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Neighbors who let their dogs loose to go to the bathroom (certainly, he will just stay in his own yard :confused:).

Neighbors who do not train their dogs basic obedience, and let them loose.


Loud enough music that I can hear the lyrics from any one's house, car, yard, garage or other location. If they want to hear music while they wash their car, great! It doesn't need to be soo loud I hear it around the corner!


People who don't explain a complicated name, even though they know it is a complicated name.

For example, don't say: "I need to pick up a prescription for Drew (pause) Michael". (two names that can be first or last)


Please tell me " I need to pick up a prescription for Drew Michael, Drew is the last name"


Or "I need to pick up a prescription for Drew, hyphen, Michael, the first name is Sara."


If people know their name gets confused, help us out from the beginning. (from a person with a space in her last name, and with an child who has a hyphenated name)


Our favorite in pharmacy is when someone uses several names maiden, married, nick name, legal name, and then get irritated with us when we can't find their prescription right away. Please tell us your name is complicated...we will get you out much faster! We may not know that Mary is short for Marilyn, or is spelled Merrie.


People who stop by unannounced. Even a 5 minute warning is better than none. I especially love when people do this from out of town, and you would have loved to see them, but were at that grocery store instead. :001_huh:


People who like to stir up trouble with lies and half truths.


People who answer/talk on the phone when someone in a retail/medical setting is trying to help them.


People who use 'oh' in place of 'zero'....I know I should duck on this one because it is more common to use 'oh' but it drives me nutty!


Okay I had better stop because there are too many more floating in my head!

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Interesting, one learns something every day, I had always thought ASL stood for American Sign Language and that the term was used was either sign or signed language. Am I to assume that I was incorrect?





ASL does indeed stand for American Sign Language. It is a signed language. English is a spoken language, not a speak language. For all I know it may well be grammatically correct to say ASL is a sign language, but it irritates me. Pernickety, I know, but this is a thread about pet peeves :) If people are talking about ASL they should call it ASL not Sign Language. There are a whole lot of signed languages in the world, ASL is only one of them. I do assume on this board that someone is talking about ASL when they say Sign Language, but once in a while they aren't.


So the short answer is that you were correct :)



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A few off the top of my head (I am sure there are more)


Smokers at swap meet. We go there at around 7am to find a bargain, not to breathe your smoke, thankyou very much. I will be happy when all smoking in public is banned.


When dh or ds belch too close to me. Or worse, fart. I am not especially hung up about them doing it at all, and if they want to compete and laugh hilariously, fine....I just don't want to smell it, KWIM?


Flaky people. People who say they will do something and dont, make a committment and dont follow through, are consistently late (no matter how apologetic they are every time), cant set a boundary and stick by it, and I must admit, as I get older, I am getting a bit intolerant of messy people too, when it impacts on me.


All caps in emails, or long, long paragraphs on message boards. It is so much easier to read- and skim- with a few gaps and paragraph breaks, and really, how much more effort is it? Spelling and grammar mistakes dont bug me, but how hard is it to hit "enter" once in a while? :001_smile:


I swear I am getting less tolerant as I get older. :glare:

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1) People who don't merge but drive around to go to the front and then expect to let in because they are just too important to merge with the rest of the folks.


2) People who, when you turn on your turn signal, go around on you in the direction that you are trying to turn.


3) When you are trying to turn left out of the parking lot and someone gets in the right turning lane and then turns left as you are pulling out.


4) People who illegally park because they can't be bothered to walk an extra few feet.


5) People who don't return carts to the cart returns.


6) People who play their music or bass so loud that I can hear it in my vehicle with my windows closed.


7) People who block parking lot exits


8) People who move into an intersection that they can not clear.


9) People who go to church and then illegally park at the church, cut people off in church parking lot, etc. My pastor always says not to think we are no longer sinners because we're Christian because he's seen us drive lol.


10) People who run a waitress ragged with no intentions of tipping.


11) People who intentionally look for something wrong and then blow it out of proportion because they want to get something free.


12) Bosses/Business partners who call pointless after hours meetings because they don't want to go home to their wives.


