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What weird movie parts make you cry?

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Soppy animal parts make me cry, like Eight Below, and The Incredible Journey. You know the part where the kids have to leave their pets behind and the old Retriever is obeying and thinking "Stay......stay."


But other things get me too. In "A Series of Incredible Events" I cry when the children are reading the letter from their parents at the end of the movie.


I don't like the movie "The Kid". Too sad for the little boy.


But the one where my kids make the most fun of me is in the Movie "The Greatest Game". Not the football one, the golf one. When the little round caddy is being bullied by the officials to resign and let someone else caddy for his player, and he starts crying??? That reduces me to a pile of sobbing blubber.

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I'm the same with the animal bits; I just can't handle story lines where the animals don't live happily ever after. I flatly refused to see "Eight Below" because I knew it was based on a true story and I know what happened.


As I am the only female in the house, I have also been able to generate countless hours of fun for my men simply by crying whenever I watch Turandot. Yes, I love opera (that in itself causes much mirth) and I also cry predictably at the same parts every time. This also happens with La Traviata, so they have many opportunities to laugh at me :tongue_smilie:

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Eight Below, cried through the whole thing. We've had huskies and it was just painful. I had to watch the end however.


LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring when Gandalf is standing up against the Balrog (SP? right creature) in the mines of Moria. I cry when he says "You shall not pass". The first time I saw it I was fighting some personal demons in my life and I cried because I knew I had to be stronger, face them, and not give them permission to pass to my life.


I tend to cry at movies at the drop of a hat. I love symbolism and it hits me at the strangest times.

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The part where I get it home and have to take off the plastic wrapper which takes forever and then I realize I still have to remove three impossible-to-remove stickers and then I finally get it open and it turns out that they've packed the wrong DVD into the case.

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Home Alone, the original movie, one of the ending scenes where the old man is reunited with his family. I've seen that movie so many times and I cry at that part every time. The man reminds me of my dad who passed away 20 years ago. He looks so much like my dad it just stuns me every time I see it!

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The part where I get it home and have to take off the plastic wrapper which takes forever and then I realize I still have to remove three impossible-to-remove stickers and then I finally get it open and it turns out that they've packed the wrong DVD into the case.



You slay me. :lol::lol::lol:

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What don't I cry at would be more accurate.



LOL, same here. I'm reading these posts just to see if people post *anything* here that I wouldn't cry at also.. nothing so far!! :001_smile: Pretty much anything in a movie that anyone would ever cry at, I would too. Nothing is too ridiculous for me to to relate to, in this area.


I think this is pretty silly.... I cry at that song "Christmas Shoes" every single time I hear it, even though: 1) I hate the song. 2) I think the content is so far-fetched and would *never* really happen. 3) Someone who has died does NOT need shoes of any kind. 4) I know that the song is made for the mere purpose of manipulating saps like me into crying. I can know all of those things in my mind, but still, just a couple minutes into it, there I am, tears welling up in my eyes!! Now that is silly, imo.

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Anything in the prairie makes me cry.


Oh! I just remembered. The weirdest thing that makes me cry is when writers are true to canon. I've cried throughout the entire Percy Jackson and the Olympian series because Rick Riordan uses mythological characters in the same way the ancients might have. I cry every time a character from The Original Series was on Next Generation, Voyager, or Deep Space Nine. I cried when the two Dr. Whos met. Basically, literature or media referencing itself makes me cry.


That is weird, isn't it? I guess I'm sentimental about someone taking a second to care that it's a story they're selling.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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For those who profess not to cry (which I am the complete anti-crier), go watch The Notebook. If you can end that movie and not cry, there is something seriously wrong with you. Then, when you finish that one, go watch Message in a Bottle...same rule applies (something wrong with you if you do not cry!).



Message in a bottle made me MAD! I hated the ending. I much prefer the ending to Dragonfly. Although I probably cried at both.

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It always gets me.....but, I ALWAYS cry in "THe Horse Whisperer" when the little girl is watching as the trainer (forget his name) is getting the horse to lay down by holding his leg (symbolic of her leg accident) and she yells "stop" then she comes over and sits on the horse and just pets on him like she hasnt been able to since before the accident.....a very climatic moment of the movie.


.....I feel like a child, but it is these moments that jerk my emotional strings, I am so emotional when it comes to human/animal relationships. :-)

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It is a standing joke that I am the biggest sap known to mankind.

I blubbered through PS I LOVE YOU.

I lose it utterly when Frodo tells Sam (and so bad that I tear up writing it) that "I am glad to be here with you Samwise Gamgee, here, at the end of all things".

The little poor boy in Polar Express breaks my heart.

The original Incredible Journey with the Siamese cat breaks me up utterly.

