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We had to call 911 tonight

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My 4 littlest boys ages 11, 9, 8 and 3 had gone to bed @ 8:30-8:45. The 11 yo doesn't normally go to bed until 9:30, but we sent him early last night, which will turn out to be a blessing. I had an early appointment today so I went to bed @ 9:15 and my DH was in the living room watching TV.


I'm not sure how much time went by but I heard some one say something was wrong with Nathan, our 8 year old and then "go get mom!". I ran into their room and got there about the same time as my DH did. We get to my son's bed and he was having a very strong seizure, he was unconscious and his lips were blue. I'm not sure how much time went by because everything seemed like slow motion, but we both yelled for my 19 yo to call 911 and we were trying to help him. His lips were getting darker purple and he wasn't breathing.


It seemed like eternity now, but the seizure stopped and he spit up a bunch of flem and started breathing. About a minute or two later the ambulance got here and about the same time he became conscious, but he was really out of it and he was trying to get up off the bed and stuff.


My poor 18 yo got home from work at this time and he pulls up to the house and an ambulance is here.


We took him to the ER and then did a bunch of test on him includng a CT, which came back normal PTL. We have to call a pediatric neuro today and have him seen and an EKG done, which the ER doc doesn't think they do up here so we might have to travel to the Children's Hospital. We got home @ 2 this am and he slept with us, but neither DH and I slept much.


While we were driving to the hospital I started thinking about an incident 2-3 months go when my 9 yo came and got me @ 45 minutes or so after they had gone to bed and told me Nathan was acting weird. He was out of it, groggy and looking back now, I think he was acting a lot like he did after the seizure. Knowing what I know now, I really think he had a seizure then too. At the time we thought he had had a dream and was groggy because he had just fallen asleep etc. Never in a million years did a seizure cross my mind, which is what I can't stop thinking about. How long has this been going on? The poor child could have been having seizures for a while and we didn't know?


I had two seizures as a child and was diagnosed with epilepsy( 29 years ago and 25 since I have been off meds), but I don't remember not being able to breath. That was the scariest thing and both Dh and I thought he was going to die. I am mad at myself now for not thinking @ a seizure when he had that incident a few months ago. It just never crossed my mind that something like that could be wrong. I don't know how I can ever let him sleep alone again?


I am not sure yet it this is connected or not, but this is also the son with some learning issues. I need to ask the neuro that when we see him.


I am very thankful that the CT didn't show a tumor and thankful the Lord set it up so my 11 yo was in bed. Thankful that he is alive today. We ask your prayers for wisdom for the doctors so they can figure out what is causing the seizures and the best route to take. Also for protection for my son and complete healing.

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Please don't be hard on yourself. We cannot foresee every possible scenario, every potential malady, every remotely feasible situation that may arise in our children's lives. We. Simply. Cannot.


The thing is, now you know something's going on, and you're addressing it. You're there for him. He's going to be okay, because he has you guys on his side. I know it's scary. There's nothing much worse than that there might be something wrong that we can't make go away (or that we didn't see coming). It's the curse of parenthood to have these little ones so dear to us, so much a part of us, and yet not be able to have some kind of psychic link to their every fluxuation! ACK. :eek:


It's been years since I've dealt with epilepsy, but I do remember that children often outgrow it. The brain is an amazingly complex thing. {{hugs}}


Hope you get some answers soon.


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....I am mad at myself now for not thinking @ a seizure when he had that incident a few months ago. It just never crossed my mind that something like that could be wrong. I don't know how I can ever let him sleep alone again?




I know that feeling of blaming myself for missing what can seem so obvious in the moment. But, Jean, you couldn't know. We're just mothers, not oracles and prophets. I'm so sorry for what must have been a terrifying situation for you all. Just trust that it unfolded exactly as it was meant to, for all the reasons you've stated, and that you will be able to take precautions from here on out. I'm sure the doctors will be able to give you some resassurances on the sleeping thing as well. Speaking of which, I hope you can add a nap into your day today while your older kids help look out for Nathan and the others. I'm sure you're worried sick, but sometimes resting allows our mind to settle so that solutions seem easier to find.


Sending you peace and clarity -- and warm hugs.



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I would certainly go to the children's hospital if you can and see a top notch pediatric neurologist. You will want an EEG done (EKG is for heart-which they might check as well). The EEG will measure brain waves and check for markers of seizures. A negative EEG though does not mean that there are not seizures, just that they didn't show up on the test.


Likely you will be looking at a trial of seizure meds--at least for a time. While meds can be scary, we have had very positive results on them.


