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Do you have the fall planned out yet? if so what are you doing?


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Social Studies- Georgia Studies

Writing- Stobaugh's Skills for Rhetoric

Science- Apologia Physical Science

Math- Lial's Introductory Algebra

Literature- Lightning Literature grade 8

Vocabulary- Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book B

Latin- Latin Christiana I (his first year of Latin)

Grammar- Analytical grammar




Grammar- Rod and Staff book 5

Literature- Best Introductory plays, short stories from Hewitt plus some novels

Writing- Writeshop 1 or IEW

Science- Christian Kids Explore Chemistry

Math - Saxon Math 7/6

Social Studies- Mystery of History middle ages

Vocabulary- From Classical Roots 6

Latin- Latina Christiana I




Math- Horizons grade 2

Reading- BJU 2

Science- Considering GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Creation

History- Story of the World II

Vocabulary- Wordly Wise

English- BJU 2

Latin-Prima Latina


I still have to add art and music.

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I will be a new full-time homeschooling mom to a 7 yr old, a 5 yr old, and a 3 yr old in the 2008-2009 year. However, I have been "tutoring" (part-time homeschooling) this year for both my current 6 yr old and 4 yr old.


Here is what I have planned for next year:

3 yr old:

WP I'm Ready to Learn

Aesop's Fables

Greek Myths

Stories from Around the World

Wee Sing Bible Stories, America, and Nursery Rhymes

At this point, I don't plan to use a lot of workbooks; rather, we will be doing real-life math with activities around the house (counting, sorting, patterns, basic addition). This seemed to work for my other kids, so I am hoping it will with her, too. Also, I purchase monthly themes from adaycare.com to help with organization . . . I plan to integrate the same themes into my 5 yr old's studies to ensure adequate coverage.


5 yr old:

Science: WP The World Around Me (Very light science program to introduce color, light, sound, nature, magnetism, etc)

Read-Aloud: Same as Above adding in 1st Level Easy Readers for shared reading.

Language Arts: LLATL Red (He is completing Blue currently)

Independent Reading: Various Level 1 Easy Readers

Bible: LifePac Bible 1

Math: Singapore Earlybird 2A and 2B (He is completing Earlybird 1 B currently)

Health: Abeka Health, Safety and Manners 1


7 yr old:

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation Through Astronomy

Read-Aloud: Same as Above adding in 3rd Level Easy Readers as well as some classics such as Charlotte's Web, Little House Series, etc

Language Arts:

Spelling: BJU Spelling 2

Grammar/Writing: BJU Grammar 2

Reading: LLATL 3 and book studies on 3rd Easy Readers

I also will be supplementing some BJU Reading 2 stories/comprehension questions

Bible: LifePac Bible 2

Math: BJU Math 2

Health: Abeka Health, Safety and Manners 2


For All:

PE: Bicycling, Walking, Aerobics, and various Y sports teams

Social Studies: SOTW Vol 1 with Activity Book

Music: MFW Music for Ancients Composer Study

Character Training: 365 Manners Kids Should Know

Art: Cave Paintings to Picasso, Come Look With Me, and Preschool Art


I am really excited about this coming year . . . I can't wait!

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My 10yo will be doing ACE PACES. Not my idea of a great curriculum, but this is the first time he has had consistent success with *any* curriculum. He can move along at his own PACE and it is truly a mastery program. I hope to add in Latin, Writing Strands, and some good literature.


My 7yo will be finishing up BJU HomeSat for 1st grade. He will probably go on to 2nd grade - he really does well with this format. If not, he will do Calvert 2nd grade. I hope to add in Latin at some point.


For my 5yo, BJU was a *bust*, so I am on the search again. I will finish out this year with the Calvert Pre-K I already have and the Rod and Staff Preschool workbooks. Next year we may do Calvert K.


My 3yo is on the same level as her 5yo brother, so we may just fold her in.

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I have it mostly planned out.


4th grader:

Math: RS Math Level E

L/A: copywork, dictation, FLL 4, Writing With Ease

History: Doing bible history with a myriad of resources

Science: Christian Kids Explore Physics

Classical Studies: reading The Wonder Book & Tanglewood Tales


2nd grader:

Math: RS Math Level C

L/A: copywork, FLL2, will probably still be doing phonice with OPGTR & ETC

Science: reading Burgess Bird Book, studying birds, more of a nature study emphasis

Classical Studies: The Baldwin Book--I can't remember the title



Math: I am going to do more of a living math approach with this one

L/A: I'm not sure if we will start phonics now or not, depends on her. IF so we will be using OPGTR and ETC.

Other: doing interest led units from Homeschool Share and FIAR




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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We will be using:


History - Biblioplan Year 2

Writing - IEW - Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons + some SICC

Grammar - R&S 7 (grammar lessons only)

Latin - Latin in the Christian Trivium (1/2 of book 2)

Math - Chalkdust Geometry

Literature - Lightning Lit 7 + various other titles (Robin Hood, King Arthur, etc)

Science - BJU Life Science

Memory work - various

Private Piano lessons + one hour day of practice



Extras that are mixed in are:

Evan-Moor Daily Geography Sheets

Classical Magic Volume 2

Finish Fallacy Detective + Logic workbooks

Art Appreciation - Calvert Fine Arts series (Painting, Architecture, Sculpture


Seasonal sports - basketball, golf

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Had to leave the computer and it looks like little fingers hit enter before I was done. Here are my fall curriculum plans.


