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know what you're doing for 09-10 school year?

Where are you in the planning process?  

  1. 1. Where are you in the planning process?

    • I'm confident and done planning.
    • I'm still sorting it out.
    • I haven't begun planning next year in earnest.
    • I never plan.
    • I plan at a different time of year.
    • Alternate

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10yodd/5th grade:

Bible: Hurlbut's 1904 edition/Studentof the Word/With The Children On Sunday

Math: Singapore 4B & 5A/IP, CWP

History: HOD:BHFHG w/extensions

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Chemistry 1

Grammar: Rod and Staff 4

Spelling: Spelling Wisdom

Other: The Private Eye



7yods/mixed grade levels:

Bible: Hurlbut's 1904 edition/Student of the Word/With the Children On Sunday

Math: Mathematics Their Way/Work Jobs II

History/Science: HOD:BHFHG/Story Book of Science

Phonics/Reading/Spelling: Reading Reflex

Other: The Private Eye

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I'm writing down my final list before I place my orders to various companies.


I'll have one in 4th, 3rd, 1st and one in PK.


Math, science, SL history/geography Cores, music, art and sports are all solidly chosen. I'm just trying to make any additions or adjustments to the LA that may be needed.

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7th Grade (This list shows some overlapping)


Henle Latin with First and 2nd Form

CD Prealgebra with Singapore

CW Homer B and Poetry for Beginners +Harvey's Elem. Grammar


French ??? (I'm so suffering with this one)

World History and Literature focused on Middle Ages

Book of Marvels (Geography)


Critical Thinking Book 1

History of Art Sculpture

Piano lessons




1st Grade


Song School Latin

Singapore 1B and 2A (We've started 1B and school through the summer so it just depends on her)

CW Primers

French ???

Botany focus with books such as All Through the Year and Seed Babies

Geography using 2 workbooks and then The Dutch Twins

History and Literature focused on Middle Ages

Bible storybook

Art with sister and other crafts

Piano lessons

Ballet and PE



This is the idea without the details. HTH

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DS#1 - 5th grade: Chalkdust Basic Math and ALEKS, Abeka Health, K12 Language Arts, History (American History to 1885), Earth Science, Music, American Art, Latin for Children, and Bible Gospels (Veritas Press), Spanish for Kids (that might not be the actual title... but I don't have my notebook sitting here), Penmanship Mastery


DD#1 - 2nd Grade: Chalkdust Math 3/4, and ALEKS Abeka Health, K12 Language Arts, History, Science, Music, Art, Bible Gospels, Abeka Cursive 2


DS#2 - 1st Grde: Chalkdust Math 3, and ALEKS, Abeka Health, K12 History, Science, Music & Art with DD#1, Bible Gospels Abeka Grammar 2 (we've finished FLL 1&2, but I'm not sure he's ready for Abeka 3 yet), Abeka Manuscript 1, Abeka Grade 3 Reading.


DD#2 -- 3years... probably some "skill building" workbook, not Abeka. Nothing formal, just normal games, songs, Leapfrog, etc.

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3rd Grade

Oak Meadow 3 Language Arts

Explode the Code

Writing Tales 1 (I am stretching this over 2 years)

Saxon Math 3

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive


1st Grade

Oak Meadow 1 Language Arts

Explode the Code

HM Spelling & Vocab - Phonics in Action

HWOT Printing Power

Saxon Math 1 (second half, probably will get into Saxon Math 2)



History Odyssey Ancients, level 1

Loose study of local (county) history

Life OR Earth science, using E=MCQ Classical Science

Weekly nature studies, based on Oak Meadow 1

Biweekly (alternating weeks) art and music appreciation

Hands-on Art classes and Spanish lessons at a charter school

Gymnastics or other sports

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I'm still sorting it out, but know Storm will use/study:


The Story of Science: Newton at the Center by Hakim

CD Algebra

The Art of Reasoning by Kelley (logic)

Living Memory

Latin Book One supplemented by Cambridge Latin or Latin Via Ovid

AG Grammar season 2


We ditched CW Homer last fall and began IEW History Based Writing: Medieval Ages. I'm conflicted regarding remaining with IEW, or return to CW by using CW Aesop & Homer for Older Beginners, then move directly into Diogenes Maxim.


Also, I'm wavering between HO Early Modern level 2 and AO.

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I have no highschoolers this year:crying: so planning was relatively simple.


4yo dd-

Little Hands to Heaven

Read alouds from AO year 0 list

+ activities from MFW preschool


7yo ds-



AAS -finish 1 start 2.

Latin-Song School Latin

Poetry- Random House of Poetry for children

+ weekly readings from Holling C. Holling titles, D'Aulaire titles, Burgess' Animal Tales.

+ daily literature reading selections to be determined by interest.

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I think I'm done planning.


