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Am I the only one that loves Walmart?

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I certainly don't love Wal-Mart but last week I went in there and got new glasses for my 11 year old for $38 (with a year guarantee). The eye doc he had seen for his new prescription didn't have anything under $130 just for the frames. I thought I'd try Wal-Mart and see if I could do better. I knew they would be cheaper but $38 is crazy cheap for glasses. They came in much faster than the private eye doc, too.


I found myself promising I would stop cursing Wal-Mart (even though mine is dirty and has poor customer service in general).



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I'm with you! I live in CA in a town of about 25,000 which is 1.5 hours from anything else except a poorly staffed Kmart. Our store is clean, the staff is generally friendly, and the shoppers don't seem crazy or harried to me. I like running into friends from church or just browsing as a way to relax and kill time with my 3-month-old, who enjoys looking around.


I used to work at a Walmart in Idaho few years ago, and I had the same experience there. Maybe it has to do with the location? When in lived in Santa Clarita, CA, the Walmart there was crazy because there were just too many people in that town to only have one Walmart. There were 300,000+ people in the surrounding area, but only one (non-super) Walmart.

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It's the only place to shop for me without driving over an hour. I see lots of people I know, talk to all the ladies who work there that I've know for 30+ years, get all my groceries, prescriptions whatever. I just don't have a problem with WM.


See, for you, it's a pleasant place and since you mentioned the fact that it's the only place you can go to under an hour, I really understand why you would go there even if you didn't know a lot of people.


Our Walmart is very different. It's crowded, merchandise is on the floor, sales personnel (some, not all) does not know how to help you because they either don't know their workplace well enough or they don't care to be helpful. I only go there if I cannot find what I am looking for somewhere else and I don't have time to order online.


Oh, and then there is that little issue I have with Walmart having their upper management conferences in China??? No nice place in the U.S to hold a conference?? Secondly, I don't like their cutthroat policies in regards to their vendors.

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Don't love it, but certainly appreciate being able to take care of so many things under one roof. And while they get (and may deserve) a lot of flak for certain policies, I'm personally aware of situations where they were the only company in town willing to provide health insurance for part-time employees and that sort of thing.


I didn't start hating Walmart until we moved to Houston. I quite like the one in Round Rock (the old one; everyone there is friends with my grandfather), and even the one at 620/183 is 100 times less hectic than any I've been to in Houston.

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My mom loves hers. Says she wants to work there when she retires (I think she just doesn't want to hang out with Dad full time :tongue_smilie:). However, I brought her to ours and I thought she was going to hyperventilate.


Not a fan. However, I will go if I *have* to. Both dc refuse to go with if they know I'm going there. Dh is thoroughly opposed due to the China bit.

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It's the only place to shop for me without driving over an hour. I see lots of people I know, talk to all the ladies who work there that I've know for 30+ years, get all my groceries, prescriptions whatever. I just don't have a problem with WM.


Is it possible that the reason Walmart is the only place to show without having to drive over an hour because Walmart put the other business owners in your area out of business? That seems to be their MO.


Now I say this after having gone to Walmart just yesterday.

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Well I have to admit that I never appreciated Wal-Mart until I moved to a country without one! Being able to get everything on my list under one roof would be awesome right about now. Instead I get to spend all day going from one momandpop specialty shop to another. It's exhausting and takes a lot of time I just don't have.

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Is it possible that the reason Walmart is the only place to show without having to drive over an hour because Walmart put the other business owners in your area out of business? That seems to be their MO.


Now I say this after having gone to Walmart just yesterday.


Nah, not here anyhow. We still have a couple of independent grocery stores and specialty shops downtown. I just like Walmart.

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There are 2 walmarts near us that are clean and bright. I enjoy shopping there if I must shop.


However, I have been in Walmarts that are messy and dirty. I think in some of them, the employees can't keep up with cleaning and straightening the messes made by the customers. In these Walmarts, the customers are rude and obnoxious.

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Guest janainaz

I don't LOVE Wal-Mart, but it is where I shop for 90% of my groceries and household stuff. I usually don't have any complaints with it being too busy or crowded. Over Thanksgiving, it was a zoo, but everyone was out shopping just like me. I LOVE Target and I emjoy browsing around in there. I think I like the red - the warm colors instead of the stark blue and bright lights!