Bible: Lamp and Quill


Language: Bob Jones Spelling

Bob Jones Handwriting


ABeka Language C



Writing: Writing Strands

Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons


Math: Teaching Textbook

Bob Jones


History: SOTW



Science: Bob Jones


Art: Drawing With Children

Watercolor for Artistically Undiscovered

Polymer Clay Projects

The Story of Painting

Art in History Series


Music: The Young Person's Guide to the Orchastra

The Story of the Incredible Orchastra

Understanding Music



Logic: Mind Benders

Red Herrings


Latin/Foreign Language: Latin Prep

Rosetta Stone Spanish

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Some big changes for us this fall as dd12 movies into some 'heavier' books - Apologia General Science and Saxon 87. We are also giving Lightning Lit a try.


Other than that, we are basically moving on to the 'next thing': R&S 7, LCII, etc.

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5th Grade:


Grammar: R&S 5

Spelling: R&S 5

Writing: IEW

Math: R&S 5

History/Geography: Abeka 5 with Sonlight Readers

Typing: Mavis Beacon, cont.

Science: co-op

Music: Suzuki violin, cont.

Memory work: Classical Conversations

Art: co-op


2nd Grade:


Language arts: Sonlight

Math: Singapore 2A-2B, cont.

History/Geography: listens to stories her sister is covering

Science: co-op

Memory Work: Classical Conversations

Art: co-op

Music: Suzuki violin, cont.

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3rd Grade for ds (will turn 8 in August):


Horizons Math (finish book 2 of 2nd grade and move onto 3rd)

Finish OPGTR

ETC 7 and 8


Simply Spelling (may wait to start in January, not sure yet)

Getty-Dubay Italics (finish C if necessary, move onto D)

Writing Tales 1 (may wait to start in January, not sure yet)



1st Grade for dd (will turn 6 in October):


Horizons Math 1


ETC 3, 4 and 5


Getty-Dubay Italic B



Both kids together:


Song School Latin

SOTW 2 and Activity Guide (finish 1 first if we need to)

R.E.A.L. Science: Life

Nature Study (ala the Green Hour from Heart of Harmony blog)

Themes to Remember

Recorder practice

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We have been doing Abeka this year, but I am looking for some changes for fall, and really like the WTM. I noticed that many of you do or are planning to do Horizons Math. Anybody have a comparison of Abeka and Horizons they can give me?


Donna in TX


DS 8

DS 6

DD 21 months

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7th/8th grade

My 12 yo dd hovers between 7th and 8th grade.

Torah reading daily

Finish up RS Level E, then either go into Lial's BCM or TT Pre-Algebra, might do the Keys To books and then go into TT Algebra

Biblical Hebrew 1

Finish Lightning Lit 7, if we don't finish this summer

TOG Y2 Units 1, 2, and maybe 3 - for history, geography, and lit

Understanding Jewish History to supplement church history

Typing Tutor - yes, still

CW Aesop/Homer Older Beginners

Medieval History copywork

Cyber-ed Life Science, maybe PH Science Explorers and Science in a Nutshell kits

Draw Squad

Music Ace and/or violin lessons if I get my act together

Weekly PE class, and other running around outside


5th grade

Finish RS Level D and E

Modern Hebrew 1

TOG Y2 Units, 1, 2, and maybe 3 - for history, geography, and lit

Understanding Jewish History to supplement church history

Typing Tutor

Finish Writing Tales 1 and maybe 2

Medieval History copywork



Cyber-ed Life Science, maybe PH Science Explorers and Science in a Nutshell kits

Draw Squad

piano lessons

Weekly PE class, and other running around outside


2nd grade

RS Level B

Maybe Alef Bet

TOG Y2 Units 1, 2, and maybe 3 - for history and geography

Maybe Sonlight Readers if she begins to read more fluently

Understanding Jewish History to supplement church history

Finish FLL1 and 2

AAS 2 and maybe 3

Abeka cursive handwriting and/or more Cursive First

Science in a nutshell kits

piano lessons

Weekly PE class, and other running around outside



My 4yo will turn 5 in November

Maybe RS Level A

Listening in as she feels like to TOG Y2 Units, 1, 2, and 3

I'll read Sonlight Core B and C books aloud to her

Science in a nutshell kits

She's currently learning the FLL1 poems; she may continue this

Phonograms, then AAS 1

Kumon books as I see fit


She runs around constantly, and I don't expect that to change

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3yo preK:

HWT preschool

preschool workbooks

Kumon books

I'll only do these when he wants to and not force anything


5yo Kindergarten:


SL grade K readers


DEL books




6yo first grade:

SL grade 1 readers

SL grade 1 LA or FLL 1 (haven't decided)

ETC 1, 2, 3


HWT grade 1





8yo third grade:

SL grade 3 or 3-5 readers (probably a mix of both!)


