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Kids and cell phones . . . ugh. . .

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Okay, apparently "everybody" dd12 knows has a cell phone. Her 12 year old cousin got one for Christmas, and a couple friends she races with that are her age have them. I flat out refused her one and I stand my that. Am I the only parent who thinks kids this age should not have cell phones? Please, back me up here, because dd is in her room crying with the door closed . . .




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I think it's a personal decision and definitely not a "right" at that age. My ds11 has a phone simply because we had an extra and could put him on our plan very inexpensively. He recently saved his money and upgraded to a fancy phone, an Instinct. He had also demonstrated responsibility with the other phone so we had no qualms about the upgrade.


It's an extra at his age and definitely not a necessity.


ETA: one of the reasons we initially decided to allow a phone was because his friends parents work different shifts and often sleep during the day. Their kids rarely answer the phone and I hated to wake up another parent just to ask them to send ds home.

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No way are my children getting a cell phone anytime soon! I barely only got one 6 months ago. The reasons are mainly the cost and my fear of too much radiation going near her pretty head. I don't want her being a guinea pig for her generation. Homeschooling has made this a much easier decision to back up; many fewer people she knows has their own phones.

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Not a necessity, but yes, pretty much "everyone" has one. To be perfectly honest, I do not think any of my dc's friends don't have a cell phone.


I wasn't going to let my kids have cell phones either. But, I finally bought myself a second phone. I called it the kids' phone. I let them have it when they were going to be going somewhere without me. The eldest of the excursion was responsible for it. Soon, I found that I really liked them having a phone on them. Now, they all have one. Not sure just how that happened.:glare:


So, no it is not necessary. But, it is the norm these days.



Wanting to add, quite funny...I've really notice an improvement in my kids' spelling since they have gotten cell phones. Plus, another poster was worried about the phone being near their heads. Kids don't actually talk on the phones, they text.

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I would say it depends. Certainly not something she NEEDS but it might be something she could WORK for.


You and dh could decide IF it might be OK for her to have one and then find out how much it would be to add her on your plan---checking text messaging, sending pictures, etc. in addition to the phone calls.


Then if you decide she can have one, have her work for the monthly cost. Does she babysit or have other ways to earn money? It might not even be worth it to her for the cost.


If she does get one, I would have clear limits on when/where/how it can be used, how much, etc. The extra charges can rack up VERY quickly.

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I really didn't want to get my girls a phone, but finally caved when they were 11 and 13. Now that they have them, I have to say I'm very happy with the arrangement. We do a lot of traveling for dance, and they have to be on their own for hours. I like that I can reach them whenever I want, without having to wander around a hotel or convention center or backstage searching for them. We don't have texting, except for family members. They rarely talk on the phone, but it's there for security - mainly mine.


OTOH, the iPod touch was a big mistake.

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None of us had cell phones til we were adults. Most of our kids don't need one either. They can be helpful tools, but they arent' necessary.


If my daughter were that worried about it, I might ask her to outline why she needs one, what she'll do with it, what the restrictions should be for it, etc. How will she purchase one, keep up with minutes, etc? If she could come up with enough figuring and reasonableness for this, I'd very likely see about her getting one.


Though I don't think a kid needs one, I don't see much reason to completely deny one either. It's kinda like hair color or earrings. If they can be reasonable about it, have a way to do it (and undo it), then I'm not willing to fuss about it.


Now if it is something I consider an issue morally or against our religion or whatever, that would be different, but I don't see cell phones, most hair color or earrings in that way.


ETA: My kids got phones at 14 and 16. Neither needs it though my dd does get some practical use out of hers. My ds doesn't use his over 99% of the time.

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Many of the kids in our area have cell phones, too, and they are so RUDE with them. They will come to visit and spend the whole time on the phone, or invite one of our dc over to their house and then they will text their OTHER friends. The grownups aren't much better. Recently I gave a ride to a mother and her daughter after their car had broken down on the way home from Special Olympics. After thanking me nicely, the lady proceeded to spend the rest of her time on her phone -- leaving us to entertain her high-maintenance child all the way to their house.


