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Prayers needed

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My prayers for you and ds. My son had a headache when he was 3 that scared me to death. It sent us to the ER, cat scan negative, bloodwork okay. They deemed it a migraine - even though a migraine in a 3 year old is extremely rare. He hasn't had one since and that was 3 years ago. I pray your son's is something as simple. God Bless!

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After an MRI and an MRA today both were negative we came home. He has an appointment with the neurologist in nine days. Too far away for me but that's what we got.


Thanks for all the prayers, it was scary. He'll be 21 in a couple of days. I think I alienated every doctor in the county. Oh well.

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Could this be a severe migraine? My 12dd had this a few years ago. We ended up in the hospital as well. She also had an abnormal EEG and they said it was a migra-seizure.


Any other symptoms? Sad to say, we are way too familiar with neurologists, EEGs, MRIs, CTs, etc.

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Well, we're stuck because our hospital doesn't have a neurologist, one comes down from the Big City once a week.


My poor dad and brother had to listen to me rant about what tests they were running and get their brains picked. But you know, it's good to have doctors in the family to threaten other doctors with.

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I hope everything will be ok for your son, Remudamom.


Is there any chance that he suffered a severe allergic reaction to something? It's probably a longshot, but I am allergic to MSG, and if I accidentally eat something that contains it, I develop an absolutely vicious headache that can last for a few days, and I haven't found a single medication that takes it away. I'm sure that if I went to the hospital for tests, nothing would show up in the results of any of the scans, but the headache would still be there.


I developed the allergy as an adult, and it happened quite suddenly, so that's why I mentioned it. I mean, it's probably not MSG with your son, but it might be worth sitting down with him to see what he ate a few hours before he developed the headache, as well as to see if he can think of whether or not there was anything unusual in his environment that day, like paint fumes, etc. that may have caused a severe reaction. My biggest problem with MSG is that it's not just something to think about at Chinese restaurants; it's in all sorts of unexpected things I might inadvertantly order at a restaurant or eat at someone's house, like many brands of salad dressings, seasoned rice, crackers, frozen dinners, and even things like the lasagna and bread sticks at Pizza Hut.


I'm probably totally off-base, but I thought I'd throw the idea out to you, as you're stuck waiting so long for the next doctor's appointment, that maybe there are other avenues you could pursue in the meantime.


I just hope this was a one-time, fluke thing for your ds, with no serious cause.



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