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A nice, light topic. :001_smile: Here are mine:


1. Leaf blowers.

2. When someone changes the baby's diaper and places it pee-side down on my bed.

3. Neighbors who send their dogs out to poop in everyone ELSE'S yard.

4. Parents who don't say anything when their kids act like brats right in front of them.

5. Going to the grocery store early to avoid the crowds, and finding only one cashier to serve the 7 of us who are ready to check out.

6. People with colds who want to shake my hand.

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I only have a few pet peeves, really.


I cringe when people say "circle around," particularly if I see it written in a novel. Surely someone proofreads these things, don't they?


I hate to see "'s" used to pluralize. I know a lot of people get it wrong, but at least use it correctly on signs! Even my 8 yr old can tell when it's incorrect.


People who absolutely must have the last word. Phone conversation, text conversation, email,.....whatever. They positively must say the last word. Argh!



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Headline news stories with spelling errors in the TITLE.


People who get too close to me in the grocery line. You know....you are at the register...and they already have all their stuff on the belt....and they are RIGHT BEHIND YOU....practically on your heels. I hate that.



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1. The misuse of apostrophe's (hahaha.)

2. Smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground, especially on my property.

3. People who have no control over their dogs.

4. People who have no control over their children.

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I can't stand people comparing themselves or their things to other people. I calm down by reminding myself that I do the same thing sometimes...just not aloud.


I don't like being asked questions about my finances from friends.


I don't like constant complaining. A little bit of venting I can handle but it wears on my nerves after awhile.


Too much noise or people around when I need to actually, really think about something.


Video games.

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Here are a few off the top of my head:


~ When people put their feet on my pillows (couch throw pillows or bed pillows)


~ When kids call for my kids and just say, "hello?" back after I answer the phone. I can guess who they are from the caller ID. I give them a chance to say who they are and ask to speak to my child, but usually end up saying, "Is this ______? Would you like to talk to _____?" (Is this common? Dd has at least 3 friends who do this!)


~ Interrupting -- working hard to teach my kids to stop doing this!!!


~ Whining -- this goes for all of though, doesn't it?!

Edited by profmom
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This isn't really a good time for me to be answering this question because as I was opening this post I was shaking my head & verbalizing, to youngest dd, about how "peeved" I was that she was using my open desk drawer as a footrest. She could not understand, as the drawer was at a downward angle, what she could possibly be doing to ruin the drawer. :banghead: argh!


Sheri (who will reply to this after relaxing a bit) :)


p.s. Since youngest dd is quick to feel remorseful, she quickly removed her feet/legs from the drawer, closed it, and apologized.

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Oh goodness, I could have quite a list, if I put my mind to it...


  1. People who think they have the right to question my parenting decisions (ie homeschooling) that don't even know my name.
  2. People who think they have the right to question my parenting decisions that DO know my name, but aren't my husband.
  3. Deliberate ignorance. You know, those folks that will continue to argue something despite being shown concrete facts disproving their argument? I once had someone argue with me that where I grew up was the same place as another major city :glare:
  4. Assumed familiarity. Don't assume that you can use my first name unless given actual permission (this is in a service situation) and do NOT decide to shorten my name. Ack!


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Let's see...


Cell phones (when not in private)

Cigarettes of all types that I can smell or end up seeing butts on the ground - esp those that drop them from car windows

People who chew with their mouth open

People who mow their lawn so often it looks like the poor ground is calling out for mercy - not to mention all the chemicals they use to keep it green when it is so short

Kids who control their parents

Kids who disrespect others and/or their property

Dogs wandering loose

Stupid government laws and associated spending

People of all ages who feel they are the center of the universe and you are definitely wrong if you see something differently than they do


I suppose that's enough for now...


Fun thread!

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Oh! I can definitely agree with this one. I was hit by a truck because of a situation like this. Older woman driving the wrong direction in the Wal Mart parking lot.....hit me with her pick up truck. I'm just glad she hit me and not one of my children! I had a couple of bruises but I was mostly scared. If she'd hit one of my children, I'd have probably gone ballistic!