You guessed it -- no cell phones here.


(Now, I know that not everyone is like that. But my experience has left me very impatient with the whole notion of getting a cell phone for our family.)



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DH and I have decided that the kids will get cell phones when they are 13. As of right now, almost all of their friends have them (and my DC are only 6 and 9). We decided 13 is the magic number for DD because she is PSed and will be involved in extracurriculars that require her to be away from us (sports travelling teams, staying after school for practice, etc) and she will likely be babysitting at that point.

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When I was a teen, it was Gloria Vanderbilt and Jordache jeans that everyone needed to have. I couldn't have them because we couldn't afford them. My mother let me know many times that kids didn't need to have such expensive clothing. I hated being different.


I put my oldest dd on our cell phone plan on her 14th birthday. She was starting to hang out at friends houses and at the mall. I preferred having a way of getting in touch with her whenever I felt the need to do so. She was very good with staying within our minutes plan. My dd11 asks about a cell every so often. She has known a few girls who have cell phones. She feels different enough just being homeschooled. The truth is that she has no one to call because she has no friends. Honestly, I'd rather her have the cell phone and friends than nothing at all. But such is life.

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I can back you up. My daughter is 11yo and she does not have one. Not all, but certainly most, of her friends, have one. When her bff gets one - which I anticipate will happen at Christmas - my dd will find it more difficult to accept our "no". She will though, because she's compliant like that. But I suspect inside she'll be bummed.


Cell phones really bother me. Especially for kids. The sister of my dd's bff is 13. She has a cell phone and texts like you wouldn't believe. I kid you not when I say she has an addiction to it. She helps babysit during out life group time on Sundays and I've had to bring attention to the fact that I am not comfortable with her texting when she is supposed to be watching my 15 mo. When I drove her, her sister and my dd to a middle school event on Friday, the whole time in the car she was texting. It's ridiculous.


We have a cell phone for emergencies. It's a pay-as-you-go phone. If something comes up where I feel my dd needs one, we'll just loan her that one for the time.


I stand behind you 100%. :)

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Honestly I think it depends on your lifestyle. if your kids are ALWAYS with you, then no, there really isn't a reason. My 13 yo sometimes stays home alone, and we have chosen to not have a landline, so we may end up purchasing a cell for him to use when he's not with his father or me.

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I can back you up. My daughter is 11yo and she does not have one. Not all, but certainly most, of her friends, have one. When her bff gets one - which I anticipate will happen at Christmas - my dd will find it more difficult to accept our "no". She will though, because she's compliant like that. But I suspect inside she'll be bummed.


Cell phones really bother me. Especially for kids. The sister of my dd's bff is 13. She has a cell phone and texts like you wouldn't believe. I kid you not when I say she has an addiction to it. She helps babysit during out life group time on Sundays and I've had to bring attention to the fact that I am not comfortable with her texting when she is supposed to be watching my 15 mo. When I drove her, her sister and my dd to a middle school event on Friday, the whole time in the car she was texting. It's ridiculous.


We have a cell phone for emergencies. It's a pay-as-you-go phone. If something comes up where I feel my dd needs one, we'll just loan her that one for the time.


I stand behind you 100%. :)


This describes our stance and my dd and her friends to a T!


We have two cell phones that are for the family. I do like being able to give a kid one when they will be away from me. I have watched friends' kids handle cell phones rudely and badly, and just do not see why they need to have this electronic toy. I like the idea that my kids have one when needed, with specific rules providing boundaries around its use.

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It is a very inexpensive phone with a minimal amount of prepaid minutes. It basically is for emergencies. He has started being dropped off at practices without us or might go with a friend somewhere or spend time at a friend's house. I just feel better that he has it. He is allowed to call us if he needs something (doesn't have to be a dire emergency) or if something is going on that makes him feel uncomfortable. I figure he could be with friends or their parents and be uncomfortable or feel unsafe and not necessarily want to ask the other parents or kids for a phone.