Anna (4th grade)

Rod and Staff math 4

Rod and Staff English 4

All About Spelling level 3

My Father's World Creation to the Greeks (bible, history, science, art, music)

English from the Roots Up (this is included in the MFW CtG. We are going to try it.)

Wordly Wise

Reading, reading, reading

I have access to Rosetta Stone Spanish. We might do that a couple of times a week.


Emma (1st grade)

MFW 1st grade (phonics, bible, science, art, music)

Rod and Staff math


1st grade Pathway Readers when she is ready


Cora (3.5 years old)

I'm sure she will continue to run, jump, and make noise while we are doing school. I am going to try to find some things to keep her occupied. :D


Anna will continue horseback riding lessons, and Emma might begin lessons. We will probably do a homeschool PE class. We are planning to get some dairy goats so that will keep us busy too! :hurray:


I think I need to add logic for Anna. Any ideas???

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We're going to try switching to a more LCC-style year, and we have a lighter Friday. I'm basically done, but wanting to incorporate a lot of AO selections, so I'll likely be tweaking our history/lit. This will be my transition year to LCC. Hopefully, as the year goes on I'll figure out where I can (and find the courage to!) simplify even more.


2nd Grade

Daily LCC

RightStart C/D with MEP 2 and CWP/IP 2

All About Spelling

Webster's Speller or McGuffey's Progressive Speller

Writing Tales 1

Latin (likely with Lively Latin)

Memorization & Copywork (starting cursive) from Living Memory



Weekly LCC (breaking some up over a couple of days)

History & Geography (MWF): TOG Yr2/SOTW 2 (Lite) & 50 Famous Stories Retold

Lit (Tue): TOG Lit & D'Aulaire's Greek & Norse Myths

Christian Studies (MW): MP's Christian Studies 1

Science (Tue/Th): Earth Science:

Option 1: MWS blue/yellow: astronomy/weather/rocks & minerals units

Option 2: Apologia Astronomy with MWS rock & minerals unit

Option 3: Apologia Astronomy all year

Option 4: Ditching it all and reading lots and lots of living books, doing mini unit studies on whatever they're interested in

Artistic Pursuits (F)



RS A with Miquon/MEP

Alpha-Phonics or OPG

listening in with big sis on history/lit/science

(I also have MFW K, but will probably not use it with DS.)

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We're going to try switching to a more LCC-style year, and we have a lighter Friday. I'm basically done, but wanting to incorporate a lot of AO selections, so I'll likely be tweaking our history/lit. This will be my transition year to LCC. Hopefully, as the year goes on I'll figure out where I can (and find the courage to!) simplify even more.


2nd Grade



Hey, Heather--I'll have a 2nd grade LCC/AO'er, too! :001_smile:


That is all. Just...woohoo. :001_smile:

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Fourth Grade

Life of Fred Decimals & Percents, followed by Life of Fred Beginning Algebra

various books from the Key to... series

A reading list that is 99.9% finalized :)

Lively Latin

Writing Tales 2

All About Spelling, probably Levels 4, 5, and at least part of 6, but we'll have to see

Junior Analytical Grammar

SOTW 4 plus a list of history books and biographies

IEW Geography writing lessons

Homegrown physics, which is only 80% planned out.


At the end of the year, we're going to do some state history, but mostly through traveling to battlefields, monuments, state parks, museums, et cetera.



Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

RightStart A

Handwriting Without Tears

lots of read-alouds - that list isn't entirely finalized, either.

If we get to the appropriate point in OPGTR, we'll go ahead and start FLL. Same with AAS, we may or may not start it next year.

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We fall in the still sorting it out camp. I have the basics decided. It's mostly the rest that is still a work in progress. Here's what we have so far...



Singapore Math 5A and 5B

R&S 5


CW Homer

Library books for reading (started working on a list of ideas)


Mind Benders B series, Think-a-grams A series, BTS 2, Rush Hour and Sudoku for logic



Singapore Math 3A and 3B

R&S 3


CW Aesop

Library books for reading (still working on this list also)



Phonics Pathways

Singapore 1A and Miquon Orange


History - I'm working on putting together my own plan for ancients

Science, art, and music are still up in the air

I haven't decided if I want to start Latin with the 3rd or wait one more year.

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we have to submit our plan in NY...so mine looks something like this:


We're in NY too, Wendy. That IHIP is a whole different animal from the plans I'll be actually using.


Our language arts plan is Lively Latin, Hey Andrew Greek, a course on the Bible as literature called Timeless Themes, family and independent reading from LCC and AO, and Writing With Ease. I may add an intensive grammar text. But the language arts section of my child's IHIP will look like this.