This only pertains to those with angled parking spaces, of course. The lanes are not typically wide enough for two cars, so if you are going the wrong way, you are in my way. :glare:
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Headline news stories with spelling errors in the TITLE.


People who get too close to me in the grocery line. You know....you are at the register...and they already have all their stuff on the belt....and they are RIGHT BEHIND YOU....practically on your heels. I hate that.






I completely agree with both of those! I can't stand it when I don't have any privacy to pay in the grocery line. :glare:

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My Top 10:


#1: Seeing kids riding in the basket part of a shopping cart. I'd rather hear a screaming child in the seat part than hear the sickening crack of a child's head hitting the floor in Target then seeing that child lay motionless.


#2: Being called by my first name by anyone age 18 or younger


#3: Having the parents introduce me by my first name to their dc or as Miss K.


#4: Being pushed past by teenagers or having the door slammed in my face as I follow a teenager out of a store despite the fact that I have a baby in my arms and 5 more kids with me


#5: Christian music that sounds no different than the rest of the world's music or music that I can't understand the lyrics to


#6: Being told I am crazy/nuts to have/want more children...or any other negative comment on my family size


#7: Forwarded emails (especially political ones) that are untrue


#8: Forwarded emails that are about my favorite color, song, etc. Please don't waste my time!


#9: Those who complain about the lack of money yet continue to buy dogs, cats, horses, etc.


#10: The use of the word "like": "I was like...it was like..." UGH!

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1) People who try to win an argument by blowing smoke and assuming a tone of authority, when IRL, they're full of carp.


2) People who are pulling into a turn lane, but don't get all the way into the turn lane and straddle two lanes, causing the traffic to either stop behind them, or causing people who swerve into the other lane. MOVE OVER!


3) People who lie and think I'm so stupid that I can't tell they're lying.


4) Dogps who puke on my bed.

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Let's see...


Cell phones (when not in private)

Cigarettes of all types that I can smell or end up seeing butts on the ground - esp those that drop them from car windows

People who chew with their mouth open

People who mow their lawn so often it looks like the poor ground is calling out for mercy - not to mention all the chemicals they use to keep it green when it is so short

Kids who control their parents

Kids who disrespect others and/or their property

Dogs wandering loose

Stupid government laws and associated spending

People of all ages who feel they are the center of the universe and you are definitely wrong if you see something differently than they do


I suppose that's enough for now...


Fun thread!


:iagree: CAn I borrow most of yours!..... I have lifted your great ideas with my version of RED INK!


I have to also add...


* Laziness - get busy

* Whining - get busy & hush!

* Ignorance - too lazy to learn

* Talking in a forced speech impediment & waving your fingers at people (like street talk) while your head & eyes move around weird. (mostly girls)

* Seeing your underwear (boys or girls)


* TELEMARKETERS!!!!:glare: They never seem to cease! Wish I had their home numbers....:D

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They're just trying to earn a living. They know how annoying their job is, and if they didn't need to eat, they wouldn't be there bugging you.




Someone that worked as a telemarketer one year when she was a single parent, because her hours were slashed at the health care facility where she was working as the holidays approached.

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Okay, I am MS-ing (as opposed to PMSing) so I'll play.


1. Chewing noises. This includes smacking, chomping, slurping and inhaling noises. Placing food in ones mouth and chewing and swallowing with lips closed is NOT THAT DIFFICULT.


2. Children who whine that I only make healthy food. While I am accustomed to an extremely picky eater, I cannot abide the "only eats junk food" mentality. There are plenty of good tasting, kid friendly foods that do not have to involve breaded fried pressed chicken nuggets, white pasta with fake cheese sauce or fake meat products resembling sausages.


3. People who have no problem with "booKs" selling chicken wings, beer, or sports cars, but decry a woman feeding her child with said "booKs."


4. Coughing. I am recovering from the flu, and am pretty dagnabbit tired of coughing.


5. Improper toothpaste squeezing, especially with a metal tube. The only proper way to extract toothpaste is to squeeze from the end.


