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What do you or your children call the grandparents

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My first grandaugther was born in October. My husband and I are trying to decide what we want to be called. This baby has lots of grandparents and great grandparents. So far its been grandma and grandpa, but this sounds boring and I want something different. Here is what already is taken.


Grandparents -



Papa D




Greatgrandparents -


Great Nana


Great Grandma

Momma Dot



Any suggestions?

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Grammy, PePaw, NeeNee, MawMaw?


What about combining it with something about you? One of my great-grandparents used a scooter (smaller wheelchair) so he was Pappa Scoot. I had a grandfather who wore blue dress shirts everytime he went anywhere so he was Blue Pepaw.

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My parents are


Mamo (the /a/ is pronounced like AH as in "open up and say ah" not the short sound)

This came because we always called her Ma and her work friends always called her Mo (long o sound) because of her last name


My dad is Papa, because we always called him Pa so it sounded good and his friends all call him smurf because he's somewhat short so he is "papa smurf" lol


My in laws are Grandma and Grandpa.

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My first grand was born this week! :D


I wanted something different, too. Since I'm 'Happy' on this board and a variation of "Happy" on other boards, I decided to become "Happy" to my grands.


Still trying to decide on DH's name, but I'm encouraging "Pappy". LOL


My aunt's name was 'Sugar.' A friend's name is "Honey."


Don't forget other languages. Oma and Opa are German and easy for the little one to say early.

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My husband's parents (they're Russian):




My mom:



My mom's parents:

Grampy Phil

Nanny Connie


My husband's grandmother:

Boohaha (we referred to both her and Dh's mom as Babushka, but DS started calling GGMIL Boohaha when he began to talk)

Edited by jujsky
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Barbara-Nana - My mom. Her name is Barbara, and she didn't want to be "grandma"

PeePaw - my step-dad. The name started as a joke, but he liked it.

Grandpa Smith - my dad.

Aunt Joni - my step-mom... lol. "Aunt" suits her better as she's not much older than me.

My maiden name is Smith and I married a Smith, so my husband's parents are: Babushka (grandma) & Dadushka (grandpa) b/c they served a mission in the Ukraine a few years ago.


My grandparents are MawMaw and PawPaw (i'm from Georgia)

My dad's parents are Grandpa and grandpa Smith


Wow, I'm writing out my family history for y'all!

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Hubby's folks (less than an hour away sot he kids see them often)

Grandma and Grandpa


My folks, divorced and all the heck and gone in California are

Papa and ...California Grandma.


The two who act like REAL grandparents (show interest in the kids, talk to them face to face or phone weekly...)

Papa and Grandma (my dad and my mil).

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My parents are Mimi and Poppy.


DH's mom is New Nana (DD#1 started this when she was like two...it was so funny)


DH's dad and step-mom are Pap and Grandma.


My maternal grandparents are Nana and Pop-Pop.


My paternal grandmother is Nana (and when my grandfather was alive, he was Pop-Pop).

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My inlaws are Grandmama and Granddaddy

My parents are Gran and Paw-Paw Nu


Great grandparents-Grandpa and Mrs Tipp. (Grandmother died a few years ago and Mrs Tipp is his new wife)


We used to have more greats when our kiddos were first born: Grandmother and Paw-Paw (different set form Grandmother and Grandpa)

Nanny and Granddaddy Gilliland (even though both Granddaddys have the same last name, you knew who people were talking about by adding the last name, or not)


And our oldest son got to meet two great, greats- Gramma (pronounced Grohma) and Mama Tom.

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I only had one set of grandparents, and one g-grandmother. Grandparents were Grandmother and Poppy; g-grandmother was Grandma.


I rather like the sound of "Grandmother." :-) That will be my choice for my new grandchild (due in May on her mother's birthday!).


For my dc, my mother and her dh were Noni and Grandpa. Mil was Grandma.

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It does get confusing when there are multiple sets of Grandparents.


We are usually Grandma Katie and Grandpa Greg. Sometimes they use the last name...we really didn't have it figured it ahead of time, it just evolved as the grandkids needed to be able to distinquish between sets of Grandparents.

One memorable moment was just after our first Grandson had just been here for an extended visit. Our DD took him to his Dad's softball game and was telling him that Grandma was coming. When Grandma got there, his face fell as he was confused and expecting me.

Soo dissappointing to the other Grandma, altho Grandson lives by her and usually she sees way more of him than we do.

At that point, we added in the first names.

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I call my Grandma, Grams, and my MIL and FIL are Grammy and Papa. My parents liked Annie (her middle name) and Poppers.


I think it would be fun to call someone Goody (like Goodwife so and so in the Pilgrim era).


We've also used GG and Papa GG for great grandparents.

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I only had one set of grandparents, and one g-grandmother. Grandparents were Grandmother and Poppy; g-grandmother was Grandma.