13) Cigarette smoking in public, especially standing around doors that I have to pass through, dropping cigarette butts on the ground.


14) People who don't pick up after themselves at the movies.


15) People who talk loud at movies.


16) People who bring small kids to late night, Rated R movies and then let them cry and stand up.


17) People who don't parent their kids and let them behave like brats.


18) People who think their kids are perfect and believe everything their child says without verifying. Anyone who doesn't think their kids are 100% perfect are unfair.


19) People who try to parent my child while I am standing right there.


20) People who imply that I am a bad parent because my Aspergers son is doing something that is typical Aspergers but don't bat an eye when their "normal" child does the same thing at another time.


21) The fact that we have a gazillion threads on this board of the same topic because noone seems to use the search function.


22) Ambiguous thread titles


23) People who don't open the door for others who are right behind them.


24) People who don't say thank you when you hold the door open for them or don't take it over for the rest of their group.


25) People who point out other people's grammatical mistakes in a thread.


26) Baby talk from anyone over 1 year old and children with high pitched overly whiny voices or with childish lilts.


27) Shorts with words on the rear, bikinis and overly sexy clothes on little girls.


28) People who use their facebook accounts to be passive aggressive.


29) People who don't clean up after their dog or let their cats run free in the neighborhood.


30) The fact that it is hard to speak to a real person online or after punching in all my account numbers, zip code, etc., I get asked the same thing by every person I do speak to.


31) Flip flops anywhere but beach, pool and locker rooms.


32) People who don't curb their language in front of kids, women, eldery, etc., especially those who can't say a sentence without the F bomb.


33) People who litter


34) Companies that send spam to my fax machine or cell phone so that I pay for their advertising.


35) People who get in the 20 items or less lane with 50-100 items, then don't have their checkbook/card ready.


36) People who don't wipe the pee they leave on the toilet or flush.


37) Men who refer to their wife as "the wife"


38) Suburban kids trying to look and talk like gangsters and anyone of any class or gender wearing jeans that show their underwear.


39) Participation trophies, ribbons, etc and certificates for every freaking thing a child does.


40) Loud cell phone conversations


41) People who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle while they shop or go down the left side.


42) People who meander throught parking lots (especially those who walk in groups taking up whole aisle) and crosswalks as if the world can stop for them.


43) People, who after waiting in line for 5 minutes or more, have no idea of what they want to order. Especially at McDonalds or places that have had same menu for ages.


44) Welfare moms whose free lunch kids manage to spend the same amount as lunch would cost on popsicles and crap, have expensive nails and hair dos,


45) People who claim that it's racist to stereotype while they embody that stereotype.


46) Conservatives promoting the socialist concept of a pledge of allegience!


47) People who think I am stupid because I didn't graduate college when my IQ is higher and I have read more books and studied more subjects in depth than the typical college graduate.


48) People who are always negative.


49) Politicians of any party and people who think that their party is flawless.


50) All people who think that they are special. Rules should apply to everyone but them, etc.

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Ok, I think AuntPol has covered most of the bases... :D


Really, in addition to being ignorant, lazy and righteous, which I find really, really, REALLY annoying in all the aforementioned guises...




Seriously. I know (KNOW!!) I take both of my shoes off in the same place. Why can I only ever find one? Is it too much to ask that tools be put back where they were found, so that I do not have to spend 2 hours looking for the staple gun and a razor knife, only to come up with a pack of replacement blades, various drywall tools and a torque wrench?


Can somebody please enlighten me as to WHY I just uncovered the seat covers that are supposed to be protecting the leather upholstery from the car seats under a pile of leaves in the driveway?


Nothing in my house is ever a 10-minute project. Why? Because you spend an hour looking for the !*@$&! tools to DO the 10-minute project (because someone who shall remain nameless in order to not violate board rules never, ever puts things away), then spend another hour or so un-!*@$&!-ing what the previous owners of our house did in their ignorant, lazy attempt to just get something half done in the most screwball way possible.


