly blah town if you ask me. I've been here for years and I'd love to see a new part of the country. If someone wants to stay in Sac and loves it -- that's great.


But what I don't understand is how confounded these people seem to be that we're ready to leave.


A) they seem to have no clue about the economic downturn that the state of CA is taking :glare: Don't they read the paper ever?? Dh works for the state and will literally get 20,000 more a yr. in VA B)the homes and lifestyle cost a lot of money here even in the best economy and C) there are other parts of the country, folks.


People who live in Sac are all about Tahoe is 2 hrs. away, San Fran is 2 hrs. away. But the summers are roasting from May -- Oct. often at 100 and over degrees.


Really -- if a family loves Sac -- that's just fine. I can't understand why they're so perplexed that we'd love to try the east coast. VA in particular.


Thanks, I needed to vent for a moment. I'm getting this attitude over and over these days.





I grew up a little bit in VA. I hated VA. Blech on the humidity and gnats and beastly insects.


OTH, 20,000 more is no small matter and we would move, too!


Truthfully, when I first moved to California, I thought it was ugly. Actually, I still think it is ugly but I've grown roots. FWIW, I don't get what the big deal is about Sacramento either. With the exception of the bike trail along the American River (I think that is the name), the parts I've seen are ugly and boring.


Enjoy more prosperous times!

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I experienced the same thing when I moved from San Diego to Missouri, but when we went from MO to IL, no one cared. LOL


Expect, however, folks in VA to ask stupid questions about CA. "Does everyone have a tan?" "Is everyone a vegetarian?" "Do you surf to work?" "Do you know any movie stars?" as well as "California is just a bunch of fruits and nuts!" You really get to see how ignorant people can be when you move from one region to another.

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They don't go out of their way to meet 'strangers' (i.e., people outside their circle of friends-since-kindergarten).





This describes the town I live in- lots of fourth generation farmers

Edited by SusanAR
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Hey!! I'm from San Jose


Okay, I have to chime in that I'm from San Jose too, grew up on the west side near Campbell/Saratoga, graduated from the now-closed Blackford High School. I lived in Blossom Hill/Almaden for a year or two before moving to Denver in 1983. I did not miss CA one single bit. My sister still lives there; my dad moved to Phoenix, my mom lived part time in Cupertino for several years before permanently moving to an island in WA state.


I lived in Colorado from 1983-2007, when we moved to Stickville, VA. (No, it's not really called Stickville, lol.) People here still ask, WHY would you move here from Colorado? I guess they want to get out. I loved suburban life in Colorado; I love country life here.

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Haven't read the replies but I got a chuckle. I have been saying that for years. When we lived in LA I knew people who couldn't imagine WHY anyone would want to live anywhere else. I knew many people who considered themselves weel traveled when they had never left the state except to go to Las Vegas. My nephew and his wife couldn't imagine living anywhere else. They live in the Bay Area and he works for Google, so they can affrord to do CA right. The poor working schlubs like us gave up a lot to stay at home and live in our small house. The crime was awful, the schools stuck, and everyone, for the most part, felt they were living the CA dream.


It seemed as if people thought living in CA gave you a level of sophistication, awareness, whatever, that made leaving the state unnecessary.


I say this also with sadness. DH proposed to me at the Minaret Vista at Mammoth. We actually loved going to Death Valley. DH loved being able to go skiing before work. But there is more to life than that.

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I personally hated CA....the crowds, traffic, political climate, graffiti and trash all over the freeways


I hate everything about CA except for the weather and that it's pretty laissez-faire about homeschooling. The thing that really drives me nuts is how everyone is all nicey-nice to your face & you never know who's going to stab you the moment your back is turned. Where DH and I grew up in the Northeast, you knew where you stood with people. They wouldn't hesitate to get up all in your face if they had a beef with you, but I can deal with that. If they were nice to you, you knew that they actually meant it. Just be upfront about everything, KWIM? None of this passive-aggressiveness where everyone pretends to be all friendly to each other's faces while secretly plotting to screw the other person over. :thumbdown:


I'd go back to the Northeast in a heartbeat (winters and all) if DH would agree to it...

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Funny, I live in Chico and everyone I know--from Sac as well--is trying to get out, or talking about how maybe they ought to get out. I'm feeling very lonely. :( One of my best friends just moved out of state and my husband is over at another friend's house right now, loading up the moving truck.


I love Chico and hope to retire here, IMO it's one of the few good places in CA, but if I lived in Sac I'd want out too!

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I am really puzzled you are getting those responses. We live in SoCal, and I don't know anybody who would say that. Our friends are very aware of the bad economy, high cost of living, crowded urban space, etc. Many of them would jump at the chance to leave, and in fact, I can think of 7 families we've met since we moved to SoCal 4 years ago who have moved out of state.


If my hubby could keep his job and we could move to Colorado or Texas...we'd do it in a California minute!


Somebody mentioned parochialism...maybe it is more prevalent in Sacramento than Orange County.

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I despise California. If given the chance, I would be out of this state before anyone even had the chance to give me their California-centric line.


