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Smoking turd!!! There's a phrase I didn't think I'd read on these boards! Now if only it were wearing a bikini . . ..


Does the fact I am so easily sucked into these threads say something about my personality? Aaaahhhh. I just found the page. Oh my, it really does rather look like...

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Mine has it too!


Smoking turd!!! There's a phrase I didn't think I'd read on these boards! Now if only it were wearing a bikini . . ..





Then I would probably be very bothered by this as well! (heeheehee) ;)


Just when you thought the SWB books were safe....they reel us in, then throw this cr@p at us! (pun intended!) ;)

Edited by Mrs. Frankweiler
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Ok, I've attached a pic of it. To me it looks like...hmmm, a smoking turd? :lol:


I also have this in my book, mine must have been one of the first few through the press because it's very um... Well Defined:001_huh:

Edited by nukeswife
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Why is this thread giving me so much glee?


Because as an adult, you never have the opportunity to say the word turd and you certainly NEVER have the opportunity to write it. It makes you giggle like an 8-year-old.


Other than that, it's just gross and juvenile and I'm shocked.

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Weird. Mine has the smudge, too. Looks a little like a Paramecium. Or a Russett Potatoe.


My first thought when I saw it inmine was "paramecium". Then I realized that it was in the supplemental resources for 7th grade chemistry, so OF COURSE it's a smoking turd -- a paramecium would be in biology.


Although I wish they'd listed what exactly we're supposed to do with it. Like, is there a book of experiments that we should use with our smoking turds? A kit?

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