Definitely not a necessity but I have found that I feel good about him having it. He doesn't use it to call friends or text so I don't really think of it as him having a phone in the sense that most kids that age do. It is more like the emergency quarter we used to carry (or dime :) He doesn't give out the phone number to other kids.


I feel as he enters his teen years that it is one more "lifeline". It is one more connection to his parents that he knows he can call anytime and we'll be there for him- even if it just to rescue him from a uncomfortable social situation.


He has had it for 6 weeks now and only used it when he called me to test it and make sure he knew how to use it.


So, my 11 yo carries and "extra family phone". He does not have his own phone.



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Nope, no cell phones for my children here. And they will be 13 and 11 this fall. They are with us almost all the time--there's no need.


"Because everyone else has one" is NOT a valid reason to get a cell phone.


Exactly! I gladly give her my cell phone if she's going to be somewhere without me. Otherwise, she is usually with me or my husband, so there really is no practical purpose. When she starts driving is another story, then I want her to have one. But to have one so you can text your friends and because everyone else has one, no way. We had that talk tonight - that lots of kids are going to have lots of things that look cool, but that doesn't mean that our family will do the same.


Thanks for the input,


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I have a 13, 12, 11, 9, and 7 year old and none of them have a phone, nor will we give them one. Unless an actual need arises. Probably when they head off to CC, I'll provide one, before then, I see no reason. They're with me most of the time!


B/c we don't have a land line and b/c dh's job requires a phone, we do have an extra phone for dh's work (2nd job has different # than our business phone). If dh is home and they go to practice or to a friends, we give them the phone so we can reach us or they can call us to come and get them, whatever. Otherwise, especially since we home school, I see no reason for them to have a full time phone.


Their ps friends have phones, which they aren't supposed to bring to school, and they are so rude. I make them all give me their phones when they come over. I told their parents that would be the case. I won't have them at my house, sitting on the phone talking about who knows what with their other friends and sharing inappropriate conversations with my children. No way! That happened once and I put an end to it.


Remember the thread the other night about purity and boys and all the texting? I was amazed to hear that both moms had the same response, "I didn't know she was texting that much. I had no idea." Are you kidding me? Another friend told me the same thing. Parents don't pay attention to their dc texting habits. I pay attention to everything. I was so surprised to hear that response from Christian Home Schooling Moms.


So, parents whose dc have phones, please monitor them. The phones are really no different that monitoring tv, books, friends, emails....just one more thing to look out for!

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When my boys say "everybody" they know has a cell phone, they aren't far off the mark ~ certainly not in the case of my 14 year old's peers. But as my guys well know, what's going on with "everybody" is neither here nor there to me. My kids don't have cell phones. Nor do I, for that matter.


"Yes, Virginia, there really is such a thing as life without a cell phone."

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I have a 13, 12, 11, 9, and 7 year old and none of them have a phone, nor will we give them one. Unless an actual need arises. Probably when they head off to CC, I'll provide one, before then, I see no reason. They're with me most of the time!


B/c we don't have a land line and b/c dh's job requires a phone, we do have an extra phone for dh's work (2nd job has different # than our business phone). If dh is home and they go to practice or to a friends, we give them the phone so we can reach us or they can call us to come and get them, whatever. Otherwise, especially since we home school, I see no reason for them to have a full time phone.


Their ps friends have phones, which they aren't supposed to bring to school, and they are so rude. I make them all give me their phones when they come over. I told their parents that would be the case. I won't have them at my house, sitting on the phone talking about who knows what with their other friends and sharing inappropriate conversations with my children. No way! That happened once and I put an end to it.


Remember the thread the other night about purity and boys and all the texting? I was amazed to hear that both moms had the same response, "I didn't know she was texting that much. I had no idea." Are you kidding me? Another friend told me the same thing. Parents don't pay attention to their dc texting habits. I pay attention to everything. I was so surprised to hear that response from Christian Home Schooling Moms.


