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My little elf baby has arrived...

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but she looks more like a baby Hobbit! Her name is from Tolkien's elvish though, Cirith Elanor.


After 5 homebirths, I had her in the hospital with an epidural. I'd been planning to use the same midwife I used for my last two, but also seeing an OB. When I started having contractions on Tuesday evening, I panicked (the feeling was like when my toddler is missing in a busy store).


So we went to hospital and she was born Wednesday morning 12/2...I had the epidural and then dozed until I had to push. When they told me I was at 10cm I felt panicked again, even though I couldn't feel the pain. But 5 pushes and she was out! Face up, just like the last two. Dh caught her and put her on my chest and cut the cord, same as with the homebirths. She was 9 lbs 7 oz (bigger then my 11 & 14 day overdue babies!) and roly poly.


The hospital was amazing -- the nurses, the respect (we declined immunizations), even the food was great. Dh loved the technology and the fact that I wasn't in hours of pain.


We're happy to be home and the other children are holding her as much as possible!


Edited by 5wolfcubs
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(Thanks to Jennefer for alerting me to this post!)


Congrats on the birth of your daughter. I am so happy for you and your family. Wishing you a quick recovery and at least a little sleep. :)



(who had to recover a password to remember how to log onto the boards)

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