6. Doctors who belittle patients who use their brains, often saying "What medical school did you go to?" First of all, I can read. Secondly, I pay you.


7. Doctors who don't listen and hand out prescriptions for "Prozac" like its candy. Likewise for docs who hand out antibiotics in the same manner.


8. Bullies. Enough said.


Okay, I think that's enough for one day. Perhaps I will start a thread tomorrow on Favorite Things - for a little balance.

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I see a lot of mine already (people who stand on top of you in line, the misuse of apostrophes, being called by my first name, etc.)


Some of my random pet peeves:


Saying "I could care less"


People who turn into a center lane instead of the outside one


People who back up in parking lots

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I'll play


People who do not use their turn signals (I really can't read minds)


People who plaster themselves to the rear of my car


Telemarketers who call after I have asked to be taken off their list. Repeatedly. (It is the same company at least once a week)


Neighbours who...well neighbours in general (holiday weekend they are ALL here...I live in a holiday place)


Bad grammar from newscasters.


People who can't follow instructions (what is so hard about you have to hand something in on Thursday?!?!?!?!?!?!)


Oh this list is getting kinda long. Time for me to take a :chillpill: :D

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My Top 10:



#3: Having the parents introduce me by my first name to their dc or as Miss K.



You didn't grow up in the south did you? I am a middle aged woman and even when I was a child children in the south were taught to call most adults Mrs./Miss/Mr. first name. My next door neighbors are 65 and 69 and I still use this form of address with them. This is the convention that I have taught my children and most of the other kids that I have seen in the south do the same. The only exceptions I can recall and still see are Dr.s and teachers.

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My greatest pet peeve


If you are going to call me then leave a real message


"give me a call when you can " is NOT a real message


a real message is...


can you give me a call regarding a pt I need you to see tomorrow


can you call me back and let me know if you can bring the children over tomorrow


of late I refuse to answer calls that do not have real messages in the utopian aspiration that I might train them to leave proper info




Clara in Miami

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Well, today I think my top peeve would be folks who say, "It is what it is" usually in connection to some problem (personal or otherwise) that they don't want to deal with or are just too lazy to get informed about and form an opinion. Not everything "is what it is"! We don't all have to accept the lowest common denominator of civility or general conduct in life. People younger than me seem to say this alot...and I'm 33. Have young people given up completely?!

Grrr! I guess I need to take some deep breaths here.



new arrival to CA from PA

3 weeks in to life in the Golden state

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I see many of my pet peeves listed already. :)


Using the phrase "All New!" to describe a tv show. Would they really only put a few minutes of *new* show into an old show? I know they use the phrase as a way to tell us the show isn't a rerun, but there must be a better way to say it.

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Many of mine are already listed, but I'll add a few:


1. People who do not know how to merge.

2. Ignorant people who refuse to learn.

3. Mispronouncing the same word repeatedly (think postrate for prostate).

4. People I hardly know having/giving an opinion about the way I choose to live my life.

5. Self-righteous/judgmental people.

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I have to agree on a lot of the pet peeves already listed. I would, however, like to elaborate on the dislike of neighbors. I CAN NOT stand neighbors who blare their music for me to hear or have loud conversations I can hear late in the evening. I don't like their dogs pooping in my yard. If I wanted poop in my yard, I would get my own dog.

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Mispronouncing the same word repeatedly (think postrate for prostate).


This one drives me sooo nuts! My own mother and sister are the worst offenders (so I bite my tongue a lot :lol:). She also says "pharmist" instead of pharmacist--and my sister insists on calling velcro "vorelco". Oh, and sandwich becomes "sammich". Gah!


I'd come up with my own list, but you all are doing such a great job naming all the things that bug me. :D

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Chewing noises.

Gum popping and/or smacking.

Telemarketers who do not politely end the call when I tell them I'm not interested.

Telemarketers who claim they just want to do a survey when in reality they want me to buy something after the survey.

People I don't know who call me "honey" or "sweetie" or "hon".

Intentional mis-spellings that are intended to be cute. (Kitty's Korner)

Using numbers 4 words.

The non-word 'puter.