ETC 4, 5, 6

HWT grade 3 cursive

copywork and dictation





Everyone together:

Geography: Winterpromise Children Around the World (we're going to take it VERY slowly!)

History: SOTW 2 and Activity guide

Science: NOEO chemistry 1

Bible: Leading Little Ones to God and Bible Stories from Egermeier's

Art: Artistic Pursuits

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Here is what I have *planned* so far...subject to change...



Language Arts

Language Lessons for Little Ones-vol. 2 (includes copywork, narration, picture study, ect.)

Happy Phonics

ETC books

OPGTR (if more phonics instruction is needed)

Easy readers


Right Start Level A

Fine Arts

Not sure what I am going to do here. Maybe continue picture study and Coloring the Classics

Barb's Sketch Tuesday

Second Grade

Language Arts

Language Lessons for the Very Young-finish Vol. 1 and move to vol 2 (includes copywork, dictation, picture study, narration, ect.)

All About Spelling-finish level 2 and move to 3


Right Start Level C

Singapore Word Problems Level 1


Song School Latin or Minimus (Lil' brother will probably want to sit in on this)

Fine Arts

Heart of Harmony Artist and Composer Study Grade 2

Barb's Sketch Tuesday

Also...some sort of Logic/Critical Thinking Skills program.


Both (I don't expect the same things from both boys. K5er likes doing what big brother is doing and I am really just trying to develop listening skills with him.)


SOTW vol 2 with activity guide

Also using AO history selections...Our Island Story, Trial and Triumph, ect.

Lots of read alouds


Nature Study...hopefully Barb will continue to do the Green Hour Challenges! Nature walks, gardening, hiking, simple experiments, birding, keeping a Nature Journal, ect.

Lots of read alouds including the Burgess books, Parables in Nature, ect.


Not doing anything real formal. Planning on reading the Holling C. Holling books.

Tea Time

Alternating reading from our nature, geography, and poetry books. Will include a picture study on Friday's for our Fine Arts Friday.


Just more exposure with videos, CDs, books, and conversation with Dad.


As far as activities go, we still are in the dark as far as where we are moving to, so I am not sure what's available. I am hoping to get them involved in some sort of nature activity like we are currently doing through the arks and rec.


That's all I can think of for now. I am brain dead and can't think of anything else...

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8th grade ds:


Math: TT Alg 1


Science: Apologia Physical science


Grammar: Our Mother Tongue


Writing: Jump In, Assignments from Biblioplan and TQuest, Outlining, Book reports, Written summaries


History: Biblioplan and Truthquest.. using History of Us books, KingFisher History ency, Critical Thinking in US history along with read alouds and assigned reading.. using some of the literature from WTM book as well


French: Galore park SYWT along with RSTone for as long as it's available at the library


Greek: Elementary Greek 2


Vocabulary Vine and then Science Roots


finishing Spelling Workout grade 8


Bible: reading the bible, corresponding Victor Journey through the bible, also having him read How To Be Christian without being religious, not sure what else we'll do after that


Literature study: gonna try some online sites.. probably sparknotes


Larry Burkett's How to Manage Your Money book and workbook for teens


Logic: finishing FAllacy Detective this year, next year Teaching Toolbox


Typing Instructor


hmm... think that's it for academics


for physed: dance (hip hop) 1x week, family swim at the Y.. 2-3 x week, hiking, playing outside etc


I also want to have him pick out a meal at least once a week.. figure out how to plan, shop and cook it



1st grade ds:


Reading: Phonics: finish using Play n Talk, Explode the code, games, readers etc.


First Language Lessons


Free Scott Foresman writing program online


Free online American History plan.. it's similiar to Biblioplan but has crafts etc..


Bible: the Golden Bible along with other character building books


Science: lots of fun books, Frog habitat, Ladybug habitat, ant habitat, hope to find another monarch caterpillar again this year.. Nature walks etc


Draw Write Now to correspond with our history studies


Literature. Lots of fun books.. maybe a couple FIAR studies


Library visits, Swimming, Playing, Games.. fun fun!

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DS 17yo/ 11th grade-

SL300; D/E College Alg; Apologia Chemistry; Rhetoric w/ Aristotle; Abeka Spanish 1; TC Econ


DS 14yo/ 10th grade-

WP SS; Walch PB WH3; Kumon Math; LoF; Conceptual Physics; Abeka Spanish 1; TC Econ


DS 5yo/ K-

WP AW; WP AW LA1; History Pockets- Ancient Civilizations; Kumon Math; Singapore PM


This year I decided that if I couldn't fit each child's curriculum choices on one line in Word with arial 10 font then I had planned too much. This explains all the abbreviations and 11th grader ran to the next line anyway! LOL :D


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I have one ds5(soon to be 6) and dd2.






