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S/O - What do YOU fear running out of?

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Someone posted a thread about almost running out of toilet paper. Several people posted that they feared the same thing. I must admit, I kinda thought 'Wow, that's weird. Who worries about that?' It's just not something that panics me. I mean, if we run out, we just use kleenex until I make it to the store. But, we rarely run out.


So I was feeling a bit confused as to why that would worry some people.




I remembered my irrational fear of running out of milk. If we're low on milk, like less than a half a gallon, I start to worry about it. And if, by chance, someone actually takes the last of the milk, and we're completely out, then I start to panic. Seriously. I don't know why. It's just my thing, I guess. In fact, on the few times a year that the grocery stores around here are closed, I make sure we have plenty of milk in the house.


Apparently, it's some sort of way I measure if I'm doing a good job as a mom. It's so strange. I never cared about it before I had the boys, and I have no idea why it bothers me now.


So, what do you fear running out of?

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No one will have a good day if we run out of coffee.


I grind the beans and set it all up the night before. If at that time (usually around 1030pm) I see we are nearly out of beans or I don't have enough to make a whole pot, I will put my shoes on and go to the store and get some. I hate doing that, so I just buy it nearly everytime I go to the store and stockpile it in the cupboard.

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I remembered my irrational fear of running out of milk. If we're low on milk, like less than a half a gallon, I start to worry about it. And if, by chance, someone actually takes the last of the milk, and we're completely out, then I start to panic. Seriously. I don't know why. It's just my thing, I guess. In fact, on the few times a year that the grocery stores around here are closed, I make sure we have plenty of milk in the house.




I'm this way too. Aside from teh fact that milk is one of my major food groups (the other biggies are peanut butter, chocolate and salt) I remembered a comment my mom made many years ago. Apparently, when I was in one of my NUMEROUS foster homes (7 before I was 18 mos old) They DID run out of milk/formula. Because, shortly after my permanent placement, I freaked out because my mom emptied the milk into my cup. SHE was a wise woman and had another gallon in the fridge. So I have an excuse for THAT irrational fear :D


I also forgot about my tea. That would be a BAD day.


One fear I ahve that is probably not that unusual, is running out of, um, girl supplies. I also don't like running out of deoderant. In fact, when we run low, I buy coupons on ebay and STOCK up, leaving DH wondering why we have 20 containers of deoderant. ;)

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My anti-convulsants.






(Serious emotional baggage attached to the last one: I had to wear the funky corrective shoes growing up and only ever got one pair. Now, I want everyone to have a bazillion shoes that fit perfectly...)




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My anti-convulsants.



Ah, see, there's another one I didn't think of. My migraine med. I hide one in my purse as my emergency one. Once I'm down to just that one left, I make sure to refill. (Blessedly, I only have a migraine every one or two months. But if I don't have my medicine, the migraine can last up to two days, and almost literally makes me want to die. It's bad.)

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No one will have a good day if we run out of coffee.




...and money.

Yup, those are mine. Not really a fear of either, but I make it a point to have enough coffee. Money, well, that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.


When I recently cleaned out my cupboards, I found so many jars of olives - it was almost pathological. I actually don't have a fear of running out of anything, but if you checked out my pantry, you would assume that olives and evaporated milk are the big issues in my life.

You know, I just did the same thing and found that I had a remarkable stash of salsa and muffin papers. If they sealed up our houses for a couple hundred years, I wonder what the anthropologists would think about us. :001_huh:

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I have never really feared of running out of anything. The only time would be when there's a bad storm and the power goes out and I am like darn, I should have more stuff to eat for the stuff goes out. Just about everything has to be cooked and the housing has electric stoves. So now with winter coming I have stuff that get cooked on the grill on hand and a few gallons of water.

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Baking products.


I always have a stockpile of sugar, butter, flour, brown sugar, baking soda and powder, oats, oils, powdered sugar, and vanilla.


I hate to start making something and then be out of a basic ingredient. It makes me crazy!


I also always have a stockpile of toothpaste and hsaving cream, because dh hates running out of these.

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No one will have a good day if we run out of coffee.


I grind the beans and set it all up the night before. If at that time (usually around 1030pm) I see we are nearly out of beans or I don't have enough to make a whole pot, I will put my shoes on and go to the store and get some. I hate doing that, so I just buy it nearly everytime I go to the store and stockpile it in the cupboard.


This. THIS!

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I started worrying about this after hurricanes Katrina and Rita; seeing the evacuees unable to gas up their cars as they tried to get out. So I started re-filling my gas tank every time it got down to half a tank. I did that for a long time - a year or so. Now I'm not as neurotic about it, but try to gas up when it's down to 1/4 tank.

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IT doesn't send me into a panic but after running out of TP and diapers 4 days before the next paycheque at the end of last month, I know I will never run out again. I am buying large quantities every trip to the store. I always made fun of my dad who buys a 24 roll pack every time he goes to the store(which admittedly is not all that often since mom does the majority of the shopping), they often have 4-5 packs at a time, now I know why. Apparently in his childhood they ran out often and he refuses to ever again.


I do buy 2 gallons of milk at a time but often run out, I jsut keep several bags of powdered milk on hand. so that doesn't worry me.


