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How many of you here use Facebook?

Are you a Facebook member?  

  1. 1. Are you a Facebook member?

    • Yes, I am on Facebook once a day
    • Yes, I am on facebook 2 or more times a day
    • Yes, I am on Facebook once a week
    • Yes, I am on Facebook 2 or more times a week
    • Yes, I am on Facebook at least once a month
    • Yes, I am on Facebook at least once a year
    • I had an account with Facebook, but I no longer do
    • No, I have never had an account with Facebook, but it's on my to-do list
    • No, I never have been and don't plan on it

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I used to be on Facebook - only to look up a couple of people. I have since deleted my membership and profile for a number of reasons.


I just saw this article and it had me wondering about people here. We're a group of people who enjoy reading, bettering our children's education as well as our own, eating well...I'm sure there are a number of people who would call quite a number of people on this board "elitist". Would you agree?


Well, regardless, I'm curious to see a poll of how many "of us" use Facebook, and how many use it frequently.


Thanks for indulging me.

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I finally joined, but then I really didn't care for it, so I deleted my account. They have a stupid word challenge game on there, though, and I have missed it, so I joined again last night. :D I like to play the game when dh is watching something on TV that I don't like but I want to be in the same room as him.

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I'm not, but have been considering it. I've got a friend that I would love to keep up with (the one who lives in your city) and I know she does facebook. I've avoided it because there are a few people who I do NOT, repeat do NOT, want to have contact with. At all. Period. Ever. But now that I know that there are privacy controls, I might join.

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I had an account for about 2 weeks. Enough time to realize that I didn't really WANT to reconnect with my high school and college friends. LOL.


I also managed to totally tick off my Aunt, who I never see, because I mentioned WOW in a negative light (her son helped design it). Soooo I thought maybe it wasn't exactly the best place for me to be.


I set up an account for my DH and have to help him with it. He isn't interested in figuring out all that stuff, but enjoys catching up with his college buddies.

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I'm not, but have been considering it. I've got a friend that I would love to keep up with (the one who lives in your city) and I know she does facebook. I've avoided it because there are a few people who I do NOT, repeat do NOT, want to have contact with. At all. Period. Ever. But now that I know that there are privacy controls, I might join.


Definitley use the block settings. You can just type in the name of the person you don't want contacting you and they can never see your profile.



I use it to keep in touch with old friends. I have a couple who are overseas and its been a great way to keep up with them.


That being said, its a huge time waster for me as I get easily sucked into the internet. So I am debating if the good out ways the bad.

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I go on Facebook an average of twice a day--once in the morning and once in the evening to keep up with family and friends most of whom are back in the US.


Some days I check it more, like right now because my dh's uncle is having some health issues and the progress is being update to us all on his sister's facebook page. Some days I don't check it at all.

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I do not really care for MySpace - the ads I am subjected to! :ack2:


But I signed up to contact a good friend whose other contact information I had lost. I found out that a lot of the people in my former home (lovely Florida) were on MySpace. It's been an easy way to casually keep in touch.


But, we all must feel somewhat detached from it's vibe. We all update sporadically at best.


So I said NO to your facebook poll. I have no plans for an account because, um, I don't even need one.

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I have Facebook. A love/hate relationship with it. I keep in touch with friends in different states, my nieces are in London this year so I can contact them. I just found a few friends from high school that were foreign exchange students, it was nice to see that 25 years later they still remember me.


I had a situation today that is was nice to just update my status and then anyone that checks will know what was going on.

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I'm on facebook. It is a good way to connect with relatives and friends who we don't live near. Also, I play Scrabble on facebook with teachers from school and send messages to some of my high school kids from school. It has been a positive experience so far for me. It has not been about reconnecting with people from my high school or college.

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I've been on FB about 6 months. I have found it surprisingly useful. And as someone who moved around quite a bit as a kid, I have very much enjoyed getting reacquainted with friends from junior high I figured I would never hear from again.


I initially joined because my senior class was planning our 20-year reunion and lots of friends were signing up...so we got to have a pre-reunion of sorts on FB. The result of that? Everyone was more excited about our reunion by the time we got to it and glad to already be through the "small talk."


The nice thing is that you can use privacy settings and you can reveal as little or as much as you want about yourself--no one is putting a gun to your head.

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I'm really enjoying facebook, I have the settings set so only friends can see my profile and stuff. I am really enjoying it, dh has a large family, most are close by but it seems like we are always the last to know anything, we are all now chatting on fb. My best friend moved to Singapore and our contact has been not great, but once she got fb it was much easier just to quick chat and I can see if she is online now.