R.E.A.L. Earth and Space



ETC Books



HWOT grade 1



Finish RightStart Level B


Nature Study

Green Hour Challenge



What ever books my ds picks


This thread really got me thinking on what we are doing for next year. Now I am way ahead of my normally unplanned schedule. :D

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Here's our plan for upcoming 5th grade, he's very science oriented.


Grammar - Daily Grams 5

Spelling - Natural Speller

Writing - Writing Trails (men of science)

Reading - great books

Math - Singapore 4b/5a

Logic - Orbiting w/logic

History - MOH 1 w/world geography

Science- BF's history of science

Bible - Pilgrim's Progress

Latin - LFC A

Music - Alfred's music theory 1

Art - TBD

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2nd grade:


SOTW II and Activity Book - middle ages

REAL Science Earth/Space

RightStart math C

2nd half of First Language Lessons

Continue SWR

United Streaming 1/2nd grade Spanish curriculum

Piano lessons

monart art lessons

Gymnastics and soccer


my preschooler will just be doing whatever is fun and making a mess!

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8th Grade:

Abeka Pre-Algebra

Abeka Grammar & Comp II

Abeka Science/Health 7

Literature - ?

Latin - ?

Logic - ?




7th Grade:

Abeka Math 7 or Pre-Alg

Abeka Grammar & Comp I

Abeka Science/Health 6

Computer Science

Literature - ?

Latin - ?

Logic- ?


4th Grade:

Abeka Math 4

Abeka Lang A

Abeka Spelling 4





2nd Grade:

Abeka Math 2

Abeka Phonics 2

Abeka Lang 2

Abeka Spelling 2






Abeka ABC123


*Bible, History, PE - all together.

*Science as a group w/youngest 3

*I read aloud to all kids 1 hour per day from living science books, literature, historical fiction, etc.

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But this is what the plan looks like for 3rd grade (she turns 9 in the fall) so far:


We will be using MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures, which has Bible, geography, science, art, and music planned out. It will be split up this way with other subjects as follows:


In English:

Geography (although I do have atlases and such in Spanish as well)

Art and Music

Spelling by Sound and Structure (2nd grade level)

Complete HOP through level 5 if not complete over the summer

Prima Latina


In Spanish:


Math- Mundo Matematico 3

Grammar- Serie Amigo 3

Spelling- Practica Ortografica 3

Classical Writing Aesop with Spanish models


In Both Languages:

Science topics

Readalouds (there are three missionary books in MFW available in Spanish we will be purchasing separately)

Book basket



Continue exposure to Japanese and German

Dance classes (tap, modern, and ballet)

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Here is our plan for next year:


3rd & 5th Grader:

History: MFW ~ Creation to the Greeks ~

Science: I may use Apologia's Elementary Zoology 1 or just stick with what is scheduled in MFW

Langauge Arts: PLL/ILL, will add Harvey's Elementary Grammar and Evan-Moor Daily Language Review if I feel it needs to be beefed up a bit, McGuffey's Speller and I am going to try Writing Strands 3. Also I am debating whether to use the recommended "English from the Roots Up" or stick with Latina Christiana or another Latin program

Math: MUS Gamma & Epsilon

Art: God & the History of Art (MFW)

Music: MFW, I may supplement with this as well

Handwriting: Getty & Dubay Italic


Kindergartener & 1st Grader:


Little Hearts for His Glory

Math:Mastermind Math for K & MUS Alpha for 1st

Handwriting: Getty & Dubay Italic

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K, 3, 5th grades.


Everyone takes art at a class. We also do conversational Spanish, French, current events casually throughout the day.




McGuffey's First Reader

Getty Dubay Italics A

Math a la Beechick



Math - Rod & Staff Math

Latin - Prima Latina & Getting Started with Latin

English - Writing Tales 1

History - follow along with older dd

Geography - memory work on countries, land formations, etc.

Science - Nature Notebook and yearly science camp

Music - Violin, opera season (5), baroroque music festival

PE - Tennis, gymnastics, walking




Math - Rod & Staff

Latin- Latin Prep 1 (A & B)

English - Writing Tales 2 and Calvert Spelling 5th CD

History - Famous Men Series from Rome through Modern

Geography - memory work on countries and their info.

Science - Nature Notebook and yearly science camp

Music - piano, opera season (5), baroque music festival

PE - Tennis, gymnastics, running

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7th grade:

Omnibus I (through Veritas??)

Algebra (Jacobs... or maybe Foersters)

continue IEW and Classical Composition

R&S English 7

Elementary Greek 2

Henle Latin (through Memoria Press??)

BJU Earth & Space Science

Logic (Critical Thinking I & II, or just go into Intro. Logic?)

