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What household chores do you hate doing the most?

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I hate picking up little things and putting them away. Child labor is useful here, too (of course, it's their stuff!)


I don't mind the actual scrubbing, but laundry is not high on my list of daily pleasures.


Wasn't there a thread on the old board about laundry songs? I've got one, too:


Laundry, laundry

Laundry never ends

Just when you think you're done with it

It's all piled back up again!

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Does anyone remember the Laundry Speech a la Aragorn at the Black gate?

From Kate, long ago


"Here is my laundry speech a la Aragorn before the black gate...



I see in your eyes the same mountain that would take the heart of me. A

day may come when this laundry pile of mine overwhelms me, when I

forsake clean towels and break all scoops of soap, but it is not this

day. An hour of soiled shirts and dirty pants, when the laundry room

comes crashing down, but it is not this day. Today, I fold! For all of

the children in my house, and for my dear husband too, I tell you I will

sit, and fold my laundry!"




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I hate doing toilets! I recently taught DS8 to do them, and so now the toilet itselt is his Sat. morning chore. He doesn't love it, but is happy to get it done and go out to play! He's cute - I've lectured him about the dangers of chemicals (we use powdered Ajax in the toilet, and Clorox wipes for around the rim and such), so he wears rubber gloves. I don't trust my younger DD to do that and be careful yet. DD6 and DD3 get other jobs, like dumping the small waste bins, replacing the extra TP stash in each bathroom, and making sure each bath has a supply of clean hand towels, etc.


Regarding sheets - I also hate doing that! We have 2 bunk beds, so those are tricky and a pain. BUT I have taught the kids to remove their sheets and bring them to the laundry room on Sat. morning. DH, myself and DS8 all do laundry, so those get put in and dealt with through the day. I just hate putting them all back on! (often my job, though DH helps too).


Good luck with the chores! Hang in there.... - Stacey in MA

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Is there an option for all of the above? :)


I don't mind putting laundry in the machines, and in the summer, I even like hanging out my laundry, but when it comes to putting it away - yuck! I try to convince myself how great I feel when the drawers and closets are full of clean clothes, but it's not helping.


And right now, any chore where I have to bend over and pick something up off the floor is OUT! LOL!

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I hate putting laundry away and emptying the dishwasher, therefore I use child labor whenever possible. :D


My sentiments exactly! You must hate filing too. I worked as a secretary and paralegal for about 20 years. I *never* filed anything. Blech. Absolutely hate it. That hate has translated into emptying dishwashers and putting away laundry. I don't mind doing dishes, and I don't mind washing and folding laundry. It's the puttin' away thing that gets me. :p

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Hate laundry and scrubbing the tub. The laundry just never ends, and the tub hurts me knees and back! Yuck!! :( I have given the children each a laundry day to get their own stuff done. Hopefully this will help cut down on the time I have to spend doing it.



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Yes, put a mark there for me too. Scrubbing the showers/tubs has always been the one I hate doing the most. Mopping would be next, but not because I don't like doing it, but because it's time consuming - esp. factoring in the drying time. But the showers/tubs...No thank you!

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I was just washing a load of whites (underwear, dirty socks, stained white shirts, etc.) and thought, "Geesh, I hate washing whites!". Funny time for this post to be here! I also hate cleaning the bathroom (toilet esp...4 boys, each doesn't have great aim, you get the picture!) so I have dd11 do it. She doesn't mind. Hmmm...DISHES would be my LEAST favorite of all. No dishwasher and so the older 3 kids alternate months w/ dh doing them on the weekends. Heehee. I only have to wash about a sinkful a week! Oh, dusting would rank pretty high up there as well.

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Actually, I thought putting away laundry, mopping and cleaning showers/tubs, but as I scrolled through all your posts, I said to myself yea.. and that one...and Oh! That one... and yep, can't stand that...


I delegate where ever possible. I'd prefer to have the kids do the basics and I go behind everyone and add finishing touches, but it seems that there's always too much and nothing has been getting done recently. I fell apart after Christmas and I've been very sad about it. School is happening with very few hic-ups now and I finally feel like it is less burdensome and maybe even close to going well, but I need to get the house back together and do something "fun".


A messy house is a prison for me.

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Putting away the laundry is the one chore I really hate.


The kids must hate it too, because I really have to get on them to put their clean clothes away.


I don't really like all the contorting involved in getting the base of the toilet and the floor around it clean. But I'd rather do that than put away the laundry. ;)


Don't mind putting away the dishes at all. But I detest filing. Bleh.

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I don't really mind doing the work. I actually find myself enjoying it once I am in the middle of cleaning.


My problem comes from motivating myself to actually start cleaning and then the frustration & discouragment I feel when it gets undone the minute I stop.


I find myself doing the things that will stay fairly clean for awhile and procrastinating the things that will just have to be done again by the end of the day or tomorrow. :rolleyes:

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Is there an option for all of the above? :)




I totally agree! And when it is a nice day outside (and if often IS here in HI) I am even LESS inclined to do housework. I DO like the satisfied feeling I have once it's done, though that knowledge isn't really comforting when I'm lugging 2 full hampers to the laundry!

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I absolutely hate washing bedding and I have no idea how large families every get all of their bedding washed. Really it just is such a pain.


So what do you dislike doing?



I really don't hate any of it anymore. I used to most hate the chores that didn't stay done (like dishes -- you get them washed and immediately there are more dirty things -- discouraging). But in my old age, I have to say that I don't really hate any chores. Except cleaning the litter box. It's the one thing I'd pay someone else to do.
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