I tell my friend, who thinks the sun rises and sets on Bakersfield, that she is clueless since she has never really seen the color green in her entire life.


Californians think millions of acres of bushes should be called Los Angeles National Forest. WTHeck!


Smog, traffic, dirt, meth heads, high taxes, and corrupt politicians. That's what comes to mind when I think of California. Oh, and throw in a rat-infested palm tree for good measure.


Okay, maybe not that bad, but I started having fun bashing CA. LOL.

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I hate everything about CA except for the weather and that it's pretty laissez-faire about homeschooling. The thing that really drives me nuts is how everyone is all nicey-nice to your face & you never know who's going to stab you the moment your back is turned. Where DH and I grew up in the Northeast, you knew where you stood with people. They wouldn't hesitate to get up all in your face if they had a beef with you, but I can deal with that. If they were nice to you, you knew that they actually meant it. Just be upfront about everything, KWIM? None of this passive-aggressiveness where everyone pretends to be all friendly to each other's faces while secretly plotting to screw the other person over. :thumbdown:


I'd go back to the Northeast in a heartbeat (winters and all) if DH would agree to it...


I grew up in Jersey and you NAILED it. I couldn't agree with you more.

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I love Chico!


Funny, I live in Chico and everyone I know--from Sac as well--is trying to get out, or talking about how maybe they ought to get out. I'm feeling very lonely. :( One of my best friends just moved out of state and my husband is over at another friend's house right now, loading up the moving truck.


I love Chico and hope to retire here, IMO it's one of the few good places in CA, but if I lived in Sac I'd want out too!

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I experienced the same thing when I moved from San Diego to Missouri, but when we went from MO to IL, no one cared. LOL


Expect, however, folks in VA to ask stupid questions about CA. "Does everyone have a tan?" "Is everyone a vegetarian?" "Do you surf to work?" "Do you know any movie stars?" as well as "California is just a bunch of fruits and nuts!" You really get to see how ignorant people can be when you move from one region to another.


When I was a kid living in West Texas, there was a child I spent time with who was visiting from CA. They were blown away that we had MTV, electricity, and that we didn't ride in covered wagons. I remember wondering what in the world they had been told about TX. :lol: I just think that's sometimes natural...well, with kids anyway. ;)

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Yes we are California-centric, and beyond that it gets regional. For instance...I think Sac. s*cks because I'm from Orange County and people from the bay area think we're a bunch of plastic fools :D. We can't help it.

Honestly if you grew up here (in so cal) before billions of people came, and they built on every bit of open space, this place was truly amazing.


We were in Virginia last spring and we LOVED it. It was so beautiful, and old (for the US :)). How could you not have a fabulous adventure?

Maybe it's their way of saying they'll miss you?


I DID grow up there (Manhattan Beach), but infinitely prefer anywhere else. There were a LOT of undeveloped areas when I was young. I can't believe it when I visit now. It's packed. I think it's just individual taste. ;) I couldn't even live there if someone gave me a free house. :)

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Expect, however, folks in VA to ask stupid questions about CA. "Does everyone have a tan?" "Is everyone a vegetarian?" "Do you surf to work?" "Do you know any movie stars?"

"Does everyone wear a bikini all the time?"


I think because California is SO big, with so much natural beauty and cultural diversity, and so much popular media is California-dominated (i.e. Hollywood), it is very easy to forget the rest of the country, except maybe DC for politics and some bit of NYC, and assume everything else is boring and backward. That being said, I wish you the best on your move.

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Funny, I live in Chico and everyone I know--from Sac as well--is trying to get out, or talking about how maybe they ought to get out. I'm feeling very lonely. :( One of my best friends just moved out of state and my husband is over at another friend's house right now, loading up the moving truck.


I love Chico and hope to retire here, IMO it's one of the few good places in CA, but if I lived in Sac I'd want out too!



Have to chime in here since I am only an hour and a half up the road in Redding. It is completely different up here and people often joke about splitting the state in half or thirds. The weather is hot but all of our family lives hear. We too talk about someday leaving california. But it won't happen for awhile. I do love the sunshine though. Nice to see someone so close on the loop. :001_smile: Ruby

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Okay, I have to chime in that I'm from San Jose too, grew up on the west side near Campbell/Saratoga, graduated from the now-closed Blackford High School. I lived in Blossom Hill/Almaden for a year or two before moving to Denver in 1983. I did not miss CA one single bit. My sister still lives there; my dad moved to Phoenix, my mom lived part time in Cupertino for several years before permanently moving to an island in WA state.


I lived in Colorado from 1983-2007, when we moved to Stickville, VA. (No, it's not really called Stickville, lol.) People here still ask, WHY would you move here from Colorado? I guess they want to get out. I loved suburban life in Colorado; I love country life here.


My husband was raised in Cupertino and my inlaws still live there. They paid $35,000 for their house when DH was a toddler and now it is over $1,000,000 if they sold it today. It's craziness.

Edited by TXMary2
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That is interesting, we moved from CA over 4 years ago and I still get comments about living in "redneck" territory. Considering most of Charlotte moved here from NY/NJ/MA, I feel more like I am in the NE most of the time!