New Testament survey

Poetry Writing

art class

flute lessons, music appreciation & music theory (BJU?)

swimming, ballet


5th grade:


continue Classical Composition & IEW

Spelling Workout

R&S English 5

Elementary Greek 2

Latin for Children 2

reading books for science

ancient history (books, FMOG, FMOR, etc.)

literature book list

New Testament survey

Poetry Writing

art class, art appreciation

piano, music appreciation

swimming, ballet


1st grade:

BJU Math 1

Horizons Phonics & Reading 1

copywork, dictation, narration

read-alouds and reading books

science with real books

history with real books (ancients, maybe with Vertas Press OTAE)

art class, art appreciation

piano, music appreciation

Latin and Greek intro (memory work)

poetry memorization

Bible memory and Vos Story Bible, catechism

swimming, soccer

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This is what I'm planning for my dd who will be in 4th grade, who is starting history in the middle. This year we've been doing BJU Heritage Studies, but will begin at the beginning in history in the fall.





(Switching over from Saxon 3, MUS level undecided)


Grammar & Composition

Shurely English 4

Writing Strands, Level 3



Dictation from reading, PLUS

Italic Handwriting, Level D, E




Spelling Workout 4




Latin For Children

Mastery Bundle, Primer A




Classical literature and biographies




Ancient World

5000 B.C. Ă¢â‚¬â€œ A.D. 400

SOW, Vol I Combo Pack




World Geography Ă¢â‚¬â€œ major continents, mountains and mountain ranges, oceans, major rivers, etc. Map reading.





Exploring Creation with Botany Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Apologia Educational Ministries


Possibly dividing over one year with:


God's Design - The Animal Kingdom Ă¢â‚¬â€œ GodĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Design for Life Series





Teaching Children to Draw

Corresponding with my own teaching from our home studio





Piano Lessons and music appreciation/masters in classical

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I have been planning for a while and have all my stuff now. I posted pictures of it all last week on my blog (addy in siggy)

Here's the basic run down.


ds age 9 4th grade

LA-- GWG 4, Evan Moor writing centers, Evan Moor Paragraph writing

Math--TT5 and TT6 (we just started 5 so we'll just move on when we're done)

Science-- R.E.A.L. Science Life level 1

History-- Early American history curriculum I made up myself (you can see this on my blog link is listed under Voyager Learning Center Original Curriculum)

Geography-- Evan Moor Geography centers and Trail guide to the US

Reading-- Read book of choice for 20 minutes a day


dd age 6.5 1st/2nd grade

LA-- GWG 1-2, continue with ETC for phonics

Math-- Saxon 1 and 2 (we're working through 1 now and will move on when finished)

Science-- R.E.A.L. Science Life level 1 History-- Early American history curriculum I made up myself (you can see this on my blog link is listed under Voyager Learning Center Original Curriculum)

Geography-- Evan Moor Geography centers and Trail guide to the US

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think so.....we'll be teaching 3rd, 1st and pre-k.


My pre-K'er will just jump in on read-alouds and any hands-on activities that the older 2 have going on. We'll have homeschool co-op on Tues. w/ History, Science, Art and Music for the older 2, manners/bible/art/music for the younger one.


3rd grader


MFW-Exploring Countries & Cultures

Singapore 2A/2B

CLP Cursive Handwriting

Primary Language Lessons

*maybe* Rosetta Stone Spanish


1st grader (he'll probably move into 2nd 1/2 way through the year)


MFW-1st grade for reading/bible

Singapore 1B

MFW-ECC for everything else




tag along w/ the older ones, possible the R&S pre-school program towards mid-year.

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We are having new baby :001_smile:end of summer so I think a lot about what our school year will look like next year, (will have 1st grader and 3rd grader and the busy 1 yo and 3 yo :tongue_smilie:)


I plan on using same things for grammar and math( Rightstart and Rod and Staff)~ we just haven't pinned down exactly what we will use for writing and latin for oldest~everything else is basically same, just next level. And just bought Living Books Curriculum Study Guides this weekend 2 map out my reading for history, science, and literature and narration and copywork.


We are hoping 2 use next year:


8 yo son~

Rod and Staff English 4..for Grammar...he will b 9 next fall

Independent Reading~Rod and Staff Bible Readers

Rightstart Math Level C

Some other math program for extra math busy work..I don't tend to get any Rightstart math games done for the practise, this year he is doing Saxon 2 for extra work..he needs lots of review and practise with math...

Living Books Curriculm for science, literature, and history reads~includes copywork, narration, and reading


6yo son~

Rod and Staff 1

Rod and Staff Bible Readers

maybe First Language Lessons...we'll see

Rightstart Level B

Living Books for science, literature and history~copywork, narration and reading


What I need to figure out for next year....

what will oldest son do for Latin...we are almost done Prima Latina...we liked it. I wanted to drop latin for next year cuz I'm busy and don't know it myself 2 teach....but Dad says it's a good thing to learn and son really likes learning it...so we need something for him to do in latin, I like the video thing, so we'll see what is out there soon. Looking into Latin options is on my "2 do list".


I want to take a look at Susan Wise Bauer's new writing book to teach writing...I have her Writing CD and found it quite helpful. I haven't had any time 2 look into that new book yet... so also on my "2 do list.


Happy planning everyone!



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I'm getting there... but as always, subject to change without notice LOL...


4th grade - tentative....