So, parents whose dc have phones, please monitor them. The phones are really no different that monitoring tv, books, friends, emails....just one more thing to look out for!


I agree exactly. Well said!



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I think about everyone does have a cell phone. Everywhere I go I see kids on phones. My 12 yr old dd does not and will not be getting one anytime soon. She's usually with us anyway. If not, another adult she's with would have one. If nothing else, I might give her a Trac Fone we have, but I've never had that happen. When she starts driving, that will be different.



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We recently changed carriers because our oldest son was leaving the state for job/grad school and we didn't want him still on the plan.


I didn't want our little one to get one. We are always together or I know where she is and since I am not a mall-dropper, I didn't think there was a need. Plus, she likes hanging out with me; but she was going to gymnastics camp, in Texas. So, when we switched David off, we put Ciara on. She only got the choice of the free phones even though she could have afforded an expensive one; we didn't allow it and she showed amazing appreciation.


All of our kids know to never preface a desire with, " I am the only one with/without, that never...". I absolutely stand against them, even more when they do that, so it was me that suggested she get a phone; I wanted to be able to reach her when she was in Texas.


I have to agree with the person that said their spelling improves. She is borderline dyslexic and you would never know it. Her spelling is now so much better. I asked her why she thought that was, and she said it is because she cares. (She is a very driven person-not lazy at all, but I love her and do not think less of her if her words are a jumble in one of her amazing stories. )


In my opinion, if you wait to get them a phone when they are driving the novelty of the phone and the driving might be too much for them to handle and they might talk/text when driving. Just my thoughts...


If any of you are CHEA members, read my recent article in the summer magazine regarding transitions. It helps if you have boundaries with the kids that at (blank age) they 'll pay for their own bill, etc. It's just another tool to teach with, in our house.


For us, if they don't answer the phone when we call, there are consequences. We are the adults, paying for the bill and if we call and they ignore us it would be the same thing as saying their names and them not answering. It is disrespectful.


So for us-I wouldn't go back to not having them. The big children that are out of the home send the sweetest texts to the two younger ones (and to me!) Even my mom texts them. So they have gotten closer with their Gram. :D

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My dh and I have cell phones plus we have a "kid phone." Our oldest is old enough to watch our others for a couple of hours at a time, so we wanted an extra phone to keep at home. We also send the phone with any kid that is going to be away from us for an extended period with no easy way to contact us. As soon as they come home, the phone gets hooked back up to the charger on my desk. No one has the number to the kid phone except dh and me.

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I think they were 10, 12, 14 and 16 when we got them. We added the oldest 2 to the plan first, and the younger 2 about a year later.


I honestly cannot imagine my kids not having phones, and I honestly don't know how parents survived without them in the past.


I LOVE being able to dial a number, no matter when or where I am or they are, and hear their voices. My girls all work, go to college, etc., and my son spends a lot of time with friends, at classes, sports events, etc. I like knowing I can call and talk to them in an instant.


In addition to that, they offer some plans now that will gps your child's location by tracking the phone. We haven't added the feature, but I am certainly considering it for safety reasons.


Maybe it's just me and my own peace of mind, but cell phones are a big "yes" in our family!

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Calvin has one because he is out on his own often now. I drop him off at Taekwondo, for example, and he then walks on to scouts, so I like his having a phone in case scouts isn't running or something.


It's for emergency use only though and it's a pay-as-you-go, so I know how much it's being used.



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My 16yo had a phone at 12, but it was so that he could always reach us and we could always reach him - even when he was at his Dad's house (there were some issues.)


My other dc won't get them that early because there isn't a need. My 11yo plans to go to the cc at 16, so he will probably get one then.

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My kids get theirs when they get a driver's license. And they don't get a liscene until 17. And they get the cheapest plan and cheapest phone available at the time. And absolutely no texting because it costs extra money and because I'm tired of trying to hold a converstion with someone right beside me who is too distracted because they are texting the person across the room about something trivial.



