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Odd things to bond with your partner over

Laura Corin

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Watching really cheesy and melodramatic TV show, like Silk Stalkings from the 90s - the detectives call the murderous crimes of passion in Palm Beach 'silk stalkings' and and that's probably all you need to know to catch the vibe 😄

Currently, it's the first season of Jamestown. There are treasure maps, love triangles, scheming, spying, and mysterious pasts. Also an alarming amount of violent crime and wild historical inaccuracies. 

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...we watch various TV together, from silly to creepy, but I don't feel like that's odd

...we recently started fencing together, and so bond a lot over that, comparing bruises, what muscles are sore, how are we each doing against various people at the fencing club, etc. - that's a pretty odd one I guess

...we've started watching birds out our window, and doing yard stuff, but again, that seems like a normal-ish hobby

...also, Boot Camp (exercise class), and just bonding over how hard it is, but good, etc. 

We've been together most of our lives, so we're so incredibly bonded already, most of our focus lately is making sure we still have shared passions and hobbies and interests once the kids (eventually? hopefully?) move out - no one's quite close to that yet, which is fine, but you hear so often of empty nest being a time parents feel suddenly sitting across from a stranger, b/c all they've known is each other as parents, and then without the kids, what is there? So we're intentionally building those hobbies since we've got this extra non-empty-nest time. 

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We bonded over setting up two plastic tarps between two trees today. 

Dh actually needed my expertise to know how to use the guy lines and tensioners properly. 😁 I’ve been watching lots of camping videos, lol. 

(The boys will be using them when they come in for Christmas. One of them has bought a set of gel gun blaster contraptions, so we set up two home bases for them).



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Dh and I have “the list” on it are crazy things people have said to us. For example, one time fil was super frustrated with me and in the heat of the moment said “woman, you are making your plate” and dh says it to me playing around. Another one was uttered by a friend “I have been right all weekend why should I stop now?” During a tense moment on a shared family vacation. I use that one a lot! 😆

Edited by saraha
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We bond when dh is reconciling the credit card statement on the weekend and comes to find me to play our favorite game called, "what was this purchase?" He tells me the date (at least a month prior), tells me the store (usually big box grocery), tells me the price, and then we try to puzzle out the store abbreviation. For instance, CRWMSXHY will eventually be deciphered as a sock variety in the generic store brand with a seasonal theme. Always makes us laugh.

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Irreverent humor. By irreverent, I don't mean disrespectful so much as laughing at things that someone else might take seriously (often finding something tangential that is humorous to us in a unique way but irrelevant to others) or finding humor at an inappropriate time (which we usually keep between us, but sometimes we're trying hard not to laugh in public). It's not really mocking people or actually being sacrilegious, though we do find humor in situations like what @saraha described. We are also pretty fond of gallows humor.

Happens rarely, but if we both get indignant or upset about the same kind of injustice, it's very bonding.

Medical emergencies. Not a fun way to bond, but it's effective. 

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1 hour ago, elegantlion said:

historical garb - right now we're both dressed in our medieval garb. We have other eras as well. 

I'm a little afraid to ask this after the skirt question in another thread, but are you just chilling at home in medieval garb? Or out somewhere?

Just idle curiosity. 🙂

(DD dresses for Renaissance fairs and Fan-Cons.)

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2 hours ago, MercyA said:

I'm a little afraid to ask this after the skirt question in another thread, but are you just chilling at home in medieval garb? Or out somewhere?

Just idle curiosity. 🙂

(DD dresses for Renaissance fairs and Fan-Cons.)

Nope, just chillin' at home. We often garb on the weekend. My medieval garb is super comfy. We have been known to just go run errands like this - not often, but we have. We're both medieval historians by training, we also both embrace our weirdness. 

We are involved in a local ren faire but that's a recent thing.

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There is this older woman at the gym, probably in her 70s, who is killing it every morning we are there. We're so impressed with her and have created this entire life for her in our heads. I'm determined to introduce myself some time.

Disclaimer, we aren't making fun of her. We aspire to be like her in our old age. 

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Not spending money. This is the biggest common trait that both dh and I have. We both absolutly love trying to make or mend to not spend money. We also bond over talking each other out of buying things. We love it. 


Currently We are both making a huge effort to bond over parenting twins. It is so intense atm, we are debriefing with each other several times a day. Listening to how and why we did whatever in response, suggesting other ways, encouraging each other, and having a laugh together - or rather trying to find some amusement. 