Continue with Sinagpore, Shiller math combo

FLL4 and JAG

SL Core 4 with LA writing

Writing Strands - finish 3 move onto 4

SL Science 4

Spanish for Children (probably)

Bible for Children - 2nd set


8th grade - tentative....

Finish VT Algebra

Finish Analytical Grammar

SL Core 7 (2nd 1/2) and HO Modern Level II

Writing Strands - 6 and 7

BJU Space and Earth Science

Latin Prep II

Next book in the Art of Argument series - can't remember the name right now.


for both - probably Artistic Pursuits


I'm sure there's more that I can't remember or haven't decided on yet. I haven't made really any decisions for my rising K'er except to continue with Shiller and OPGTR

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I "think" so...

Math: we are going to be continuing with Singapore, but I plan on using the Intensive Practice books along with the Word Problem books.


Language Arts/Grammar: continue with the read-alouds, audiobooks, and independent reading.

Explode the code 5 & 6

Primary Language Lessons

Harp and the Laurel Wreath for dictation and poetry


Science: My Pals are Here with supplements


History: History Odyssey: Medieval Times


Geography: Use Evan Moor Geography units


Foreign Language: Minimus (the starting out level)


Fine Arts: Recorder and introduction to the great composers and artists


P.E.: continue with team sports and swim lessons.


I have tinkered with this so much that I think I have over analyzed everything way too much. Now to begin the shopping!

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9th grade:




LL Early American Lit. 1 & 2

WS 5

American History (I'm doing my own thing)

Trail Guide to US Geography



7th grade:







American History

Beautiful Feet Geography


5th grade:



Devlopmental Math


Ridgewood Grammar

American History

Beautiful Feet Geography



Bible, art lessons, PE, Spanish lessons, music


We also do Fine Art Fridays using some things I put together myself.

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language arts--

Click 'n' Read

Now I'm Reading primer series

Getty-Dubay Italic B



Singapore Earlybird 2A & 2B



Wee Sing America


everything else--

AngelBear Yoga

Aesop's Fables

library books on Americana

Drawing With Children lesson plans from Harmony Fine Arts Grammar 4

Spiral Scouts




language arts--

Lively Latin

Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek


memory work to include poetry

Writing Strands 3

Type To Learn



Singapore Primary Math Textbook & Workbook 3A & 3B

Singapore Extra Practice 3

Singapore Challenging Word Problems 2

LivingMath.net C1Q2 Intermediate

QuarterMile Math




Singing Coach


everything else--

a steady but free diet of books and kits on the middle ages and earth science

AngelBear Yoga

Drawing With Children lesson plans from Harmony Fine Arts Grammar 4

Audio Memory Geography Songs + Geography Coloring Book

a personalized list of free reading choices

Spiral Scouts





language arts--

CW Aesop & Homer for Older Beginners

Lingua Latina

Type to Learn

Art of Argument

The Grammar of Poetry



Teaching Textbooks 6

LivingMath.net C1Q2 Intermediate

Life of Fred Fractions & Decimals

Quarter Mile Math



Singing Coach


everything else--

a steady but free diet of books and kits on the middle ages and earth science

swimming or bowling, depending on the season

Audio Memory Geography Songs + Geography Coloring Book

a personalized list of free reading choices

Grey School courses

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So far...


7th Grade


Latin Prep 2

CW Homer B

AG 2nd year

NEM 2 or Jacob's Geo? or ?

SYRWTL Science 2 (will start this spring or summer)

SYRWTL Spanish 1 (con't slowly) & Entrevistas

SL 7 or Trisms HM w/selected SL 7, 200 & 300 readers?

LL 7

Logic (not sure yet what we will use)

Extras (drama, music, art, PE, and field trips as always):auto:


3rd Grade


Con't Lively Latin and Minimus Secundus

Singapore 4a & 4b

CW Aesops or WT?


Sequential Spelling

SOTW 3 & 4 with activity guides

Library Readers to match time period in history

My World Science & SL Science 3 (intro to Bio)

RS Spanish, Spanish Everyday, and The Fun Spanish

Critical Thinking

Extras (Art, music, PE, and more field trips) :auto:

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I'm pretty sure what we are doing at this point and half of it is bought already. My dd will be 6yo...


Math: Continue with Singapore Math and Miquon

LA: OPGTR, FLL, WWE, ETC, early readers

History/Read-Alouds/Bible: SL Core 1

Science: Biology for the Grammar Stage (Elemental Science)

Art: Drawing with Children

Music: Classics for Kids

PE: Ballet


I think that's all!

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DS, 3rd grade:


Singapore 3a/b

continuing FLL 3

The Complete Writer: Writing with Ease

American Story 1 from Winterpromise

Chemistry (putting together myself from various sources)

maybe Lively Latin

assorted logic/critical thinking books


DS, K:


continuing Headsprout for reading

may start FLL, depending on how his reading is going

Singapore 1a/b

following along in American story 1 and chemistry

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I am a procrastinator and a planner both. I've found that if I plan far enough in advance, I can avert disaster inspired by my procrastination.