Reading and the English language:

The student will use word structure knowledge, such as roots (e.g., Greek and Latin), prefixes, and suffixes, to determine word meaning, acquire new vocabulary by engaging with a variety of texts written by a range of different authors, use self-monitoring strategies to identify specific vocabulary difficulties that disrupt comprehension, and employ an efficient course of action, such as using a known word base or a resource such as a glossary to resolve the difficulty, and determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context, dictionaries, glossaries, and other print resources, including electronic resources. He will read grade-level texts from a variety of genres, in varying text formats and by different authors, for a variety of purposes, and answer literal, inferential, analytic, and evaluative questions to self-monitor comprehension, to clarify understanding, to focus reading, to develop the ability to state or summarize a main idea and support it or elaborate on it with relevant details and the ability to present a point of view or interpretation of a text, such as its theme or the authorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s intended message, and support it with relevant details from the text. He will participate cooperatively and collaboratively in peer group and mentor-student discussions of texts, focusing on developing the ability to note and describe aspects of the writerĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s craft, and explain the role that crafting techniques play in helping the reader comprehend the text , to recognize organizational formats to assist in comprehension of informational texts, to identify missing, conflicting, unclear, and irrelevant information, to distinguish between fact and opinion, to identify information that is implied rather than stated, to compare and contrast information about one topic from multiple sources, to identify main ideas and supporting details in informational texts to distinguish relevant and irrelevant information to apply thinking skills, such as define, classify, and infer, to interpret data, facts, and ideas from informational texts, with assistance. Student will recognize that the same story can be told in different genres (e.g., novels, poems, or plays), identify literary elements, (e.g., setting, plot, character, rhythm, and rhyme) of different genres, recognize how the author uses literary devices, such as simile, metaphor, and personification, to create meaning, recognize how different authors treat similar themes, identify the ways in which characters change and develop throughout a story, interpret characters, plot, setting, and theme, using evidence from the text, with assistance, identify the authorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s point of view, such as first-person narrator and omniscient narrator, with assistance, determine how the use and meaning of literary devices, such as symbolism, metaphor and simile, alliteration, personification, flashback, and foreshadowing, convey the authorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s message or intent, with assistance, recognize how the authorĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s use of language creates images or feeling elements, such as repetition, rhythm, and rhyming patterns, in order to interpret poetry, with assistance, and identify social and cultural context and other characteristics of the time period to enhance understanding and appreciation of text, with assistance. He will learn to respect the age, gender, position, and cultural traditions of the writer and recognize the types of language (e.g., jargon, colloquialisms, informal vocabulary, and e-mail conventions) that are appropriate to social communication by learning to label these as casual and formal register or appropriate to a region.


Writing, spelling and the English language:

The student will learn to correctly spell words within own writing that have been previously studied or that follow previously studied spelling patterns, using a variety of spelling resources, such as dictionaries, lists, peer and mentor feedback, phonics handbooks and spell-check tools. He will engage in a variety of writing activities, both student and mentor initiated, on a wide range of topics and for a variety of purposes, selecting a form of writing appropriate to the function of the written communication and an organizational pattern for writing that effectively communicates the topic and purpose of the text to the intended audience, adjusting his writing voice accordingly. He will use a variety of prewriting strategies to plan and organize his writing. He will use a variety of media such as print and electronic throughout the writing process ( prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing). He will review writing independently in order to revise for focus, development of ideas, organization, and language use and to address editing concerns. He will publish his writing in a variety of presentation or display mediums, including for social communication through traditional and electronic means, for a variety of audiences.

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6th grade

MFW - Rome to the Reformation (Bible, history, science, art)

CLE math

CLE language arts (or possibly Growing With Grammar)

Drawn Into the Heart of Reading


4th grade

MFW - Rome to the Reformation (Bible, history, science, art)

CLE math

CLE language arts

Drawn Into the Heart of Reading


1st grade

Little Hearts for His Glory

Singapore Math

(CLE Learn to Read - Undecided on this one?)


4 yr old -

tagging along on LHFHG

playing with puzzles & math manipulatives

possibly doing some Kumon workbooks or ETC primers

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What I have planned so far and if I stop reading everyones plans


So far for dd(10):

R&S Math 5

R&S Spelling 5 may repeat 4

Easy Grammer 5 with Daily Grams 5 or maybe R&S English 4

R&S Bible 5


Pathway Readers 4 and 5 with workbooks

R&S Science 4 (still not sure on this)


for dd(2)

reading, reading, reading

ABC's, colors and numbers

anything to keep her busy so dd(10) can get her stuff done


for dd(1)

reading, reading, reading

learning to walk

and anything to keep him busy so dd(10) can get her stuff done

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Hey, Heather--I'll have a 2nd grade LCC/AO'er, too! :001_smile:


That is all. Just...woohoo. :001_smile:


Me, too! I like how each of us has a slightly different take on the combination which reflects our different family situations and kids' needs.

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I voted that I'm done planning, though I definitely have some more scheduling to organize. But it's our first "official" year, so I'm excited! :D


The basics:


Singapore B (we're finishing EB A now) plus Cuisenaire/Miquon/MEP for play

Manuscript copywork for handwriting practice

Read alouds from AO


The extras (required by MD law):

Children Like Me with picture books for light culture/geography studies

Come Look With Me Landscapes for art appreciation

Masterpiece a Month for art (we'll see how it goes and ditch it for a craft class if necessary)

Story of the Orchestra for music appreciation

Healthy Me for a couple of "health" projects

BFSU and nature walks for science

Soccer and gymnastics for phys. ed.