I HATE Eight Below but watch it all the time with the kids. Who make fun of me.

My MIL and I used to cry at stupid sitcoms together.

It's pathetic really.

Good thing I don't wear mascara. :D

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I have never watched "Life is Beautiful" because I know I would cry.

Any movie that is based on a sad true story makes me cry. We just watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the umpteenth time and I cried (as always) during the scene where George finds his brother's grave and the realization that all the men on the transport died because Harry was not there to save them because George had never been born to save Harry.


I hated the movie Titanic (the contrived love story part) but the historical tragedy caused me to cry all the way home from the movie theatre, it was very disturbing.

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I cried at the end when Bolt and the girl are reunited. I'm a big wimp at movies.


I also cry when reading-aloud to my kids. The beginning and end of the second Penderwicks book just about did me in. I'm choking up just thinking about it.


I also cry in church while singing. Once it got so bad that the lady behind me (a complete stranger) handed me a kleenex.

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Well, my all time favorite movie is Out of Africa....when she is going through a series of officials begging for a plot of land for 'her' natives, she lastly is speaking with an important man who says, 'my dear, what you ask is quite impossible.' And she says,'yes, it always is.'


Oh how I love that movie. I anticipate the scenes coming up and start crying before they arrive.


When he says to her, 'you've ruined it for me. Being alone. You've ruined it for me.'


I think I am going to go buy that movie right now.

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Message in a bottle made me MAD! I hated the ending. I much prefer the ending to Dragonfly. Although I probably cried at both.


I read the book Message long before I saw the movie. Funny that I can barely remember the movie. However, the book....I sobbed so hard that dh woke up from a nap and thought someone had died. :glare: And I even think Nicholas Sparks is very sappy. I haven't read anything else of his except 'The Notebook', which oddly did not make me sad.

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Forest Gump. Yes, I'm a big loser, but that movie just tugs at my heart. Every time he says "I thought of Jenny" the waterworks begin.


Like everyone else, Steel Magnolias gets me every single time. I've watched it at least 100 times and still cry like a baby.


Pearl Harbor. Oh yes, I cried and cried. Not so much at the actual bombing, but at the lost love.

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I cry at a lot of the expected things like Life is Beautiful or Schindler's List.


The weirdest one that gets me EVERY single time is in Field of Dreams. They've picked up the character that is is the teenager who has been brought forward in time (he's the guy who became a doctor and never got a chance to play baseball in the majors) and brought him back to the field to play ball with the team. Kevin Costner and his family are watching the team play and the little girl falls off the bleachers and is choking on a hot dog. The teenager runs forward to the edge of the field and then steps off the field. As he steps off he becomes an old man who is a doctor and saves the little girl's life. Kevin Costner thanks him and then realizes that the man can't go back now and have his chance at playing ball...that's he's given that dream up again.


And another weird one...my dh and I just watched Lars and the Real Girl (an excellent movie). We both cried when the plastic doll girlfriend is "dying" and the whole town brings her flowers.


My dh cried at the end of Once which is another great movie.

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...that most people don't understand (and I think I've posted this before), is the part in Cold Mountain where she's writing to him, and quits being brave, supportive, etc., and says, "Come back to me". (Encouraging him to desert the Confederate Army).


And he does.


I cried so hard and so long that we had to stop the movie. (I'm sure my husband thought I was having a nervous breakdown, lol.)


It was either right before or right after my husband deployed (war on terror), and it just tore through me, the idea that a man would do that for a woman. I'm glad my husband had a sense of honor about his country and mission, and I'd never (in my right mind) want him to desert...but that whole experience (waiting for him to come back, giving birth without him, finding out he volunteered to go in the first wave) was a real ordeal, and that movie part just hit me at the wrong time.


A more traditional scene that makes me cry? The part in Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson's) where she realizes at the end that he isn't married, and starts bawling, lol.

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Some of the ones people already mentioned, especially Steel Magnolias. However, the single thing that gets me every time, no matter what film and no matter what context, is children being separated from their parents.


For example, the stampeded sequence in The Lion King, I can't even stand to watch. I have to leave the room. And Lilo and Stitch? When Nani is singing to Lilo because she thinks Cobra Bubbles is going to take her away in the morning? Forget it. I'm a blubbering mess.

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Steel Magnolias in the cemetery. Always get me and I'm not a person who cries at movies. Sally Field just nails that part.


I completely agree. I don't know many mothers who can make it through that scene and not lose it.


The other scene that destoys me every time is the one in Terms of Endearment where Debra Winger says goodbye to her kids on her deathbed. I made the mistake of seeing that film shortly after my beloved aunt had died of cancer. I sobbed in the theater, outloud . . . what Oprah might call an "ugly cry".