My dds are both on Lamictal and my 12dd esp. has show SIGNIFICANT increases in her learning ability on it. Even with an IQ in the mentally impaired range, she is learnign to read at a faster than average pace right now. Her speech and language is better, she can think more clearly, etc. It does require periodic blood tests to make sure the level is right but it is so worth it.


A children's hospital will also likely have classes and support for the whole family.


They might also do a sleep study since they are happening at night. They can check to see if his tonsil/adenoids are causing problems, if/how often he is seizuring at night, monitor his breathing and oxygen levels, etc.

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Two years ago when my now 8 y.o. was six he had a grand mal seizure. It was terrifying for me! I called 911 also and by the time they arrived he had just come out of his seizure. His MRI was normal but the EEG showed seizure activity and he was diagnosed with epilepsy of childhood. He recently had another EEG (In Jan.) and it showed the same results-constant seizure activity. He has been on medication for 2 years and his pediatric neurologist said he will probably have to be on it until he is 15 or 16 years old. He is doing well, however, and has not had any more seizures that we know of.


Please don't blame yourself. It is not something we can foresee.

I am so glad that your Nathan is okay now, bless his heart. I hope you get the EEG soon and a great pediatric neurologist.

You will all be in our prayers!!

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Thank you for posting details of what to expect. I was so young when I went trhough seizures I don't really remember much of the details. I am hoping we do go to Children's as I'd feel more comfortable.




Thanks for sharing. So they think he will outgrow it, which is what happened to me. I am really hoping thats what we find out with my son too!


We have a 11 AM appointment today with the neuro. I will update when I can.

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How very scary.


My brother used to have seizures around that age. We were on vacation once & had to stop at an ER. They never could figure out what was wrong w him, but he outgrew them. (Well, that or God answered Mom's prayers. Didn't mean to discount the latter.)


Except for the one time on vacation, all of my bro's seizures (less than 5, total, but I don't remember the #) happened at my dad's house. I don't know if that's coincidental, but of course, we suspected that some level of stress must be effecting him.


I don't know if that helps, but I'm hoping it might at least be encouraging--that he could outgrow it.



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Looking at previous behavior it was obvious after the fact that she had had seizures before and two of my brothers have epilepsy. I just never made the connection. It turns out that she does not have epilepsy and they say that she will just outgrow this. She hasn't had another since seeing the neurologist. I hope things turn out as well for you. Don't beat yourself up about it now. Just move forward the best you can from here. Praying for you here.

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Thank you everyone! The appointment went well and I really like the Dr. He listened to me and really explained things well. He didn't prescribe any medicine right now except one to use in an emeregnecy if he has a seizure over 5 minutes. Otherwise he wants to do the eeg and MRI first. He said it doesn't make sense to Rx meds until he knows what kind and severity of seizures. He said they might not even prescribe meds in some instances. If the seizures are few and far between, it might make more sense to not use meds. I don't know if I like that idea yet, but we will see what happens once the test are done.


He asked me if my son had any developmental issues such as speech or whatnot and we talked about all the things we have been noticing-speech delays, dyslexia etc and he wants him to be seen by a developmental neuro ( I think thats what he called her) and be evaluated.I don't have to go to Little Rock, but the neuro is @ 2 hours or so away, which isn't bad.


So it sounds like this will be a long process until we figure out exactly what is going on, but all in all I was happy with the appointment. They are going to call me tomorrow with his appointments.

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Thank you everyone! The appointment went well and I really like the Dr. He listened to me and really explained things well. He didn't prescribe any medicine right now except one to use in an emeregnecy if he has a seizure over 5 minutes. Otherwise he wants to do the eeg and MRI first. He said it doesn't make sense to Rx meds until he knows what kind and severity of seizures. He said they might not even prescribe meds in some instances. If the seizures are few and far between, it might make more sense to not use meds. I don't know if I like that idea yet, but we will see what happens once the test are done.


He asked me if my son had any developmental issues such as speech or whatnot and we talked about all the things we have been noticing-speech delays, dyslexia etc and he wants him to be seen by a developmental neuro ( I think thats what he called her) and be evaluated.I don't have to go to Little Rock, but the neuro is @ 2 hours or so away, which isn't bad.


So it sounds like this will be a long process until we figure out exactly what is going on, but all in all I was happy with the appointment. They are going to call me tomorrow with his appointments.


Oh, Jean!! {{{Jean}}} Sounds like you have a wonderful doctor.

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Goodness, how scary! Poor Nathan. (((Jean))), prayers for a proper diagnosis and treatment/resolution. Being a mom is so hard sometimes, just cuz we love our kids so much! We need nerves of steel, eyes in the back of our heads, and a sixth sense :rolleyes: Keep us updated!

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