I rather like the sound of "Grandmother." :-) That will be my choice for my new grandchild (due in May on her mother's birthday!).


For my dc, my mother and her dh were Noni and Grandpa. Mil was Grandma.



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My in-laws go by what ds (oldest grandchild) called them when he was a toddler: Oppies (AH-piece). Together they are "The Oppies". FIL is "Oppies". MIL is "Oppies-Mommy". Yes, it's truly absurd. But so are they ;) so it fits...


My parents are just Grandma B- and Grandpa C-... The great grandparents go (or went) by Grandma Rose, Grandma Lil, Grandma June, Papa (pr. paw-paw), and Pops... (I should clarify: Grandma and Grandpa sound more like "Gramma" and "Grampa" when we say them...)


My MIL and FIL did suggest (before ds named them) "Granny" (I couldn't see calling a woman who wasn't quite 50 "Granny") and "Grampy" (which sounded an awful lot like "grumpy" to me)...

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My late paternal grandma wanted us to call her Muzzy, which we shortened to Muz; my maternal Grandma is "grandma" to me, and "Nan" to my kids; my paternal grandfather is "Dad" to me, and "Granddaddy" to my kids; my mom is "Oma" to my kids and my niece; my dad is "Papa" to me and them; dh's mom is "Grandma" to the kids; dh's dad is just his name, "Randy," as dh only met him about 6 years ago, although dh himself has now started calling him "Pops;" I vote for Oma and Opa, as they are easy to say, as a pp mentioned. :)


I think the only thing not on your list is the first, and I was never fond of it, so I hesitate to recommend it! :tongue_smilie:

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When our children were very young, their grandparents and great grandparents were all still living. For the great grandparents, we called them Grandma and Grandpa followed by their last names. Then for grandparents we asked if our parents would mind being called Grandma and Grandpa followed by their first names. So we had Grandma Joyce, Grandpa Harold, Grandma Jo (for JoAnn), Grandpa Virgil, and then all the greats. One Great Grandpa wanted to be called by his first name, so he was Grandpa Pete.

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If my husband and I had our druthers, we would have two sets of Grandma and Grandpa. My daughter (1st grandchild) said "Papa" when she was learning to speak, so my mom hinged on that and taught her to say "Mama" ... so my folks are Mama and Papa to their grandchildren. My MIL decided (with my nephew) that she wanted to be Grammy, so we have Grammy and Grandpa. One out of four isn't bad LOL. While it wasn't our first choice, I do admit it is convenient to have everyone with a different name. All that to say, I would check with your daughter to see if they want a different name used.

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...probably come up with something on his own. :001_smile: That's what happened in our family.


It is interesting to think that many grandkids are 'allowed' to choose the name of the grandparents. It's actually the parents and grands that decide to 'allow' the child to get creative with the names. My nephew's daughter started calling her grandpa by his first name...everyone thought it was cute so now all the grands call him by his first name. I kinda think it is sad to not have a clever name for this stage in life. My opinion, of course.


I've chosen a difficult name and will keep on teaching proper pronunication until the dgc gets it right--just as I would teach them to say their brother or sister's name correctly....certainly by 12 or 15 they should be able to say 'Happy' properly, don't you think? :D

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My first grandaugther was born in October. My husband and I are trying to decide what we want to be called. This baby has lots of grandparents and great grandparents. So far its been grandma and grandpa, but this sounds boring and I want something different. Here is what already is taken.


Grandparents -



Papa D




Greatgrandparents -


Great Nana


Great Grandma

Momma Dot



Any suggestions?


Nana is my favorite. My mom was Grandma to my niece and nephew long before my ds was born. It irriatated everyone that I have had ds call her Nana...but now it is ok...she is Grandma and Nana.


Could you be Nana + your first name?


My friends had a Gongie growing up. I always liked that.

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Nana is my favorite. My mom was Grandma to my niece and nephew long before my ds was born. It irriatated everyone that I have had ds call her Nana...but now it is ok...she is Grandma and Nana.


Could you be Nana + your first name?


My friends had a Gongie growing up. I always liked that.


I really wanted to be Nana. My inlaws were Papa and Nana and my kids and they are very close. Nana is still alive, but Papa passed away 3 years ago. I thought since MIL was Nana I shouldn't be. I wish now I had chosen that name and we would just be Nana and Great Nana. One of the other granmas was going to be Noni, but recently that got swithced to Nana, so I am too late. I am going to suggest to my husband that he be Papa.

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My kids call my dad Grandpa, and my MIL Grandma. When my oldest was a baby, she called my mom Gagoo. I thought that was quite original, but my mom insisted on changing it to Granny.


They called my Grandmother GG before she died last year. I'll be called whatever my oldest grandchild names me.

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