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2009-2010 school year


Do you know what you're using next year?  

  1. 1. Do you know what you're using next year?

    • I've already decided what we'll be using.
    • I'm actively working on it.
    • I've given it a little thought, but not much.
    • I can't even think that far ahead.
    • Other.

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I chose "Other" because I haven't really thought about it and haven't started buying yet, but I pretty much know what we're using because we're satisfied with curriculum we're already using.


The kids are all doing well with their math. Dd is working with a mentor and she hasn't decided what she's doing next year. Ds(8) will continue with Singapore and ds(6) will continue with Right start.


We're very happy with language arts. Dd will be doing CW Diogenes and AG. I think I'll start both the boys in CW Aesop. I'll continue with FLL with them and with AAS.


After a year away from TOG I'm looking forward to starting Year 4. That will cover the rest of our LA as well as history, geography, art, etc.


I can't actually think of anything "new" we're planning on using...

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I am about 90% done deciding what to do. Who know planning for 3 was going to be so much harer, especially because I want to combine lots. I am also changing our registration status next year, which means I have to alter some of our work to make sure it follows the alberta learning outcomes, which is not hard to do, jsut takes more foresight to make sure what I chose works. I have started buying some things because I had the funding left this year to do so, I will have WAY more funding next year to buy materials with, so that has been fun too, figuring out what else I can afford this year that I never could before.

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Wow -- I guess it would be smart to start thinking about this soon! I have a six-week-old baby, though, and have been distracted lately. I guess I've got a while, though -- my oldest is doing kindergarten work, by which I mean The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Reading, and he's only a little past halfway through, so there's not a huge rush for me to assemble first-grade materials.



Mama to Thales, 6; Lydia, almost 3; and Odin, 6 weeks.

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We are going to continue on the path we are currently on, so I don't have too many more decisions to make there. I will have to pick some books for literature, but I won't do that until we finish going through this year's pile and I can assess how we did, interests, reading abilities, comprehension, etc. (Although, I will probably just pull books off of the shelves that we already have and not have to buy too many.)

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I think our curriculum for the upcoming year was set when we began our 2008/9 year. I had recently asked my children how they felt about their curriculum and they responded "We love it. Don't change!" That's good enough for me.:D

Edited by sweetbaby
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I am beginning to look for some of it used.

For history I am using Truthquest and I want to get to modern this year so I have had to go through AOR 2 and 3 and choose what topics to eliminate so that we can do that. I just bought AOR 3 Used and once that arrives I can finish planning history for next year and plug in the books, lectures, and movies I want to add in.

Everything else I can wait awhile on.

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My used things started selling again this week, so I'm waiting on one more sale. Then I can buy the last of my CLE. One item is backordered on Amazon (good luck!). I'll need to buy co-op materials, but they're not available yet.


If my oldest's co-op class doesn't make or we can't do that for some reason, I'll have to buy his history this summer.


Then I'll start buying for 2010-2011 in the fall.

Edited by GVA
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We have been using Tapestry of Grace for two years now and we will stay with that next year for History, LIterature, Bible and Worldview. My daughter is 10th grade and my youngest will be in 1st next year. We are using write shop for my oldest for writing, easy grammar and Apologia for Science.



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I've been working on it, but I'm finding it difficult. Both of my girls are straddling "grade levels" in multiple subjects and I don't think there's a single subject that will be neatly wrapped up in typical school year style, so I'm trying to estimate where they'll be, and it's making me nuts!


Ds is a bit easier. I still don't know if his father will agree to traditional homeschooling for next year (this is his first year *at home with a cyber charter), but I'm prepping just in case. He's followed grade-level work all this time, so there's a fairly clear cut starting point. Planning Latin and Logic is the hardest part in his case.

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I'm actively working on it.


I've learned quite a bit this first year about what works and what doesn't and what Elle enjoys and what she struggles with.


I want to change math programs and grammar/writing programs, but will be staying with SOTW, HWT, and the art program I cobbled together. She'll also be taking guitar lessons.


I hope to be able to find some of what I want on the For Sale board - especially Science!

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I have bought almost everything with the exception of Spanish and music. I'm purchasing music this week, but won't know about Spanish until July since we will either be doing La Clase Divertida 2 at home, or sending Ariel to an enrichment school. Ahh...it feels good to have everything ready! :thumbup:

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How about a "you've got to be kidding" category? It always amazes me how many can plan ahead. In January, I feel so entrenched into this year's routine, that next year is but a thought or possibility. I've got to use all of my time and energy to *teach* this week, *grade* last week's and *plan* next week! I toss possibilities through in my mind, but nothing hard and fast until about April/May.



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I'm glad I'm not crazy to be thinking about working on next year now!! lol:) It will be our first official year, with my DD starting Kindergarten. I've been planning on homeschool forever... literally, as I was homeschooled myself and always intended to teach my own children! lol:) So I've been excited about really, truly starting! Good, now I won't feel ahead of myself if I tell DH we need the school budget now so I can start watching for used books!!! lol:)

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This is our first year homeschooling and I have really learned A LOT! We are changing most of our curriculum for next year, but I think I'm actually going to get it right this time so we won't have to change again (keeping fingers crossed).


I have everything but music and writing planned out. I also need to give my boys placement tests to place them in the right level of the math programs we are going to use. I will be able to buy everything once we get our tax return (have to file first!).


I am really excited about next year. I've chosen curriculum that I hope we will all love.

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I know what we will be using next year with the exception of all our supplemental history books. I don't plan those that far in advance. I see what's available at the library a few weeks before we need them and use what's available. I know some of the major books, though.


Other than that, we are sticking with SOTW and Usborne Encyclopedia for history; I have our books for TWTM second grade science chosen; we're continuing with RightStart math, ETC, and WWE; and I am adding grammar, which I have chosen (Sheldon's Primary Language Lessons, free from Google Books). When dd finishes ETC, I may start spelling (depending on need) and I know what I will use for that.



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
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I am actively researching for next year. I found great deals on the Math & LA for my dd7, so I've already purchased those (minus a few LUs). We will be using the same program next year, so that wasn't a hard decision. Everything else is up in the air.


I'm also trying to figure out what will work best at home for my dd6 who is currently in ps K but will be home next year.

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We are going to continue on the path we are currently on, so I don't have too many more decisions to make there.


Same here. Barring any major curriculum breakdown between now and next fall, we'll move on to the next Right Start, SWO, HWT levels and SOTW2. I have to decide what we'll do next for some kind of literature study, and I have to make some decisions on French and/or Latin, but I'm waiting on that to see how our schedule ultimately works out this year. I'm thinking about it, and may snap up a few things if I see them on the For Sale board, but otherwise, I'm holding off for now.

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This was our first year homeschooling. I tried a few things I really liked and a few things that didn't work so well. Live and learn I guess. The result is I've made some changes for the second half of the year and I'm shopping hard for what to do next year. My ds will be in 7th grade and that in itself brings some changes too. I haven't started buying yet though. Even the things I'm confident in I will shop for used first and not buy new until late spring or summer.



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I am about 90 % certain of what we are doing but this is the first year that we will have 2 official homeschoolers rather than just the one. I am almost ready to purchase though as we do year round school and we begin the new stuff each year usually in March after we get our tax money. So, I hope to be ready to buy as soon as Uncle Sam sends that money our way.

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