Barking dogs.

Cashiers/salespeople who act like I am troubling them when I ask a question or need to check out.


I think I need help.

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I'll play

People who plaster themselves to the rear of my car



Bad grammar from newscasters.


People who can't follow instructions (what is so hard about you have to hand something in on Thursday?!?!?!?!?!?!)



Yup, people who drive like they are the only car on the road.


Bad grammar in teachers. It physically hurts.


People who can't follow directions and blame you (the closest I've come to slapping someone across the face was a man I'd hired who took my written instructions ("turn right and go north for exactly 2/10ths of a mile and you'll find a dirt road with a dead end sign on your left"), still had to call twice for help, and when he got there, very late, started making rude comments about women and directions, complete with rolled eyes.)

Edited by kalanamak
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Here are a few off the top of my head:


~ When people put their feet on my pillows (couch throw pillows or bed pillows)


Oh man!! I get this!! My kids know not to put their feet on anything I may sit on, eat off of, or lay my head on! Yuck. I cannot STAND feet. (But I love it when my feet are rubbed . . . go figure!)


I also can't stand it when people eat with their mouths wide open. Yuck.


Gossip. I just can't stand it. It hurts. 'Nuff said.


Bullies. I see it WAY too often, unfortunately.

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Am I the only one who thinks it's extremely rude when people ZZIINGG their teeth along their metal fork while they're eating?


I can't stand that--after years of headgear, braces, and retainers, the last thing I want to be reminded of is that metallic taste again...


Oh, and the 12-year-old cheerleaders out in front of Wal-Mart who wear their little sisters' clothes (i.e., 4 sizes too small) and beg for money from everyone that passes by--my mother always says, "If I donate, does that mean you'll have enough money to go in and by clothes that cover you?"



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Am I the only one who thinks it's extremely rude when people ZZIINGG their teeth along their metal fork while they're eating?


I can't stand that--after years of headgear, braces, and retainers, the last thing I want to be reminded of is that metallic taste again...



It's like nails on a chalkboard to me...

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I may sound prissy but I can't stand to see people lick their fingers. One time at my dd softball tournament I saw a lady lick the ketchup from every one of her fingers and then pick up the ketchup and mustard bottle to use it again. It made me queasy.

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Mine is when people are deliberately unclear in conversation...like when you ask a person a question, and they say something like, "Yes and no." leaving you hanging, without any further explanation. I really dislike having to probe to find out what a person means, when they could just make it clear from the start.


I also really dislike when my immediate family members chew their food noisily, or talk with their mouths full of food. For some reason it doesn't bother me nearly as much if someone outside the family does it, lol! A clear sign that I have PMS is when my husband's chewing seems unbearable. :lol:

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Okay, I am MS-ing (as opposed to PMSing) so I'll play.


1. Chewing noises. This includes smacking, chomping, slurping and inhaling noises. Placing food in ones mouth and chewing and swallowing with lips closed is NOT THAT DIFFICULT.




LOL!!! I just posted below that chewing noises are my ultimate PMS pet peeve!! It really only bothers me for a couple of days per month. :tongue_smilie: SO weird!!

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People (one in particular, who shall remain nameless springs to mind) who announce they are coming to visit. They don't ASK if its a good time, they TELL you they're coming, and they EXPECT you to be available for the month they're in town...or whenever it is they decide they are going to show up on your doorstep. And may God and all His angels help you if you're not. :banghead:

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  • Ads that use 'licious as a suffix - ugh. The word is Delicious, not fruit-a-licious, not smooth-a-liscous. Grrr




  • Wet towels on bedroom floors




  • Bad grammar




  • The lack of cart returns and the stupid placement of the pitiful few at our local supermarket.


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You didn't grow up in the south did you? I am a middle aged woman and even when I was a child children in the south were taught to call most adults Mrs./Miss/Mr. first name. My next door neighbors are 65 and 69 and I still use this form of address with them. This is the convention that I have taught my children and most of the other kids that I have seen in the south do the same. The only exceptions I can recall and still see are Dr.s and teachers.


