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  1. Kalanmak, I just checked that sample and it worked, but if you still have problems the files are also at the ES yahoo group. If you still have problems, send me an email (info(at)elementalscience(dot)com). Thanks to those of you who have offered to help, we've got it covered for now :). I won't be checking back here again for awhile, so if you have questions, email me at the above address :).
  2. Apparently we should, I know that my grammar is not the best, but you would think that someone who edits for a living would catch stuff like that :001_rolleyes:. Any volunteers? Free book, but you have to have catch all the errors, quickly ;).
  3. Hey folks, I haven't been around here in a long time, but someone let me know about this thread and I wanted to let you guys know what is going on. The grammar and spelling errors in the main book have just come to our attention and I apologize for them. We had several eyes and one very expensive paid professional editor look over the book and all of them missed the errors that you have posted about. We will be taking the book to someone else to fix the problems before releasing it, which will delay the release date, but hopefully will create a better product in the end. If you have any questions, post them here and I'll check back so I can respond. BTW, the Sassafras series will not change the plans for our current series. We will still be completing our classic series at the rate of one plan per year.
  4. How about Latin Book One? I've linked you to the yahoo group that has the text for each lesson, answers, grammatical explanations and mp3's. I've been looking at it recently as it seems to be similar in style to Henle, but it's free. I could be wrong though, as I'm no Latin expert ;).
  5. KISS grammar-definitely not our style, switched back to FLL and we are much happier :). Spelling Workout-it became apparent that dd needed some work with phonograms, so we switched to WRTR. Other than that, it was all good!
  6. I've been researching history programs and I have yet to find one that follows WTM and schedules primary sources, so I'm :bigear: on this one.
  7. Thanks guys, I'll look at the suggestions you've made. Perkybunch, I was thinking about doing this by using the Trail Guide Series once a week. Decisions, decisions...
  8. I'm looking at options for 5th grade as I'll be making my purchases this December when we are back home. So, I'm wondering if we should take a year off of the history cycle and spend a year on geography. Then, we'll pick up the cycle again in 6th, possibly using SL Core 6, 7 and then 100. So I'm wondering what is out there to teach geography for 5th grade? I'm also considering using MOH 5th-8th grade and then doing a year of geography using Runkles before moving onto Omnibus. Do you think this would be a better option? Any BTDT advice or feedback is welcome as I'm just trying to think about all the possibilities for 5th :). Thanks!
  9. I don't think my SOTW2 schedule is over at Hannah's yahoo group, but you can find it at the ES yahoo group :).
  10. There are suggestions on how to beef the program up for older children, plus optional activities for each week. You can see both of those in the sample. That said the sample is fairly representative of the program as a whole, so if you feel it won't work for her, it may not. However, I have had several people use Physics for the Grammar Stage successfully with 5th graders, so maybe they'll chime in. If you have more questions, feel free to drop me an email at info (at) elementalscience (dot) com :). Amber, Thanks! It is very exciting, but a bit surreal to see my name printed in a RR catty :D.
  11. The logic stage programs will come out at the rate of one per year, as they take quite a bit of time to write. The next one, Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage, will be out in Spring of 2012. You could probably use Physics for the Grammar Stage with a 5th grader if your husband is really insistent on doing Physics next year.
  12. Thanks for sharing, that was funny :lol:!
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