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Exactly how early can you start drinking and not be thought a lush?

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3pm. On the dot.





This way, you can enjoy a glass while you get dinner ready (and while you think about what you will have), and then another with it. Cheers! ;)



...Actually, that is a really interesting question. How much do you plan to consume? I think that would be a contributing phactor (sorry about the missing eph) to the answer to your question.

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...however, there are adjustments as follows:


Children are fighting with each other--subtract 2 hours.


Husband is fighting with children--do not drink at all. You will need to have all your wits about you to referee.


The relative that you most often have had to ask to pass the bean dip has called--emergency. Any time will do.


It's Mike's that you're drinking--any time will do. Everyone knows that Mikes does not count. And neither does a nice, genteel little glass of sherry.


It's a really hot day--mint juleps do not count under these circumstances. Tom Collins'es, however, are iffy.


It's a really cold day--hot chocolate or coffee, doctored up with some sort of appropriate antifreeze, does not count under these circumstances.


Champagne drinks are acceptable at breakfast time or brunch. Extra points if there is an actual piece of fruit IN the drink.


Rum drinks are acceptable starting at lunchtime in the tropics or in any sunny resort area.


Sake is fine with any Japanese meal.


That is all...

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Depends on where you are and what you're drinking. Socom goes well in coffee, good morning sun! I have know people to start the day with a bloody mary (barf) or a mint julep (barfier).


Basically, as long as you can still speak clearly and walk before bed, you're fine. IOW, if you get drunk, you're a lush. Tomorrow you should cut back. Repeat until you find your threshold ;)


But then, I've been dry for some time now :p what do I know?!?

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My brother-in-law's wife has her first glass of wine at 10 in the morning and she's three sheets to the wind by noon. It's never too early if you're a lush.


I, myself, have never found a drink I like. I guess I'm ok with little sweet drinks like strawberry daiquiris, and such, but the basic taste of alcohol is just not something that delights my tongue. We've had a case of beer in the pantry since Fourth of July weekend TWO years ago. I've been slowly opening them to use in cooking. (Does beer go bad?)


For the past two years, my doctor has recommended 3 oz. of red wine each evening with dinner, so at our house the time is 7:30 pm. ;)

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...however, there are adjustments as follows:


Children are fighting with each other--subtract 2 hours.


Husband is fighting with children--do not drink at all. You will need to have all your wits about you to referee.


The relative that you most often have had to ask to pass the bean dip has called--emergency. Any time will do.


It's Mike's that you're drinking--any time will do. Everyone knows that Mikes does not count. And neither does a nice, genteel little glass of sherry.


It's a really hot day--mint juleps do not count under these circumstances. Tom Collins'es, however, are iffy.


It's a really cold day--hot chocolate or coffee, doctored up with some sort of appropriate antifreeze, does not count under these circumstances.


Champagne drinks are acceptable at breakfast time or brunch. Extra points if there is an actual piece of fruit IN the drink.


Rum drinks are acceptable starting at lunchtime in the tropics or in any sunny resort area.


Sake is fine with any Japanese meal.


That is all...


I may post this on my fridge, where my white wine is currently chilling.

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Gee, you sure can tell who imbibes on these boards! :D


Seriously, though, your question is a really good one. So, it surely matters how much you drink and how ophten (again, sorry about my stupid eph key)? I mean, what is 'normal' and what is 'drunkard'-ish? Because you know, those 3-4 oz glasses o'wine are really more like 6-8 oz glasses...

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...however, there are adjustments as follows:


Children are fighting with each other--subtract 2 hours.


Husband is fighting with children--do not drink at all. You will need to have all your wits about you to referee.


The relative that you most often have had to ask to pass the bean dip has called--emergency. Any time will do.


It's Mike's that you're drinking--any time will do. Everyone knows that Mikes does not count. And neither does a nice, genteel little glass of sherry.


It's a really hot day--mint juleps do not count under these circumstances. Tom Collins'es, however, are iffy.


It's a really cold day--hot chocolate or coffee, doctored up with some sort of appropriate antifreeze, does not count under these circumstances.


Champagne drinks are acceptable at breakfast time or brunch. Extra points if there is an actual piece of fruit IN the drink.


Rum drinks are acceptable starting at lunchtime in the tropics or in any sunny resort area.


Sake is fine with any Japanese meal.


That is all...


that is enough. Thank you. I may just start drinking now that I know how!

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LOL Whenever you start dinner prep.


If you are in France, whenever you start lunch(eon).


Any French in you? ;)



How about Scottish, I am Scottish, I am pretty sure that you can drink anytime and anything if you are Scottish, there must be a rule somewhere declaring this.

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...however, there are adjustments as follows:


Children are fighting with each other--subtract 2 hours.


Husband is fighting with children--do not drink at all. You will need to have all your wits about you to referee.


The relative that you most often have had to ask to pass the bean dip has called--emergency. Any time will do.


It's Mike's that you're drinking--any time will do. Everyone knows that Mikes does not count. And neither does a nice, genteel little glass of sherry.


It's a really hot day--mint juleps do not count under these circumstances. Tom Collins'es, however, are iffy.


It's a really cold day--hot chocolate or coffee, doctored up with some sort of appropriate antifreeze, does not count under these circumstances.


Champagne drinks are acceptable at breakfast time or brunch. Extra points if there is an actual piece of fruit IN the drink.


Rum drinks are acceptable starting at lunchtime in the tropics or in any sunny resort area.


Sake is fine with any Japanese meal.


That is all...


I could learn to live with rules like this:D

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Does Baileys (no, there is no apostrophe in Baileys, I double checked :D) count as whiskey? I thought it was more of a liqueur. I'll give you a pass if it's Baileys. ;)

I already posted this recommendation (and let me say again, I'm dry) southern comfort can really warm coffee up :lol: But maybe that's liquer too?


DOES THAT COUNT?? Now I feel like an alcohol no nothing :p


eta, the caps are to indicate shock and confusion.

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