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  • Biography
    Grew up East Coast Canada...social, creative and love to hang out with my family
  • Location
    live above arctic circle...always winter here
  • Interests
    sewing, reading, decorating, and book collector
  • Occupation
    Mom, shortorder cook, housekeeper, homeschool teacher
  1. hey there, It was interesting to read the testimonies about people using program and success stories. I am not a mathy person at all and like the idea of having DVD to explain things to help me better explain to my child. I have couple friends who use this and really like it. I have been using Rightstart but don't want to use it next yr. Rightstart wasn't easy for me to use with littles and teaching math same time and really just didn't "get" some of it(both boys in level C). There are so many lessons using manipulatives and never get to the games. I have baby and toddler and will b teaching my 3 boys next yr. So this is something I am considering 4 next yr. But really I need something that's pretty open and go...so I'll see. It sounds like a good program though. Thanks 4 posting! sherylwinter(formerly sherylinarctic :)
  2. Hope you have a great birthday day...sounds like a great way to celebrate~by having lunch with your son, sweet. I don't know what 40's are like...but I"ll b there in a few yrs 2. Our birthdays are so close, mine is tomorrow. I always thought it was fun having birthday at start of Spring. Have a wonderful day, Colleen! Happy Happy Birthday!:001_smile:
  3. we have to travel on planes lots with our littles living way up North. With the ones under one year old I never even had a birth certificate...gave birth south and travelled back home jet with small babies...only had the ankle bracelet from hospital and copy of live birth form. The only thing they want from us is the health care card for the littles...I would call them for sure to find out, each airline probally has their own rules. :001_smile:
  4. My son is 8 yo and were doing a conceptual math program, Rightstart. I did Singapore in Kindegarten, then he did Saxon 1. By the time we got 2 Saxon 3, he knew all his math facts very quick from constant repition, he was doing OK but then "I" was having hard time teaching some of the concepts...getting into multiplication...so I thought I should switch 2 something that teaches more "conceptually"...help me b a better teacher and maybe he would do better. Didn't work out that way for me. I think I should've just stuck with the one that had lots of drill we were getting with Saxon. I'm getting bogged down with all this conceptual type math thing and it's hurting my brain, lol. I think it was just his age or development thing with him not catching the concepts yet. I was trying to go through the book very fast cuz I thought we were behind and had new baby and busy 2 yo...that didn't help...so we are taking our time now, it's not a race. And were doing lots of extra drill with flashcards and reading number line, place value is what he's having hard time with most... and practising skip counting. It's still a struggle, he doesn't get things fast with math. I thought I had ruined him with "my" teaching but now the younger son is doing really well with his math and he's doing the Rightstart 2. The 6 yo can answer most of the questions before him...so frustrating for him :001_huh: So I think this 8yo just needs time and lots of extra practise and he will b fine. If he is still struggling by end of summer though, I probally will do something else. I just don't want to switch again and wait and see if it improves...maybe it's just an age/development thing. So were keeping with the Rightstart conceptual type math program for now and adding lessons from the old Saxon book we have for extra practise. Sorry, not offering much advice. Just sharing what's happened with my son's math cuz he's same age.:) Blessings 2 u sherylwinter
  5. We are having new baby :001_smile:end of summer so I think a lot about what our school year will look like next year, (will have 1st grader and 3rd grader and the busy 1 yo and 3 yo :tongue_smilie:) I plan on using same things for grammar and math( Rightstart and Rod and Staff)~ we just haven't pinned down exactly what we will use for writing and latin for oldest~everything else is basically same, just next level. And just bought Living Books Curriculum Study Guides this weekend 2 map out my reading for history, science, and literature and narration and copywork. We are hoping 2 use next year: 8 yo son~ Rod and Staff English 4..for Grammar...he will b 9 next fall Independent Reading~Rod and Staff Bible Readers Rightstart Math Level C Some other math program for extra math busy work..I don't tend to get any Rightstart math games done for the practise, this year he is doing Saxon 2 for extra work..he needs lots of review and practise with math... Living Books Curriculm for science, literature, and history reads~includes copywork, narration, and reading 6yo son~ Rod and Staff 1 Rod and Staff Bible Readers maybe First Language Lessons...we'll see Rightstart Level B Living Books for science, literature and history~copywork, narration and reading What I need to figure out for next year.... what will oldest son do for Latin...we are almost done Prima Latina...we liked it. I wanted to drop latin for next year cuz I'm busy and don't know it myself 2 teach....but Dad says it's a good thing to learn and son really likes learning it...so we need something for him to do in latin, I like the video thing, so we'll see what is out there soon. Looking into Latin options is on my "2 do list". I want to take a look at Susan Wise Bauer's new writing book to teach writing...I have her Writing CD and found it quite helpful. I haven't had any time 2 look into that new book yet... so also on my "2 do list. Happy planning everyone! sherylwinter:)