The ironic part of it is that when I tell people here that I am from Los Angeles, they say, "Wow, I bet you are really glad you are out of THAT place!" So, it ends up being to opposite reaction on this end.


It is all so silly. Each place has something different to offer and is no worse or better than any other place other than in our own mind/personalities.


I personally much prefer the West Coast, but I can't fault anyone for preferring the East Coast. It is what we like and feel comfortable with.



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Whew. This thread is making me feel so much better about leaving Sac.


CA reall is three or four states even in one. So. Cal is so different from No. Cal and Sac is different then Redding or Eureka.


And the Bay Area -- as wonderful as it can be, I grew up there -- is major SPRAWL.


Maybe that's it: I don't like sprawl. And So. Cal is major sprawl too.


But mostly, I'd like to experience something new.



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Guest janainaz

That mentality is a bit annoying to me. I grew up in southern CA (originally from OK) and when my dh and I decided to move, everyone said, "Why would you want to leave here?" I can think of a million reasons why. There is something so nice about the idea of a REAL change of seasons, change of scenery AND more affordable cost of living.

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This is funny! When we moved from Nashville *TO* CA last year we weren't getting comments like, "Why would you want to leave N'ville?"...we were getting..."Why would you want to move to CA?" (with weird facial contortions added).


I can understand you wanting to leave Sac. I want to leave too. Just not sure where I want to be though.


Good luck with your move and may it become "home" to you! :001_smile:

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Ha...just read this. Where in SJ were you? We were in the Blossom/Almaden Valley area. We also got double the house for less than half the price. Fortunately, in DH's industry his pay stayed the same, however, we lost my income about a year after coming here and adjustments had to be made. Even so, we are so much happier here and we love Texas!

We must have been neighbors. We were just up the street from the original IBM, walking distance to Kaiser Santa Teresa :-)


Mr. Ellie was transferred here by Applied Materials and kept the same salary. However, his job was outsourced after we were here a couple of years, and his new job pays less than half what Applied did.:glare: On the up side, we did pay cash for our house (and cars), and we also paid off the credit cards so we're debt-free. We'd be hurtin' for certain if we'd had a mortgage payment.


We loved Calif; Mr. Ellie is a native of San Diego, and we'd lived in San Jose for 16 years. We don't love Texas yet, but we are content, and we've discovered that our hearts are no longer in Calif, although if something miraculous happened financially, I suspect we'd go back to Calif in a nanosecond.

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I tell my friend, who thinks the sun rises and sets on Bakersfield, that she is clueless since she has never really seen the color green in her entire life.




Oh, that made me laugh. Bakersfield isn't Hell, but I'm pretty sure you can see it from there.


I grew up in SoCal, moved away for almost a decade and then moved back to NorCal. They are 2 completely different worlds. I really, really like Marin. If only the houses were cheaper, then it would be amazing. I like the people and the surroundings. It's just busy enough. Not too crowded, not too country. I would be VERY hard pressed to move back to SoCal. It would bring me pain, I think. When we left Cali, the only people who didn't understand it were our family. Nobody leaves and we were the first. When we left Louisiana, nobody wondered why. When we left Florida, a lot of people were sad to see us go, but nobody gave us a hard time. So, I don't know. Maybe you just need different friends. Good thing you're moving! Enjoy your new home,

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I don't know..I was born and raised in San Luis Obispo County, CA and having lived in other countries and States I still think it is heaven on earth and if I could only ever afford to move back, I would in a heartbeat. But, I wish you the best of luck with your move:D

Well, but SLO is the other good place to live in CA! If I was rich that's where I'd live!


I think part of the "Why?" reaction is really "But why are you leaving me?? Don't leave me!"--I don't like my friends to go away.




I was born in Bakersfield, 3rd generation. My dad couldn't wait to get out. He was thrilled to get a transfer to Santa Maria.:001_smile:

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We must have been neighbors. We were just up the street from the original IBM, walking distance to Kaiser Santa Teresa :-)


Mr. Ellie was transferred here by Applied Materials and kept the same salary. However, his job was outsourced after we were here a couple of years, and his new job pays less than half what Applied did.:glare: On the up side, we did pay cash for our house (and cars), and we also paid off the credit cards so we're debt-free. We'd be hurtin' for certain if we'd had a mortgage payment.


We loved Calif; Mr. Ellie is a native of San Diego, and we'd lived in San Jose for 16 years. We don't love Texas yet, but we are content, and we've discovered that our hearts are no longer in Calif, although if something miraculous happened financially, I suspect we'd go back to Calif in a nanosecond.


We probably were! We were off Lean/Santa Teresa and in Almaden we were right by the library and country club area off of Camden. I know the ST Kaiser well. IBM is gone and I think it is a bunch of new houses. I like to visit friends and see the changes, but I don't want to live there again.

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It's funny that you posted this because I just saw some family that lives in the middle of no where, California (Hanford), and the way they talk, California is a separate country.... Everything is "well, in California, we ...... ". I've never seen that to the degree they go with it with people from anywhere else!

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