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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


what she said.

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


I sincerely thought it was a joke - like an Onion type thing...apparently the people at the ceremony were a little confused as well because in the article I read there was a gasp that went up in the room as the name was announced. I have read about several others who were in the running who have made considerable sacrifice for their cause over many years and probably deserved it more. To be honest the Nobel Prize has kind of been a joke for quite a while though, from my perspective.

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When Al Gore won for his pseudo-science (beating out a humanitarian who had survived Nazi concentration camps and had saved hundreds of other children as well), I lost all respect for the election committee of the Nobel. This just sealed it. Under this President, we are a nation that is more polarized than ever ...how does that merit a peace prize?

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I read the article.

I have to say it appears the only reason he was awarded this was because he is popular and supposedly inspires warm sentiments of hope.

They might as well have given the award to the president of Gund for their teddy bears. In fact, I would have thought that a more apt award winner. Gund president for Nobel Peace Prize! The world would be a happier place if everyone just grabbed a Gund teddy and hugged it!

It's an embarassment to past nobel prize winners.:glare:

(and yeah, I agree Al Gore was a lame one too. All he was was a paid endorser!)

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).



:iagree: it just too early to tell.

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When Al Gore won for his pseudo-science (beating out a humanitarian who had survived Nazi concentration camps and had saved hundreds of other children as well), I lost all respect for the election committee of the Nobel. This just sealed it. Under this President, we are a nation that is more polarized than ever ...how does that merit a peace prize?





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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


What she said.



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The articles I read seemed to say that the committee awarded the Nobel based on Obama's "potential" to extend world peace rather than his "actions." That is ridiculous. As if it would be appropriate for a teacher to say,


"I decided to give little Suzy an A in Math this year because she has the potential to earn one, not because she has actually done the work."


It is insulting to everyone else who was nominated.


It discredits the Nobel Peace Prize.


Just my .02


Amber in SJ

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[quote name=Martha;1250930

They might as well have given the award to the president of Gund for their teddy bears. In fact' date=' I would have thought that a more apt award winner. Gund president for Nobel Peace Prize! The world would be a happier place if everyone just grabbed a Gund teddy and hugged it!

Snort :lol:

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However, the article I read said that this was done to encourage his progress in things he's started. So, he's being awarded for what he might accomplish especially if other people buy into him getting this award.


Is that kinda like me giving my ds an award for writing and hoping it encourages his writing teacher to teach him better so he actually deserves it? LOL


BTW, the article was linked on Facebook by someone who is a supporter of Obama.


I have no opinion one way or another about Obama. I'm simply waiting for Daniel 2:44 to be completed :) But I do have to have SOME idea what is going on in the world while waiting.

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Seems to me it only hurts the credibility of the Nobel committee. A line from the citation says, "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." I thought winners had to have accomplishments and to have done something constructive. Now it's being given based on "hope." Doesn't give the award much weight. Of course as others said it has been questionable in the past. Although in past cases I could understand, if not agree. This I just don't get.



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The articles I read seemed to say that the committee awarded the Nobel based on Obama's "potential" to extend world peace rather than his "actions." That is ridiculous. As if it would be appropriate for a teacher to say,


"I decided to give little Suzy an A in Math this year because she has the potential to earn one, not because she has actually done the work."


It is insulting to everyone else who was nominated.


It discredits the Nobel Peace Prize.


Just my .02


Amber in SJ


:iagree: When I told my 19 yo he the award no longer has any merit.

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Seems to me it only hurts the credibility of the Nobel committee. A line from the citation says, "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." I thought winners had to have accomplishments and to have done something constructive. Now it's being given based on "hope." Doesn't give the award much weight. Of course as others said it has been questionable in the past. Although in past cases I could understand, if not agree. This I just don't get.






and I am a huge Obama supporter. I don't see what he's done to merit this *yet*.

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I hate Obama bashing, my thinking being that the office deserves respect even if the person in it does things that you don't agree with. My personal jury is still out on him as a president.

I just thought the award was a joke, too--the Onion reference by a pp was exactly my thought!


I'm just stunned.


What also crossed my mind was how incredibly proud his wife and daughters probably are--if they, too, aren't wondering as we are.


I am thinking how great it would be if he had the humility (character?) to decline the award,but that would probably be seen as him slapping the face of the committee. I will be very interested to hear his acceptance speech.

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


He was nominated only after being in office for two weeks.:001_huh:

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I genuinely feel sorry for him. I mean, he's gotta know that he doesn't really deserve it and now he's between a rock and a hard place. How awkward is it to be awarded a huge important prize that you don't really deserve? How embarrassing is it to win a prize and have tons of people all over the world (not just conservative Americans) wondering why you got it?


I think he should refuse the honor. I think he would gain an enormous amount of respect if he did.


Ds13 is reading a great book called Boyhood and Beyond. One chapter is about justice and the author defines justice as "giving what is due, to whom it is due, when it is due." Awarding Obama this prize is not just and I think he probably knows it. He may deserve it someday - but not now.


The Nobel committee have actually hurt him by doing this. They've created a sticky situation for him to deal with and now he's on the spot. I really do feel sorry for him.

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I'm simply waiting for Daniel 2:44 to be completed :) But I do have to have SOME idea what is going on in the world while waiting.


