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What household job do you detest?

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The laundry. I am okay with the whole "put it in the machine thing", but I detest the whole folding and putting away part. Especially if it is a load of whites. That's probably why we always have clean towels and jeans, but are always hunting for socks:001_smile:

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ironing. I just don't iron unless the clothes look awful. My theory is that most wrinkles will come out on their own.:D I also hate dusting. I live in an old house, built in 1902. The dust can be overwhelming. But as soon as your done dusting, it looks almost as bad in an hour. The spider webs are the worse, especially in the fall. It becomes a daily battle to get them all. There are days I just don't care anymore. Let the dust and little spiders take over!:tongue_smilie:

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The laundry. I am okay with the whole "put it in the machine thing", but I detest the whole folding and putting away part. Especially if it is a load of whites. That's probably why we always have clean towels and jeans, but are always hunting for socks:001_smile:


Ditto that exactly!!

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The toilet.:ack2:


Dh or the kids clean it.

For some reason, leaning over it makes me feel like I should be vomiting in it.


I gag, I hack, I cough until I have tears rolling down my face.

Dramatic? Yes.


But I *loathe* to clean it.


The rest- I'm OK with.:Angel_anim:

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Interviewing & hiring new staff. Such a drain. ;)


(I'm w/ Remuda. I thought laundry was the bain of my existence until someone mentioned fililng. Blech. I didn't even know that counted. And cooking. Yuck. And bending over the tub to scrub it w/ chemicals in my face. Or scrubbing harder without.


So, yeah, I might trade you laundry for dishwashing, but really? I'd rather be scrapbooking/writing/sewing/painting/thinking up a new project than any of it.) :lol:

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Except for cooking, gardening, baking, and sewing, I hate it all, so I have full-time help.


I spend my days teaching my son, taking him to field trips and excellent activities with our group, planting and maintaining my garden, canning and freezing my harvest, and having a good time with ds and dh.


What was unexpected about my lifestyle is that my friends think I laze around having chocolate bon-bons dropped in my open mouth. In reality, I spend 16 hours a day working non-stop and by the time I crawl into bed at night I'm asleep before my poor head hits my pillow.


Life is like a purse. If you make room (by getting a housekeeper), life will be happy to fill your empty places real quick.

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Like many others have said, mine is laundry.


I'm *sure I've shared this on these boards before, but I have a little song I sing while I do laundry.


Sung to the tune of 'Oh, Christmas Tree' and goes thusly:


Oh laundry,

Oh laundry,

Oh you will be the death of me...


Oh laundry,

Oh laundry,

Oh you will be the death of me.


Yes, I sing it. Out loud. It amuses me, and helps me get through the never. ending. task of laundry.


I mean, good grief! Every single day, the people in my home generate more of it! If it was ever *done, you know, maybe I wouldn't detest it so much. But every blasted day, there's more!


Oh laundry,

Oh laundry....



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I really detest filing paperwork and keeping the file cabinet organized.


I'm forcing myself to do this little job today because I haven't done it since May and my husband comes home in 39 days...yikes.


I also detest filing paperwork, and also finding places to put things. I have never been good at puzzles, and storing stuff for a family of five in an apartment is very much like doing an ongoing, exhausting puzzle. We don't have an attic or basement to stash things, so *everything* must have a place somewhere in the apartment. Right now we have four very large Rubbermaid containers sitting in the middle of our kitchen, three boxes in the dining room, four bags of maternity clothes in the living room (going to a friend soon!), and several containers in the hallway that need me to find them a place somewhere here. The problem is that whenever something new needs to be put away, that usually calls for a total reorganization of closets and underbed space, which are also not favorite jobs of mine. I have been dreading this for days, but with overnight guests coming in two days (with all of *their* stuff!), I have to find somewhere to put all these things today. :willy_nilly:

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The laundry. I am okay with the whole "put it in the machine thing", but I detest the whole folding and putting away part. Especially if it is a load of whites. That's probably why we always have clean towels and jeans, but are always hunting for socks:001_smile:


Maybe I'm weird, but I love doing the laundry! I think it's the easiest of all household jobs, especially since my kids put all of their clothes away. Sitting and watching tv while folding clothes doesn't even feel like housework to me.

