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2009-2010 school year


Do you know what you're using next year?  

  1. 1. Do you know what you're using next year?

    • I've already decided what we'll be using.
    • I'm actively working on it.
    • I've given it a little thought, but not much.
    • I can't even think that far ahead.
    • Other.

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I checked the "gave it a little bit of thought" box. I'll be staying the course with Biblioplan, CW, First Form then Henle Latin, Professor B Math, and RS4K. But I haven't selected all of the individual titles to go along with Biblioplan yet. I usually do that somewhere between March and May when the Spirit moves ; ).

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I am working on it. I would very much like to try K12, but don't know if the money is there. I am hoping to get a quote from them soon so I can discuss with dh.


If not that, I already have next year's TM for LBC, and will start looking at collecting the books and such. We would stick with MUS for math, FLL for LA and somehow try to incorporate WWE. I love the CM approach, but I wish there were such a thing as CM in a box with lesson plans already done. I struggle with the organization and planning part.

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For my 6th dd and 8th ds

Sonlight core 6

Sonlight LA 6 (with Understanding Writing tossed in as a help)

Sonlight Science 5 and Apologia Physical Science

Sonlight Classical Music start up 1

Draw Today

Teaching Textbooks 6 and Pre Algebra

Write at Home Comp 6 and Comp 8

Growing With Grammar 6(or finish ILL and Grammar ACE) and Applications of Grammar Book 1

Rosetta Stone French 2, Rosetta Stone Portugese 2

Continuing Piano Lessons

Home Ec...... Boy Scouts


For my 12th (LD with Dyslexia and CAPD and hearing loss)

Sonlight Core 400 (Write at Home per paper option for LA assignments)

Finish Easy Grammar

TT Geometry

Apologia Biology

Rosetta Stone Spanish 2


That's it in a nutshell


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I voted "other."


I've been homeschooling for one year and 2 weeks now and it's been a wonderful choice for our family. I would have never guessed that HS'ing would be such a great fit for us and work out so successfully.


That said, we are on the move again this summer. We are a military family and we are headed back overseas to a European capital city. My children will have the opportunity to attend a well respected International School or perhaps even attend a local private school and have the opportunity to learn a 2nd language through immersion.


And truth be told, I have no idea what we are going to do for school year '09-'10. I feel like I can't even fairly make the decision until we get to Europe and check out the other options. I LOVE that I know I can successfully homeschool my children now though and I love that I will always have that to fall back on.


It's killing me to not plan the '09-'10 school year right now, but I have no idea what decision we will make in the end. You can bet I'm reading, researching and thinking about it just in case. :)

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Guest IWantToBelieve

We're sticking with BJU DVD. It really fit this year. I was having a very hard time juggling four different children in four different grades, and three with different issues that require more than a forward approach. (Oldest has multiple LDs, second son is high-functioning autistic and fourth has a genetic disorder as does our second son, but with fourth, he has motor skill issues in his hands).

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I chose "can't even think that far ahead." We just moved and are playing catch-up with the current school year, which we'll be doing for another six months. Hopefully I'll get my act together enough to think about it in the next few months.


On the bright side, I'm satisfied with what we are doing now, and the "main" subjects (reading, writing, arithmetic, history) will be continuations of what we're doing now, so no serious research will be necessary in those areas.


I anticipate that the hardest part of choosing next year's materials will be deciding what we can AFFORD this time around!

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With the exception of some history read-alouds, I've sequenced everything out for at least the next couple of years. For the most part I don't schedule it; we just work through at DD's own speed and move on to the next thing as each book/series is finished.

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I am waiting on a quote from K12, to see how much it would be to get their curriculum. Not the academy, just the curriculum with the online component. I would love to use their stuff, but I'm pretty sure it will at least double our homeschool costs and I'm not sure we can swing it this year.


If we can't do K12, I am pretty sure I know what we'll be using. We will either do LBC again or Ambleside, MUS, AAS, FLL, and most likely Lively Latin. I need to add something in for writing - I have WWE so that's probably what I will try to do. Also I have seen some vocabulary stuff at the local homeschool store that looks like a LOT of fun and would also teach dictionary skills. I'd like to get ahold of that, too.

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I chose "actively working on it". I've really had a desire lately to simplify, streamline and for more cross-subject integration. I've got 2 lists for each of my boys. For ea. of them, one has my choices for what curricula to continue and what curricula to research (I've narrowed down to a choice between 2 or 3 for those that I haven't decided firmly on). I made the 2nd list for ea. boy b/c I just got sick of all the planning, organizing, correlating, trying to watch out for 'gaps', etc. It's a list I made of what they'd be using from SonLight if we used that next year. If I don't use SL, I'll have to prepare the year in advance far better than I did this year. My style of homeschooling by the seat of my pants isn't very condusive to allowing much free-time for me. Too much gathering, planning, etc. I hate when I realize that I've left a gap - I did that this year w/ some LA w/ my 2nd grader, and now we're remediating for it. Everything planned out for me in a box like SL sounds wonderful at this point. I like SL for other reasons as well. I just don't know if I'm ready to toss my own tweaked mix out the window or not. I *have* chosen exactly what items I'll be using no matter which way I go, except for a few LA and science things if I don't use SL.


I've done alot of mental prioritizing lately and realized that I can't keep piling on every good idea, curriculum, and book that I come across. I must simplify, to keep the plan so that we can actually accomplish it. I am thinking hard about which way to go; SL or continue as-is w/ just a few changes.

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We have had a rough year with just life in general but despite it all I have figured out what we will be doing next year and the rest of this year. We will be finishing TOG 1 thru the summer/fall and begin our next year in Jan with TOG 2 of which I have not purchased. We are going to use TT next year and have not purchased it yet.


BJU Earth Science Have

Same for my youngest son through our Co-op

Winston Grammar Have


Haven't decided on some of our reading

Phonics Tutor Have don't know what we will be supplimenting yet

Spelling above

TOG 1 have

TOG 2 haven't purchased yet will be using mid year

Teaching Textbooks waiting until Convention

Math U See for my youngest


It feels good having it planned out so early. We started school this year late but then we have decided not to do a traditional school year. It's so hot in the summer and my kids like to do school during that time. It's perfect for us so we are doing it different then everyone else. It was a mindset for me so that I didn't beat myself up. We moved during the holidays and school was not an option at that time. We are still not on track but it doesn't matter and I'm getting better daily. YEahhh me.... lol

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I just typed a message to DH saying I am finally "done" with the decision making - mostly ;)


I feel really good about next year. We make our purchases with our tax refund so this is my buying time. Most of the books are sitting on my desk now.


The challenge for me is to now put it all away and get my head in the game for the rest of THIS year.

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I know what I'm using. It's about time - I've only been pondering, agonizing, changing my mind for the last year. (I'm one of those who needs to map out 12 yrs before starting 1st grade:tongue_smilie::lol:...really, I just want to find what works early and not change programs a bunch) So, yes -I know, and now I need to step away from the 'puter before the next thing comes out.

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