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I hated the movie Titanic (the contrived love story part) but the historical tragedy caused me to cry all the way home from the movie theatre, it was very disturbing.


I was pretty neutral on the Kate/Leo love story, but I too was moved to tears, literally, about the historical deaths, the real people who died tragically, each with an important story and background. (Like the true story of the mom who refused to board a lifeboat because she was looking for her toddler, not knowing that her toddler was already safely away. :( )

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But BK (before kid) I only cried in two movies:


Sophie's Choice--when she had to pick one of her children to be gassed or she would lose both of them.


The Color Purple--everything. Just everything. Starting early in the movie and continuing for quite a while.


Now that I have a kid, I even cry over the occasional scene in a book, something I never would have done before.


Most notably: When Nevil (virtually a squib) comes out, wand in hand, to duel with Voldemort, knowing that it is completely hopeless, just because it is the right thing to do. Same with the scene earlier where the Slytherin's suggest turning Harry over to Voldemort, and instantly find themselves at the center of a great circle of wands pointed at them by everyone else in the school.

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A odd movie that makes me cry every time is Cocoon.

When Wilford Brimley says to his grandson...

"We’ll never get sick, we won’t get any older, we’ll never die." the tears start.


And when Hume Cronyn says, "They say if we go with them, we'll live forever. And that's good. It's probably going to take you an eternity to forgive me... Alma, I'm sorry. I guess I was being ridiculous. I'm sorry. I love you. You're my whole life. I wanna go. But if it's a choice of only six more months here with you or living forever all by myself, well I'll take the six more months here with you. I don't want to live forever if you're not going to be with me."



The Sweet Hereafter is another tear jerker movie. The black widow scene is almost too much for me, but I will watch it every time.



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Cartoons are more tearjerkers for me than the real stuff! I always tear up at:


Toy Story 2, where Jessie (the cowgirl doll) has a flashback to her past owner and how she was forgotten and then donated to the thrift store.


Beauty and the Beast, at the end, before the Beast turns back into his real self.


Wall-E, when Eva rebuilds Wall-E at the end, but he isn't like himself anymore and doesn't recognize her.



Erica in OR

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In Shrek, when he blew up a frog into a balloon and it popped (or floated away?)... A friend of mine cried at that part. She said she felt bad for the frog!


I cry at all kinds of things in movies... If there's the slightest way for something to be sad, sweet, or sentimenal, I'll be there with tissues. But I just had to mention that Shrek thing.



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Soppy animal parts make me cry, like Eight Below, and The Incredible Journey. You know the part where the kids have to leave their pets behind and the old Retriever is obeying and thinking "Stay......stay."



Anything to do with animals being mistreated or left behind, which is very odd, since I'm not a big animal-rights person IRL (just in my movie-watching head, apparently). I also don't cry very easily.


I heaved and sobbed in the theater watching Eight Below. I didn't even try to control it. It was pretty embarrassing (and the kids were pretending they weren't with me).


Spirit was even worse (yes, I know it's a cartoon.) That one just did me in.

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Steel Magnolias, Forrest Gump, LOTR... well, I just know I'll create a puddle of tears. That's a given. I am an easy cry. My kids tease me that one thing they will always remember is how many kleenex it took for mom to get through the best read-alouds.


But one odd movie that gets me every time - and this flick seems to show up fairly often on late-night TBS - is the near end of It Could Happen to You. When they open the door to the diner and can hardly walk in because of all the mail, filled with money and well-wishes, I just tear up. Sappy deluxe, but I just love it and cry every time.

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Another total sap here. I cry at EVERYTHING.


With It's a Wonderful Life, I START crying when the young Mary whispers in young George's ear, "George Bailey, I'll love you til the day I die." :crying:


I think I was emotionally scarred by Atonement.


Pretty much if it's designed to make the viewer cry, I do. Even if I think it's contrived and stupid.


I hate myself for that. :D

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Whenever anyone dies or has to leave. I also can't say good-bye to teachers when the kids stop lessons, etc. I think I have abandonment issues, LOL! :001_huh: the girls were dying laughing when I read Charlotte's Web to them because I couldn't even speak through my sobs when the spider was saying good-bye to Wilbur. Oh and Where the Read Fern Grows was horrible reading that one! Oh, wait, movies...Steel Magnolias was one of the worst.

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I'm am not sporty AT ALL, but I always cry when I watch a sports movie and the underdog wins. :glare:


I'm actually a Sci Fi, Science/Discovery, History Channel, HGTV, and Food TV watcher. I never watch real sports.


I've cried watching the Karate Kid movies, Rudy, this golfing one, which I can't remember the name, and several others, which I can't remember names to.



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