Science and geography will probably each be once a week, or maybe 3x per week total. Art and music will rotate weeks. Health will probably only be a couple of projects over the year. We'll do some memory work, too, to go along with our handwriting practice. All the extras will be really light and mostly read aloud focused, but I have to have something to show the county each semester. :tongue_smilie: I'm definitely keeping my priorities on reading and math skills and having lots of fun playing and being outside.


My youngest is officially preschool age in the fall, too, but that will be lighter than light--lots of good picture books and lots of playing. We'll keep practicing letters and numbers, but nothing remotely formal for her.


How fun to see what everyone's planning!

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Still researching and subject to change at moments notice:


DD Age 11:


Michael Clay Thomas LA Program-Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary, Poetry

Lof Fred Fractions, and CLE Math Grade 4 moving into Gr 5

Galore Park- So You Really Want To Learn Science, Physical and Life Sceince Book 1

Winter Promis Rock Around the Earth-Earth Science

Winter Promise QAW-History, Bible, Literature, Art

Lively Latin Book 1 moving into Book 2

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I voted "confident & done planning" & "still sorting it out" b/c I know what I'm using but am still working on the details of implementation.


4th grade:

Lively Latin

Right Start E

CW-Aesop B

Heart of Dakota-Preparing

I have R & S 4, Mother Tongue & the download of Grammarland. If I decide she needs add'l grammar I'll use one of those.

Shakespeare & Plutarch from AO

Lit/History/Science Reading suggestions from AO & WTM (for her personal reading time)

Singapore CWP 3


2nd grade:


Heart of Dakota-Beyond

Right Start C

Singapore CWP 1


will sit in on Shakespeare & Plutarch

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I have most of it done. Just looking at the extra's! Latin is my biggest decision still to make and new to me! We are going to do English from the Roots Up over the summer! Here's what I have planned:


DS - 7th grade (12 in Oct.)

Math: Finish LOF Decimals and Percents

Videotext and probably some LOF Beginning Algebra after a while

LA: CLE LA- finish 600, then 700.

Meaningful Composition

CLE Reading 700 and Literature mini guides when done.

Science: Apologia General on CD-ROM, I think...

Latin: Undecided

Art: Co-op class

Music: Guitar and piano lessons


DS - 5th grade (10 in Oct.)

Math: CLE - 500

LA: CLE - finish 400, then 500.

Meaningful Composition

CLE Reading 500

Science: God's Design for Life series

Latin: Undecided

Art: Co-op class

Music: Piano

PE: Baseball during the season


DS - 1st grade (5.5)

Math: CLE - continue 100

LA: CLE - continue 100

Reading: ETC and start CLE 100

Science: God's Design for Life series

Art: Undecided - Art Adv. at Home??



Bible/History/Literature: Biblioplan with MOH 1 and SOTW 1 and literature suggestions. Mapping, timelines, etc.

Character: Character Building for Families as a family


Think that is all! It's nice to get it typed out! Great thread!

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We're still deciding what our MAIN curriculum will be- either MFW Adventures or HOD Beyond. I'm waiting until our curriculum fair in May where I can actually get my hands on Adventures and look at it. Unless I have some other epiphany before then. :tongue_smilie:


DD (1st grade)

Main: MFW Adventures OR HOD Beyond

Math: Math Mammoth 1


Prima Latina

Positive Action Bible 1

MFW 1st's Introduction to the Orchestra

Probably some kind of gymnastics or swim class

Also doing 1st grade at our local co-op


DS (age 3)

Mother's Day Out program 2 days from 9:30-2:00

Swim class

Coloring, looking at books, tagging along


DS (age 3) with autism

Preschool/therapy 4 days a week, 3 hours per day

Swim class

Supplemental therapy once a week for 2 hours

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Little Hands To Heaven


Little Hearts For His Glory

4th grade (9yo)

Preparing Hearts For His Glory

Singapore Math 3A and MCP D (still struggling with Singapore so MCP is my backup)

Learning Langugage Arts Thru Literature (orange)

First Language Lessons volume 4


I will be visiting family, moving and house hunting during this next school year so I wanted structure and I have everything but the Preparing guide and FFL4. Can't go wrong with a layout program during crazy times.

I could combine the younger two but honestly this works out because each gets their mama time and LHTH takes only 30 minutes or so to do. I am expecting about a hour with LHFHG and by the time my oldest is done her total should be around 3 hours.

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Hmmmm.. I voted still sorting it out, but after reading through the posts, I think I'm done.