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My 11yo is dying to get one but she won't until she needs one. Right now she has no need for it, she wants it to talk to her friends but she can use th home phone for that just as well.


Now there are times that we let the kids borrow the family cell (dh and I don't even have our own!) if there is a need for it. My youngest was in a play last year, we realized very quick that the rehersals were never ending on time, they were always either early or late, so she took the phone and called us when it was over rather than either of us sitting at the theater waiting. The older one is in softball and this year there was a couple times the weather wasn't good and the coach said to come pick them up if it started raining "too much", since I don't know his definition of "too much" and had better things to do than sit at home looking at the window for the rain, she borrowed the phone so she could call me if need be.

It works just fine to let them borrow it, they don't need their own.

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don't see the need for kids under the age of driving to have one...my niece just got one for her 12th birthday(her mom says it is with their phone plan and their number of minutes)

I don't see the purpose because most of the places that she will need a phone...there will be a parent with a phone available.

I think we are teaching our kids that it is necessary to have one--because everyone has one is not good enough for me. I don't even like having mine.

We used to be fine without having immediate communication with everyone.

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My experience is that cell phones are a major distraction and encourage twaddle! We have five girls range 9 - 20....we gifted a cell phone to our eldest at age 16...mistake! She wasn't working/driving...spent way too much time talking and texting, not a good experience. Second eldest received a phone at age 16, she is a gymnast and coach and needs to communicate with us for transportation. However, we have governors for texting and usage...it shuts down at 11PM and we have a GPS on it so there is a measure of accountability :001_smile:. I think with some parameters, when they are needed and advantageous to living life in a practical way, cell phones could be a good tool and definitely a convenience for active young people. Our experience is NOT a good source for social interaction at very young ages 15 and under.

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I think they were 10, 12, 14 and 16 when we got them. We added the oldest 2 to the plan first, and the younger 2 about a year later.


I honestly cannot imagine my kids not having phones, and I honestly don't know how parents survived without them in the past.


I LOVE being able to dial a number, no matter when or where I am or they are, and hear their voices. My girls all work, go to college, etc., and my son spends a lot of time with friends, at classes, sports events, etc. I like knowing I can call and talk to them in an instant.


In addition to that, they offer some plans now that will gps your child's location by tracking the phone. We haven't added the feature, but I am certainly considering it for safety reasons.


Maybe it's just me and my own peace of mind, but cell phones are a big "yes" in our family!


I can definitely see how cell phones would work for your family. If my dd spent time out of the house alone this often, I think I would like her to have one for my own peace of mind. At this point, though, most of her time is with me or at home, so I guess my hesitation is that she wants one just to have one. I refuse to keep up with the Joneses in this way. When the time comes, however, that she does spend time away from home, I can definitely see reevaluating.


Thanks for sharing!


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My kids share a phone - granted the 13yo has it most of the time. It's a Migo by LG - it dials 4 numbers and 911.


Right now she can call, Me, Grandma, Grandpa. She could call her Dad (STBXH), but he hasn't felt the need to provide me with his new phone number. I will not put his "work" phone number on there, especially since he doesn't work at that job any longer but still has the phone.


The kids are often in the Disney parks with my parents - it makes it nice to be able to reach her if her and grandpa wander off. Lots of a variety of other instances it gets used....


It's $10 a month plus tax that my parents pay, and all the minutes are mobile to mobile and "free".


But it's obviously a piece of mind thing for us, and makes it easier on us. It's not a social thing at all (which hasn't been an issue until recently). SHe'd LIKE her own "better" phone, but there isn't currently a valid reason for it.


