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Anyone doing the 1000 hours outside challenge this year?


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I did it in 2021 and it wasn't easy. I finished the last 1/2 hour walking around my block on New Year's Eve, lol. I rewarded myself with a 1000 hours outside hoodie that I love, and I just noticed today it has a stain, so while I'm not going to try the challenge again, I am going to replace the hoodie! I could maybe finish it in two years, but all in one year probably won't happen again. 

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5 hours ago, SHP said:

How do you keep track? 

The website has free printable trackers you can use to color in.   I did one a few years ago using different colors for different temperatures.  That was kinda neat.

I also did the challenge as a 1000 miles outside challenge.  Biking, walking, hiking, snowshoe, cross country ski, and even kayaking all counted towards the miles…..anything that was me doing the work.

camping in a tent really helps to rack up the hours.

I bought the long sleeve T Shirt when I was done with the 1000 hours.

And yes, I was a 50 year old woman with no younger kids at home, doing the challenge…..I just loved the color of the T shirt.🤣

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Oh man, my problem is rain. I love being outside and having a couple meals a day on the patio. I don’t mind the heat and could cope with the cold for a challenge, but I wouldn’t hang in the rain for it. One year it rained 49% of the year. It was ridiculous. I just wouldn’t be interested in the challenge enough to sit outside in the rain. I should keep track and see what I do without trying. I don’t think I’d hit the 1000 accidentally, but I’d hit 600-700 without making a plan or planning a camping trip. 

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I tried it one year. For tracking, I just noted what time I went out and then came back in, and wrote it in my bullet journal, along with my cumulative total. 

It was easy to see within a couple of weeks I'd never make it to 1000! After a couple of months I stopped. I may try it again this year knowing I likely won't reach 1000 hours but it would be good to see what I do manage. 

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I want to do it. I had it on my list last year, and I think I would have been close, but I didn’t track after a couple months. This year, I’ll track. I want the shirt! 
Fortunately I have a couple trips planned in the next couple months that will give me a good start as compared to our gloomy cold winter at home. 

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1 hour ago, marbel said:

I tried it one year. For tracking, I just noted what time I went out and then came back in, and wrote it in my bullet journal, along with my cumulative total. 

It was easy to see within a couple of weeks I'd never make it to 1000! After a couple of months I stopped. I may try it again this year knowing I likely won't reach 1000 hours but it would be good to see what I do manage. 

It probably helps if you’re slow eaters AND the person serving the food is obsessed with outdoor dining 😁

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1 hour ago, KungFuPanda said:

Oh man, my problem is rain. I love being outside and having a couple meals a day on the patio. I don’t mind the heat and could cope with the cold for a challenge, but I wouldn’t hang in the rain for it. One year it rained 49% of the year. It was ridiculous. I just wouldn’t be interested in the challenge enough to sit outside in the rain. I should keep track and see what I do without trying. I don’t think I’d hit the 1000 accidentally, but I’d hit 600-700 without making a plan or planning a camping trip. 

The rain is hard for us too.

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I planned on it and failed in 2023. From Spring to October, spending time outside is easy here. I was doing great between gardening, sailing, kayaking, summer vacation that included traisping around the Blue Ridge Parkway trails, scenic turn outs, National Park Service visitor Center and hike up to the falls, etc. But when the relentless rainy, nastiness of November set in, and it gets too icy Dec-March to really do any walking in our little home town, then it becomes impossible to get the hours. If we took a midi winter one month vacation to a sunny climate, I could manage it. If I could go skiing (can't because of my permanently disabled ankle) and we could afford to go every weekend, that would help. However neither of those things are going to happen this year. So I won't make 1000. 

It is 83.33 hours per month so less than 3 hours per day, per month. I easily do more than that in the good months, but then drop to very small amounts during the bad months.


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I haven’t done the challenge, but it has inspired me to make some changes to increase my outside time.

I think my younger kid is definitely over 1000 a year, and my older is probably close, but I am under for sure.

I would be interested in a shorter challenge, like trying to make 85 hours in a month, but I know myself and I am not going to track something for a whole year.  


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We are doing a modified version and aiming for a slightly lower number — we will just use the 100 hours charts over and over until we hit our number. There are some times of year that make it almost impossible, other times it’s a no brainer, but overall we will decide on a different goal (not sure yet what it will be, gotta negotiate with the family on that!). For, ahem, one member of our family any improvement will be great!