The articles I read seemed to say that the committee awarded the Nobel based on Obama's "potential" to extend world peace rather than his "actions." That is ridiculous. As if it would be appropriate for a teacher to say,


"I decided to give little Suzy an A in Math this year because she has the potential to earn one, not because she has actually done the work."


It is insulting to everyone else who was nominated.


It discredits the Nobel Peace Prize.


Just my .02


Amber in SJ

Totally agree!:iagree::iagree:


Also note when the nominations had to be in....early Feb...just a couple weeks after he was sworn in....not to be snarky, but WHATEVER! So discredited. It's a shame to watch such a prestigious award drifting away. Such a shame.

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


:iagree: and I don't dislike Obama. In fact, I like some things he has done - others, well I won't go there. Way too soon. Presumptuous.



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Well, I dunno. You've got to do something special for the guy who invented the internet. ;)




I am thinking how great it would be if he had the humility (character?) to decline the award,but that would probably be seen as him slapping the face of the committee. I will be very interested to hear his acceptance speech.


I'm not a President Obama fan at all but I think I would respect him a lot more if he declined. I think it is possible to do it without slapping the committee but he has to be very careful.

Edited by kwiech
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I am also an Obama supporter, and I was a little stumped this morning. However...


According to the AP article I read about it: President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

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Well I guess I'll be the lone person who doesn't think this is the craziest thing ever, and doesn't think it diminishes the prize over all. I was not a supporter of Obama the candidate, and am not a supporter of all he has done so far as a president. However, I can see how the committee chose him, maybe living outside the US I can see a different perspective.


I don't know the other candidates on the list, I don't know that he was who I would have chosen, but I don't think it's the most bizarre choice either.

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I genuinely feel sorry for him. I mean, he's gotta know that he doesn't really deserve it and now he's between a rock and a hard place. How awkward is it to be awarded a huge important prize that you don't really deserve? How embarrassing is it to win a prize and have tons of people all over the world (not just conservative Americans) wondering why you got it?


I think he should refuse the honor. I think he would gain an enormous amount of respect if he did.


Ds13 is reading a great book called Boyhood and Beyond. One chapter is about justice and the author defines justice as "giving what is due, to whom it is due, when it is due." Awarding Obama this prize is not just and I think he probably knows it. He may deserve it someday - but not now.


The Nobel committee have actually hurt him by doing this. They've created a sticky situation for him to deal with and now he's on the spot. I really do feel sorry for him.

:iagree:I don't like anything that Obama has done so far, but wow I actually feel somewhat sorry for him too. He must know how odd this looks. He would gain an ounce or two of respect from me if he refused it.

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If it is all about being a symbol of hope...why didn't the Statue of Liberty win years ago...or just the peace dove? I voted for him, but it does seem a bit premature (especially considering the nomination deadline being mere weeks after he was inaugurated). HOPEfully he lives up to the award.

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I guess I just don't get it.


Is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded based on merit or potential or none of the above? Is it based on the Nobel Peace Committees political aspirations?


I've read several articles this morning and I hear a lot of non-committee quotes that seem to point towards the president's potential.


People closer to the committee seem to be pointing more towards the hope that this prize will give the president an edge in achieving their political goals.


Either way, it isn't what I thought the Nobel Peace Prize was about.

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Exactly what has he done to earn this? I'm truly not being snarky. He's been in office less than a year and I've not personally seen any significant contribution to world peace occur in that time. So, I'm curious how he earned this award. Again, not dogging on him, just truly curious (and, tbh, a bit bewildered).


Have you forgotten about the "beer summit" he hosted at the White House? :cheers2:

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Have you forgotten about the "beer summit" he hosted at the White House? :cheers2:


bwahahaha :lol: Okay....really I said I was going to stay away from this in another thread I started and I'm doing a really poor job. Off to look what's up on the for sale forum. Or maybe go do some homeschooling? :tongue_smilie:

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From past viewings of the choices, my feeling is that it is rigged. He hasn't done anything. He doesn't deserve it.


I guess I'm just old. I remember a time when the entire United States would have joined in joy if our president had won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now we live in a country where people have parties and joyful celebration because President Obama's efforts to bring the Olympics to the U.S. were defeated. Strange, strange world we live in these days.

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It's an embarassment to past nobel prize winners.:glare:

(and yeah, I agree Al Gore was a lame one too. All he was was a paid endorser!)


There was a lady, up for the prize the same year as Gore, who had smuggled babies out of camps in bags. Upon being found, she had her bones broken into several pieces and I believe left for dead. Not only did she live, but she lived until old age. She had kept a jar with names so that she could reunite families that were still alive after the war. She lost to Gore. Bummer. Even his wife would agree, at this point, I believe.


But, Obama was honest saying he didn't deserve the prize and that he took possession of the award sharing with others....and took it as momentum....and on behalf of the soldiers...


SO.... more to come, I'm sure...



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I guess I'm just old. I remember a time when the entire United States would have joined in joy if our president had won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now we live in a country where people have parties and joyful celebration because President Obama's efforts to bring the Olympics to the U.S. were defeated. Strange, strange world we live in these days.



I guess I am old too. I remember a time when awards were given for accomplishments not simply because some saw potential.

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I'm proud of our president! He has inspired hope in so many people and brought the US back to a position of global respectability. What the hell do people think the Nobel Peace Prize is for, anyway?


For actual accomplishments. Inspiring hope and global respectability is subjective. And remember, I'm not in the totally anti-Obama camp.



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