DD will be in Kindergarten in the fall. I've got her curriculum all planned out, and some idea of how our days will go.


My goals for her K year are:


1. Learning to read

2. Prep for first grade math

3. Beginning handwriting

4. Getting used to doing seatwork on a regular basis


DD's stated educational goals include:


1. Learn to sew

2. Learn to play the recorder

3. Ballet lessons


I plan on enrolling her in Eagleridge, a 1 day/week enrichment program through the Mesa schools. A friend's children do it and they've really enjoyed it and gotten a lot out of it. So, that will be Monday's schooltime. Ballet lessons and library trip will constitute one day a week, and an outing such as the zoo, science center, an SCA event, etc. will be a third day's planned activity. One day will be "take a break day" each week, preferably on DH's day off if we can swing it. That will leave three "Homeschool Days" when we will do lessons. We may well do some or all of the read-alouds every day, though.


We will be using the following curriculae:


For phonics: Tanglewood School's free program and Starfall.com, phonics games

For Literature: Nursery rhymes and tales, the complete works of Winnie the Pooh, and the works of Beatrix Potter.

For Classical Studies: Aesop's Fables

For Heathen Studies: Norse Myths

For Music: Recorder Fun Book 1

For Art/Crafts: My First Sewing Book and Kit

For Math: Funtastic Frogs Math, workbooks we already have, pattern block activities, time and money games

For Geography: Me on the Map, Geography Songs Kit, Kingfisher First Picture Atlas

For Modern Studies: Wee Sing America

For Science: Museum trips, backyard nature study

For P.E.: Ballet classes through the city

For Latin: Song School Latin


Sounds a bit daunting, but really it's not. Here's how our schedule should go:


Daily (at least 3 days/week): Phonics, a math activity, part of her Latin lesson, short copywork exercises to practice handwriting and reinforce phonics or geography or Latin (Ex: The first week she will probably have to copy her name), and read-aloud time including the week's patriotic song or reading, fable, myth, nursery tale, and modern children's lit, plus any books DD wants on top of that. Also a nursery rhyme will be subject to memorization, and we'll stick with one until it's down.

Weekly: Sewing lesson, Recorder lesson, Geography activity


Seatwork shouldn't take more than twenty minutes to a half hour, read aloud time maybe half an hour, and the rest is playing games.


I hope to get us into a regular ritual/rhythm to our days. There's a chance I may be babysitting during after-school time, which would give her a chance most days to play with at least one other kid. Especially if I'm still working at Wal-Mart (likely I'll cut back my hours if I can get that after school gig), keeping us on a regular schedule might just save our sanity!


Now I just need to put in a curriculum order and come up with a good excuse to start some of it next week instead of next fall...

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I'm firming up plans for dd as follows:


CW Aesop B

Harvey's grammar

Developmental Math

Christian Studies II

Elson's Reader

Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space


How to Teach Art to Children

Vocabulary Bridges (I think, not sure)

Not sure what to do about logic or foreign language. We did Matin Latin but took a year off of foreign language this year. Not sure if I want to attempt Greek or something else. Also, not sure what to use for logic.


Music class

Sewing class


I am working on something for PE. Money and time are huge factors in that one.


I changed my mind on a few things. LOL


MUS for math

nature study instead of a formal science

Building Thinking Skills and Red Herrings for logic

I may use God and the History of Art, since I have it (I'd forgotten about it!)

Still undecided about foreign language.

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This will be my first year homeschooling too! So I'm going to throw my schedule out and see if it looks overwhelming or not! :)

Second grade

Math - MUS beta & Singapore probly start with 1A Primary as he hasn't done this math before, only Saxon @ school!

Music - R&S intro to music books, then Piano lessons & learning about Classical Composers!! YAY!

L.A. - Wisdom Words from the Weaver

Bible, History, Science, Creative Writing, Spelling, Art - The Weaver Curriculum from AOP

Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting B & Penmanship to Praise to help with memorization of Bible verses.

Reading - R&S reading 2 to build fluency & comprehension

Science supp if needed - Considering God's Creation & Handbook of Nature Study

Geography Supp if needed - Galloping the Globe

PE - t-ball, swimming lessons, and whatever else we can get into! :D


Lots of other fun & classic books on our shelves too!


Am I missing anything? hmm. . .


Rod & Staff ABC Series Little Hearts for His GlorySing, Spell, Read, Write (for fun! ;) maybe! lol)

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12 yo


English: LLLOTR, SS4, homegrown writing


Math: Finish Jacobs Algebra, start Jacobs Geometry


History: Spielvogel's Human Odyssey, historical fiction


Science: Conceptual Integrated Science first half


History of Science: Hakim's The Story of Science


Latin: Ecce Romani



6 yo


English: Spelling Power, GWG, Writing with Ease, VP Comprehension Guides, lots of reading


Math: Singapore


History: SOTW1


Science: K12

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I do have some plans made. But you know what they say about the best laid plans!


