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does your family have trouble with this?


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Good grief, yes. And it's not just the children in the family  :glare:


The excuse I get on the dishwasher is, "I wasn't sure if it was clean or dirty!" Umm.... there's a light. It even says CLEAN if they're clean! 



Oh, this burns me up. We don't rinse our dishes (I  :001_wub:  my dishwasher!), so if the dishwasher hasn't been run, it's immediately apparent if you just peek inside. There is NO EXCUSE other than laziness for not knowing the state of the dishwasher. 


Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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We don't even have laundry baskets anymore - the laundry room is sort of in the middle of the house, weirdly enough, and very accessible.  so I just have them throw their clothes either in the washer if it is not running or on the floor next to the washer if it is running.  You would not believe how difficult it is to throw your dirty clothes on the floor in a room other than the room in which you removed them, according to our kids.  

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Mine usually can find the garbage can but don't realize that when it's overflowing, there's this thing called emptying it. Apparently, that's a confusing concept because they just keep throwing stuff at the can and then walking away as it cascades down to the floor.

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Mine usually can find the garbage can but don't realize that when it's overflowing, there's this thing called emptying it. Apparently, that's a confusing concept because they just keep throwing stuff at the can and then walking away as it cascades down to the floor.


I'm always tempted to see how long it can go before anyone notices.

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Growing up, we had a hamper in the laundry room, and my mom gathered us in the laundry room one day and demonstrated how the lid opened and closed....


I love this, I may try it.


The funny part is, the younger the person is in my house the better they are at picking their stuff up.  Crazy huh?

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Yes! Along with the laundry hamper! Only moms can see them, apparently.


No kidding. I literally picked up a dirty pair of undies from the floor DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF dd12's hamper the other day. Seriously? It was that much more work to put it IN the basket???


No-one but me is allowed to load the dishwasher in my house because they cannot.do.it.correctly.


True dat. 

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We have to walk past the DW to get to the kitchen sink (they're adjacent, but still). And still, my family members put things in the sink instead of the DW. And there is a plan, visible from the outside of the of the DW, in place to know when it's in load mode or not.


Baffles the mind. 


And let's not even discuss loading the DW. 



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Growing up, we had a hamper in the laundry room, and my mom gathered us in the laundry room one day and demonstrated how the lid opened and closed....


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I've been known to go into the bathroom, come back, and loudly announce that a training seminar on toilet paper roll replacement will be starting in 5 minutes. 

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No-one but me is allowed to load the dishwasher in my house because they cannot.do.it.correctly.


I had to give that idea up in favor of just attempting to get the all to put the dishes INTO the dishwasher. It was fine, really, since I'm constantly playing Tetris with the dishes in an attempt to fit more in anyway.


We have to walk past the DW to get to the kitchen sink (they're adjacent, but still). And still, my family members put things in the sink instead of the DW. And there is a plan, visible from the outside of the of the DW, in place to know when it's in load mode or not.


Baffles the mind. 


And let's not even discuss loading the DW. 


This is a phenomenon that BLOWS MY MIND. We have the same problem with the recycling bin under the cabinet. It defies logic.

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[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]


I've been known to go into the bathroom, come back, and loudly announce that a training seminar on toilet paper roll replacement will be starting in 5 minutes.

Oh my mom would have loved you! :D We laughed about this for years, and maybe got a little better at the hamper filling.
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I think my family has depth perception when it comes to the sink. They almost always leave them *next* to the sink but not in them. Especially dirty forks. :glare:

I had to train mine that when I said in the sink I didn't mean in the sink. I meant next to the sink. I don't want to have to take them all out before I start washing.

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Mine can't see the hooks next to the door (like, right by the door) for coats.  They just drop the coat on the floor under the hook, I kid you not.  When I assign someone to go put up all the coats, I get moaning and wailing like it's the hardest job on earth.  Literally a 2 minute job. For a slow person who is daydreaming.


And if there are no clean bowls in the morning (because we only have one set of dishes, and if the nighttime dish person doesn't do them there are no clean dishes in the morning), they will eat cereal or oatmeal out of the stock pot, the frying pan, the mixing bowl, and the measuring cup.  It's hugely impractical and one would think kind of obnoxious to try to eat cereal out of a frying pan or a 10-qt stock pot, but evidently washing a bowl is more obnoxious.  

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To answer questions, our water heater had just broken. Even I wasn't cruel enough to make her wash dishes under those conditions.

Before we were married, DH actually said to me that he didn't think he should take out the trash because he never used the trash cans.   Note, he didn't say that he didn't generate trash.


AND YOU STILL MARRIED HIM!? Does he know how lucky he is?


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Mine think the kitchen island is the trash can.  :huh:


I can say that when dh and I left dc home earlier this year for a week that they did indeed find the trash can and dishwasher. It was amazing. They quickly forgot where they were within 24 hours of us being home,though. 



ETA: When I ask, they clean and do a good job. I do wish I didn't have to ask, though. 

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And if there are no clean bowls in the morning (because we only have one set of dishes, and if the nighttime dish person doesn't do them there are no clean dishes in the morning), they will eat cereal or oatmeal out of the stock pot, the frying pan, the mixing bowl, and the measuring cup.  It's hugely impractical and one would think kind of obnoxious to try to eat cereal out of a frying pan or a 10-qt stock pot, but evidently washing a bowl is more obnoxious.  





We have some big mugs that serve this purpose, so no one has had to eat out of frying pans yet, thankfully!

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We have to walk past the DW to get to the kitchen sink (they're adjacent, but still). And still, my family members put things in the sink instead of the DW. And there is a plan, visible from the outside of the of the DW, in place to know when it's in load mode or not.


Baffles the mind. 


And let's not even discuss loading the DW. 



DW is the dishwasher. I'm not supposed to load her though.

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