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Are you ready?

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Yeah, I feel like we should start school on Monday, but I really wanted to get the house clean (CLEAN clean, KWIM?) before we started. Also, we are waiting on a few books to get here for our new semester. Plus, we are all a bit under the weather......SO, want to start - yes! Could we start - probably! Will we start monday - :001_huh: I dunno.


Melissa in St Louis

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I'm so ready to get back into the routine of school days. However, I am waiting for new math and handwriting that won't be her by Mon. The whole family was sick this past week, so NONE of our cleaning/decluttering plans were even started. Dh goes back to work tommorrow, so it won't be getting done now for a long time. So I think we had best go back to school on Monday and accomplish something. :001_unsure:

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No, no and once again...NO! I wanted to clean the house. HAH! I managed to clean the kitchen/dining room/school room this afternoon but it's a far cry from where I wanted it to be. I helped dd12 clean her room and organize it a bit...but it's not really as good as I wanted it to be. Dh got our tree down today. So...now I have tomorrow evening to re-do schedules and curriculum choices. I seriously need a few more weeks. :glare:

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Yeah, I feel like we should start school on Monday, but I really wanted to get the house clean (CLEAN clean, KWIM?) before we started.


I feel the same way, but our out-of-town visitors sort of decimated those plans *sigh* We MUST start back on Monday though, because an insane work situation completely derailed school for the last three months of 2008. If I don't start back up and KEEP UP now, we're going to be way behind, and DD is not where I want her to be in a few key areas (namely, handwriting and math).


I'm keeping my fingers crossed here...

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No, we're not ready at all, at least as attitude is concerned. We've given the kids a break when it comes to chores over the past couple of weeks, so getting back into the swing with them for school work and chore will make for a painful first few days. But, it was self-inflicted, so I really can't complain...

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I was so ready to get back into a routine this week although I told myself it would be ok if we didn't. Monday it didn't happen, but we did manage to get things rolling on Tuesday. The week ended up being productive although it wasn't quite what I had planned out.

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Yes and no.


I do daycare for only 1 girl, but still, it was nice not HAVING to be up if I wanted to lay in bed for awhile, and just having my family, so that's one thing we'll need to readjust to (her mom had mandatory leave).


I still have some adjusting and planning to do for my 2 and dcg (day care girl--she's almost 6 and I do some preschool work with her. Yes, preschool. Noone has worked with her yet, and she has a lot to learn to be ready for first grade where they are sending her next year). But it'll be good to get back to more of a routine.


Children--not so ready! ;)

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I am very ready to get back to routine and order to our day. But I am feeling a bit unprepared....we are starting some new curriculum and making some overall changes for spring semester so I feel a bit like it's a new school year. That part I'm not quite ready for! :D

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I'm ready! And excited. :D The kids....I dunno if they are or not. I told Bailey I was excited to start school on Monday and he stared at me blankly. :)

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Here is my week next week. I have it all planned out.

Monday, the last of out of town family leaves so we will enjoy a day of quiet.

Tuesday, We will CLEAN in the morning and have a Girl Scout meeting in the after noon.

Wednesday, We will sleep late and play all day and maybe do some sporadic cleaning.

Thursday, Alexis, my 8yo starts back at her one-day-a-week school.

Friday, I am back at work.


NEXT week we will start classes for real. This coming week we are taking a vacation from our vacation. :D It is all part of the plan. Now ask me next week if I am ready. :smilielol5: 'Cause I can't think that far ahead.

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Yes and No.


I filed all of my kids' school work by week at the beginning of the school year. All I have to do is pull out their work for the week and put it in their to-do notebooks.


No because I'm suppose to have my home office completely empty so my husband can move his office into it so that my daughter can move into the room he is vacating by the 15th. I had planned on doing it during December...but that was before we all got sick.


No because my son's taekwondo school eliminated their daytime classes. We had a schedule that worked perfectly for us surrounding the daytime classes. Now we have to completely rearrange our entire day to accommodate my son being at class from 4pm to 6pm instead. That means starting school earlier than what works for us, losing my errand time, and my husband hopefully being available to pick him up every day so I can have dinner ready as soon as they get home. I am SOOOOOO not happy about it.