2nd grade

Singapore 2B-3A, Miquon blue & green



SW finish B-C

ETC 5-7

Zaner-Bloser cursive

assigned reading & fun reading

Lively Latin

swim team

tae kwon do


1st grade

MUS alpha


ETC 1-3

work on speech skills

beginning readers




Earth Science and Astronomy made by me

Discovering Great Artists

Music Appreciation

piano lessons





reading books together

playing in food

all sorts of other fun

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My son wants to advance. So, we are doing school over the summer. He is going into 6th grade next month. His books are purchased and ready. My younger son will do school also, but it will be a review of what he is learning and trying to get him up to level. Some of his books are purchased, but he will be ready.


6th Grader:


Math: Singapore 6A & B with IP and CWP

History: Story of the World Volume 2 and Our Island Story by H.E. Marshall

Science: FIRST Lego League and the Earth Science

Art, Literature, Poetry, Hymns, and Composers: from Ambleside with Plutarch and Shakespeare as well

Writing: Classical Writing Homer A and Beginning Poetry A

Latin: Latina Christiana II (part 2) and Henle I

Logic: Building Thinking Skills level 3 and Mindbenders C series


4th Grader


Math: Singapore 3A & B

History: Story of the World Vol. 2

Science: Library books

Art, Literature, Poetry, Hymns, and Composers: from Ambleside

Writing: First Language Lessons

Latin: Prima Latina

Logic: Building Thinking Skills level 2 and Mindbenders B series





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We are done deciding. I am done with "teaching" for this coming year. I need a break. I mean dont get me wrong, I want to help them as they need it!


We decided on BJU dvd's for this coming year. 4th and 1st. Possibly the k4 as well.


Im very excited and glad i dont have to plan/buy anything lol

Well, other then the dvds, of course!

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I am still sorting my first graders year out... I believe I have all the curriculum selected. That is until i see it and start it and along comes another great idea!!!

So here it is:

Phonics: Pathways and Explode the Code

Math: Right Start

History: History Revealed for Elementary kids (workbook, cds, teacher's guide)

Writing: If needed we will use A reason for Handwriting

Spelling: Spelling Workout

Science: God's design for life

Art: Follow AO's art schedule

Music: Find a Piano teacher or just listen to classical music


Like I said this is a plan and I plan on changing it!!!



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Here's ours:


9th grade



Analytical Grammar

Vocabulary From Classical Roots C

Windows to the World Literature

Foerster's Algebra (used Lial's this year) repeating Algebra I

Conceptual Physics

Latin in the Christian Trivium

World History:The Human Odyssey

Introductory Logic


7th grade


Put that in writing

Abeka grammar

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Lightning Lit 7

Lial's Basic Math

BJU World Studies

Apologia General Science


3rd Grade


Rod and Staff English

CLE reading

Horizon's Math

The Story of the World 3

BJU Science

Lively Latin

Spelling Workout

IEW writing

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3rd Grade

Focus: Middle Ages / Renaissance & Reformation



History - narration, vocabulary, copywork, penmanship, and discussions based on readings from Guerber's "Story of the Middle Ages" & "Story of the Renaissance & Reformation" ; Greenleaf's "Famous Men of the Middle Ages" & "Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation" texts ; considering SOTW/2 Activity Guide and various internet resources for a sprinkling of hands-on activities


Geography - begin casual physical and cultural geographical studies of the Mediterranean & Europe


Reading - fairy tales, legends, and literature selections related to history studies PLUS parent-selected books related to science, faith, music and art studies PLUS self-selected books of interest from any genre and era


Grammar - continued informal study


Spelling - complete AAS/4 in Fall, then stop formal study


Writing - considering CW/Aesop (it's in the mail, want to see it before deciding)


Math - MUS/Gamma supplemented with lots of board and card games


Latin - Latin Christiana I


Faith - dropping Faith & Life in favor of continued informal study of liturgical year ; begin casual study of the Saints, particularly those from the era of our history studies


Science - continued informal study relating to people and areas of interest (anatomy, geology)


Music & Art - continued informal study via books, CDs, and attendance at cultural events and museums ; begin casual music and art appreciation studies relating to the era of our history studies ... including self-selection of a few artists to study in-depth and imitate the works of


Physical Education - continued participation in organized soccer, baseball, and mixed martial arts programs



The bulk of our studies involve reading or doing followed by roundtable discussions that bring together the different disciplines, so much of our progam is informal (interest-based, organic) or casual (light structure, focus).

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Next year will include a new pursuit for us: enrollment in a one day/week co-op. (Bigs will attend a second, shorter day for additional math help).


HereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re doing thereĂ¢â‚¬Â¦


Bigs Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Geometry, Biology, Drama (Child One), P.E. (Child Two), and Art (Child Two).


Littles Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Art, Sign Language, various fun stuff, and Veritas Press cards, for history.


HereĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re doing at homeĂ¢â‚¬Â¦


Bigs Ă¢â‚¬â€œ History/Literature (SpielvogelĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Human Odyssey, and various selections for the Middle Ages), Traditional Logic (online, through Memoria Press), Spanish (Oklahoma University High School)


Littles Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Reading (read alouds and readers that go along with their VP history studies, as well as interest-led selections from the library), Nature Study, Geography, ETC 7, Calvert Spelling, Greek alphabet study, Lively Latin, Spanish/French songs. Also, we'll keep using the Madonna Woods books for piano, unless they start taking lessons at the studio where the guitar and voice kids go.


Outside classes Ă¢â‚¬â€œ horseback riding (Child Three), gymnastics (Child Four), voice/musical theatre (Child One), guitar lessons (Child Two). Volleyball for Child One and Child Two.


Still kinda undecided Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Grammar and math are happening for the younger setĂ¢â‚¬Â¦IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just debating whether or not to make a switch from good olĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ Rod and Staff, to CLE. So far, IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m coming down on the Ă¢â‚¬Å“NoĂ¢â‚¬ side; if the co-op weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re joining pans out, and becomes a long-term thing, the Littles can start taking R&S from THEM in fifth grade. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll only have to get through 3rd and 4th. (Sorry, R&S fansĂ¢â‚¬Â¦I believe in it, IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m just weary of it, myself. Love to punt it to someone else.) Also inclined to stay with it for math. I love the combination of Singapore and R&SĂ¢â‚¬Â¦I would just love to have both of their strong points combined in one program, and IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m not convinced (yet) that this is the case with CLE. (Feel free to try and convince me, lol. :-)


Writing for the BigsĂ¢â‚¬Â¦still mulling over online options for this. I have the Elegant Essay, and plan to work with them on a research paper over our Ă¢â‚¬Ëœsummer termĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ (weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll only take a break for a month or so)Ă¢â‚¬Â¦but IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d love to have some outside input on their writing, at this point. I have a friend who is an English teacher, and sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll be available to critique some essaysĂ¢â‚¬Â¦IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d just like to have some outside instruction for once, on this topic.


SoĂ¢â‚¬Â¦there it is, thus far.


Oh, wait! Forgot the Baby...:-) (It's hard to believe all five kids will be 'doing school' next year...)


We're already sounding out simple CVC words, with the Totally Awesome Moveable Alphabet, and doing some simple number work with a Lauri puzzle, and the goal is to work up to the first Bob books.


He's also got the first Get Set for the Code book, and the HWT book; once we're in a regular routine of doing stuff, I'll probably get the Earlybird Singapore books, too, for math.

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Bible - Memoria Press Christian Studies III, along with continuing readings from The Moral Compass and some other books we have at home, like Tiger and Tom, etc.


Math - Singapore 6 w/ some drill work from Key to series on various topics. My son is also going to try his hand at algebra. We are working through a book called Real World Algebra this summer to get him ready to go to a tutor in the fall.


Spelling - Spelling Workout, last level!


Handwriting - Getty-Dubay, level G, followed by copywork geared toward the Middle Ages


Writing - Writing Strands, level 3 and 4


Grammar - Abeka, God's Gift of Language, level C


We'll also be covering some outlining and notetaking workbooks during our LA time.


Literature - will be tied to the history time period under study.


Geography - BF study using Holling's Tree in the Trail, as well as some other misc. work for the year.


Spanish - Spanish for Children


Latin - Latin Primer II


Logic - Thinking Toolbox fall semester; Fallacy Detective Winter semester


Reading - lit will be tied primarily to the history time period under study; will also be doing some reading for science and history on his own next year.


History - covering the Medieval period through the Reformation using Kingfisher and other encyclopedias; ds will be reading from SOTW on his own and outlining, testing, etc. We'll do additional reading related to weekly topics under study.


Science - doing primarily an earth science study, with last 10 weeks devoted to astronomy (we'll also be doing some stargazing at various seasons throughout the school year from late summer onward; also keeping up with current happenings all year through NASA and Space Weather websites). I'm actually using the MSNucleus website on earth and space science as my "spine" for the year, slightly reordering their topics. I also picked up an interesting looking book from RRC by Barron's, entitled Earth Science the Easy Way which I plan on adding in to our mix for the year.


Art and Music and PE will get added in through primarily outside classes and activities throughout the year.....

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I have all the biggies planned out for Kindergarten next year:


FIAR with habit training

Math on the Level with Activities for the AL Abacus

All About Spelling (finish level 1 and start level 2) with Happy Phonics games

Cursive Copywork & Narration

will probably start grammar a la Montessori

BFSU and Nature Study (FIAR Nature Study)

Bible reading and narration + activites that correspond to the litergical year

We might start formal Latin or Spanish part way through the year. Not sure about this one.


I pretty much have everything picked out and most is bought. I just need to put together a schedule. That's the fun part. :)

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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Hmmm... I think I have it mostly planned out - let's see how complete it is if I try to write it down!