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I’ve tried to do this the past couple of years but always gave up by spring. I’d get discouraged by how far “behind” I was (even though I knew my winter and early spring hours would be low), and I would get tired of tracking. I’m tempted to try it again though. I’d really like to develop a habit of living more of my life outside. I have large flower beds that need to be cared for better, I’d love to put in a vegetable garden, and I have a beautiful patio that I don’t spend nearly enough time using. We have chairs on the patio but maybe we’d use it more if we added a table to make outdoor meals easier. 

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Can someone explain this to me? It sounds a bit intriguing and might help me meet another goal. Is it 1K outside doing anything? Running or sitting in a rocker reading? Time spread out equally like daily reading on the porch with my tea or can it be in spurts like during race training or planting season? Any minimum amount required to have the time “count?”

What benefits did you all see from doing this? 

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3 hours ago, TechWife said:

Can someone explain this to me? It sounds a bit intriguing and might help me meet another goal. Is it 1K outside doing anything? Running or sitting in a rocker reading? Time spread out equally like daily reading on the porch with my tea or can it be in spurts like during race training or planting season? Any minimum amount required to have the time “count?”

What benefits did you all see from doing this? 

1000 hours outside

I believe it was started by a homeschool mom when she saw/read that elementary aged kids were spending 1000 hours a year on electronics.   She decided to do a 1000 hours outside challenge for her kids.   There are books and blogs and t shirts,etc now.   Basically it started as a homeschool thing to get kids outside more.

I heard about it from my homeschooling neighbor and I joined in even though my kids were in their 20s by then.

Ot did motivate me to be outside more.  I volunteered for all of the walks and other outdoor time at school (where I work) that year.  I counted almost everything that was beyond walking to my car and back.  Camping in a tent helped my hours.  Eating outside, sitting outside to read or chat with a friend counted.  Any outdoor exercise, etc.

Basically you make up your own rules.  Some just track 100 hours, others 1000 or you can decide to do anything between that.

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4 hours ago, TechWife said:

Can someone explain this to me? It sounds a bit intriguing and might help me meet another goal. Is it 1K outside doing anything? Running or sitting in a rocker reading? Time spread out equally like daily reading on the porch with my tea or can it be in spurts like during race training or planting season? Any minimum amount required to have the time “count?”

Our immune systems evolved for outside, so I reckon any time outside is better for us, unless we're using it to catch something nasty.

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I've considered it for a few years. I'm going to go for it this year. Even if I don't hit it I'll be better off than if I didn't try.

This past year I was only so-so with the outside time due to an injury, burnout from so much outside work the previous year (dh and I started building a shop the previous summer and spent many days out from sunrise to sunset- i wish i would have tracked that year!), and less time due to working. 

I think this will be a good year to go for it. I still have limitations from the injury but I've found lots of gentle movement and walking is helpful. We have a shop we have to finish! Lastly, dh and I started hiking together again this fall and enjoying it (when he started back to school our outside together time slowly dwindled to non-existent abd I find it much easier and enjoyable to do these things with dh). 

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As an adult with no kids at home, I think having a goal of being mindful of spending time outside is a good one, whether it's an "official" challenge or not. I get the point about 1000 hours, but I can see setting a goal of, say, 1 hour a day or something for people who are working, and/or have responsibilities in or outside the home. I have this fantasy of having morning coffee/breakfast out on our back deck but I rarely accomplish it. We have a propane heater out there, and recently added a small solo stove, and if I would just set up my area and have everything ready to go, I could do it. I let too many obstacles get in my way:  it's too cold, it's too hot, it's too buggy. I think rain and snow are valid excuses personally, as my deck is not covered. 😄

Don't get me wrong, if I still had young kids at home I'd be all over the 1000 hours challenge, getting the t-shirt, etc!  We did a no-tv challenge once, a long time ago, and I had the posters and t-shirts and all the swag for that. 

So thanks @Elizabeth86for the thread; I'm going to set my personal goal and start tomorrow. Ha ha, I just checked the forecast and it's calling for the first snow of the year... so we'll see!  

I hope people will report on their progress with the challenge!

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I did it in 2021.  It took me 18 months. 😉 But that was okay.  

Here is something that helped me:  I learned how to take my inside work outside.  So, for instance, this sounds funny, but I started folding laundry on our backyard bench.  I trimmed green beans and shelled peas and shucked corn on the bench.  There were probably some other things that I don't remember, but it was much easier to get more hours once I realized how easily work could be transferred outside.

It was worth it.  The birds, clouds, flowers, deer, stars, breezes were waiting for me to uplift my heart.  I imagined that I was the kid in My Side of the Mountain. Hmm...Maybe I'll try to do it again in 2024...

Good luck to everyone!