  6. how exciting...just 8 weeks! Your new bundle will b here so soon. Thanks so much for sharing about your experience with this curriculum. It does help me lots. I was pretty sure I wanted to use Living Books...just nice to hear from someone else that is using it. I hope you are able to get lots of rest in weeks 2 come. Bless u 2 and new little one! :) sherylwinter
  7. Thanks for the congrats...we are thrilled just little nervous 2 b expecting so soon, our little girl isn't quite 1 yr yet. Isn't life full of surprises! We were so busy over Christmas I didn't realize I was pregnant...just thought I was tired from long winter, lol. A doctor flies here in month and she will do ultrasound and size baby for due date. My guess is that baby probally due end of summer. I will pass on those kisses! Bless you! sherylwinter
  8. I am doing R&S oral on whiteboard... I guess we could stick with that along with Living Books Curriculum and see how it goes. I am interested in grade one and two. I might even start it this year before baby comes. I am so glad that you give it good report...I first heard about it on this board some months ago and it stuck in my mind. Lately I've realized I really needed a schedule to help me cover these subjects. And it seems like it would be a good fit for me. I printed out the books lists for each grade level...it looks good. Sometimes trying to cover SO much we don't really take the time...I would rather have less and know that we aren't rushing...kwim? Do they use the Handbook of Nature Study quite a bit? I really like that they use that...we've really been enjoying reading from that book this past winter. It's good to know...no twaddle. Congrats on new baby.... are you expecting soon. I still don't know due date, probally end of summer just when school starts. :rolleyes: Thanks for taking time to respond. sherylwinter
  9. Hits: ambleside read alouds:) Rightstart B Math 4 8 yo son...I don't like teaching it, but son likes it. Saxon Math...had dropped it but son needs extra drill so he's doing that along with rightstart Dictation for spelling...going good Rightstart Kindegarten Level A for my youngest son...we really like it. Handbook of Nature Study~wish we had used this b4...great book. Love the details and beautiful little poems. Rod and Staff English 3~son likes it. Miss: SWR...we ended up just using the SWR Bingo and flashcards...2 difficult for me to learn..just simple dictation and copywork is working out better for us. sherylwinter
  10. Hi there: I haven't been around board this past few months. It's been a long but good winter up here in the snowy north. I am trying to plan for next year...I have been scheduling my own thing for awhile with history and literature and science...it's not so great anymore, I'm a bit of a scatterbrain at x's.:o (maybe most x's, lol) Our favourite read alouds are usually things like our Ambleside read alouds and reading from Handbook of Nature Study. We read from Story of the World and Childs History too. I am having baby in summer, also have 1 yr old and 3 yr old. I am looking for curriculum to help me schedule the readings for history and literature and science next year. I am considering Living Books Curriculum for my 6 yo and 8 yo sons, it looks short and sweet to me compared to some reading schedules. I would skip the american history part though..we're Canucks.. Ambleside looks like a lot more reading for me with both boys.... My 8 yo says he really likes the Rod and Staff Grammar we are doing now though...So if I switch to LBC they use the Queen's Language Lessons For Children which would probally be faster to use than our R&S...I'm just not sure if I should change that...my son says he likes it. I guess we could just stick with R&S and just keep on with Ambleside and keep it light. Anyways...any of your thoughts are welcome. Thanks very much! sherylwinter (used 2 b sherylinarctic )
  11. thanks for posting this...I've been reading Ourselves by CM this past month and want to read # 6 by this summer before baby #5 arrives. I love reading CM stuff, always learn something. I will check out your blog, haven't been there in awhile. :) sherylwinter
  12. Thank you both for replying. I didn't know about the RS Yahoo Group... I will look forward to joining that...will b great to have place to post questions and share with others using same program. And I will get him to use the abacus..we don't use it much unless the example says to use it. Thanks for your help. :)
  13. Hi there Rightstart gals/experts :cool:: I am bit confused with this 2-Five High Strategy...maybe someone can help me out. We understand lesson 66 when the book teaches 2-five strategy. Example 7+8=15...5+2 and 5+3 and splitting them up with five and what left and adding those numbers...it took him awhile but he did all the worksheet examples and did them in his head, he got it. Now the lesson 68 and example on page 137 got me stuck..says take 26+6 ...extra 10 formed by adding 6+6, giving 30+2=32. (This explanation written next to picture of abacus. )Anyways, I didn't get it. The worksheet problems were very difficult for him to do. So I wasn't sure if he was supposed to add them in his head like the other lessons...so example 45+7...I told him to just write down on slip paper, 45+5+2 and add them up in his head after he wrote them down. Next one was 67+7=74...he split up 65,2,5,2 and added up in his head 65+5 is 70 and 2+2 is 4 so 70+4=74 Is this OK or is this wrong. I've tried calling Rightstart for couple days but nobody is answering there. Thanks for any help. Sherylwinter (old board called sherylinarctic :)
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