6th Grade


Math: Singapore 6 w/CWP /maybe start Singapore Discovering Mathematics (this will depend on how much time the former takes - we'll probably be starting 6 in the summer if we finish LOF Dec/Perc).

Spelling: continue Sequential Spelling for one dd and Spelling Wisdom for other

Grammar: Finish Easy Grammar 6, Editor in Chief, MCT Practice Town

Vocab: MCT Caesar's English 1 and maybe still Word Roots

Poetry: MCT Building Poetry, monthly poetry memorization

Lit: Book club with Teaching the Classics

Writing: MCT Paragraph Town and maybe IEW Ancient History Lessons (see history below)

Science: Coop with Biology Focus (currently planning to make it up ourselves, we'll see how that goes...), Science Detective

Geography: Map Skills book continue US, start World

Logic: Grid Perplexors, Cranium Crackers

German: Continue German Sat. School

Spanish: Continue Spanish the Easy Way


4th grade


Math: Singapore 4a/b, Math Detective, Math Mosaics

Spelling: continue Sequential Spelling

Grammar: Editor in Chief and she seems insistent on doing Easy Grammar with older sisters

Vocab: MCT Building Language and maybe still Word Roots

Poetry: MCT Music of the Hemispheres, monthly poetry memorization

Lit: Book club with Literature Circles

Writing: Outside Writing Class, continue WWE2 and maybe some IEW Ancient History Lessons (see history below)

Science: Coop with various subjects. I'd also like to have her work through this Biology curriculum at home. It looks so good! And start Science Detective

Geography: Map Skills book

Logic: Grid Perplexors, Cranium Crackers

German: Continue German Sat. School

Spanish: This is a big question mark - we did Level 1 of EspaĂƒÂ±ol para chicos y grandes this year and loved it, but Level 2 is not at all appropriate - it is aimed at middle school kids and it moves at the speed of light with very little practice. I am looking at a bunch of curriculua through a local foreign books store.


Everyone Together:


History: Finish modern US History and start Ancients (we were supposed to finish US history this year, but we're just starting WWII!! Aaah!!!) I read spine non-fiction aloud and assign different readings for the two levels.

Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids - just got this, big hit!


I'd also like to have them take outside classes that are offered locally on Engineering and Economics, but those will be dependent on fitting in to our schedule.


Music: All continue with respective instruments and chorus

Art: Well, I own Artistic Pursuits. Now to find time to do it. Or I may have to find a plan B...


Aaahhh... look at all that... now to figure out how to get it all done...

And this doesn't even include my "summer school" curriculum I'd like to do with them... I think I need a nap...:svengo:

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I am 98% done deciding. For the most part we are simply doing the next level of what we are doing this year. The big difference coming into play is that I decided to use SL core 5 for my big kids and core K for my 3rd in line. I have never used a SL core before but I really wanted to use core 5 and ds5 wanted his own package. I have bought most of the stuff I need aside from sonlight, and the stuff I haven't will be ordered on Aug 17, the same day I put in my sonlight order as that is the day my school board will release purchase order numbers for next year. My only struggle is figuring out writing for the big kids.


So Grade 5 both big kids


SL core 5

R & S 4

sequential spelling book 2

wordly wise 3000 book 1

SL science 4 & 5

MUS Delta

and a half dozen or so other things for electives etc


Grade 1


SL Core K




MCP phonics A

MUS Alpha

SL science K

and then a few other things for electives and such




Slow and steady get me ready

Little hands to heaven OR B4FIAR

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After much worrying, praying, searching, and even a few tears, I finally went for a simpler schedule then I anticipated. As much as I would love to do Shakespear and all of those fun things, I need to make sure my dd6 is a fluent reader first. I hope to be able to add Shakespear and other things of the sort next year, but for this year:



Sonlight Core 1, as is

Sonlight LA 1, with supplements

The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, mid way through

First Language Lessons 1&2 (I'm really excited about this new addition)

Sonlight Science 1

Ray's Arithmetic and Horizons



Abram, almost 4:

Sonlight P3/4

The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading

A few little workbooks from Kumon

Tag along with Science1

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Everything is all planned for except the unit studies. We will decide what they will be as the school year gets closer.


Grade 5

RightStart--finish Level E and move on to MUS (not sure the name of the level)

Bartons Reading and Spelling

Mother Tongue II for grammar

Classical Writing Homer, later in the year CW Poetry for Beginners

Ambleside Online's Yr. 5 for literature, picture study, composer study and poetry

unit studies for science and history



Grade 3

Right Start--Level D

Bartons Reading and Spelling

Mother Tongue I for grammar

CW's Primer

Ambleside Online's Yr. 2 for literature, picture study, composer study and poetry.

unit studies for history and science


Grade 1

loosely using RightStart but mostly doing our own thing for math

Bartons Reading and Spelling when she is ready


unit studies for history and science.