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I vote for all. Fortunately, I've delegated most things. Dh and Ds will vacuum, get trash, clean the bathrooms, and dh even does most of his own laundry.


My least favorite is cooking. I would be quite content never to cook again.


Okay, maybe my least favorite is cleaning the litter box and that is one that no one else will do. Good thing it's my cat.

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I'm another one who loathes cleaning the shower/tub. Ugh. All the weirdo angles and such make it way too hard to do quickly.


I once heard of a lady who cleaned it while she was taking a shower. This sounds easy enough, but eww.


I keep a pump bottle of cheap shampoo in the shower. Right now it is Dove. I grab a dollar store microfiber towel, and when I am at the end of my shower, I add a good size gob of shampoo to the towel and wipe down the walls. Next I drop it on the ground, using my foot to clean the bottom of the shower. Then I use the sprayer to rinse the walls is hot, hot water, then rinse myself. It is sooooo easy this way, and since it is just shampoo, I don't feel like I have been drowned in chemicals like using a bathroom cleaner. I just clean it when I think of it, and toss the microfiber cloth in with our bathroom towels. Since it is a cheap one, I don't care if it gets fuzzy from the towels.


I find that I clean it much more often this way so it actually stays much cleaner and is easier to clean too.

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I once heard of a lady who cleaned it while she was taking a shower. This sounds easy enough, but eww.


My friend told me to do that, but I don't wear my glasses in the shower, so I can't see what needs to be cleaned until I've put on my glasses. Plus, my shower is my best thinking time, so I don't want to give that up:).

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I really detest filing paperwork and keeping the file cabinet organized.


I'm forcing myself to do this little job today because I haven't done it since May and my husband comes home in 39 days...yikes.


I hate putting things away. This includes emptying the dishwasher, putting away groceries, and general tidying. The exception is laundry. I'm not sure why this is. I've never thought about it before. Maybe it's the lovely smell, and the softness, and the orderliness of the neatly folded clothes. . .

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It really depends on my mood. When I am in a cleaning mood I actually enjoy doing practically any job, for the result of a cleaner or tider area. When I am feeling overwhelmed or down, any job can feel like a mountain to climb.

I dont mind laundry or dishes or cooking much (particularly since the kids do 90% of the dishes and their own laundry :) ). I don't do floors as often as I could. Changing the sheets, come to think of it, is a pretty rare task- but i dont mind it when I actually do it. I guess scrubbing the tiles in the bathroom would be the worst and thats only because when I really need to bleach them I have to change my clothes and get right in there- most of the time, I just give them a scrub while I am in the shower and thats good enough.

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The laundry. I am okay with the whole "put it in the machine thing", but I detest the whole folding and putting away part. Especially if it is a load of whites. That's probably why we always have clean towels and jeans, but are always hunting for socks:001_smile:


:iagree: 100%


I would rather scrub toilets.

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The laundry. I am okay with the whole "put it in the machine thing", but I detest the whole folding and putting away part. Especially if it is a load of whites. That's probably why we always have clean towels and jeans, but are always hunting for socks:001_smile:


I used to have mountains of laundry piling up, and another mountain of laundry to sort and put away, on the spare bed. Then I discovered Flylady and somehow got my act together with laundry and its no big deal anymore.


I do laundry by the person. The teens usually do their own and so does dh (I am lucky, I know- dh is a perfectionist and wont let me do his laundry since 17 years ago when I washed some whites with colours), so we wash by the person. It saves the whole sorting stage of the cycle, which saves a lot of time. We just wash on cold, use minimal powder, and do colours or whites or towels/sheets.

We have a huge laundry in this house and all clothes are hung on racks in the laundry. No dryer, and no traipsing outside, although I don't mind that- its just that the birds around here poop on the clothes outside because of where the line is situated.

I have lots of laundry baskets- I think there are about 2 per person, so everyone can have a load going down in the laundry, and still have a basket in their bedroom for dirty clothes. No one piles clothes together- only sheets and towels go directly into the laundry. Dirty laundry stays in our bedrooms until its time to put on a wash.

I still have to nag the teens to do a wash, hang their wash up, get it out of the laundry now etc, and dh always seems to need to do a wash right when I want to, but apart from that...laundry is ok.

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