I have no use for throwing snowballs and stuff...but I do like keeping a reading list, the birthday lists are great! and I like being able to share photos and see other friends and family's photos.

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I'm not, but have been considering it. I've got a friend that I would love to keep up with (the one who lives in your city) and I know she does facebook. I've avoided it because there are a few people who I do NOT, repeat do NOT, want to have contact with. At all. Period. Ever. But now that I know that there are privacy controls, I might join.


Silly Rabbit! You must join! Now! Cave to peer pressure!

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We have friends all over the country and it's a fantastic way to keep up with everyone. I think if a person is ok with using email to keep touch, Facebook is like that, but enhanced. I can share pics of the kids with many people, all at once. I can see pics of my friends and their kids, all in one place. It sure beats visiting individual websites. I love it.

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I'm on Facebook and I check in there a couple of times a day most days. Sometimes not at all and sometimes several times a day...it depends.


I use it to keep up casually with friends and family who don't live near me, and also to get quick updates from local friends. Sometimes just seeing someone's status line gives me an idea that they need prayer or an email or phone call.


I do some of the fun stuff, too, my daughter got me started with the cute little sheep and birdies and such. :tongue_smilie:

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Right now I'm on a lot trying to keep track of my daughter who is traveling in Asia, but she returns next week and I'm sure my usage will dramatically decrease. It was fun as first, but after a while I realized that I really don't need to know the daily activities of most of my acquaintances.

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I finally joined, but then I really didn't care for it, so I deleted my account. They have a stupid word challenge game on there, though, and I have missed it, so I joined again last night. :D I like to play the game when dh is watching something on TV that I don't like but I want to be in the same room as him.


I am laughing my head off as I read your post. :lol: I'm very addicted to that word game myself, and I sit with my laptop in the living room while dh watches tv, etc., etc.


Other than that, I am on facebook to be connected with a number of my friends. I find it to be a lot of fun.




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No interest in it. If there's someone I want to keep in touch with, I'll call or email. I don't want to find anyone or be found by anyone. My husband just joined this week because he was curious about someone we lost contact with. I have no desire to be a part of it.

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We have friends all over the country and it's a fantastic way to keep up with everyone. I think if a person is ok with using email to keep touch, Facebook is like that, but enhanced. I can share pics of the kids with many people, all at once. I can see pics of my friends and their kids, all in one place. It sure beats visiting individual websites. I love it.


The first thing I thought when I read your post was, "Keeping in touch with friends; what a novel idea!" Like you, I have a friends scattered all over so I can see why Facebook would be convenient ~ again, if one actually keeps in touch. I guess...I mean, I do like staying sorta in touch with people, but not so much so that I want to look at pics of their offspring.:D Plus, you probably have more restraint than I do. I could just see myself starting to spend volumes off time there and as it is, I want to cut down the time I spend online. Speaking of which, didn't I just tell my boys I was going running?:tongue_smilie:

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I said I never would, but..:tongue_smilie: I deleted my account once, but then some people I was close with in school joined, and I like to look at her update pictures and things. The instant messaging makes me a nervous wreck though-whenever someone I know is on at the same time, I immediately log off!:001_huh:

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Yes- I have an account.

I use it to mainly keep up with what is happening with my family and friends ( who are scattered around the world).


I tend to keep my blog more updated than FB, but do check daily to see what others have added to their accounts.


Also- I have a SERIOUS addiction to Scrabble !!!

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I love facebook. I am addicted to word challenge and probably need an intervention.


I do not have 682 friends. The people who matter to me are friends. We use it as a way to see what's up with one another. I also chat with a couple of my friends after the kids go to bed. No talking or ringing phones that will wake up my light sleepers. Some people take it way to seriously and get caught up in what dh and I refer to as facebook drama. We do the things we like and ignore the rest. We do not have high expectations of what it will do for our lives we simply have fun with it.


Sometimes I check it once a day, sometimes I can go on numerous times a day, and some days I am not on it at all.

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I have it, but don't have a profile totally set up, just my name.


My friends are bugging me to do it and I will....eventually.


I has been fun to see the friend requests from high school pop up. They come through my email so even though I don't actually go to the Facebook page, I know they put the request in.

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I said I never would, but..:tongue_smilie: I deleted my account once, but then some people I was close with in school joined, and I like to look at her update pictures and things. The instant messaging makes me a nervous wreck though-whenever someone I know is on at the same time, I immediately log off!:001_huh:



You can turn that off. I had to, because whenever anyone sends me an IM, the whole thing freezes up. In the bottom corner, click the chat icon, and you'll see a box pop up that says "You are online." Click the "Go offline" option, and no more IMs!

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