The links are in my sig: "Looking ahead" has the plans for my 6 yo and 8 yo. "Making the most of preK" has my preK plans for my soon-to-be 5 yr with a global delay.

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Math: Walsh Power Basics Geometry, Globe/Fearon Consumer Math/and Carson's Algebra workbook for touch ups

Grammar/Handwriting/Composition/Writing/Spelling/Reading: All in one with EMC's Literature program

History: Jarret's Mastering US History w/ US World Map Skills Wkbk

Science: Cambridge's Co-Ordinated General Science

Art/Music: Barbara Shannon's Exploring Art Media

Languages: Powerglide Audio French 1

PE/Physical Activity: I run/coach a Homeschool Bowling League, so this will continue.

Health: Life Skills by AGS


This WAS my plan, but things have changed here.. money and everything else.


DD16 will probably be off to the Community tech School during the morning (730-1030) for Cosmetology(high schoolers pay no tuition) and we will school after she gets home.

So right now, it looks like this:


Math: Still looking for some type of integrated math

Grammar/Handwriting/Composition/Writing/Spelling/Reading: All in one with EMC's Literature program

History: History of a Free Nation/Glencoe

Science: Anatomy/Physiology plus an integrated science that is secular and that I haven't found yet

Art/Music: Barbara Shannon's Exploring Art Media

Languages: I've got a french set that I got for free, but I'm not sure yet if I'll use it. I may go with the Powerglide

PE/Physical Activity: I run/coach a Homeschool Bowling League, so this will continue.

Health: the Anatomy/physiology can cover for this especially since it will include a lab.


Basically, nothing if firm anymore. :(

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Here is our plan:

K- dd (5)


Penmanship-A Reason For Handwriting

Math-Saxon 1

Phonics-OPGTR/ETC Books 1-2/Abeka readers

Grammar- FLL 1/WWE/WWE workbook 1

Spelling-SWO A


2nd grade-ds (6)


Pictures in Cursive-Primer/Book A-B

Math-Saxon 3

Grammar-FLL 3

Spelling-SWO C-D


What we'll do together...


Personal Devotions-Discovery Bible Series-Beginnings I: Precious In His Sight

History/Bible/Art/Music/Science-MFW: Adventures (supplementing science with Apologia Zoology I)

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6th grade

Saxon algebra 1/2

Henle I

Elementary Greek I

First French

Peace Hill Press' soon to be released "Writing With Ease"

The Iliad and the Odyssey

Artner Reader's Guide to American History

Memoria Press' Book Of Roots

Christian Studies (MP) II

Science (informal....lots of reading)



4th gr.

Saxon 6/5

Henle I

Elementary Greek I

First Start French

Christ. St. II

Artner history

Grammar 4 (PHP)

Book of Roots

Tales From Shakespeare

D'Aulaires Greek Myths

copywork (from readings)

Scouts and archery


2nd gr.

Saxon 3

Henle I

First Start french

greek (Hupogrammon)

Grammar 3 (PHP)

D'Aulaire's greek Myths

Sotw 1

Copybook 3 (MP)

Christian Studies I (MP)

Wonderbook and Tanglewood Tales




R &S Preschool workbook set

100 Easy Lessons (Reading)


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I'm almost done, and I already have a majority of the materials on hand.


Storm's tentative 6th grade course of study:


Mathematics: Dolciani's Algebra: Structure & Method Book I & Livingmath.net Unit Studies

English: Classical Writing: Homer B, Harvey's Grammar & 2 lit. selections

Copywork & Recitation: Spelling Wisdom

Latin: Latin Prep II

Spanish: Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish

Humanities: ECC & OM6


World Religions: living books

Modern Studies: Election 2008/OM8 portions /Newspaper

Science: OM Science 7 & portions of Livingmath.net studies


Reading list: Under construction--lol

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Well we just started our new curriculum. We school yr round.


DS just turned 4 in Dec.


Bible/Character: We do a mix of Hubbard's cupboard 3 yr old Bible and 4 yr old character curriculum.


Reading: Activities from Wow I'm Reading and lessons from 100 easy Lessons


Workbooks: Kumon Animal Mazes and Developing the Early Learner


Math:Children's books from Have You Read Any Good Math Lately? and activities out of the Cuisenaire idea book


Preschool Plus from Hewitt Homeschooling


So far I have him begging for more when we stop for the day. So that is a good sign!




I forgot to say that my toddler will be 2 in Sept so I will start stuff with him then.


Little Hands to Heaven


Hands on Math


ABC Jumbo Fun with the Alphabet by Evan-moor


Science:Science is Simple and Living Learning Books Level 1


Chapter Books: I just read various books


German: Springboard to German (We are just doing this because it is fun and I already had it. It was mine when I was a kid)


History: Various books

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History- Sonlight core 6 withthe activity guide and tests added for SOTW


Math - Saxon algebra 1/2


Language - sonlight language 6 and Keys to Language 6 , Wordly wise 3000 book 3, Spelling Workout


Science - Apologia Physical science or Sonlight science 6 or the old Sonlight science 7 Earth Science core.




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