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1 hour ago, Carol in Cal. said:

We don’t have cable and don’t watch TV together EXCEPT on vacations.  Yes, dear, DH and I do go to Lake Tahoe and binge watch cable TV shows at night and then we talk about them or at least refer to them for months to come.  

My husband and I do the same thing but we only watch trashy TV like "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" and other crazy sounding reality shows. 

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6 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Castrating calves

”are you sure you got both of them?” (Testicles)

”I know how to count to two!”

”dang it hold that foot. No the other foot. “

”watch it! Here comes mama and she’s mad!”


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Dh and I are true opposites, in almost every sphere, so we bond over projects like stacking wood.  We also play Yatzee together, though usually with kids too.  One memorable activity was a couple of years ago when we decided to tackle cleaning our chimney together.  The kids were texting each other about what crazy thing Ma and Pa were doing as we were wallowing in soot and shouting directions to each other through the roof.

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12 hours ago, kbutton said:

Irreverent humor. By irreverent, I don't mean disrespectful so much as laughing at things that someone else might take seriously (often finding something tangential that is humorous to us in a unique way but irrelevant to others) or finding humor at an inappropriate time (which we usually keep between us, but sometimes we're trying hard not to laugh in public).

Dh and I do this, but it often would be considered disrespectful by others.   We are an extremely sarcastic family and I'm sure others may feel like we are being mean to each other, but we have fun with it.     We have a lot of inside jokes, like dh not being able to pronounce words or use the correct word, or if he's wrong about something it was his one time for the year.  

Our children have definitely picked up on the sarcasm. 

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9 hours ago, rebcoola said:

B movies we love to watch truly terrible movies together and just laugh. 

Ex. Rubber the murderous tire, I bought a motorcycle vampire.


Rubber is one movie my husband and I didn't bond over. He loves to recommend it to people. I fell asleep. He might be sad you called it truly terrible.

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11 hours ago, hjffkj said:

There is this older woman at the gym, probably in her 70s, who is killing it every morning we are there. We're so impressed with her and have created this entire life for her in our heads. I'm determined to introduce myself some time.

Disclaimer, we aren't making fun of her. We aspire to be like her in our old age. 

I want to hear more about this lady!

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18 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

If you have a partner or spouse, what odd things do you bond over?

Today Husband and I had fun hashing through the numbers to decide whether to buy an annuity. And later we bonded over putting in my tax return - UK taxes, very easy.

What do you bond over?


Do NOT buy an annuity.  One of our worst financial investment decisions.   Thankfully it wasn't much.  Those things are rock-solid and you cannot get your money back out unless you pay huge fees.  Just NO.   

Last week DH asked if I wanted to go feed the calves with him.  I said yes, but I ended up scooping poop.  That wasn't part of the invitation!

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4 minutes ago, BusyMom5 said:

Do NOT buy an annuity.  One of our worst financial investment decisions.   Thankfully it wasn't much.  Those things are rock-solid and you cannot get your money back out unless you pay huge fees.  Just NO.   

Last week DH asked if I wanted to go feed the calves with him.  I said yes, but I ended up scooping poop.  That wasn't part of the invitation!

Thanks. We were considering it as an option in a portfolio - Husband is a retired Fund Manager - but have decided not to for now.

On the other hand,  an annuity was perfect for my mother after she sold her house and entered a care home - the rate was very good as she was already 93, and the peace of mind it gave her was invaluable. 


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4 hours ago, Xahm said:

Rubber is one movie my husband and I didn't bond over. He loves to recommend it to people. I fell asleep. He might be sad you called it truly terrible.

Truly odd might be a better description for Rubber. Our teens watched it with us a 2md time and were just like what is wrong with you people.   It's definitely not bad like Zombeavers. 

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We have this game. We call it "morph."

It means when one of us see someone who looks like they could be a blend of two people, one of us will call out "morph" and the other person will have to name the two people who one of us thinks--if they were morphed together--would look like the person in question.

What makes it really fun is that we both tend to get at least one of the morph partners correct and often one of us will get both.

We've played this for decades.



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Running our business. We have shows that we watch together, too many lately. And a few people we like to watch on YouTube together. Food shopping and making the shopping list. Cooking meals together. Going to certain stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond. The weekly Aldi run. And Sunday morning we have a date in the dining room to fill pill boxes for his mom and our elderly neighbor. It’s very romantic lol. We used to have a Saturday morning diner trip but we haven’t done that since Covid started. We will probably go back to that in the spring. We spend a lot of time together!🥰

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