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In the immortal words of my close friend, "HECKS NO!" I had all these plans and had an extra week off and still have not done the experiment where we hatch the brine shrimp. I hate experiments. :glare:


Sooooooo we have to start Mond and still have to finish this experiment. Oh well.

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As far as school goes, I'm ready. I've got the next 4 weeks of lesson plans completed. I'm going to work this year in a tax office, so my life is about to get crazy! :willy_nilly: I don't know if I'm ready for that or not. The busiest part will be the next 2 months, so I keep thinking I can survive anything for 2 months. Maybe I should go ahead and do the next 4 weeks as well, you think?

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Blah! LOL No, I am no ready at all.


What she said!


I mean, I am prepared and all of my schedules are made, curriculum laid out, etc. but I just wish we had about 5 more weeks to do absoluely NOTHING. :) These three weeks went by much, much too fast.


ummm, except NOT!


By not ready, I mean, NOT. I decided a complete changeover was necessary, on, uh. . .Friday. . . And I've got nothing ready! Worse, today is taken up by church (not typical, as it's normally just the a.m., but today I have extra items that will last all day).


It'll be grand fun. . . seat of your pants rip-roarin' good times.



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I want to keep playing and enjoying the peace and quiet and the resting and the fellowship we have been blessed to have with friends and family this vacation.

I guess I am looking forward a little to 7th grade again but the 2nd grader is in a slump and it isn't going to be easy to work out way out of it.

Plus, we just put our cat down and my dh is heading to Sierra Leone in 7 days for 15 days.

Nope, definitely no ready.

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Yup. Beyond ready.


Main reason? OUtlaws are here apparently for a month - so the longer i keep the kids doing school during the day the better :D


We will go back to a 50-75% schedule for the oldest next week, then 100% the following. My goal is to have them busy till after lunch daily......


But we need the routine and started back laast monday & tuesday in the morning, and had a field trip to Build-a-bear on wednesday morning - then they did school in the afternoon.


ANYWAY, i'm making some copies i need to right now!

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Totally not. I had all kinds of plans for prepping lessons but.....


first there were all the Holiday Parties-some we hosted, some we attended.

then there was the unexpected house guest-who is still here and not leaving until Tuesday.


We will be winging it this week.

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Main reason? OUtlaws are here apparently for a month - so the longer i keep the kids doing school during the day the better :D




:lol: I thought my family was the only one out there who used that term!!

We wrapped up the weekend of December 14th, and just got started back on Friday. I realized yesterday that this is the longest break we have taken in 3 years! So we were due a bit of a rest. Dd actually said that she was glad to get back to work. I wonder how long that attitude will last? :D


My outlaws will be here, too, but only for a week. And yes, I have a full week of classwork prepared for dd. (Not that dd will mind a bit. Mil's idea of a fun outing is to go to WMart. *sigh* Takes all kinds to make the world, I guess!)


I am actually quite excited to get the software I ordered for dd's cursive practice. Handwriting has always been a struggle for her (even though she adores drawing- go figure!), and I'm hoping this will take at least a bit of the sting out of it.


Good luck to everyone who is jumping back in tomorrow!



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I am pretty much ready. We are trying out a new schedule so I hope it works. I also ran out of printer ink so I can't finish printing/photocopying everything I wanted for Monday. Also ds5 is starting K for real so I think I am ready for that.


Of course instead of finishing my planning for this week I am thinking ahead to next year and what curric I will need lol

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Well, I was ready until my mom surprised with me a trip to see her psych in the middle of our school day. I was actually looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. Now, I guess I'll have to wait to breathe a sigh of relief until Tuesday. Monday is definitely shot. I said I would go because I know that she'll just keep bugging me until I do. So better sooner than later. It just really messes up our first day back and Mondays are typically our heaviest day of the week.

I'll go, I'll go, I'll go.........

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