Deodorant I should be more worried about ;p I ran out for a full week before being able to buy more. I was paranoid all week about how I smelled. I now have 4 tubes.

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I started worrying about this after hurricanes Katrina and Rita; seeing the evacuees unable to gas up their cars as they tried to get out. So I started re-filling my gas tank every time it got down to half a tank. I did that for a long time - a year or so. Now I'm not as neurotic about it, but try to gas up when it's down to 1/4 tank.


I am like that b/c of snow. B/c I live where you can get 2 to 3 inches of snow an hour, I like to keep the needle close to Full!


My FIL (RIP!) used to say if you can always drive with your car 3/4 empty, you can just as easily drive with it 3/4 full. It was just a way of thinking.

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When I was a kid my parents rationed milk like it was scarce. I guess that is the way they both grew up so, even though we could certainly afford milk, my parents only bought one gallon a week (for a family of 5) and we were rarely allowed to use it. Dad could have all that he wanted but for cereal we had to use powdered (which, incidentally, doesn't taste nearly as awful to me as I used to think it did). Anyway, when that gallon ran out that was it until the next time Mom went to the store.


I never run out of milk. Ever. Even when I was a single mom living in a cheap apartment with a vehicle that barely ran I always had milk in the fridge.

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Iced tea, family meds, pet food (requires a special trip) and (in a house full of girls) tampons. I am taking my last blood pressure med tonight and I didn't get my refill in the mail today. I am currently out of iced tea and one bathroon is running low or out of tampons. I do have to get pet food today or tomorrow. I rarely run out of anything else because I have a serious memory issue and I just buy the same things everytime I go to the store. I currently have three jars of both peanut butter and jelly and I swear at least 15 boxes of mac & cheese and pasta. :001_smile:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

the only thing I'm afraid of not having enough of is water. When our water was out after a hurricane, I realized how awfully important it is.

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I always made fun of my dad who buys a 24 roll pack every time he goes to the store(which admittedly is not all that often since mom does the majority of the shopping), they often have 4-5 packs at a time, now I know why. Apparently in his childhood they ran out often and he refuses to ever again.



I do this and I don't recall ever running out during childhood. I try to make sure there is one unopened case in the house at all times. Kleenex is not so good for the septic system.

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Living 15 minutes from a 24 hour grocery that only closes for 1/2 a day on Christmas has neutralized any fears I may have ever had.


I don't like to run out of Coke-a-Cola, but I do it on purpose to cut down my habit. I try to not buy it, but I keep getting sucked back in to drinking it every few months. When I want it, I want it...and nothing else will do. It is one of the few things I will go to the store for if I get a craving. Everything else has a substitute I can get by with.

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Coffee - Have to have coffee to function.


Printer Toner - I think this bugs me because I never really know WHEN it it going to happen. Last time was right in the middle of Henry Hudson's ship. Grr. And toner is so blasted expensive I rarely have a spare laying around.

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I don't really fear running out of anything, but I'm a weird shopper and love to have multiples of everything we use. I always have 1 bag of flour/sugar/all other baking things in the container and a spare on the shelf behind it. I have at least a 18 pack of mega roll TP in the garage and a 4 pack in each of the 3 bathrooms, I have a 12 pack of paper towel in the garage and a few rolls scattered throughout the house.


If you looked in my garage you'd think I ran a small concession stand out of it because of the shelf of snack food that I stock pile to replace the ones in the pantry as well as at least 3 cases of Pepsi, Coca cola (yes both) and many varieties of Mountain Dew. :lol:


My laundry room looks more like a laudromat because I always have an open bottle of detergent/color safe bleach/bleach and box of fabric softener and 2 back ups on the next shelf down. When we lived in Bremerton in Navy housing everyone on the street knew if they ran out of a laundry supply I would have extras to borrow.:p


Now I know many people stock up on things for emergencies, those are not the types of things I stock up on. Most of what we have we couldn't cook without electricity, but we would be able to make it about a week living on nothing but soda and snack foods.


These are all a never ending cycle for me. When I use on thing I put it on the list so that when I have to open the new one it's replacement won't be long in coming, even though there's always another already there beside the newly opened one.

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I used to be a pack rat like this (although not soda and snacks), but several large moves cured me. I grew up being taught to stockpile, because we lived where we got a lot of snow, and it was really hard sometimes to get to the store, but I live in a very different time and place now. I try not to stockpile too much now. I'll never forget having to get rid of things left and right because we were moving.

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Pool chemicals-It's a weird season to think about it. As God as my witness, I will never run out of pool chemicals again! It happened a couple summers ago. It was a rainy summer and we ran out of chemicals. I wasn't worried because it I couldn't run the pool filter for long anyway. Three days later...our pool was a swamp. I could not get ahead of the problem. I threw buckets of chemical in there. Nothing. We had to give up and drain the darned thing. Everytime I go to Walmart or any store that sells pool chemicals, I pick up a bottle of something. Not so much NOW but when the pool is open...

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When we don't have much money, I feel like we're broke. When we're out of milk, dh feels like we're broke.


So, no matter how low the money gets, I try to be sure we have plenty of milk. Dh says he feels rich when there's milk in the fridge.


True story -- no way I could make that up! :001_smile:

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