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While I’m not going to do this challenge, I probably got close to a thousand hours a year when my kids were little.  (Totally support adults doing it, but it’s not my priority right now.) I never actually tried the challenge myself though because for a long time I thought it was a thousand hours in a month. Much more doable in a year!!! Embarrassing that I had to do math to realize there weren’t even a thousand hours in a month. 

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How’s everyone doing? I downloaded the app which does make tracking a lot easier. I’m totally cheating because I’m on vacation this month and it’s a lot easier to be outside. Yesterday we did a 3 hour walking tour and we always eat outside. It is great, but not my real life. It was enough to make up for my slow start, so I’m at 16 hours as of yesterday. 

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I have littered around outside off and on since January 1. But we have had so much nasty drizzle/rain, that it is just not possible to stay out. 35 degrees, rain and mud, does not make for great outdoor weather. Ugh.

We actually for snow today so if the road isn't icy (which it might be since it rained yesterday and now is freezing) I will take Lewis for a nice walk.

We have a S.C. wedding at the end of March. I am hoping it is really nice out, and we can manage to get some walking accomplished during the trip. The reception venue has an outdoor, rooftop dining and bar option, and our goal is to be out there for the entirety of the reception if possible.

My guess is I have at best a paltry 4 hours. But, I was not actually trying to get to 1000 because it is very hard to manage with low sunlight, ice, and high wind in this part of Michigan during the winter. My goal is more to maximize outdoor time once the spring equinox arrives, and continue that until it turns to constant rain and mud in the late fall.

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I had 17 hours last week. I'm at 0 so far this week- due to a very busy schedule and fatigue from my period. I'm aiming for 10 hours this week and hoping for a good chunk of time today and tomorrow as the sun is coming out. I'm watching the forecast and trying to take advantage of the nicer days but trying to get outside most days regardless of the weather. Next week is looking a lot worse so I'm trying to get in some extra time now.

I've put on my snow bibs and other gear and done lots of work outside and also just sat around and talked with the girls. Sunday I ended up sitting outside in my bibs and a jacket on the deck while I read to get in some more time. 

Preliminary goals- to get to 1000- less time in winter and the heat of summer and more in the milder times.

Jan + Feb+March 50 each= 150 

April- May- June- 125 each-=375

July- August- 50 each= 100

Sep- Oct- Nov- 125 each= 375


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I used the mandala printout they have and chose 16 shades of blue and green from my colored pencils. Then I decided on a pattern and followed it throughout the entire mandala. It was so pretty finished, and I really enjoyed watching it take shape. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I made it to 59 hours 46 minutes in January! 60 was the goal given my strong start with my trip to Florida, so this was close enough for me. I walked outside almost every day, even in crappy weather. 
It was definitely more than I would have done without a challenge, and I have to say I always felt better for doing it. 


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I hit 50 hrs and 15 minutes. My minimum goal was 50 this month. I thought I'd hit more but last week I didn't get many hours. I've been outside most days. I've found the cold easier than the pouring rain. I've taken to doing random things outside to get hours  We've used the headlamps to do walks at night too. Work gets in the way of it but I'm trying to get time outside around my schedule. I definitely got more hours than I would have without the challenge.

Edited by Soror
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Ugh. I am managing about 45 minutes a day. We have had so much cold rain, then icy roads and streets, then fog. Yuck. We are going up north tomorrow and will be doing some winter hiking in an area that is going to GASP, have sunshine! 😱

I might manage a couple of hours before my ankle gives up. It has been acting up lately.

I think our eclipse trip in April is going to find me stubbornly outside from sun up to sun down for four straight days. Mostly though, I am just craving the moment we can de-winterize the sailboat, and unpack the kayak. I told Mark we need to set some money aside to go to a sunny beach next January, US Virgin Islands or something.

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I'm averaging about 2h per week. But I totally count every walk to-and-back-from a store through a parking lot as 5 minutes. (Even if it's not 5 min, that's the minimum increment I'm willing to work with.)

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2 hours ago, Toocrazy!! said:

45 minutes a day is a great average for Michigan in January! But I totally agree on next year’s plans to a sunny beach! 
We’ve actually had hits of sunshine these past few days and it’s made all the difference in my mood. 

LOL, it is in fits and spurts. It is mostly dog walks! I take him around the block, several laps around pur one acre yard, a few times each day. A few days were so bitter cold with high winds at the end of the 2nd week of January that he would NOT stay out for long.

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15 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I am not adding it up, but I am outside about 2 hours a day in bits and pieces. Does it count being on the verandah? 

Before getting ill I was outside easily 5 hours or more a day

I think it does. It is fresh hair, and sunlight even if indirect. I think it is wonderful you are managing 2 hrs a day!

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