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I have also lived thousands of miles from the nearest Walmart and I really do appreciate being able to shop there but I don't do the majority of my shopping there. I do the bulk of my shopping at Aldi's and just pick up any name brands we can't live without from Walmart. There are 3 Walmarts in our city and I actually prefer the other 2 Walmarts in town to the one that is closest to me. The one nearest to me is dirty and the customers are very rude. Yes, the customers, the staff actually isn't too bad to deal with. :eyes: It's only about 5 - 10 minutes out of my way to go to one of the other Walmarts so unless I'm just really pressed for time, I go to one of the other ones.


I do tend to prefer Target's children's clothing over Walmart's. And I like Target's toy selection and housewares items better than Walmart. But other than that, I have no problems with Walmart.

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I used to love it but not so much anymore. I like that they price match for groceries but find that the cashiers argue with me over which cut of meat is on sale and often I find that certain cuts of meat just aren't available there when they are on sale at another store. I've started shopping at different stores again. I'm finding the selection of certain items getting smaller as well.

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I don't mind Walmart and shop there quite a bit. There isn't a whole lot to choose from in this town ~ for kids clothes, it's pretty much Walmart or Zellers... the Zellers here is DISGUSTING (and I mean, ewww gross ~ I'm sure that the carpet in the change rooms is actually growing.) so I avoid it most of the time. The Walmart is cleaner ~ well, it's pretty mucky right now, but that's because of Christmas shopping insanity.


There's actually a couple other kids clothing places, but dd12 outgrew the biggest sizes that Please Mum carries (it's KIDS only, not teen) and the other two sell very expensive stuff ~ sorry, but I'm not paying $100+ for a pair of girls jeans that won't fit her in 6 months. ;)


[i do poke my nose in now and then and rummage their clearance racks ~ snagged dd12 a Christmas dress from one of those racks ~ but I will. not. pay. full price for their stuff.]

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I love my Walmart because it's the only grocery store on my drive to ds's school, no detour. I also like their grocery selection and prices. Their produce rotates quickly and you can choose your own instead of buying the premade packages at Target. I can be in and out of Walmart in about 10 minutes if I go after drop off at 9 am and only need a few things. That's better than any other store in my area, but it's an off time for retail. I also find that their clothes fit me better than any other store. I'm not sure I want to be a Walmart woman, but you've got to have jeans that fit!

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I like Walmart a lot. It saves me money and it takes the coupons I print out on line while my local HEB does not. I will only go to HEB now for a few items- like produce and meat- things I normally don't have coupons for.


I was once a cashier at Walmart and it is not any easy job dealing with the public. The task of operating a register and counting $$ is obviously fairly simple, but dealing with people who blame the cashier for every ill they have had that day is pretty difficult. Standing for 8 hours isn't much fun either, but most do it with a smile.


Our in town Walmart is tiny and I go there for quick trips, but I goto the Super Walmart a couple towns away to get my groceries. It is clean and huge, parking is great, the employees are friendly and I have to say I have rarely had a negative experience. I went today in fact and finished up some Christmas shopping that included Walmart gift cards that will keep people going in to Walmart!


I don't understand Walmart haters and the ranting about their business practices. They employ millions of people that might not otherwise be employed. They offer benefits and flexible hours. They give an employee discount. They provide very scheduled breaks, a nice breakroom and they feed employees at holidays and at a lot of the employee meetings in the store. I will continue to give them my business not just because I like the service I get, but because it gives me a chuckle knowing that my shopping there just really hacks some people off! :D

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I like it! I find what I need there and it's just affordable. Of course, our Walmart in our area is actually beautiful, well organized, clean, and the sales people are super helpful and polite. So, maybe that's not everyone's experience,but, it's been mine. We miss it a ton and can't wait to get there when we are back in the US visiting.

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I'm with you! I live in CA in a town of about 25,000 which is 1.5 hours from anything else except a poorly staffed Kmart. Our store is clean, the staff is generally friendly, and the shoppers don't seem crazy or harried to me. I like running into friends from church or just browsing as a way to relax and kill time with my 3-month-old, who enjoys looking around.


I lived in an area in WA state that fits that description and the Wal-Mart was fairly pleasant. It wasn't dirty, the lines weren't awful and the people (staff & customers) were fine. Mine now isn't horrible, my "regular" Wal-Mart (I only go there about once every month or two) is clean, and while the workers are generally pretty apathetic, they're not rude and the customers are ok too. Other Wal-Marts around here are not as nice.


Honestly, though, I don't find that I save much money when I shop at WM. There are a few things that are cheaper at WM that I go there for, but I refuse to buy anything in their brand (Sam's Choice, Faded Glory, etc.) except some foods. The quality just isn't there. I'd rather do Target any day, or Costco for things that we really need good quality on (electronics, etc.).