SOOOO, until you see a NEED, i don't think you need to worry.... (but yes, most kids i've seen have them)

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I have been pretty adamant that there would be no cell phones for the girls until they could pay for their own. BUT my stance is changing a bit. My oldest is volunteering 3 days a week, and I'm not there. I'm starting to wish she had a phone on her. (especially after a mis-communication last week that ended up with her calling me on a borrowed phone, and someone else having to bring her home) I still do not think she needs her 'own' phone to chat on whenever, but one for emergencies with no bells or whistles is starting to grow on me.

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I think with some parameters, when they are needed and advantageous to living life in a practical way, cell phones could be a good tool and definitely a convenience for active young people. Our experience is NOT a good source for social interaction at very young ages 15 and under.



This is my concern. I totally see the advantage for keeping in touch with dc who are active outside the house. To have one for social interaction, however, is not my thing. I don't let her use the computer in that way, and I don't want her to have a phone for that reason.


Thanks for sharing!


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It really depends on each family and reasons for having a cell. No, it's not a "right" that every child has one...it's a privilege and responsibility. If I get a cell for my kids, it will be one cell, pay as you go, to be carried for emergency only, and it is still MY phone, not their personal play toy (aka not for their social life).

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We got rid of our landline and got cell phones for everybody back in June. The oldest got her back at Christmas. It took me a full year to convince my dh to get a cell phone for the oldest. She was riding her bike to art class every week. I gave her my cell phone while she was gone so she could call me when she arrived, but that only worked when I was actually home.


We went to Disneyworld for the first time this summer. I wanted everybody phoned for the trip. I didn't at all like the idea of us getting separated and not being able to find each other. The 11yo and 13yo generally don't like a lot of the rides that the rest of us do, so I could see times when they would be in one line and the rest of us would be in another.


We dropped our landline and got cell phones for everybody. Our new plan has double the minutes that we used to share (we've never used anywhere close to that many minutes) and has unlimited texting. Most of the 11yo's friends communicate primarily by texting. The 13yo and 16yo aren't on their phones much at all.


So far this month, the 16yo has used 39 minutes and sent/received 8 texts.

The 13yo has used 14 minutes and sent/received 2 texts.

The 11yo has used 108 minutes and sent/received 241 texts.

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My oldest is 9 and he has a cell phone. He only carries it when he is going to be somewhere that I'm not with him. For example: when he gets dropped off for guitar practice, etc.


He doesn't use it for any other reason. He has a small circle of friends and none of them have cell phones so it isn't like he has anyone to call. The numbers programmed into it are my cell, my husband's cell, the home phone, his grandma and my step-dad. He just has it so he can call us should he need us. As long as he has had it, he has used it a total of two times.

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I think it's a personal decision and definitely not a "right" at that age.




We bought one extra phone that the kids share, depending on who's going where ... we use it specifically for those situations where we can't be sure when an activity will be finished, whether the kid will be playing at House A or House B, etc. It's basically to reduce our (parents) enslavement to the kids' schedules.


I suppose eventually, everyone will have a phone, but not yet.



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My ds (11) has a cell phone. His sister got his Migo when he got the phone. I used to be firmly in the "you don't need one until you drive" camp. However, the convenience factor of him having the phone has made me a convert. Even though I also generally subscribe to "everyone has one" is not a reason the joy on my ds face when dh gave him that phone is still with me. Just about everyone around here has one and he was feeling left out and upset about not having one but he never told me because he knew how I felt about cell phones. Sometimes, you just want to fit in and that is not always a bad thing.

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Definately not a need. But, why does she want one? Does she feel like she's being left out in her circle of friends? Does she just want to look "cool?" It sounds like it is important to her - find out why. Maybe she has a legitimate reason for wanting one.


I mean, if all of her friends communicate in that way, she is going to be left out, unfortunately.


It's a tough call. We finally decided to allow our 13 yo to have a Facebook page. All of his church camp friends communicate that way. If he didn't have a page, he wouldn't be able to keep up with them. But, we placed a lot of rules on it to make it work for our family.


Our kids don't have their own cell phones yet. But, they will. I think the convenience of being able to contact them and have them contact us is comforting.


Good luck with your decision!

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