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how many children do you have

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We have 4. We had the first two, 15 months apart when we were very young. We did not own our own home and so decided we had better wait for #3. As soon as we bought our first house, we started trying for #3 and got pregnant right away. There are 4 1/2 years between #2 and #3. At that point, my DH decided that 3 was enough but we never did anything permanant. For 9 years I asked him about every 6 months, "Do you think we might try for another baby?" For 9 years he said no thanks. I was fine with it. I had three and certainly didn't want to force another child on a father who didn't want one. ( He was a GREAT father, just didn't want another baby.) Then one day, when I was 38, I said, "Okay, if you're really done, then I'm done too and we need to take some permanant action. It's now or never - another baby or sterilization for one of us because I'm getting to the point that I don't want another if we delay it any longer!" I was sorta bluffing - I LOVE babies and would even love to have one now ( I'm 46). But much to my shock, he picked another baby!!!!! Happiest day of my life! DD8 was born when I was 38 and he was 40. She is the light of our life!!!! It is really like raising an only, since all her siblings are adults.


So, We've got





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Five stairstep kids here, ages 4-11 (see sig line for details)...Never a dull moment, for sure!


Original 'plan' (haha) was to have two close together, wait a couple of years, then have two more and be done. Long story short: had trouble getting pregnant with #1...thought about adoption as 'our plan' wasn't working out...finally got pregnant...had two kids 16 months apart...took the planned break and had #3 two and a half years later, then #4 twenty-two months after that. Ah! Done!...Done? Really? Hmm...another one would be nice...but...dh was diagnosed with a brain tumor at that point, so maybe not...BUT (God knows just what we need) the preg. test came back positive right in the middle of dh's whole medical ordeal, which, in addition to scaring us to death, eventually led us to choose hope over doubt, to smile at the future instead of wallowing in 'what-ifs.' We named our little surprise Jonathan, which means 'gift from God.' He has been the light of our lives for four years now.


We really do think we're done now.

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Two and I'm done (and happy about that). :001_smile:


We had a boy and then a girl, just as we had always hoped. We had decided early on in our marriage that when we started having children, if we had 2 boys or 2 girls, we would have one more in the hopes of having a child of the opposite sex from the first two. But we had one of each and stopped. Now I'm looking forward to grandchildren! But, as I mentioned in another thread yesterday, I sometimes wish someone would call me out of the blue and ask me to take in an orphaned child. :D

Edited by ereks mom
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We have 4dc and I think we're done with biological children. I've had 4 miscarriages since my 4th dc was born and I've just turned 40yo. I just don't think I can face another miscarriage or even another pregnancy. I'd love to adopt someday, but I know the timing isn't right now. Hopefully someday though.

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Just the two. I'd like more, but nothing would persuade me to go through pregnancy again and I don't have the courage to go through another baby's first year. Maybe if I could get some at about 10 months of age...




Just two for us also. Pregnancy was too miserable for me, and I fear another infant will put me in the funny farm.

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We have 8 and will find out in about an hour if #9 or #9 and #10 are on the way. Right now I say no more (24/7 morning sickness has me in bed) but as soon as that passes I know I'll change my mind. :D


Best of luck!!!!! I have horrible m/s with my pregnancies too and always wonder "why on Earth did I want another baby??????" but once I survive the first trimester I remember.


We have 3 so far and hope God blesses us with more in the future.

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I have 3 and am sooo content for now! Due to circumstances between DH and I, there will be no more babies in the near future, if ever. But even aside from that, I love my little family of three and am glad to be moving beyond the baby stage, which is precious and beautiful and amazing... but honestly, it's HARD!!! :) I'm definitely open to more down the road, if other things allow it, but right now, I'm enjoying the break!

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We have 3 and I am sooo happy with all three! We are open to more but my emotions are all over the place - some moments I want to be pg (many family members are) but some moments it is the last thing I want (I HATE being sick, having to quit bfing, and I want a break)...I hope the Lord will let me bf my son for a year...we'll see :)

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if this is to forward just whack me with a ruler but are they all yours or did you adopt?


I am not Tricia, and I see she answered you, but I just wanted to mention that this is not the most elegantly-phrased question. An adopted child would still be yours, kwim? It's not like adopted children are being permanently babysat. ;) Reconsider how you ask this in the future; really it's nicer to ask, "Are they all your biological children, or are some adopted?"


I know you didn't mean any harm. I have a friend who has one adopted and one bio child and it really hurts her when people make the distinction that way - as if the adopted child is not actually hers.


Oh, and P.S., I have 3 on earth and 1 in heaven. I crave another child (or 3) every second, but dh says no and God has not seen fit to override him, darn it.

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I am not Tricia, and I see she answered you, but I just wanted to mention that this is not the most elegantly-phrased question. An adopted child would still be yours, kwim? It's not like adopted children are being permanently babysat. ;) Reconsider how you ask this in the future; really it's nicer to ask, "Are they all your biological children, or are some adopted?"


I know you didn't mean any harm. I have a friend who has one adopted and one bio child and it really hurts her when people make the distinction that way - as if the adopted child is not actually hers.




Thank you. People (tourists) actually say this in front of my children along with "Are they really brother and sister?" I know they mean biologic, but crap, my kids are listening! And the correct answer to the question is: "Oh yes, they are."


And, it doesn't mean I deny my children their history. Quite the contrary...but it is among us, and not for broadcast to the general public.

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I have 5 boys, ages 10, 9, 6, 2, and 5 months...My SO has one son as well who will be 10 next month...Right now, only my younger 3 live with us, and it probably will never change...I really would love a little girl...Whatever happens will happen though...My life is one screwy country song so I never know what exactly will happen next...:)

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Just 2 for us, and this is the best fit for my family. Although, every once in a while I do long for a girl. That's when I remind myself that God would have given me a girl if I were meant to be the mom of one. It "calms" me when I think of it that way. :)

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Well, I might be one of the oldest still wishing I could have one more! (I am 41.)


I have three sons. The oldest will be 12 in a few weeks, the second is 7 and the baby is 3 months old. I had a difficult recovery from his birth and my doctor says I should really think before having a fourth. I've always wanted four kids, and particularly a girl (though as others have said, if I don't have one, I'll just know it wasn't meant to be).


Because of the difficulties last time, DH isn't really on-board with the thought of another pregnancy. And I have to admit, we are more tired this time now that we're older! (But on the flip side, we are also enjoying the baby more than we enjoyed the other two.)


My gut tells me we're done at three, but I want to leave the door open in case God sees fit to give us one more! ;)

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