I grew up in southeast Texas and never heard of this until I met somebody from California as an adult. My kids call everybody but our closest friends (and by that I mean 1-2 families) Mrs. and Mr. last name.

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1. The 5 lbs that have set up shop on my belly and have defied all eviction attempts to date.


2. When I get onto the kids (and the man) to pick up their stuff and look around and find it is mostly mine.


3. Television.


4. When my chocolate stash is empty. Like now.


5. The fact that numbers 1 and 4 are probably directly related.


6. When other people are right and I am wrong. Not that that ever happens, but if it did, it would really get under my skin.


7. When utensils are placed pointy side up in the dishwasher.


ETA: 8. The fact that number 1 is underestimated by about....half.

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It takes a LOT to make me mad, but I do have a few pet peeves. Here are some:


* Cigar smoke blown from my neighbors back porch, into my back yard and through my open french doors. (He isn't allowed to smoke in his house evidently.)


* People who say they are going to do something, but fail to follow through.


* People that dominate conversations, who are not sincerely interested in what others have to say.


* Voicemail that is marked urgent that really isn't urgent.


* Dogs that won't go outside to go potty at bedtime, but insist on waking me up at 2:00 a.m. to go outside.


* Pawprints on the floor.


* Empty toilet paper rolls not changed by the last person to use the toilet.


* Laundry thrown on the couch, left to wrinkle. AAAAAaaaaaaah!

Life is short, don't forget to laugh!




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I grew up in southeast Texas and never heard of this until I met somebody from California as an adult. My kids call everybody but our closest friends (and by that I mean 1-2 families) Mrs. and Mr. last name.


Wow, that is so weird. I am genuinely puzzled. I learned this growing up in Northeast Texas. I observed this as an adult in Dallas and surrounding areas. I have had family live all the way east to FL and I currently live in TN and I have observed this in all of these places since childhood. Since I was a military brat I also had the opportunity to live in many other areas of the USA and I have never heard of it outside of the south except for military bases. I know we have had this conversation on this board before and many people have chimed in that this is the convention where they live as well. It seemed like all of these places were in the south. I just assumed that it was that way everywhere in the south. Of course, don't have experience with everywhere in the south but I have never heard it reported otherwise. I do know that many women in the south are actually offened if you call them Mrs. Husband's Last Name and they will tell you that that is their mother-in-law. What's a person to do? :001_huh:

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1. The use of the words lady or gentleman for those who obviously are not.

2. This mania we seem to have to hyphenate ourselves. I am an American not a -american

3. Politicians (on both sides of the aisle) who make blatantly false comments and the people who blindly believe them.

4. Your vs you're

5. People who talk to me about my "spouse," as I am male I have a wife.

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Wow, that is so weird. I am genuinely puzzled. I learned this growing up in Northeast Texas. I observed this as an adult in Dallas and surrounding areas. I have had family live all the way east to FL and I currently live in TN and I have observed this in all of these places since childhood. Since I was a military brat I also had the opportunity to live in many other areas of the USA and I have never heard of it outside of the south except for military bases. I know we have had this conversation on this board before and many people have chimed in that this is the convention where they live as well. It seemed like all of these places were in the south. I just assumed that it was that way everywhere in the south. Of course, don't have experience with everywhere in the south but I have never heard it reported otherwise. I do know that many women in the south are actually offened if you call them Mrs. Husband's Last Name and they will tell you that that is their mother-in-law. What's a person to do? :001_huh:


I can chime in for Florida anyway. I've lived here my entire life and been to many places all over my state. Mr./ Miss first name is very common. Most common amongst churchgoers though I'd say.

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Using the term "Sign Language" when the person really means "signed language" or ASL.


Using "aboriginal" as a noun.


Apathy really bugs me. Take a stand on something!


Many other things because I'm a very tetchy person and worse when I'm sleep deprived, like I am now.



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Using the term "Sign Language" when the person really means "signed language" or ASL.






Interesting, one learns something every day, I had always thought ASL stood for American Sign Language and that the term was used was either sign or signed language. Am I to assume that I was incorrect?



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