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First Grade:


Math: RightStart C and Singapore's Challenging Word Problems (he requested these)

Foreign Language: Lively Latin and Rosetta Stone Spanish

English: Growing With Grammar 2, Spelling Power, copywork (*maybe* the new CW primers...we choose our own for now), Italic book C

Music: My First Piano Adventures book B and possibly C



Literature: from LCC (Fairy tales, tall tales, and Bre'r Rabbit)

Religion: Baha'i Core Curriculum

History: Child's History of the World

Geography: Rand McNally's Beginner's Geography workbook

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 book 1 (last 1/3 or so) and book 2

Science: BFSU/Singapore Science; probably some other stuff too; I have a science-lover!

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OK, here is what I *think* our plans are for next year. I voted that I'm still sorting it all out. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but ... can't imagine what it would be?!


3rd Grade


Math - CLE 300 with Singapore CWP

LA - CLE 300, AAS, finish WWE 2/ start WT 1

History - Sonlight 1

Reading - I have most of the Advanced 2 readers for SL, but I'm starting to wonder if I should use CLE ?????

Science - Still undecided

Latin - Prima Latina

Logic - Detective Club : Mysteries for Young Thinkers

Memory work - Living Memory

Music/Art - Music Ace & various books (Smart About Art, Story of the Orchestra, Those Amazing Musical Instruments)


1st Grade


Math - CLE 100

LA - FLL, WWE 1, AAS, handwriting?

History - Sonlight 1

Reading - I Wonder CLE 100

Science - Undecided

Logic - Lollypop Logic

Memory work - Living Memory

Music/Art - Music Ace & various books (Smart About Art, Story of the Orchestra, Those Amazing Musical Instruments)


Both will have some participation in sports throughout the year.

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Dd 5/K will attend local classical Christian school


Dd 6/1st will attend local classical Christian school


Dd 12/7th will be homeschooled:


CD PreAlg

CW Homer OB/Poetry online class

Spanish 1 w/ school district

Hakim History of US, TTC lectures

LL Early American

Christian Youth Theater

Trail Guide to World Geo (finish)


Sunday school teacher/ worship band


Ds 14/9th will attend local Christian high school


Lacrosse, Football, Basketball

Sunday school teacher/ worship band

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We start in January, but I thought I'd play anyway :)


5th grade plans



History - Finishing off Story of the World 4 with supplemental reading and once a week "history club" with 2 other families for AG activities.


Geography - "Planet Earth: Amazing facts about our world and the natural forces that shaped it" by John Farndon as our spine. I've ordered this and hope it meets my expectations for hands on geography.


Science - "Usborne Internet-linked mysteries and marvels" books (beacuse we already own them) and the rabbit trails that this leads to. Dd writes a summary of what she's learned for every 2-page spread.

"My pals are here" from Singapore.


Language arts

Reading - selections from Sonlight, Veritas and Great Books lists - whichever I can get from Bookmooch and 2nd hand bookshops before the end of the year!

Grammar - Kiss Grammar

Spelling - Our own home-made spelling program as well as Spelling Wisdom

Writing - Finishing off Writing Tales 2 and a this stage I still don't know what we'll do after that. We might do some Writing Strands.

Memorisation - various. I hope to have a friend bring over a copy of "Living Memory" later in the year. The postage was too outrageous to order directly.

Copywork - various.

Latin - Latina Christiana II

Afrikaans - Afrikaans Ons Taal 5 and Afrikaans reading


Math - Singapore Primary Maths 5A and 5B


Composer study - Composer of the month with daily listening of the music, biographies and other resources.


Artist study - Artist of the month with pictures on the wall and biographies to read.


Religion - Study of various religions


Music - violin lessons


Physical development - horse-riding and seasonal swimming

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I'm still planning some, but I know:


SL core 5

Horizons Math

Apologia General Science for oldest

Science for youngest--we're kind of unschooling & I want to pull out what we have & look through it.

LA--using All About Spelling & Jump In, maybe some Story Starters, maybe some grammar--I have a couple of resources I want to look through. Not sure if youngest will use some Jump In or just Story Starters. Also using Something Worthwhile for Copywork.

Maybe Can Do Cursive for youngest.

Bible--might use SL 5 Bible, or just do our own thing again.

Art lessons for youngest, violin for youngest, Guitar for oldest, archery for oldest


I think that's it!


Merry :-)

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6th and 5th grade:

Grammar: KISS Grammar + Harvey's Grammar

Spelling: Simply Spelling

Composition: Oral/Written Narration and Karen Andreola's Story Starters

Math: MEP (Mathematics Enchancement Program)

Bible, Literature, History, Science, Art/Picture Study, Music, Nature Study: My Father's World Creation to Greeks

Logic: Building Thinking Skills and games

Foreign Language: Latina Christiana

Poetry: Poems for Memorization

Co-op: Music Theory, Cooking and Health/PE


We are tying our Life Science study into MFW's Science.



MFW preschool package, Letter of the Week,Your Baby Can Read program and lots of play

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