This applies, in particular, to such momentous tasks as opening a window. Uh-huh. Yep. I bet nobody thought opening a window was a multi-day affair. (Or decade-long, in some instances, involving removal of 150 year old trim and re-installing the weights)


I am sending some particularly bad juju out there to the rocket scientist who replaced half of the pulleys and weights with the ever-so-more-modern metal tracks that don't ever work. (The only reliably functional windows are the ones he didn't get around to, uh, "upgrading") Double that to the person who decided nailing and spray-foaming the same windows shut was somehow a good idea. We will not even get started on the person who though it would be delightful to replace the proper storms/screens with those heinous, ill-fitting, DRAFTY "combination" affairs. :glare:


(Is it obvious I have some door and window chores I'm working on today? :D)

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Forgive me if I repeat but...


1)Lines-it is a line and I was here first, wait and don't cut.

2)Medical ads on television and in magazines.

3)Junk email about Viagra (and the like).

4)Slow internet speed and slow computer boot ups.


ETA: 5)Being sucked into someone else's "Where are my keys?" game. Your keys are where you left them. If I were involved they always go in the same place. Check there first and don't ask me.

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My current pet peeves:


1) People who let their cats roam around the neighborhood to use other people's newly-planted vegetable beds as litter boxes (grrrrr!).

2) "Inappropriate" "use" of "quotation marks"

3) Pedestrians who decide to jaywalk (against their red light!) just as I'm making MY legal turn at a busy intersection. In the rain. What's the hurry--you that eager to get hit by a minivan??


I must be feeling mellow right now because that's all I can think of. :D

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Fun thread :)


1. Olde English names for ye olde shoppes

2. "Old fashion" bread, donuts, bakery, etc....it's old fashionED!

3. Boeing's, Nordstrom's, Safeway's

4. The fact that there is a permanent item on the Fox News Channel crawl that lists the e-mail address with which to contact them about typos in their crawl. Don't they have proof readers?

5. When stores that are not toy stores (grocery stores, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc.) load up with an unnecessary large amount of toys and/or candy at the checkout, especially branded/character toys and candy.

6. When acquaintances listen into my conversations with another then ease up alongside and say, "I just overheard..." or "I'm not being nosy, but..."

7. "Aren't you worried about socialization?"

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The incessant advertising blitz directed at my husband, attempting to get him to look at "hot babes", or singles dating sites. We even get singles ads (addressed to a badly mispelt version of his name) in the mail.


He's married, AND it says so on his profile/account/etc. Stop trying to get him to have an affair! (I trust him implicitly, btw. I just think the ad tactics are shady)

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Wow, Aunt Pol- that was a long list! Just curious, was that all off the top of your head or did you have to think for a while? ;)


That was off the top of my head. I could easily do a top 100 pet peeves list thought most of them come down to one person thinking they are more special and important than everyone else and therefore entitled to bend the rules/protocol, sometimes to the endangerment of themselves and others, to suit their selfish desires or pride.

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5) People who don't return carts to the cart returns.


All stores in Sweden have solved that problem. You have to deposit a coin in the carts to get them out. Everyone always returns them:D


I have another one:


Bus drivers who think that just because they drive a big thing they can do what ever they like. Like cut me off when I am in the roundabout!

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Wow, that is so weird. I am genuinely puzzled. I learned this growing up in Northeast Texas. I observed this as an adult in Dallas and surrounding areas. I have had family live all the way east to FL and I currently live in TN and I have observed this in all of these places since childhood. Since I was a military brat I also had the opportunity to live in many other areas of the USA and I have never heard of it outside of the south except for military bases. I know we have had this conversation on this board before and many people have chimed in that this is the convention where they live as well. It seemed like all of these places were in the south. I just assumed that it was that way everywhere in the south. Of course, don't have experience with everywhere in the south but I have never heard it reported otherwise. I do know that many women in the south are actually offened if you call them Mrs. Husband's Last Name and they will tell you that that is their mother-in-law. What's a person to do? :001_huh:


I think it must be a generation thing. I'm from Houston and we have always been taught to say Mr..Mrs...last name, but with dd, she was taught in school to say Mr. Miss...First name. My cousins, who I'm close to called Aunt and Uncle by her because she's not their age...So I guess it's how the parent deems what are respectable titles. Of course, I quickly say my name is Mrs. Perez to any kid asking my name.

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