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I loathe and despise Walmart.


I refuse to shop at any company that pays so crappy that so many of their employees need public assistance.


That is NOT good stewardship. The dollars people save come out of the community chest.



I worked for a fast food restaurant a long while ago, one of the Walmart managers offered me a job. I laughed at him, "I make a lot more flipping burgers than y'all pay."


I could see it if I lived in a small town where there wasn't anything else, but I won't shop there.

Edited by Sis
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I loathe and despise Walmart.


I refuse to shop at any company that pays so crappy that so many of their employees need public assistance.


That is NOT good stewardship. The dollars people save come out of the community chest.



I worked for a fast food restaurant a long while ago, one of the Walmart managers offered me a job. I laughed at him, "I make a lot more flipping burgers than y'all pay."


I could see it if I lived in a small town where there wasn't anything else, but I won't shop there.


I have a friend that has worked at Walmart for what seems like forever 10 to 15 years. She always talks about how wells she is paid and how much great vacation time she has, etc. I am a bit confused by that.

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It's the only place to shop for me without driving over an hour. I see lots of people I know, talk to all the ladies who work there that I've know for 30+ years, get all my groceries, prescriptions whatever. I just don't have a problem with WM.


Our local Walmart is Horrible. It's the worst one I've ever been to. It's always dirty, disheveled, and crowded. Most of the shoppers there look completely miserable, and seeing at least one couple fighting and 5 or 6 toddlers screaming and crying is the norm. That said, I still shop there, because there is nowhere else that can match their prices and selection. I don't like it, though! ;)

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I have a friend that has worked at Walmart for what seems like forever 10 to 15 years. She always talks about how wells she is paid and how much great vacation time she has, etc. I am a bit confused by that.


My sister works for WM right now because it is the BEST paying job she can find right now.


I worked for WM a long time ago. Back then they were paying 50 cents more an hour than any other place around for someone right out of high school.


I personally LOVE Walmart. I love shopping there and I loved working there. I transferred to three different stores while in college and after I married. Loved all three of the stores I worked in. We have a Target, several grocery stores, and a mall, but I prefer my Walmart!!


However I also love big shopping crowds and used to love getting the grouchy customers through my line so I could annoy them with my insane cheerfulness. :D LOVED working Black Friday and the whole Christmas season. I love shopping Black Friday at Walmart and now those grouchy people get a big ole toothy smile from a Walmart customer.

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I don't like many of their business practices, and I used to avoid them when possible, but when hard times hit I grew to appreciate them. Our Walmart is very clean, the people are friendly, they work with many of the local groups to hire disabled people, etc. I do prefer Target though.

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This is my opinion, too. We have a WM about 10 minutes away and I very rarely go in it. It is dirty and takes forever to get through the checkout. And the store is just a mess every time I do go in it. The Meijer just across the road may not be quite as cheap, but it is clean and pleasant.


I loved WM before we were here and I like the ones I see in smaller towns. I would absolutely shop in them, but this one is a mess. It is not worth the frustration.

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I live within 3 miles of a Walmart, Target, Ross, TJMaxx, Kohls, and 3 grocery stores (Shoppers Food Warehouse, Bloom, Giant ). I choose to go to Walmart 80% of the time, so I must be a fan.


The cashiers and other employees there are always friendly. I notice they employ many older people as well as disabled people. I know many of the cashiers by name as there is not a lot of turn-over. My best friend's sister has worked for WM for over 10 years and has had many medical problems (back, gall bladdar and female problems that required surgery)-- all covered by WM's insurance and she is a single mom NOT on public assistance.


We are a single-income family in NoVA, so WM's prices have been a life-saver. My kids school uniforms consist of Hanes Sweats and a couple pairs of wrangler jeans. I do buy their t-shirts from Target or Kohls (off the clearance rack) as WM brands tend to shrink and become too short. I buy all my bread, coffee, and milk at Walmart as I can't afford $4 a loaf bread or $6 for 3/4 coffee from my local grocer. I prefer shopping at WM over Target because Target has too many tempting extra's that drive my bill up (Dollar bins anyone? Gourmet chocolates?).


My only beef with WM is that I have trouble finding anything my size on clearance (size 6-10 depending on brand)! However, I can always find my Lee Riders in my size, so all is forgiven.



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We have three Super WalMarts, each about 15 minutes from the house. One I hate, one I love, and one I could take or leave.


I'm convinced not all WalMarts are created equal.


FWIW, we have a brand new Super Target that is five minutes closer than any of the WalMarts, but Target does not seem to meet our everyday needs the way WalMart does.

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